*********Supersized IMF Could Run World Economy***********



By: Gene J. Koprowski

A new economic world order is emerging and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) may be at the center of global policymaking as a kind of mega-central bank which would "manage" all economies, according to a report in The Washington Post.

President Obama and other G-20 leaders recently empowered the IMF to inject liquidity into global markets in a way once limited to major central banks, including the U.S. Federal Reserve.

The radically transformed IMF — which was largely an advisory body in recent years — is now coming together through internal IMF documents, interviews, and think-tank reports.

Finance ministers from major nations are going to finalize the IMF's new powers this weekend when they confer in Washington for the fund's assembly.

The changes may take months, even years to be enacted. But, according to The Washington Post, the IMF is all almost certain to take a central role in managing the world economy.

Accordingly, Washington is poised to become the power center for global financial policy, much as the United Nations has long made New York the world center for diplomacy.

"The IMF is changing, and with it, there will be a sea change in the way the world economy is run," said C. Fred Bergsten, director of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, and a former Clinton administration insider.

"Their role will dramatically shift. You're talking about monitoring fiscal stimulus, moving toward tighter regulations for financial institutions. You're talking about global economic management in a way we have never seen."

Created after World War II to maintain stability in global currency markets, the IMF later became known as the lender of last resort for nations in crisis, particularly as financial fires raced across Asia and Latin America in the 1990s.

"The fund is supposed to take on a more regulatory role, holding accountable even wealthy countries," Moshin Khan, the IMF's former Middle East and Central Asia director, told The Washington Post.

This kind of government interventionism is exactly what got the U.S. and the global economy into trouble, critics note.

"The conventional wisdom blames our plight on an over-reliance on the free market, on too much deregulation. The truth is exactly the opposite," writes Peter Lewin, a professor of finance and managerial economics in the University of Texas at Dallas School of Management, in an article in The Freeman, a free market economics journal.

"The current debacle is the result of multiple overreaching government regulations and interventions. At the very base of the problem is the Federal Reserve, which has attempted to fine-tune the economy and guide it delicately through ups and downs," Lewin writes.


can some of the more knowledgeable on the board tell me why this is making the hair on the back of my neck stand up?...............................................


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
can some of the more knowledgeable on the board tell me why this is making the hair on the back of my neck stand up?...............................................

mark of the beast,but there needs to be only one form of money first


wannabe star


Rising Star
OG Investor
can some of the more knowledgeable on the board tell me why this is making the hair on the back of my neck stand up?...............................................

Because of this old fashion concept called "sovereignty".

Thanks to the "global Economy"....sovereignty will come to an end.

More "international unionized countries" will be made.

Bad news....very bad news


mark of the beast,but there needs to be only one form of money first


Because of this old fashion concept called "sovereignty".

Thanks to the "global Economy"....sovereignty will come to an end.

More "international unionized countries" will be made.

Bad news....very bad news

so I'm not crazy to think this is a very bad idea........................................


Potential Star
Because of this old fashion concept called "sovereignty".

Thanks to the "global Economy"....sovereignty will come to an end.

More "international unionized countries" will be made.

Bad news....very bad news

This is a necessary step in the unifying of the world. And in any case given political and technological trends that were set in motion at the beginning of human civilization thousands of years ago it's inevitable.


Potential Star
If this melt down showed me one thing its that you cant put all your shit in one basket... If the the 1 world bank comes what standards do they use to value or devalue money.

Thats saying the money all has the same value, in my opinion it wont work cause too many rich people will be forced to start over..

Then what if the economy crumbles again no country has its independent financial system to rely on causing a deeper and longer recession than the current one..

Maybe I think in simple terms but it just dont make sense to me. The world aint about peace its about money and the egos of these countries wont allow for it..

The only reason the euro worked was germany extorted the poor countries around them, You notice denmark, sweeden and finland are not on euros and they damn closer to germany than greece!