BGOL TRUE confessions


aight here's my lil confession, aint no crazy shit, but i can see cats saying i'm being simpish, It's a chick i've been cool with on the net for about 4 years, recenlty, actually last wednesday i flew out to chicago to meet her, she goes to northin Ill university, me and her shared a hotel room for 4 days and when i left i ended up feeling shorty alot more than when i came, a nigga even teared up a lil bit, so yeah, i fuckin cried, call it what u want. But i had a good time with her

Oh word?


BGOL Investor
aight here's my lil confession, aint no crazy shit, but i can see cats saying i'm being simpish, It's a chick i've been cool with on the net for about 4 years, recenlty, actually last wednesday i flew out to chicago to meet her, she goes to northin Ill university, me and her shared a hotel room for 4 days and when i left i ended up feeling shorty alot more than when i came, a nigga even teared up a lil bit, so yeah, i fuckin cried, call it what u want. But i had a good time with her


Dert Bagg

aight here's my lil confession, aint no crazy shit, but i can see cats saying i'm being simpish, It's a chick i've been cool with on the net for about 4 years, recenlty, actually last wednesday i flew out to chicago to meet her, she goes to northin Ill university, me and her shared a hotel room for 4 days and when i left i ended up feeling shorty alot more than when i came, a nigga even teared up a lil bit, so yeah, i fuckin cried, call it what u want. But i had a good time with her

Awwwwwwwwwwwww :hmm:.
(You cried in the pussy, too, didn't you?)


Osca Lee

Day 1
I had real deep convo with a female I met while I was in undergrad, she was almost complete with her Ph.D, nice cool chick, body of a goddess.....beautiful face and skin was perfect....

Day 2
She invited me over her apt, she cooked dinner we chilled more checked out some movies... talked. Late into the night I wake up and go back to my dorm....Feeling all good..Hell I got me a dyme peice

Day 3
She calls me to meet her on campus, we meet up and the convo is weird.....She is talking about things that I could not connect the dots too at the moment...T tell her I have to get to class and I will call her and we will talk more..we hugged and kissed and I bounce

1 pm I call her, left a message...1:30pm call again....1:45pm call again and told her I had practice and I will see her after practice... During football practice the campus Police and the City Police comes out to the field and asks for me...I got over and they ask me what is my cell number and did I call a certain female at these times...I told them yes-and the first thing I thought she did was tell them I was stalking her....To my surprise they told me she committed suicide at 1pm and she had written me a letter right before she pulled the trigger and they wanted me to read it.....

It fucked me up for a long time, I never will read the letter...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Day 1
I had real deep convo with a female I met while I was in undergrad, she was almost complete with her Ph.D, nice cool chick, body of a goddess.....beautiful face and skin was perfect....

Day 2
She invited me over her apt, she cooked dinner we chilled more checked out some movies... talked. Late into the night I wake up and go back to my dorm....Feeling all good..Hell I got me a dyme peice

Day 3
She calls me to meet her on campus, we meet up and the convo is weird.....She is talking about things that I could not connect the dots too at the moment...T tell her I have to get to class and I will call her and we will talk more..we hugged and kissed and I bounce

1 pm I call her, left a message...1:30pm call again....1:45pm call again and told her I had practice and I will see her after practice... During football practice the campus Police and the City Police comes out to the field and asks for me...I got over and they ask me what is my cell number and did I call a certain female at these times...I told them yes-and the first thing I thought she did was tell them I was stalking her....To my surprise they told me she committed suicide at 1pm and she had written me a letter right before she pulled the trigger and they wanted me to read it.....

It fucked me up for a long time, I never will read the letter...

damnmy stomach dropped reading that. one of my best friends killed himself in 01. that shit sucks:(


BGOL Investor
I bone with a couple of my female 1st cousins...and since the 2 chicks and I are all single adults...they think sex is a great way for us to enjoy ourselves.

My younger cuz and I share a house...and we stay over at my parents for a few days at my parents have both heard their niece and I making love several times. :cool:

Our family isn't a bunch of prudes about they think fucking is a very cool way for the cousins and I to have fun together.


I bone with a couple of my female 1st cousins...and since the 2 chicks and I are all single adults...they think sex is a great way for us to enjoy ourselves.

My younger cuz and I share a house...and we stay over at my parents for a few days at my parents have both heard their niece and I making love several times. :cool:

Our family isn't a bunch of prudes about they think fucking is a very cool way for the cousins and I to have fun together.



I was sent to Ft Hood as my Permanent post. Shortly after arriving, I hooked up with this cool chick from Tampa. We got to the point where we were together all the time, fucking, working, watching TV, fucking some more.

