MJ's final night from the perspective of medication given!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!

4ce of n8ur

By The Associated Press

Michael Jackson was given a series of sedatives by Dr. Conrad Murray on June 25, the day the singer died, according to an affidavit released Monday in Houston:

1:30 a.m. - 10 milligram tablet of Valium, a sedative.

2 a.m. - 2 milligrams of the sedative lorazepam (brand name Ativan) given intravenously.

3 a.m. - 2 milligrams of the sedative midazolam (brand name Versed) given intravenously.

5 a.m. - 2 milligrams of lorazepam given intravenously.

7:30 a.m. - 2 milligrams of midazolam given intravenously.

10:40 a.m. - 25 milligrams of propofol (brand name Diprivan) given intravenously and diluted with lidocaine (brand name Xylocaine).

10:50 a.m. - Doctor leaves Jackson's room; returns minutes later to find Jackson not breathing. Begins CPR and gives 0.2 milligrams of flumazenil (brand name Anexate), used to reverse sedatives.


jesus fucking christ.

i have a science background and worked for drug companies before - and i've been around research and clinical trials. i took a valium one afternoon out of our research inventory and was so fucking sick that night i thought i was gonna fucking die. i hurled @ the elevators before i got out of the building. i was too sick to get on the train and had to take a cab home - and the fucking motion from the cab had me ready to hurl more if it wasn't for the fact that i had nothing else to throw up.

and mj was 120 lbs.




the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
A thing to note is that the paramedics were called at 12:30, WTF was going on all that time from 10:20 to 12:30????:smh:
Sounds like some real in house fuckery trying to save his ass shit going down, by the doctor!

Mr MajestiK

Rising Star
Fuck Dr Conrad Murray and all other quacks who enable drug addicts and other vulnerable people for profit.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
took a valium one afternoon out of our research inventory and was so fucking sick that night i thought i was gonna fucking die
How much did you take?

Mr MajestiK

Rising Star
A thing to note is that the paramedics were called at 12:30, WTF was going on all that time from 10:20 to 12:30????:smh:
Sounds like some real in house fuckery trying to save his ass shit going down, by the doctor!

Crazy thing is that if the fucking Dr had called the paramedics earlier they might've been able to save MJ.

His faggot ass delayed on calling in the professionals just to hide what he'd done.

Unfortunately for his lying ass, autopsies dont lie.

4ce of n8ur

A thing to note is that the paramedics were called at 12:30, WTF was going on all that time from 10:20 to 12:30????:smh:
Sounds like some real in house fuckery trying to save his ass shit going down, by the doctor!

maybe he stabilized dude @ 10:30. meaning the cpr and the IV worked and he thought he was in the clear. then when dude slipped off again and he couldn't duplicate results - he called them boys.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
maybe he stabilized dude @ 10:30. meaning the cpr and the IV worked and he thought he was in the clear. then when dude slipped off again and he couldn't duplicate results - he called them boys.

Doesn't matter dude starts showing signs of possible cardiac arrest, you call 911 asap! You don't fuck around with that shit, I don't care what type of a doctor you think you are! This goes triple knowing all that shit that was in MJ's system.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
10 mg my nig. one tab.

Shit and MJ took the same shit and that shit didn't phase him.:eek: If I were the doc, I would say, that Jackson was so fucked up that it was just a matter of time before he OD'd. Unfortunately that won't fly well in the courts, cause they will ask him why and what was being done to help MJ get the medical help he needed to get off of the life threatening drugs that he was hooked on.


International Member

Doesn't matter dude starts showing signs of possible cardiac arrest, you call 911 asap! You don't fuck around with that shit, I don't care what type of a doctor you think you are! This goes triple knowing all that shit that was in MJ's system.



BGOL Investor
MJ was fucked up... the doc tried to get that dude to go the fuck the sleep and he kept begging for drugs.. :smh: I feel sorry for him and his children.. and for the doc (who will be blamed for MJ's fuck ups)


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
:eek::eek::eek:JESUS FUCKING CHRIST:eek::eek::eek:
just off the valium and ativan alone most normal people would be knocked out. MJ was an addict but as a MD that doc should know better than to do that shit.I don't feel the least bit sorry for his ass, he need to go to jail.

4ce of n8ur


Crazy thing is that if the fucking Dr had called the paramedics earlier they might've been able to save MJ.

His faggot ass delayed on calling in the professionals just to hide what he'd done.

Unfortunately for his lying ass, autopsies dont lie.

playing devil's advocate, conrad's argument is gonna be that he, as a cardiologist, dealing with a cardiac arrest, is technically THE PROFESSIONAL - in that he's technically more capable of handling this situation than a paramedic - who would just look to stabilize the patient in order to keep him alive enough to get him to a guy like conrad.

not making excuses for hte nigga but i can already see the line of reasoning his defense is gonna use.


