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Rising Star
Platinum Member

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Last night you decided to treat yourself to the movies and noticed this very attractive young lady standing on line. She appeared to be by herself and she asked you what we're you going to see?

You told her probably the "First Omen," which she said she liked horror movies, but didn't want to watch them alone. So you told her that you would treat her to that show if she would pay for the popcorn (she was reluctant at first because it was a scary movie, and you told her that if wanted she could sit with you, her choice).

She decided to sit with you and you got to know each other before the show started, and she told you that she did some modelling. You said print, fashion shows? She said she had a Webcam show and showed you a brief segment.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You were introduced to Maria by a mutual friend, who though you would be good for each other.

Although, you had 3 dates in the books you hadn't been intimate wit Maria, but you figured that would come in time. Then there was that night that she got tickets to see "Hamilton," and then dinner at "Carmine's" (she payed for everything).

After that, you hopped in a cab and went back to her apartment in Park Slope. But, this time things were different because she invited you in and wanted you to spend the night.

"Are you sure?" you asked.
"Yes," she whispered.

You basically didn’t do anything that night, but cuddle, but you were aroused by a very sweet aroma.

She told you to come in the kitchen...