After a few weeks, some guys come back to the unit from desert training, one being her boyfriend. Right around the same time that he comes back, she pops up pregnant. Now rumors are spreading that it might be my baby. Dudes decides to elope with the chick, I guess to show that she was his. On the way to Dallas, they end up in a car accident, killing him. Her and the baby survive. I ended up singing at the funeral ceremony given by our Company. I never spoke to the chick again.



Day 1
I had real deep convo with a female I met while I was in undergrad, she was almost complete with her Ph.D, nice cool chick, body of a goddess.....beautiful face and skin was perfect....

Day 2
She invited me over her apt, she cooked dinner we chilled more checked out some movies... talked. Late into the night I wake up and go back to my dorm....Feeling all good..Hell I got me a dyme peice

Day 3
She calls me to meet her on campus, we meet up and the convo is weird.....She is talking about things that I could not connect the dots too at the moment...T tell her I have to get to class and I will call her and we will talk more..we hugged and kissed and I bounce

1 pm I call her, left a message...1:30pm call again....1:45pm call again and told her I had practice and I will see her after practice... During football practice the campus Police and the City Police comes out to the field and asks for me...I got over and they ask me what is my cell number and did I call a certain female at these times...I told them yes-and the first thing I thought she did was tell them I was stalking her....To my surprise they told me she committed suicide at 1pm and she had written me a letter right before she pulled the trigger and they wanted me to read it.....

It fucked me up for a long time, I never will read the letter...

If you won't read the letter, send it to me I read it and post it on BGOL man.


Later Fellas
I only resently told my best friend about this...

When I was 17 I used to hang out with some older kids from my block. They were 19-20. I would hang out and play spades at York college caferteria in Queens. Met this chick that was friends with my friends. She was cute. not a bad looking chick but a little on the hairy side. Anyway, we decide to hang out at my crib one afternoon. I get to smashing after an hour or so of her being at the house. It was kinda wack... not memorable at all. I just bought a nice little chain with a Jesus piece and matching bracelet with my tax money. It was one of those Jamiaca ave specials where you pay twice as much for it than it worth but I am young and dumb.what else was I gonna spend my money on. So chick is like, "let me try it on". I'm like cool. "let me try on the bracelet too". I like not a problem. We get to fucking again. Mom was going to be home soon so I rushed her out the house. I forgot to get my jewels back from her. So I call her house. No Answer... Call back again... she ain't home. I call her repeatedly for about a week. No response.

Later that week I am out in front of my crib with a couple of my boys. A Nice new lex pulls up near the crib. Window rolls down and someone is asking for me. I didn't recognize dude. He is sitting but I could tell this was no small man. at least 250lbs compared to my 150lbs skelatal frame. He says to me "stop calling chick". I was all whatever... I kept calling and harrasing. I figured that me and boys would just jump his ass if it came to it.

Another week goes by and dude comes back. I was walking up my street and he pulls up out of nowhere. Rolls down the window and says get in. I thinking Nigga is you crazy. I am not getting in your car. But out loud I said "why?" voice went up at least 3 octaves due to fright. He say "if I was gonna hurt you, you would have been hurt already" This dude was a grown ass man. Clearly in his late 20's - early 30's. So I get in. I was shook. He drives to corner and pulls over. He turns to me and say "you ain't gettin that chain back. I took it from her and the shit is mine now." I tried to explain that it was a gift from my mom (lie) but he had no simpathy and told me to get out. My friends caught up to me after I got out of the car and told me who I had just come in contact with and why I am on my own if I continue trying to get it back. Apparently this guy was her baby daddy and cousin/business associate of Supreme of Suprme Team fame. Those of you familiar with the NY drug game back in late 80's/90's will reconize the name. They were killing people left and right back then. So I had to suck it up and I took the loss. I stopped calling chick and stopped hanging at york. I just started telling people I lost the chain instead of admitting my simpish behavior.



τђë κïd fяºm qµęęñ§
Certified Pussy Poster
I only resently told my best friend about this...

When I was 17 I used to hang out with some older kids from my block. They were 19-20. I would hang out and play spades at York college caferteria in Queens. Met this chick that was friends with my friends. She was cute. not a bad looking chick but a little on the hairy side. Anyway, we decide to hang out at my crib one afternoon. I get to smashing after an hour or so of her being at the house. It was kinda wack... not memorable at all. I just bought a nice little chain with a Jesus piece and matching bracelet with my tax money. It was one of those Jamiaca ave specials where you pay twice as much for it than it worth but I am young and dumb.what else was I gonna spend my money on. So chick is like, "let me try it on". I'm like cool. "let me try on the bracelet too". I like not a problem. We get to fucking again. Mom was going to be home soon so I rushed her out the house. I forgot to get my jewels back from her. So I call her house. No Answer... Call back again... she ain't home. I call her repeatedly for about a week. No response.

