I'm so tired of this bullshit with these ignorant ass niggas!


Potential Star
Ok, last week, the was a bad accident in my neighborhood because of a dumb mofo was trying to make the pass the traffic light before it hit red but didn't make it, his wheels, struts, suspensions, and bottom of his frame basically crumbled and collasped onto itself.

The driver was lucky with only a broken arm but his partner and the people in the car he hit was totaled and all in critical condition. He was driving a '75 Cadillac Eldorado on 28 inch rims... You'd think some simps would learn right?




Seriously, what is up with our people, man? I guess they are trying to prove something.:smh::hmm::smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Is that Century Plaza in the background? That mall used to be the shit back in the day before they closed all the stores in there.


Potential Star
Is that Century Plaza in the background? That mall used to be the shit back in the day before they closed all the stores in there.

Yeah, man. lol:lol:

It was great back in the day. I still work in there as manager in a store call Vitamin World...


BGOL Investor
so are you saying people who drive older cars with big wheels are more likely to run traffic lights and cause accidents? :confused:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
so are you saying people who drive older cars with big wheels are more likely to run traffic lights and cause accidents? :confused:

Nah, but he's not the only one who's sick and tired of folks driving these big ass clown cars and don't know how to handle them.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
it's ok to dislike this, but why are you mad?,,, you live in Alabama,,, what do you expect?


Potential Star
Agreed with MaximusBlaque. He hit the nail on the head and I'll this. What I am saying is this cat almost did the same thing. The people who work on these car are shady and have poor craftmen- and workmanship. Most of the accidents here in my neighborhood have been by these cars. When the tow and collision guys came at the last accident, they reported that the guy's car couldn't stop in time due to the wheels being unbalanced due to weight and the kit used wasn't strong enough. Also the pads were a factor also..



Stuff Educated Black People Like:


#13 Talking About Uneducated Black People

March 6, 2008 · 139 Comments

Besides themselves, EBP like talking about uneducated Blacks who disgrace their race. Most EBP hate those Blacks who are loud in public and draw unnecessary attention to themselves. EBP especially get embarrassed when they are out with their white friends and they run into an uneducated Black person. They usually want to run over and slap the uneducated Black in order to stop whatever stupid behavior they are doing, but of course, this would not be very educated of them.

Most educated Blacks are embarrassed by the loud music and large rims uneducated blacks seem to love. Another favorite is poor grammar, which is usually spoken very loudly. When a group of EBP get together, they typically talk about all the uneducated Blacks they saw that day. Conversations on this topic can go on for hours and can range from slippers to do-rags worn in public! With uneducated Blacks constantly doing embarrassing things, this is a never ending conversation.

While this is standard conversation for EBP, white people should never engage in this type of discussion. White people will come off as prejudice, which is something educated Black people hate. If a white person says something derogatory about an uneducated Black, their educated Black friend will quickly become uneducated and proceed to curse that white person out.

So the moral of the story is: White people talk about uneducated Blacks in the privacy of your home if you want to keep your token educated Black friends.


Support BGOL
I don't understand your story :confused:

So he's not supposed to drive anymore?

Nawl, what he's saying is niggas do anything now a days just to be seen. The rims cost more than the car and you can tell he's got a system in it too cause it blew the trunk half way off the car. This is why we get fucked with by the police advertising, "Hey I'm a nigga so come fuck with me!"


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
it's ok to dislike this, but why are you mad?,,, you live in Alabama,,, what do you expect?


I thought I recognized that location. Our people have run that shit to the ground. To the poster, I tell my lady many times, pound for pound we have some of the dumbest drivers in the nation. Kats in that area CANNOT DRIVE. They will do some violating shit in their car and look at you as if it were your fault.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
it's ok to dislike this, but why are you mad?,,, you live in Alabama,,, what do you expect?

Yeah, but you aint seen shit til you seen clowns try to pull this off in cleveland..........................we have pot holes that make moon craters look small. These coons stay fucking up their 2k-3k rims they put on some 3-4k car. :smh: :smh:

Then they have the never to have sounds so they can announce they are coming in their piece of shit on shoes!!!!!


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
So those big ass rims make the car hard to control?

Shit looks country, young minded and ignorant to me. It screams uneducated and possibly up to no good. Cats get upset at the cops pulling them over and harrassing them, but half the time they might as well have a neon sign flashing drug dealer on the car. Get some shit less flashy that attracts less attention, a Camry an Accord, without rims and tint.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i understand ya'll disliking their car & rim choice,,, but why are ya'll mad at these guys? explain?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i understand ya'll disliking their car & rim choice,,, but why are ya'll mad at these guys? explain?
Come down to Birmingham and have one of these fools swerve into YOUR lane because they're trying to floss and show off. You'll see why this shit gets annoying. On top of that, for whatever reason, they can barely control the damn car.