:eek::eek::eek:JESUS FUCKING CHRIST:eek::eek::eek:
just off the valium and ativan alone most normal people would be knocked out. MJ was an addict but as a MD that doc should know better than to do that shit.I don't feel the least bit sorry for his ass, he need to go to jail.

Yeah man. Reading that shit by the OP:smh: The doc should have turned down that money. It was a matter of time something like death would occur. Imagine MJ doing his whole set on stage and doing this for the whole tour. Matter of time man:smh: No wonder some other doctors got out of dodge.


Transnational Member
MJ should have been treated in a hospiral with monitoring equipment hooked up and defibs around. MJ couldn't go to sleep because he was jacked up with drugs. He had a pharmacy in his house, explains why he acted weird.

However, I think murder charges are excessive when a doctor fucks up. He gave him other safer drugs first to put him to sleep and was trying to reduce his need to take sedatives.

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor

It's murda !!!!!!!!!!!!


BGOL Legend
Certified Pussy Poster
10 mg my nig. one tab.

10 mg made you that sick ? I was taking 30mg a day for muscle spasms along with 30mg of percaset, and I didnt have any sickness. You may have just been allergic to them, I have a fried that takes valium for anxiety and he takes 30mg a day for the last 10 years.

Mr MajestiK

Rising Star
Especially the ones with so much money they can hire someone to live with them and feed those drugs to him through a straw.

None of which absolves Dr Conrad of culpability/complicity in MJ's demise.

MJ was a notoriously troubled individual with a plethora of mental issues who also just happened to be one of the worlds most famous personalities.

Hardly someone who you'd expect to make rational decisions.

What was Dr Conrad's excuse?

Afterall, he was supposed to be the responsible one who took the Hippocratic Oath to protect life as a Medical practitioner.

playing devil's advocate, conrad's argument is gonna be that he, as a cardiologist, dealing with a cardiac arrest, is technically THE PROFESSIONAL - in that he's technically more capable of handling this situation than a paramedic - who would just look to stabilize the patient in order to keep him alive enough to get him to a guy like conrad.

not making excuses for the nigga but i can already see the line of reasoning his defense is gonna use.

Homie, you're probably right but the fact that Dr Conrad was supposed to be "THE PROFESSIONAL" makes his lapse in judgement even worse.

Now he's going to have to live the rest of his life known as the man who ushered MJ into deaths loving embrace.

4ce of n8ur


None of which absolves Dr Conrad of culpability/complicity in MJ's demise.

MJ was a notoriously troubled individual with a plethora of mental issues who also just happened to be one of the worlds most famous personalities.

Hardly someone who you'd expect to make rational decisions.

What was Dr Conrad's excuse?

Afterall, he was supposed to be the responsible one who took the Hippocratic Oath to protect life as a Medical practitioner.

Homie, you're probably right but the fact that Dr Conrad was supposed to be "THE PROFESSIONAL" makes his lapse in judgement even worse.Now he's going to have to live the rest of his life known as the man who ushered MJ into deaths loving embrace.

I agree with you homey. i just can see where his attys are gonna take it.

if he's not in hiding already i don't think he lives to see the end of 2010. now thats it's officially been declared a homicide - dude will be bodied.

4ce of n8ur

10 mg made you that sick ? I was taking 30mg a day for muscle spasms along with 30mg of percaset, and I didnt have any sickness. You may have just been allergic to them, I have a fried that takes valium for anxiety and he takes 30mg a day for the last 10 years.

no allergy. valium and analogs have a long list of side effects and a significant percentage of population reacts with intolerable side effects which is why it's not prescribed as much as it used to be.

and obviously you build up tolerance which is another reason why it's dangerous. i'd never taken anything like that before.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hearing this last night and today makes me feel bad for MJ .This is what happens when you have tons of cash and your surrounded by YES people,no matter how insane your request is your going to get it.


Punk Ass Decepticons!
BGOL Investor
Truth in all the below.........
A thing to note is that the paramedics were called at 12:30, WTF was going on all that time from 10:20 to 12:30????:smh:
Sounds like some real in house fuckery trying to save his ass shit going down, by the doctor!

Crazy thing is that if the fucking Dr had called the paramedics earlier they might've been able to save MJ.

His faggot ass delayed on calling in the professionals just to hide what he'd done.

Unfortunately for his lying ass, autopsies dont lie.

:eek::eek::eek:JESUS FUCKING CHRIST:eek::eek::eek:
just off the valium and ativan alone most normal people would be knocked out. MJ was an addict but as a MD that doc should know better than to do that shit.I don't feel the least bit sorry for his ass, he need to go to jail.

I wouldnt be surprised if someone paid him to do that

Bad look for black doctors,KANYE's mom now MJ:smh:.NIggas need to get it together