Later that week I am out in front of my crib with a couple of my boys. A Nice new lex pulls up near the crib. Window rolls down and someone is asking for me. I didn't recognize dude. He is sitting but I could tell this was no small man. at least 250lbs compared to my 150lbs skelatal frame. He says to me "stop calling chick". I was all whatever... I kept calling and harrasing. I figured that me and boys would just jump his ass if it came to it.

Another week goes by and dude comes back. I was walking up my street and he pulls up out of nowhere. Rolls down the window and says get in. I thinking Nigga is you crazy. I am not getting in your car. But out loud I said "why?" voice went up at least 3 octaves due to fright. He say "if I was gonna hurt you, you would have been hurt already" This dude was a grown ass man. Clearly in his late 20's - early 30's. So I get in. I was shook. He drives to corner and pulls over. He turns to me and say "you ain't gettin that chain back. I took it from her and the shit is mine now." I tried to explain that it was a gift from my mom (lie) but he had no simpathy and told me to get out. My friends caught up to me after I got out of the car and told me who I had just come in contact with and why I am on my own if I continue trying to get it back. Apparently this guy was her baby daddy and cousin/business associate of Supreme of Suprme Team fame. Those of you familiar with the NY drug game back in late 80's/90's will reconize the name. They were killing people left and right back then. So I had to suck it up and I took the loss. I stopped calling chick and stopped hanging at york. I just started telling people I lost the chain instead of admitting my simpish behavior.

Damn man,
I grew up around there too man, on Rockaway Blvd and 146st, used to go to Jamaica Ave to the mall back in the day. British Walkers, Sharkskins, Devils and Chams shirts lol. I even spun a few parties at York when they first built the campus...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Day 1
I had real deep convo with a female I met while I was in undergrad, she was almost complete with her Ph.D, nice cool chick, body of a goddess.....beautiful face and skin was perfect....

Day 2
She invited me over her apt, she cooked dinner we chilled more checked out some movies... talked. Late into the night I wake up and go back to my dorm....Feeling all good..Hell I got me a dyme peice

Day 3
She calls me to meet her on campus, we meet up and the convo is weird.....She is talking about things that I could not connect the dots too at the moment...T tell her I have to get to class and I will call her and we will talk more..we hugged and kissed and I bounce

1 pm I call her, left a message...1:30pm call again....1:45pm call again and told her I had practice and I will see her after practice... During football practice the campus Police and the City Police comes out to the field and asks for me...I got over and they ask me what is my cell number and did I call a certain female at these times...I told them yes-and the first thing I thought she did was tell them I was stalking her....To my surprise they told me she committed suicide at 1pm and she had written me a letter right before she pulled the trigger and they wanted me to read it.....

It fucked me up for a long time, I never will read the letter...


Just burn the letter


Modded Moderator Modding
BGOL Investor
damn.....can you at least give us a hint what thread she is in..

just fucking with ya fuck it's life everyones' daughter and niece on this bitch is gonna have dick stuffed in their mouth it might not show up on bgol but hey at least she is not a crackhead

Thank you. Men trip me out when they say stuff like this. It just so happens that you saw it.

When you are looking at porn, when you are scoping some woman's ass, etc. you are doing it to somebody's aunt, mother, sister, cousin, niece, wife, daughter, co-worker, boss, somebody's lawyer, hairdresser, etc.


τђë κïd fяºm qµęęñ§
Certified Pussy Poster
Thank you. Men trip me out when they say stuff like this. It just so happens that you saw it.

When you are looking at porn, when you are scoping some woman's ass, etc. you are doing it to somebody's aunt, mother, sister, cousin, niece, wife, daughter, co-worker, boss, somebody's lawyer, hairdresser, etc.

I don't think dude is bummed out about the dick being inserted into her mouth. It's about it being posted on the fucking internet...


Rising Star

...sorry....but i couldnt help it
honestly, that line made me laugh out loud when i read it.
dont know why.

I know it's the way he said it too though that made it come off as funny. It's like u got the impression that he was casually jerking off to the homgrown no more than usually (just another day at the office) at first and then came to the shocking realization which subsequently ended up in a "WTF, oh shit that's my niece" type moment.


