About Love: Poems and Inspiration


Scooty Puff Pilot
BGOL Investor
This thread keeps me coming back and I find myself wanting to savor every bite more than once. Thanks folks.

My contribution for today. Dedicated to my buddy with whom I corresponded with about passion and the desire to touch and taste everything.

Bacchanalia by j.b. bernstein

I lie
before you soaked
in white orchid, its redolence
assails like devil's fire. And when
you sheathe in my body
with your flame, I get drunk
from the blood of you the flesh of you
Then, when the new moon mounts
black sky, I inhale your breath
and pray to you:
Swallow me alive


Scooty Puff Pilot
BGOL Investor
"About Love".....
Aiight lets speak about a father's love for his child. Excess amount of respect to the real men who actively participate in the nourishment of there seed. Real Talk - Sistas you need to appreciate these brothas more. End Sermon……………..

I offer an apology,
For demons of my kind,
Feasters of flesh discarders of mind.

I offer an apology,
For traitors to the womb,
Once nourished feminine entomb.

I offer an apology,
For false oath sworn,
Absent…. seed is born.

I offer an apology,
For the honor our queen,
Loyal warriors remain unseen.



A little girl's first love is almost always her dad and that I believe may set the tone for how she conceptualizes male love for the rest of her life.

I'm letting it dilute and shake and stir in my brain Bush and yes it is good- real good.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Poetry not my thing but i'll take a crack at it.

Snap, snap, snap, snap.

Pretty dimples as she smiles.

Big brown pretty eyes.

Caramel skin, Oh what a sexy thing.

One night with her, what joy will it bring?

Kissing her from head to toe.

She is 5 foot 4,

But god I want more.

What joy will the night bring?

Snap, snap, snap, snap.


Scooty Puff Pilot
BGOL Investor
Sorry mine are so long...

I’d rather jet set my way through the highways to the fanfare-sounding place at the top.
But it’s not for me. I stop and, “Aaaaaaah, freak out!” grooving to the beat of my destiny. What’s meant for me? My flight path’s never heard of “majestically”.
But forget about me.

I love the way you turned that rhyme. Length is not an issue especially when every line brings a new "wow this is good" moment.

My contribution for the day--a Scriptural classic...(even though I dont get down with Pauline Christianity too tough...) I've used this one to try and save a relationship or two LOL

:smh: You're going to need some portable AC using the bible like that :lol: I bet those ladies didn't see that coming. I'll say it again- sly devil.

Again, excellent--but the last two seemed to be about bigger themes than love or lust? Good work regardless...

Yes! I'm excited that people are including works that extend far beyond notions of relationship or sexual love. Like Bush's and Mag' Butch's pieces about fathers and the broader pieces like the Anon, World's and Kaya's .

Love destined by fate
Shakespearian tragedy
Romeo must die

:) What of this? Why is the hero always felled by love I wonder. There can be salvation in a kiss! One may even touch a sort of divinity in that consummate moment. Thank you for coming back. You are most welcome here.

LOVE 2.0

Love ain't nuttin
but a quarter and dime, I
find her to be
my sweet sweat lover/undercover
wedded to the trees
we be on our knees giving
oral oscillations, one by one
we cli-
max our credit cards, searching to american ex-
press our bodies, black swollen with
leathered sweet sweat churning butter,
I'll suck your udder swinging to and fro,
diving into your pubic fro, tick tock you don't stop
clit tock you don't stop lickin' till you cli-
max our credit cards, searching to american ex-
press your lips on my head, take me higher than
our credit limit, take me dammit
to the bank, give me all that stank
wait the money shot...give all you got, watch me erupt
as your account is bankrupt, cum drippin stains
dried on your zero balance
as I dance with fat pockets to my next

Awww World - the symbolism. :dance: Fire post.


Support BGOL

I don’t know
Maybe I’ve already said too much
But I can’t help sitting here
Looking at you
Daydreaming about feeling your touch
Thoughts filled with my tongue connecting
Not neglecting one part of your skin
As a slow long prelude to other parts of me opening you
And sliding within.
Thinking of breath and bodies that start to move at a more excited pace
And gaining my pleasure from that pleased little look on your face
I remind myself that I don’t have to rush
And as skin slides across wett hott skin
I try my best to make sure each part of you
And each part if I touch
Don’t exspect this to be over anytime soon
Cause I assure you I’m the type that just can’t get enough
Daydreams fade and as I look up
I’m halfway afraid
Cause your only 3 feet away
and If I reach out then I might realize that dreams
Although gratifying are not nearly as satisfying
And maybe one day my flirting will call her innuendo’s bluff
And I might just have to
Reach out and touch


Support BGOL
Man...this is a dope thread...alright. Typing up my stuff is harder than I thought, but love is a twisted sort of wisp of smoke, so, with that, here is something to brew on...

