Are Black Voters Leaving Democrats Behind?


The Legend
BGOL Investor
You know democrats are the home of the perverts. They even support an entire constituency dedicated to perversion.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

You need to tell your fellow dems to chill out with this shit. Not sure why they want men dressed as women around kids.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Democrats seem to have you convinced. How is that Black representation in Chicago working out for the people? I've seen quite a bit of complaining lately. Again, you know nothing about that man's life or circumstances yet you attack him for no other reason that he is complaining about what democrats are doing to his community. You're a democrat first, Black second.
The first black lady came out of Chicago. Seems to work well for her.

Seems to have worked well for Farrakhan and the NOI also.

Why is this 43 year old man worried about politics instead of a house to live in? Why cant a 43 year old do that?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You need to tell your fellow dems to chill out with this shit. Not sure why they want men dressed as women around kids.

It is really embarrassing for you how you getting dragged in this thread yet you keep trying with your bs narrative. Is someone paying you to cape for republicons or are you just a dump azz whyte boy?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Interestingly, he never went to Epstein Island. Guess who did? Lots of democrats. Guess who blocked the subpoena for Epstein's flight logs? It was democrat Senator Dick Durbin. What is Dick and the democrats afraid of? The republican senator wants to see them, but the democrat senator doesn't. Strange.

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It is really embarrassing for you how you getting dragged in this thread yet you keep trying with your bs narrative. Is someone paying you to cape for republicons or are you just a dump azz whyte boy?
How am I getting dragged? I'm posting valid information about demokkkrats fucking over Black people and you have dummies posting shit about pedos like the democrats don't have that shit on lock. Niggas in here defending democrats like they are being personally insulted.
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Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
"Accountability is what I stand on"

Says the homeless guy.

Maybe if he held himself accountable more he wouldnt have to worry about what elected officials do for poor immigrants? But If he thinks republicans do more for him than he for sure can vote for them.....Seems he's made plenty of bad decisions before, whats another one?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How am I getting dragged? I posting valid information about demokkkrats fucking over Black people and you have dummies posting shit about pedos like the democrats don't have that shit on lock. Niggas in here defending democrats like they are being personally insulted.
If you got eyes you know that politicians black and white fuck us over but the biggest offenders are white and republicons. Why don't you rail against the biggest source of white supremacy aimed at the black community? Instead you cheerlead for the culprits. It's almost like...hey wait a minute. Are you one of them coon azz dummies sent here to cause suppression of black votes?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The only conservative I respect. MAGA took over and supported a criminal

Yeah, he's respected by conservatives about as much as Joe Manchin is by democrats. The "border security" bill would allow 5,000 "migrants" per day and families and minors are excluded. Even with a shut down 1,400 per day would still be allowed. They also get work permits. It was hot garbage. Thank goodness for the house republicans. But the media knows the average dummy like yourself only knows what the mainstream media tells them. Not a good look dude.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If you got eyes you know that politicians black and white fuck us over but the biggest offenders are white and republicons. Why don't you rail against the biggest source of white supremacy aimed at the black community? Instead you cheerlead for the culprits. It's almost like...hey wait a minute. Are you one of them coon azz dummies sent here to cause suppression of black votes?
I'm actually railing against the biggest source of white supremacy which is white folks who lead the democrat party, closely followed by their group think dummies. The democrats are literally flooding Black communities with illegals and rolling out the red carpet to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. Your favorite party told you they would do another study on reparations while giving your reparations money to their new voters. Just act like republicans were doing it so you can keep the same energy. You pretty limp.