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
LOL at the wannabe CSI ninjas in here.

nope, none of those pics are of her.

and sex is fine as long as it's not your family member doing it.

then it's NASTY.

:dunno: that's just how it is.

some of you all have gone thru some illified shit.


Day 1
I had real deep convo with a female I met while I was in undergrad, she was almost complete with her Ph.D, nice cool chick, body of a goddess.....beautiful face and skin was perfect....

Day 2
She invited me over her apt, she cooked dinner we chilled more checked out some movies... talked. Late into the night I wake up and go back to my dorm....Feeling all good..Hell I got me a dyme peice

Day 3
She calls me to meet her on campus, we meet up and the convo is weird.....She is talking about things that I could not connect the dots too at the moment...T tell her I have to get to class and I will call her and we will talk more..we hugged and kissed and I bounce

1 pm I call her, left a message...1:30pm call again....1:45pm call again and told her I had practice and I will see her after practice... During football practice the campus Police and the City Police comes out to the field and asks for me...I got over and they ask me what is my cell number and did I call a certain female at these times...I told them yes-and the first thing I thought she did was tell them I was stalking her....To my surprise they told me she committed suicide at 1pm and she had written me a letter right before she pulled the trigger and they wanted me to read it.....

It fucked me up for a long time, I never will read the letter...


I was sent to Ft Hood as my Permanent post. Shortly after arriving, I hooked up with this cool chick from Tampa. We got to the point where we were together all the time, fucking, working, watching TV, fucking some more.

After a few weeks, some guys come back to the unit from desert training, one being her boyfriend. Right around the same time that he comes back, she pops up pregnant. Now rumors are spreading that it might be my baby. Dudes decides to elope with the chick, I guess to show that she was his. On the way to Dallas, they end up in a car accident, killing him. Her and the baby survive. I ended up singing at the funeral ceremony given by our Company. I never spoke to the chick again.


Dert Bagg

Thank you. Men trip me out when they say stuff like this. It just so happens that you saw it.

When you are looking at porn, when you are scoping some woman's ass, etc. you are doing it to somebody's aunt, mother, sister, cousin, niece, wife, daughter, co-worker, boss, somebody's lawyer, hairdresser, etc.

There you go again, Femme, humanizing women. ;)



Just burn the letter

I dont normally co-sign sanctimonious assholes, but nyelman is right.

If you cant bring yourself to meet her dying wish and read it, burn it and let both of yourselves be free of that painful past.


I was sent to Ft Hood as my Permanent post. Shortly after arriving, I hooked up with this cool chick from Tampa. We got to the point where we were together all the time, fucking, working, watching TV, fucking some more.

After a few weeks, some guys come back to the unit from desert training, one being her boyfriend. Right around the same time that he comes back, she pops up pregnant. Now rumors are spreading that it might be my baby. Dudes decides to elope with the chick, I guess to show that she was his. On the way to Dallas, they end up in a car accident, killing him. Her and the baby survive. I ended up singing at the funeral ceremony given by our Company. I never spoke to the chick again.

chicks from the crib, boy... :smh:


I was sent to Ft Hood as my Permanent post. Shortly after arriving, I hooked up with this cool chick from Tampa. We got to the point where we were together all the time, fucking, working, watching TV, fucking some more.

After a few weeks, some guys come back to the unit from desert training, one being her boyfriend. Right around the same time that he comes back, she pops up pregnant. Now rumors are spreading that it might be my baby. Dudes decides to elope with the chick, I guess to show that she was his. On the way to Dallas, they end up in a car accident, killing him. Her and the baby survive. I ended up singing at the funeral ceremony given by our Company. I never spoke to the chick again.

damn! u never wanted to know if it was yours?


Day 1
I had real deep convo with a female I met while I was in undergrad, she was almost complete with her Ph.D, nice cool chick, body of a goddess.....beautiful face and skin was perfect....

Day 2
She invited me over her apt, she cooked dinner we chilled more checked out some movies... talked. Late into the night I wake up and go back to my dorm....Feeling all good..Hell I got me a dyme peice

Day 3
She calls me to meet her on campus, we meet up and the convo is weird.....She is talking about things that I could not connect the dots too at the moment...T tell her I have to get to class and I will call her and we will talk more..we hugged and kissed and I bounce

1 pm I call her, left a message...1:30pm call again....1:45pm call again and told her I had practice and I will see her after practice... During football practice the campus Police and the City Police comes out to the field and asks for me...I got over and they ask me what is my cell number and did I call a certain female at these times...I told them yes-and the first thing I thought she did was tell them I was stalking her....To my surprise they told me she committed suicide at 1pm and she had written me a letter right before she pulled the trigger and they wanted me to read it.....