Melancholy is a fitting sound to dance is circles of madness...
blissful wasps of Hope sting deeper than a well of thought.
...easily calm here. I am alone.

Chain and Anchor
cuts deep
into fingertips


Support BGOL
"About Love".....
Aiight lets speak about a father's love for his child. Excess amount of respect to the real men who actively participate in the nourishment of there seed. Real Talk - Sistas you need to appreciate these brothas more. End Sermon……………..

I offer an apology,
For demons of my kind,
Feasters of flesh discarders of mind.

I offer an apology,
For traitors to the womb,
Once nourished feminine entomb.

I offer an apology,
For false oath sworn,
Absent…. seed is born.

I offer an apology,
For the honor our queen,
Loyal warriors remain unseen.


I have to put more thought into this...but for now,

This is Real Powerful. Props on this.


Support BGOL
First Kiss by me...

Non-regulation heart beat tilts my mind sideways. Porch light highways.
Strain to maintain the focus of the night.
I take flight. Clouds whispering in my ears...seductive sirens.
Light talk and a frightened walk.
The destination hushes the insects. They pretend to sleep for the unique moment to settle down and nestle through the leaves.
Street shuffles. Hand sweats pet and drip drop into each palm pit stop.
She leans. Archs like sheet bamboo.
Her mouth flutters petals against mine. A chime of spittle snap.
Tongues turn and twist enlisting paths to lust.
Hands travel through flesh stations, testing the heart engines with new oil...new fuels and new rules.
Red cheek glee we see. See so much.
Fresh from the squeeze the angel drifts from my grip for another sunrise to smile at.

This is dope too...real nice rhythm.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Youth Chronicles

She asked if I was virgin
I sinned.
I went in.
She grinned.
each time her body lay canvased on my sheet she seaps
perfume, blooms booty
over edges, we talk
we sulk. we slink. we real cool.
we pool our lusts gathering dust, sweat musk
me bursting like pus, swollen black heads
shedding like scabs dotted like stars in rehab
& her bottom lip quivers, sliver of saliva
dangles from her tongue, I lick
lapping her up in gulps, pulp fiction rendition
of sipping her royal with cheese
"baby baby please" I whisper, biting her
three ear-ring piercing unleashing
droplets of blood, bitter to taste
like Ann Rice I chronicle her
hemoglobin paste, with fangs I stab
her honey cedar skin
I quietly answer "yes, I'm a virgin"
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I am the Ideal
BGOL Investor
Youth Chronicles

She asked if I was virgin
I sinned.
I went in.
She grinned.
each time her body lay canvased on my sheet she seaps
perfume, blooms booty
over edges, we talk
we sulk. we slink. we real cool.
we pool our lusts gathering dust, sweat musk
me bursting like pus, swollen black heads
shedding like scabs dotted like stars in rehab
& her bottom lip quivers, sliver of saliva
dangles from her tongue, I lick
lapping her up in gulps, pulp fiction rendition
of sipping her royal with cheese
"baby baby please" I whisper, biting her
three ear-ring piercing unleashing
droplets of blood, bitter to taste
like Ann Rice I chronicle her
hemoglobin paste, with fangs I stab
her honey cedar skin
I quietly answer "yes, I'm a virgin"

This is tight

"we sulk, we slink, we real cool" I was ready to say "we jazz soon" reminiscent of Gwendolyn Brooks...


I am the Ideal
BGOL Investor
Another poem I like, by a wonderful poet! This is from her book, The Black Unicorn

A Litany For Survival - Audre Lorde

For those of us who live at the shoreline
standing upon the constant edges of decision
crucial and alone
for those of us who cannot indulge
the passing dreams of choice
who love in doorways coming and going
in the hours between dawns
looking inward and outward
at once before and after
seeking a now that can breed
like bread in our children's mouths
so their dreams will not reflect
the death of ours:

For those of us
who were imprinted with fear
like a faint line in the center of our foreheads
learning to be afraid with our mother's milk
for by this weapon
this illusion of some safety to be found
the heavy-footed hoped to silence us
For all of us
this instant and this triumph
We were never meant to survive.

