1 in 6 seats on the U.S. circuit courts is filled by a judge nominated by Trump.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Lifetime appointments :smh:
Democrats don't have the balls to do the shit McConnell has been doing
Trump’s Judicial Nominees Aren’t Just Ideologues. They’re Really Young.

WASHINGTON ― Senate Republicans voted Monday night to advance the nomination of Allison Jones Rushing, yet another of President Donald Trump’s judicial nominees who are troubling for a number of reasons.

Rushing worked for Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative Christian organization that has been classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. She has argued that there were “moral and practical” reasons for banning same-sex marriage.

But it’s her age that may be most notable: She is 37. If she gets confirmed this week, as expected, she will be the youngest federal judge in the country. She has practiced law for only nine years, and her career has focused on defending corporations. She has tried just four cases to verdict or judgment.

Long after this week’s Senate vote, after Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) are gone, after the 2020 presidential election that the media is so focused on right now, it’s likely that Rushing will be on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit interpreting statutes and making consequential decisions that affect millions of Americans.

With little fanfare, Republicans advanced her nomination Monday on a party-line vote of 52-43. Her final confirmation vote is expected Tuesday.

Rushing, who is a partner at the D.C.-based law firm Williams & Connolly, is not the only exceptionally young judicial nominee getting a Senate vote this week. McConnell has teed up votes for U.S. circuit court nominees Eric Murphy and Chad Readler, who are 40 and 46, respectively.

All three have the ideological bent that Trump is looking for in his court picks. Murphy, the solicitor general of Ohio, has fought to make it easier to disenfranchise voters, argued against marriage equality in the landmark 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges case before the Supreme Court and argued against reproductive rights. Readler, who is Trump’s acting assistant attorney general for the Justice Department’s civil division, filed a brief in favor of striking down the Affordable Care Act, defended efforts to weaken voting rights and defended Trump’s ban on transgender people serving in the military.

All three are members of the conservative Federalist Society, which has been driving Trump’s judicial selection process and funneling anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQ nominees to the White House.

To some observers, the age of these nominees is part of a bigger problem of Republicans not taking the review process seriously and blowing through Senate customs to confirm as many of Trump’s circuit court nominees as possible. Circuit courts are often the last word in federal court cases. The Supreme Court hears only about 100 to 150 appeals of the more than 7,000 cases that come before the nation’s 13 circuit courts each year.

“[This week’s nominees] may lack life experience and will be serving many years after Trump … enjoying life tenure on the ‘Supreme Courts’ for their regions because the Supreme Court hears so few cases,” said Carl Tobias, a University of Richmond law professor and an expert in judicial nominations. “Many are also being confirmed on extremely close votes and some on party-line votes with insufficiently rigorous vetting.”

Rushing didn’t even have a real confirmation hearing. The Senate Judiciary Committee chairman at the time, Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), scheduled her hearing last fall when the Senate was out of session and few senators were in town. Not a single Democrat could attend the hearing. Just two Republicans attended, and neither one asked tough questions.

McConnell has made judicial confirmations a top priority and has already helped Trump dramatically reshape the federal courts. To date, Trump has gotten 31 circuit judges, 53 district judges and two Supreme Court justices confirmed. That’s so many circuit judges ― more than any other president confirmed by this point in his first term ― that 1 in 6 seats on the U.S. circuit courts is filled by a judge nominated by Trump.

For some context: President Barack Obama confirmed 55 circuit court judges in eight years. Trump is only two years in and more than halfway there.

There’s not much Democrats can do about any of this, beyond winning control of the Senate in 2020. The minority typically has some tools for affecting judicial confirmations; it is a Senate custom, for example, to wait for both senators representing the nominee’s home state to turn in so-called blue slips before that nominee can move forward. But Republicans have been bypassing the blue slip rule in their effort to fill up courts with Trump’s nominees.