It fucked me up for a long time, I never will read the letter...

cotdayum! this shit is fucked up.


female pimp
BGOL Investor
I bone with a couple of my female 1st cousins...and since the 2 chicks and I are all single adults...they think sex is a great way for us to enjoy ourselves.

My younger cuz and I share a house...and we stay over at my parents for a few days at my parents have both heard their niece and I making love several times. :cool:

Our family isn't a bunch of prudes about they think fucking is a very cool way for the cousins and I to have fun together.

:confused: wha :hmm:

big pimp

Rising Star
22 years ago my 24 year old sister had a baby girl.

i was a teenager, my sister worked LONG hours, and it fell on me to babysit, feed, wash, clean, cloth, and generally keep my niece alive.

as my niece grew our entire family pitched in to make sure she was guided well, mentored, tutored, and had all the chances to succeed in life.

she began fucking up about 6 years ago, but we all banded together to help her to rise.

a few days ago i opened a stolegrown thread by The Magnificent Butcher.

there my niece was with a mouth full of dick.


LOL...i KNEW one day i would see it, i was just wondering when.

yeah i'm a little fucked up over it, (she just left here btw) but she's still my niece.

hopefully i've scared her enough to keep her from doing any porn.

anyone else care to confess?

>>>here's<<< some porn if you need it.



■▐░◇♠۩Gutta۞King۩♠◇░ ▌■™
BGOL Investor
csi skills


Tensei - Admin
Staff member
i read more than enough of the confessions in this confession thread.
i cant read any mo, some are just too sad, im out.



still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
csi skills

^^^ this man right here...:lol:

nope still not her...damn you ninjas.

good thing is she knows her mother, pops, step pops, sister, etc won't ever see or HEAR about that shit from me. i can't be a hypocrite about it.

i got my duck sicked on film one time, and i have no clue where that shit is. could get leaked once i run for public office.

big pimp

Rising Star
Day 1
I had real deep convo with a female I met while I was in undergrad, she was almost complete with her Ph.D, nice cool chick, body of a goddess.....beautiful face and skin was perfect....

Day 2
She invited me over her apt, she cooked dinner we chilled more checked out some movies... talked. Late into the night I wake up and go back to my dorm....Feeling all good..Hell I got me a dyme peice

Day 3
She calls me to meet her on campus, we meet up and the convo is weird.....She is talking about things that I could not connect the dots too at the moment...T tell her I have to get to class and I will call her and we will talk more..we hugged and kissed and I bounce

1 pm I call her, left a message...1:30pm call again....1:45pm call again and told her I had practice and I will see her after practice... During football practice the campus Police and the City Police comes out to the field and asks for me...I got over and they ask me what is my cell number and did I call a certain female at these times...I told them yes-and the first thing I thought she did was tell them I was stalking her....To my surprise they told me she committed suicide at 1pm and she had written me a letter right before she pulled the trigger and they wanted me to read it.....

It fucked me up for a long time, I never will read the letter...

dam wtf. I hope all is good for u now.

big pimp

Rising Star
Damn man,
I grew up around there too man, on Rockaway Blvd and 146st, used to go to Jamaica Ave to the mall back in the day. British Walkers, Sharkskins, Devils and Chams shirts lol. I even spun a few parties at York when they first built the campus...

dam I remenber those days.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Day 1
I had real deep convo with a female I met while I was in undergrad, she was almost complete with her Ph.D, nice cool chick, body of a goddess.....beautiful face and skin was perfect....

Day 2
She invited me over her apt, she cooked dinner we chilled more checked out some movies... talked. Late into the night I wake up and go back to my dorm....Feeling all good..Hell I got me a dyme peice

Day 3
She calls me to meet her on campus, we meet up and the convo is weird.....She is talking about things that I could not connect the dots too at the moment...T tell her I have to get to class and I will call her and we will talk more..we hugged and kissed and I bounce

1 pm I call her, left a message...1:30pm call again....1:45pm call again and told her I had practice and I will see her after practice... During football practice the campus Police and the City Police comes out to the field and asks for me...I got over and they ask me what is my cell number and did I call a certain female at these times...I told them yes-and the first thing I thought she did was tell them I was stalking her....To my surprise they told me she committed suicide at 1pm and she had written me a letter right before she pulled the trigger and they wanted me to read it.....

It fucked me up for a long time, I never will read the letter...

damn :( :( :(