And when the sun rises we are afraid
it might not remain
when the sun sets we are afraid
it might not rise in the morning
when our stomachs are full we are afraid
of indigestion
when our stomachs are empty we are afraid
we may never eat again
when we are loved we are afraid
love will vanish
when we are alone we are afraid
love will never return
and when we speak we are afraid
our words will not be heard
nor welcomed
but when we are silent
we are still afraid

So it is better to speak
we were never meant to survive


I am the Ideal
BGOL Investor
So I work part-time at a liquor store, and the other night I was bored at work and I wrote this... It's amusing, at least to me, but I haven't revised it yet:

Infatuation led to admiration
And now I'm all intoxicated
Sighing, sweating, breathing
Withdrawal symptoms
Bourbon kisses
Brandy touches
Mmmm Peach Schnapps
Have me hopping
So tired
All I can think of is comfort
Southern Comfort style


Backshot Queen
BGOL Investor
There's so many excellent pieces in this thread! I have to come back and reread a few of them, but I'm impressed by you all. In light of my current situation, ha ha:


I have a confession
Nothing I'm proud of
I have an addiction
And its to you.
You snuck into my life
And the feeling was intense
Far too much for me to control.
You seeped into my veins
Hit the core of me.
Now I count down the days
When I can have another hit.
I curl up in bed at night
Episodes playing in my mind
Of the feeling, the rush
When you are with me.
Then comes the moment
When we are together
To have you in my arms
To feel our lips connect
I can't seem to get enough of you
And I know this is harmful in the end
I feel like I'm cheating myself
Of feeling life as it is handed to me
You make me escape reality
Make me forget my pain and hurt.
Unfortunately I know
You won't be here for long
As all good things come to an end...
An addiction is all you'll ever be to me


Backshot Queen
BGOL Investor
Poetry not my thing but i'll take a crack at it.

Snap, snap, snap, snap.

Pretty dimples as she smiles.

Big brown pretty eyes.

Caramel skin, Oh what a sexy thing.

One night with her, what joy will it bring?

Kissing her from head to toe.

She is 5 foot 4,

But god I want more.

What joy will the night bring?

Snap, snap, snap, snap.

I give you an "A" for effort :o


Scooty Puff Pilot
BGOL Investor
My selection for tonight is a classic!

She Walks in Beauty by Lord Byron

She walks in beauty, like the night

Of cloudless climes and starry skies;

And all that's best of dark and bright

Meet in her aspect and her eyes:

Thus mellowed to that tender light

Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,

Had half impaired the nameless grace

Which waves in every raven tress,

Or softly lightens o'er her face;

Where thoughts serenely sweet express

How pure, how dear their dwelling place.

And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,

So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,

The smiles that win, the tints that glow,

But tell of days in goodness spent,

A mind at peace with all below,

A heart whose love is innocent.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Love Remix

Dollah Deshaun wallowed on the corner, rockin' back and forth
on the stoop. he caught my glimpse &
then gave a head nod,
eye swaggered down the cement, droppin
a roll of 20's near the lamp post. he
threw a small plastic bag in the
bushes. deal done. eye
grabbed the bag, unzipped it
that good shit
whiffed up whirling through
my wide nostrils. eye darted to
my 3rd floor apartment,
laid my purchase out on the
kitchen counter top &
sprinkled the letters in my
blunt wrappers: L-O-V-E, eye licked
the edge of LOVE with
my wad of spit, sealed it,
eye smoked LOVE until
it burnt my finger
tips, had the munchies
then eye ate a 6-inch H-A-T-E with
mayonnaise/blk olives/onions/tomato grapes
eye passed on the baked FORGIVENESS chips instead
eye dipped & swaggered back
down the
block to cop
more LOVE nestled in bags, wedged
in a pocket on the stoop---
death looping
a stunted remix....
Last edited:


Transparent, tasteless, odorless
OG Investor
Divine Molasses

If you are worthy enough
For me to want to lay with you
If you are worthy enough
For me to spend time admiring you
If you are worthy enough
For me to lust after
Then you are worthy enough
For me to cherish

For what good is strength
If we don't intend to move mountains
What good is faith
If we don't believe in something
What good is life
If we live it in fear of death
What good is a wife
If we don't love ourselves

When we lose our life
In a higher purpose
Our feet may slip
But we wouldn't slide
We may argue
But our wills wouldn't collide

When we lose our life
We gain it more abundantly
Guided by the Divine
Man's grip on our reality
Holds but a momentary
For I am there for you
And you are there for me
The essence of God's divine family.......