“The GOP majority has eviscerated nearly all Senate rules and customs, such as consultation and blue slips, that protect the minority party’s prerogatives in the nomination and confirmation processes,” said Tobias.

“Not healthy for the judiciary or the nation,” he added.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Lifetime appointments :smh:
Democrats don't have the balls to do the shit McConnell has been doing

This really isn't one of those cases where the Dems don't have balls. It's just a number's issues. McConnell controls the Senate. Ain't really shit you can do but delay and the Dems have done that where they could for the most part. They just don't have the votes. That's why winning the Senate back is important.

But McConnell made a big gamble on holding up Obama's nominees and it paid off with the Trump bullshit.

McConnell also paid no political penalty for stealing a supreme court seat.

I think Dems finally realize non-presidential elections matter now.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
And the courts are why the right wing supports Trump no matter what he does. You can have Putin on tape with Trump plotting the 2016 collusion and they won't care. They're reshaping the legal system to support conservative views and that's all they care about. I don't even think Trump on video discussing getting one of his whores an abortion would matter to them. And he farmed all of this out to the Federalist Society...all of it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This really isn't one of those cases where the Dems don't have balls. It's just a number's issues. McConnell controls the Senate. Ain't really shit you can do but delay and the Dems have done that where they could for the most part. They just don't have the votes. That's why winning the Senate back is important.

But McConnell made a big gamble on holding up Obama's nominees and it paid off with the Trump bullshit.

McConnell also paid no political penalty for stealing a supreme court seat.

I think Dems finally realize non-presidential elections matter now.

It absolutely is a balls issue.

The Democrats could've torpedoed the filibuster completely and stacked these judges from 2009-2015, but they didn't.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ruth Bader Ginsburg's old, crusty ass should've retired in 2014 so Obama could've appointed her replacement that way we wouldn't be hanging on for dear life right now


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
trump knows how to stack the deck. Remember he learned from roy cohn, the slimiest muthafucka ever. Well, maybe after j edgar hoover.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
It absolutely is a balls issue.

The Democrats could've torpedoed the filibuster completely and stacked these judges from 2009-2015, but they didn't.

Naw. If you make everything a simple majority, the system falls apart. Even McConnell has limits on that. He's won't touch the legislative filibuster and there is still a filibuster for federal judges. Reid went nuclear on the Supreme Court and so did McConnel, but no one wants to go nuclear for the federal courts.

If Obama and Reid had tried to do that during his first time, they wouldn't have won. Had they did that during his second term, could you imagine the shit Trump would be doing right now? if you think he's bad now, he would be a real tyrant because that would have given them the ammunition to nuke the legislative filibuster.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Ruth Bader Ginsburg's old, crusty ass should've retired in 2014 so Obama could've appointed her replacement that way we wouldn't be hanging on for dear life right now

Yep. But everyone thought Hillary was going to win. She wanted Hillary to replace here. Hillary fucked the whole game up. Comey fucked her over and she might have still won had he not done that shit, but she was horrible in terms of hitting the states in the midwest she needed to win.

If Trump wins re-election, the Dems just gotta take the L on the Supreme Court. It will just be the GOP court because he'll get at least two more appointments and maybe even one more because someone would retire at the end of his team (like Thomas) to give him another one.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Winning the Senate back seems like a particularly hard thing to do based on demographics...Senate doesnt conform to population patterns


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The first thing the Democrats should do is turn lifetime appointments to 20 years, or cap the number of vacancies a President can fill each term.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Naw. If you make everything a simple majority, the system falls apart. Even McConnell has limits on that. He's won't touch the legislative filibuster and there is still a filibuster for federal judges. Reid went nuclear on the Supreme Court and so did McConnel, but no one wants to go nuclear for the federal courts.

If Obama and Reid had tried to do that during his first time, they wouldn't have won. Had they did that during his second term, could you imagine the shit Trump would be doing right now? if you think he's bad now, he would be a real tyrant because that would have given them the ammunition to nuke the legislative filibuster.

