grown men

  1. godofwine

    Dealing with Alzheimer's and Dementia in Family Members

    To Grandma - By Godofwine (650 Words) Bertha Jonas sat in her wheelchair running her tongue across what was left of her teeth. It always gave her a strange sensation remembering back to when she had a full set, but this was all she had left. She raised her hands, which shook mightily from the...
  2. playahaitian

    Grown Man Talk: What attracts women the most? LOOKS vs. CHARM vs. MONEY?

    This was a topic of conversation today... What do you feel MOST attracts women TO YOU? Your LOOKS? Your CHARM/Sense of Humor? Your INTELLECT? Your MONEY/OCCUPATION? Sidebar: Do YOU feel being Black has HELPED you attract more women???