Kayanation 2007


BGOL Investor
last but never least...god'z favorite...

like iraqi citizen's
our loved burned mo better than denzel as achilles
my silly four corner specific dimensions
caused caustic apprehesions
when you
rodeo show in the middle of a show
heat heavier
than a
jada fire fuck flixxx
i can't resist
the truth is
i need your loud passion
like ritalin needs aspirin
all ever needed u to see
i'm more intellectual
than g
but the pain in me
is buried deep
the bloody normal streets
and the
streaks of
stained across your heart
are from me
grippin tight to the only
that ever cared for a soul
incarcerated for eternity



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

A little girl's first love is almost always her dad and that I believe may set the tone for how she conceptualizes male love for the rest of her life.

I'm letting it dilute and shake and stir in my brain Bush and yes it is good- real good.

I agree 100%, my two daughters are what changed my life. I realized that I had to become the type of man I would like to see them end up with. Anything less would be truly hypocritical.

And maybe one day my flirting will call her innuendo’s bluff
And I might just have to
Reach out and touch
Damn son, that was a nice hook and release, props.

Melancholy is a fitting sound to dance is circles of madness...
blissful wasps of Hope sting deeper than a well of thought.
...easily calm here. I am alone.
I thought I was the master at short and sweet. Excellent work.;) As I retreat to the lab.

Youth Chronicles

I quietly answer "yes, I'm a virgin"
Attention: Its official we have certified freaks in this thread. May I suggest therapy.:smh: Just kidding, good work.

So I work part-time at a liquor store, and the other night I was bored.....
I hope you get bored more often. Good beginning.

There's so many excellent pieces in this thread! I have to come back and reread a few of them, but I'm impressed by you all. In light of my current situation, ha ha:
I feel you ma, I am a recovering "love" addict myself. The first step is realizing you have a problem......:yes:

Love Remix

LOVE nestled in bags, wedged
in a pocket on the stoop---
death looping
a stunted remix....
You are one creative thug. Props on your visions and delivery.

Divine Molasses

If you are worthy enough
For me to want to lay with you
If you are worthy enough
For me to spend time admiring you
If you are worthy enough
For me to lust after
Then you are worthy enough
For me to cherish........

The essence of God's divine family.......

Kayanation 2007

Kaya a blaze di fiya. Wicked piece of work. Powerful and well balanced.

last but never least...god'z favorite...

to the only
that ever cared for a soul
incarcerated for eternity


Dark and creative. Nice work!!!!


BGOL Investor
I miss the days
of puppy love
of do you like me
circle yes, no or
maybe, it was the innocence
the purity of the emotion
no hidden agendas
financial, sexual, social
just the visual captivation
that inspired yearning
to know what lied beneath
and within such a magnificent
frame, of mind was stuck
on the overpowering
feeling of bliss
the euphoria of
the first touch
How it felt
the first time
someone said
"I love you"
and its aural stimuli ran
a distant second
to the glorious captivity
of …those words
tightly embracing
your heart
making you crave
the kind that lives
forever in
youth's ignorance.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And now for some inspiration.............

“In You “
A thousand suns cannot compare the passionate firestorm.
Once beaten, stifled the flame rises again
Kindled by love, stoked by affection it grows, in you.

Arise Dark Phoenix; take your prize the spoils of sacrifice await.
The winds of time once the aggressor now the source of power.
Spreading your maternal amber to the earth’s corners, immortal, in you.

Your black light lay ashes to the impure ore. `
Only the true tempered steel will survive the core,
To be formed, caressed by the molten essence, in you.



Scooty Puff Pilot
BGOL Investor

I remind myself that I don’t have to rush
And as skin slides across wett hott skin
I try my best to make sure each part of you
And each part if I touch
Don’t expect this to be over anytime soon
Cause I assure you I’m the type that just can’t get enough
Daydreams fade and as I look up
I’m halfway afraid
Cause your only 3 feet away
and If I reach out then I might realize that dreams
Although gratifying are not nearly as satisfying
And maybe one day my flirting will call her innuendo’s bluff
And I might just have to
Reach out and touch

You hit that Big d. C/S Bush on the hook and release.