Lol, no it doesn't.

The system only falls apart when it's being abused by one side by stacking incompetent judges to lifetime appointments. Every Republican Senator is operating in bad faith, that's where the system is breaking down, not by voting to a simple majority.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
The first thing the Democrats should do is turn lifetime appointments to 20 years, or cap the number of vacancies a President can fill each term.

Dems can't do that. You need a constitutional amendment. They don't have the votes to do what you want them to do.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Lol, no it doesn't.

The system only falls apart when it's being abused by one side by stacking incompetent judges to lifetime appointments. Every Republican Senator is operating in bad faith, that's where the system is breaking down, not by voting to a simple majority.

Check above. You're confusing wishes with reality bruh.

The problem is that Dems keep going high when the GOP goes low. The Dems just have to do whatever is necessary to win more elections and change the narrative. Trying to kill filibusters won't help you long-term when the system is geared towards rural white America unless you think the Dems are going to perpetually have control over the WH, Senate, and House... because you see what happened with Reid. He killed the filibuster and McConnell made the Dems pay later.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Every Republican Senator is operating in bad faith, that's where the system is breaking down, not by voting to a simple majority.

My dude. You're not thinking right now. Re-read that. What happens when the GOP has the votes for a simple majority on everything. Your way only works if the Dems maintain control over the Senate. The last 5 years the GOP have had control. Whatever gains Obama would have made would have been overrun already with the simple majority. Trump would not have had the large backlog to fill, but he also would have any remaining seats to fill right now with no filibuster...and then you would be taking the chance of 6 more fucking years with Trump and only needing a simple majority and it's still a long shot (because of the map in 2020) for Dems to get the Senate back.

Obama also didn't prioritize the federal courts. His administration even admitted much...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dems can't do that. You need a constitutional amendment. They don't have the votes to do what you want them to do.

You don't need a constitutional amendment because there is nothing in the constitution that says all judges are appointed for life


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Dems on sucka shit (no balls) over stuff like bringing up a resolution over Ilhan Omar's remarks, but the federal courts was something they thought they had in the bag anyway because they thought Hillary was going to win and the GOP couldn't hold out forever.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
This really isn't one of those cases where the Dems don't have balls. It's just a number's issues. McConnell controls the Senate.

I meant if the situation were reversed... Democrats would follow all the rules/customs make sure nominees were accomplished and so on... They'd go high :smh:

Republicans stay low


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
You don't need a constitutional amendment because there is nothing in the constitution that says all judges are appointed for life

Dawg. You keep typing things like this when it's so easy to just look it up

"Article III federal judges" (as opposed to judges of some courts with special jurisdictions) serve "during good behavior" (often paraphrased as appointed "for life"). Judges hold their seats until they resign, die, or are removed from office."


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
I meant if the situation were reversed... Democrats would follow all the rules/customs make sure nominees were accomplished and so on... They'd go high :smh:

Republicans stay low

That's why both the GOP and the establishment dems don't like these new young women in congress. They ain't about that bullshit man.

Beyond legislative maneuvering, a lot of this shit is fought through the media and the Dems don't come up with solid messaging and stick to it. That's another reason why they dont' like OAC. She's on Trump's ass about his taxes... hammering it home relentlessly...even focused on it during Cohen's testimony and it gave the Dems the cover to make the request because she was illustrating tax fraud.

Dems don't know how to fight.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
I owned a mansion, a Benz, and a yacht.
I never got harrassed by the pigs. My cousin wasn't shot by the cops. Oh and all of my family were balling from those small businesses we opened up before 2016.

Then trump was elected and it ALL went to shit!

I should've voted :hmm: for Hillary.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Next time Dems get the house, Senate AND the Presidency, just might want to make deals, judge decisions left to center, and not fuck with making Republicans feel better. Got Damn Blue Dogs. Hell just get rid of the electoral college and make gerrymandering, or any voting restriction a hate crime with a mandatory 20 year federal sentence