BGOL Investor
i get sick of undercover white boys and square niggas on here, always complaining about how they are sick of niggas. :hmm:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i get sick of undercover white boys and square niggas on here, always complaining about how they are sick of niggas. :hmm:

Come down here and deal with some of this shit...Swerving cars. Cats driving 50 in the fast lane on the interstate. Then you'll see what folks are talking about.


BGOL Investor
Come down here and deal with some of this shit...Swerving cars. Cats driving 50 in the fast lane on the interstate. Then you'll see what folks are talking about.

we got that shit here. too. we also have suburban whiite women who buy these enormous SUV's and can't handle the damn things, but drive them so if they get in an accident, they wont be injured. we got white boys and puerto ricans who will soup up a '94 honda civic, and drive that bitch like it's "fast and furious". i see old white men drunk at 10 'o clock in the morning, swerving their F-150. i see alot of muhfuckas doing dumb shit, so excuse me if i dont join in this southern nigga hating session. :rolleyes:


Potential Star
i get sick of undercover white boys and square niggas on here, always complaining about how they are sick of niggas. :hmm:

So are you calling me white? That's some bullshit. Just because I don't like some of the aspects of my damned race I'm being called white? How in the hell do you come up with that assumption? I guess you also think that most users from this site are white, huh?

Hell, for all we know, you could be like that white boy from House Party 2 named Jamal.

If being called white just because I hate some of the shit that some of our people do, then get your chalk, paint, and plastic surgeons ready because I'm but to pull a Michael Jackson minus the pedophilia, insanity, and lack of dignity...:hmm:

Also, Moblack. So I had a grammatical mess up. So what? I ain't perfect.:hmm:


Potential Star
There are ignorant people in all races so i dont see what the issue is with what your talking about. i see white folks in expensive cars doing the same thing in traffic minus the rims. shit like that dont bother me its the next mans money and i dont give a fugg how he spend it, just my 2 cents


Nah, but he's not the only one who's sick and tired of folks driving these big ass clown cars and don't know how to handle them.

:yes: :wepraise: :wepraise: :yes:

I don't get it...I just don't get it...I've seen it where I stay at, too...

And what the fuck is this concept of RENTING rims???!!! That really has me confused :confused::hmm:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
we got that shit here. too. we also have suburban whiite women who buy these enormous SUV's and can't handle the damn things, but drive them so if they get in an accident, they wont be injured. we got white boys and puerto ricans who will soup up a '94 honda civic, and drive that bitch like it's "fast and furious". i see old white men drunk at 10 'o clock in the morning, swerving their F-150. i see alot of muhfuckas doing dumb shit, so excuse me if i dont join in this southern nigga hating session. :rolleyes:
Bruh, I feel ya on that. If there was a thread started about 5'2 Mexicans driving green Chevy trucks with their name on the window, I would have co-signed on that too. There's plenty of fools who can't drive. If there's a thread started about other races doing dumb shit, I'm there too.



Potential Star
Putting a old ass cutlass on expensive over sized rims is Nigga shit and Nigga stupid. Niggas need to do what Black people would do and invest that money in a college fund or something. I'm ashamed of niggas.


BGOL Investor
Bruh, I feel ya on that. If there was a thread started about 5'2 Mexicans driving green Chevy trucks with their name on the window, I would have co-signed on that too. There's plenty of fools who can't drive. If there's a thread started about other races doing dumb shit, I'm there too.

:lol: yea. that's all i'm saying.


Ok, last week, the was a bad accident in my neighborhood because of a dumb mofo was trying to make the pass the traffic light before it hit red but didn't make it, his wheels, struts, suspensions, and bottom of his frame basically crumbled and collasped onto itself.

The driver was lucky with only a broken arm but his partner and the people in the car he hit was totaled and all in critical condition. He was driving a '75 Cadillac Eldorado on 28 inch rims... You'd think some simps would learn right?




Seriously, what is up with our people, man? I guess they are trying to prove something.:smh::hmm::smh:

I'm not going to get into what's wrong with our people . But shit black folk aren't the only ones that do crazy shit.
I just hope the driver had some good insurance. Because the victims are probably going to sue the shit out of him.

I'm a car fanatic but these fuckin cars are a fad that I never could get with.

But it sounds like the State of Alabama needs to tighten up on vehicle inspections. Adding big ass rims, raising the ride height of these vehicle changes the handling and the center of balance drastically. These cars were never meant to be modified like this. Them muthafuckas are unsafe.