Man...this is a dope thread...alright. Typing up my stuff is harder than I thought, but love is a twisted sort of wisp of smoke, so, with that, here is something to brew on...

Melancholy is a fitting sound to dance is circles of madness...
blissful wasps of Hope sting deeper than a well of thought.
...easily calm here. I am alone.

Chain and Anchor
cuts deep
into fingertips

Solar love the haiku style. He's gaining on you Bush! :)

This is tight

"we sulk, we slink, we real cool" I was ready to say "we jazz soon" reminiscent of Gwendolyn Brooks...

Mmm yes I thought the same Cle-J when I read World's!

So I work part-time at a liquor store, and the other night I was bored at work and I wrote this... It's amusing, at least to me, but I haven't revised it yet:

:) I like that- classic art reflecting life. Even a liquor store!

There's so many excellent pieces in this thread! I have to come back and reread a few of them, but I'm impressed by you all. In light of my current situation, ha ha:


You seeped into my veins
Hit the core of me.
Now I count down the days
When I can have another hit.
I curl up in bed at night
Episodes playing in my mind
Of the feeling, the rush
When you are with me.
Then comes the moment
When we are together
To have you in my arms
To feel our lips connect
I can't seem to get enough of you
And I know this is harmful in the end

You're sprung aren't you?? Oh dear, whoever inspired that is in for a treat. It's almost impossible to resist when it hits you like that. You captured that compulsion very well.

Love Remix

sprinkled the letters in my
blunt wrappers: L-O-V-E, eye licked
the edge of LOVE with
my wad of spit, sealed it,
eye smoked LOVE until
it burnt my finger
tips, had the munchies
then eye ate a 6-inch H-A-T-E with
mayonnaise/blk olives/onions/tomato grapes
eye passed on the baked FORGIVENESS chips instead
eye dipped & swaggered back
down the
block to cop
more LOVE nestled in bags, wedged
in a pocket on the stoop---
death looping
a stunted remix....

Amazing !

Divine Molasses

If you are worthy enough
For me to want to lay with you
If you are worthy enough
For me to spend time admiring you
If you are worthy enough
For me to lust after
Then you are worthy enough
For me to cherish

Kayanation 2007

If we could all feel this way about each other...

last but never least...god'z favorite...

like iraqi citizen's
our loved burned mo better than denzel as achilles
my silly four corner specific dimensions
caused caustic apprehesions
when you
rodeo show in the middle of a show
heat heavier
than a
jada fire fuck flixxx

i can't resist
the truth is
i need your loud passion
like ritalin needs aspirin
all ever needed u to see
i'm more intellectual
than g
but the pain in me
is buried deep
the bloody normal streets
and the
streaks of
stained across your heart
are from me
grippin tight to the only
that ever cared for a soul
incarcerated for eternity



That's raw owl! Thanks for contributing to the thread

I miss the days
of puppy love
of do you like me
circle yes, no or
maybe, it was the innocence
the purity of the emotion
no hidden agendas
financial, sexual, social
just the visual captivation
that inspired yearning
to know what lied beneath
and within such a magnificent
frame, of mind was stuck
on the overpowering
feeling of bliss
the euphoria of
the first touch
How it felt
the first time
someone said
"I love you"
and its aural stimuli ran
a distant second
to the glorious captivity
of …those words
tightly embracing
your heart
making you crave

the kind that lives
forever in
youth's ignorance.

Sweet supa and so wonderfully descriptive of that particular love experience.

And now for some inspiration.............

“In You “
A thousand suns cannot compare the passionate firestorm.
Once beaten, stifled the flame rises again
Kindled by love, stoked by affection it grows, in you.

Arise Dark Phoenix; take your prize the spoils of sacrifice await.
The winds of time once the aggressor now the source of power.
Spreading your maternal amber to the earth’s corners, immortal, in you

Your black light lay ashes to the impure ore. `
Only the true tempered steel will survive the core,
To be formed, caressed by the molten essence, in you.


This is my dude right here ! :) The consistent rawness you exhibit in these selections is really amazing and the imagery- just wow. Every line is worth its weight in gold and that's before the dilution and marination!!! :lol:
Thanks Bush!


Rising Star
OG Investor
:lol: Ok i'm recharged

The title of my poem is.........Taxes WTF!


