Who is this raCOON?


BGOL Investor
Prof. Richard Thompson Ford?

Just watched an discussion panel he was on with Lou "CAC" Dobbs talking about the Congressman Wilson bullshit or what ever. By the way, WTF is it with this lame CAC diversionary technology of getting two black people on a discussion panel and having them play this tired good negroe-bad negroe routine.

Anyway, they say he's a Stanford law professor but he came off as quite slow and not very smart. Not a good look for Stanford Law. :smh:
He has this garbling slur to his voice that's annoying as fuck! He sound like a SOuthPark character I just can't put my finger on.

Uhm. WHAT THE FUCK ... is he talking about? :confused: Anyone?


Oh, and Blunt, your (predictable) comments are welcome too. LOL.


Rising Star
Those who use silly slurs like "CAC" really don't deserve to be taken seriously, especially when they're complaining about things that "educated" people say.
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BGOL Investor
Dudes is laughable, from a completely superficial standpoint(DO YOU ACTUALLY HAVE PEOPLE THAT TALK LIKE THAT?!?!?!!!!), but in some way, shape, or manner each one of the individuals coming from elite or ivy league universities is representing this level of thought in some way. Skip Gates is attempting to universalize the race issue, and attempting to make it a collective issue to be solved.

What happens when you allow the benefactor of racial subjugation to determine the solution of the effects of racial subjugation on the racially and now, economically subjugated? My hypothesis is that the benefactor will realize that true equality is antithetical to their survival, and that they enjoy the benefits of subjugation more than the thought of sharing or "equalizing" that barrier. My contention is that without an hierarchy of race, you have no race, in a situation in which "black" is basically just "having melanin", you negate the existence of "white" in a conversation about humans from a totally binary context. Further, I would forward that in any situation where you are defining the degree of trauma for someone you traumatized, eventually you will assume that they are taking to many measures, or running a guilt trip, and that is why I doubt the race issue will ever be solved peacefully in America--White people just will not allow Blacks to determine for themselves their course and vision.


BGOL Investor
Dudes is laughable, from a completely superficial standpoint(DO YOU ACTUALLY HAVE PEOPLE THAT TALK LIKE THAT?!?!?!!!!), but in some way, shape, or manner each one of the individuals coming from elite or ivy league universities is representing this level of thought in some way. Skip Gates is attempting to universalize the race issue, and attempting to make it a collective issue to be solved.

What happens when you allow the benefactor of racial subjugation to determine the solution of the effects of racial subjugation on the racially and now, economically subjugated? My hypothesis is that the benefactor will realize that true equality is antithetical to their survival, and that they enjoy the benefits of subjugation more than the thought of sharing or "equalizing" that barrier. My contention is that without an hierarchy of race, you have no race, in a situation in which "black" is basically just "having melanin", you negate the existence of "white" in a conversation about humans from a totally binary context. Further, I would forward that in any situation where you are defining the degree of trauma for someone you traumatized, eventually you will assume that they are taking to many measures, or running a guilt trip, and that is why I doubt the race issue will ever be solved peacefully in America--White people just will not allow Blacks to determine for themselves their course and vision.

Good points. To your last sentence, to borrow a medical analogy, pathological problems require complete understanding of the morphology and histology. It's not like "African Americans" (fucking hate that term) were never hipped on the blueprint.
And I don't even think it's a question of violent resolution. It's like the proverbial kid that get's shot in the back by CAC cops for "fitting the profile" then the community rally up and burn a couple things, Sharpton goes in ... That's like trying to fix thyriod cancer with Excerdrin.

Oh, and not every brotha coming out an ivy is on that hybrid-CAC bs. :hmm: Only the blokes in Law School. Sereiously.


BGOL Investor
Blunt is flirting with you, Shawn...let me fall back...


I hate the term African-American, too...

Yeah, one of these days I'll give this "class identity" bs a break, but until then, you're right, I'm sure I'm overlooking a few professors who really are demonstrating a progressive and nationalistic stance in public and in deed. I just need to get around more.

Hmmm...you do realize what you said though, right? I mean, there are a lot of black elite law school grads in the public eye at the moment...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
lol @ this dude sounding like a cross between Mr. Garrison and Mr. Mackey.




Rising Star
:rolleyes: you couldn't resist it huh.

People who use "CAC" (or "bitch") have no more credibility than those who use "ni&&er." You can rant and rave all you want, but no one with any sense or maturity is gonna listen. You're disqualified from adult discussions until you grow up.


BGOL Investor
People who use "CAC" (or "bitch") have no more credibility than those who use "ni&&er." You can rant and rave all you want, but no one with any sense or maturity is gonna listen. You're disqualified from adult discussions until you grow up.

With your > 32,400 post count history on here?

Cracka please :rolleyes:


BGOL Investor
Relevance to "bitch," "ni&&er" and "CAC?" :confused:

And you expect to be taken seriously by anyone beyond your street corner? You're just a child. :smh:

First of all, when did I say ****** or bitch?? :confused: Dellusional ay?

Secondly ... your body of works speaks (volumes) for its self.

This oscilating BGOL transmogrification act you got going on is played out already. :rolleyes:

Yeah. So mosey on to the main board and get back-n-forth thread rocks off. Blunt.