Buy a car pay 6% tax
Pay check 30%
Bonus check 30%
Anything I buy 6% (electronics, clothes etc.)
Cell phone bill, cable, electric bill...taxed

I only listed a few.

But this aint half of what is due.

Look at the amount you are taking I can't save a buck.

Look at all these Taxes, WTF?

Everytime I turn around your hands are in my pockets.

I'm broke because of you please stop it.

Oh thanks! You say I can have some back at the end of the year?

Wait a minute............. an 1/8th........... that aint fair.

You said you are broke too. :hmm: Is this true?

This much money from 100+ million people?

Who do you think you are talking to?


You're gangsta when it comes to your cut.



Rising Star
OG Investor
Chocolate freaks

MTL and Femme are the freakest, well to me.

I can handle them.....well....Maybe.

Both at the sametime or they can form a line.

Heaven it would be if those 2 asses were mine.

3 chocolate freaks it will be.

But please ladies keep the toes away from me.

Ass and titties as far as the eyes can see.

Fuck the toes gonna do for me?

Hitting it from behind and slappin that ass.

Damn I hope I don't cum fast.:smh:

If I could get these 2 freaks in my bed.

Sex for 5hrs.....Yeah 5hrs is what I said.

With these 2 freaks there would be only one rule.

No dildos MTL, I aint no fool.
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Rising Star
OG Investor
^^^^ :roflmao:

Straight comedy. You are too much! And where is my poem??

Here you go baby..;)

Snap, snap, snap, snap

Sinamindelite, I must admit you have the prettiest lips.

My little freak, Hey, I would like to know.

Can I kiss you from head to toe?

I'm ready and willing just say 'GO'.

Let me go old school for a minute.

Be patient there is a message in it.

Roses are Red voilets are blue.

:angry: Stop saying No, You want it too.

Roses are red violets are blue.

This thursday... that black sweater me and you.

Roses are red violets are blue.

Girl I can make you squirt too.

36c is your size

My hands on those my head between your thighs.;)

Snap, snap, snap, snap


Modded Moderator Modding
BGOL Investor
Chocolate freaks

MTL and Femme are the freakest, well to me

I can handle them.....well....Maybe

Both at the sametime or they can form a line.

Heaven it would be if those 2 asses were mine.

3 chocolate freaks it will be.

But please ladies keep the toes away from me.

Ass and titties as far as the eyes can see.

Fuck the toes gonna do for me?

Hitting it from behind and slappin that ass.

Damn I hope I don't cum fast.:smh:

If I could get these 2 freaks in my bed

Sex for 5hrs.....Yeah 5hrs is what I said.

With these 2 freaks there would be only one rule.

No dildos MTL, I aint no fool.

LOL! That is hilarious!


Scooty Puff Pilot
BGOL Investor
Here you go baby..;)

I'm ready and willing just say 'GO'.

Let me go old school for a minute.

Be patient there is a message in it.

Roses are Red voilets are blue.

:angry: Stop saying No, You want it too.

Snap, snap, snap, snap

:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao: Crazy!


Rising Star
OG Investor
This one is for Honeyberry

Snap, snap, snap, snap

Honeyberry, honeyberry......I'm lost for words.

I'm caught up staring at your curves.

Honey colored skin with a glow.

The things I'd do to you, I gotta let you know.

A foot massage and a bubble bath.

I'd knock the tattoo off that ass.

38ddd, damn those would be fun.

I bet they can hold all my cum.

Nibble and sucking aint all I would do.

Deep stroking would be on the agenda too.

Thighs, breast, hips this is true.

Its gotta be a sin to be built like you.​

snap, snap, snap, snap


Backshot Queen
BGOL Investor
Here you go baby..;)

Snap, snap, snap, snap

Sinamindelite, I must admit you have the prettiest lips.

My little freak, Hey, I would like to know.

Can I kiss you from head to toe?

I'm ready and willing just say 'GO'.

Let me go old school for a minute.

Be patient there is a message in it.

Roses are Red voilets are blue.

:angry: Stop saying No, You want it too.

Roses are red violets are blue.

This thursday... that black sweater me and you.

Roses are red violets are blue.

Girl I can make you squirt too.

36c is your size

My hands on those my head between your thighs.;)

Snap, snap, snap, snap

Awww, I loved it. Thanks!
P.S: I might have to hold you to some of those things mentioned ;)