13 reasons for a single man not to date a women with kids!

the flash

אֱלהִים is king!!!!
OG Investor
13 reasons for a single man not to date a women with kids! and the same applies to women also!

By Peezy Head (aka Jumpig Mack Flash)

1) Baby Damage - Birth has a traumatic effect on the female form. Pregnancy leaves stretch marks, saggy breasts, and c-section scars. I've also heard that the nookie is even stretch out and it isn't the same anymore. Then there's the weight gain. Most women NEVER LOSE IT or they never get their former hot shape back.

2) "I Can't Find A Baby Sitter" - Women will use this as an excuse to get out of date with you or they may legitmately can't find a baby sitter. Either case it isn't your problem and you shouldn't have to deal with it.

3) Babies Interrupt Sex - I've had this happen to me. I was banging a woman and her kid interrupted my sex. Needless to say I was pissed. If some kid is going to interrupt the meanest head you've ever gotten, that kid should have your last name.

4) Baby's Daddy - When your dealing with a woman and your getting know her, you shouldn't have to deal with kid's father. Some guys can't get over the fact that their ex has moved on. Before he was an un-attentive jerk and didn't give a jolly damn about her. Now that you've entered into the picture, the dude wants to be the ideal boyfriend and a "father of the year," nominee." The guy stars stalking her and wants to fight you. Even if the woman and guy are on good terms, the guy feels as if he can always smash. He knows her. He knows what she wants to hear and what makes her happy. The next know you your having this conversation- "I've decided to try and make it work with Jimmy's dad". Best way to avoid the situation is to avoid single moms.

5) Rent-A-Daddy - Realizing her mistake, realizing that kids (especially boys need fathers,) The woman gets desperate, any and every guy has the potential to be "daddy." You're out trying to get some, not inheirit a family.

6) The Kids Are Still Up - This is only a problem if your trying to pursue something other than a booty call. Wanting to spend time with you, but not wanting to bring strange men around her kids, you find yourself only seeing this female after 10 or 11PM. You want to move forward, but she has to make sure your the "one." This could take months. I suggest dealing with women that are readily available to hang out.

7) Double Heart Break - You are with the woman, then everything falls apart. You not only do you have to deal with losing the woman, but you've formed a bond with lil' Jimmy. You and Jimmy play HALO together, watch the Wizards' hoop it up, go to the zoo, and things dads do with sons or daughters. On top of maybe missing the woman, you miss the kid.

8) Your Not My Dad. - You hook up with the woman, eventually the issue of discipline is going to come up. Some kids being resentful or just being a bratty prick is going to eventuallly pull the "YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!! YOUR NOT MY DAD!!!" card. Personally if I did date single mothers and some dumba$$ kid pulled that stunt on me, I would say, "Your right. I'm not your father. Since I have no authority over you and you refuse to listen to me, you need to pack your sh*t and go live with your dad." This would be a deal breaker for me. In addition some mothers or the dad would have problem with you disciplining their kid. I'm sorry, if some kid broke my laptop, I'm whooping his a$$.

9) You Know What She Going To Do - She already has one kid, if you knock her up, it's safe to assume she's going to have another one.

10) Bad Judge of Character - This female got knocked up by somebody that she was "supposely in love with." Not only is she a bad judge of character, she's GROSSLY irresponsible. The same guy that's an a$$hole now, is the same guy she thought the world of and had unprotected sex with.

11) Unneccessary Expeditures - Eventually you'll get to meet the kid(s.) Soon those dates turn into family outings. Instead of paying for two people, your paying for three or more. The same goes if you move in with her.

12) You'll Never Be #1 - When your trying to build a relationship with somebody, you should be the focus of the woman's life. It should be about you and her. If she has a kid, you'll NEVER BE #1!!! That's not a bad thing either, but it's something I don't want to deal with. Neither should you.

13) Tag, Your It! - This should be the BIGGEST deterrent to EVER dealing with a single mother. In some jurisdictions, I think California is one of them, if you start dealing with a female with kids, move in with her and things go south. THE FEMALE CAN SUE YOU FOR CHILD SUPPORT!!!! She can claim that the her and child have "become a customed to you supporting the child." YOU COULD END UP POSSIBILY PAYING CHILD SUPPORT FOR A KID THAT ISN'T EVEN YOURS! Imagine being extorted money because you were doing what you thought was the "right thing." The state doesn't give a rat's a$$ about the relationship being over or you being a "good guy." They just don't want the chick on welfare. So as far as your concerned, it's "TAG, YOUR IT!"


Potential Star
13 reasons for a single man not to date a women with kids! and the same applies to women also!

By Peezy Head (aka Jumpig Mack Flash)

1) Baby Damage - Birth has a traumatic effect on the female form. Pregnancy leaves stretch marks, saggy breasts, and c-section scars. I've also heard that the nookie is even stretch out and it isn't the same anymore. Then there's the weight gain. Most women NEVER LOSE IT or they never get their former hot shape back.

2) "I Can't Find A Baby Sitter" - Women will use this as an excuse to get out of date with you or they may legitmately can't find a baby sitter. Either case it isn't your problem and you shouldn't have to deal with it.

3) Babies Interrupt Sex - I've had this happen to me. I was banging a woman and her kid interrupted my sex. Needless to say I was pissed. If some kid is going to interrupt the meanest head you've ever gotten, that kid should have your last name.

4) Baby's Daddy - When your dealing with a woman and your getting know her, you shouldn't have to deal with kid's father. Some guys can't get over the fact that their ex has moved on. Before he was an un-attentive jerk and didn't give a jolly damn about her. Now that you've entered into the picture, the dude wants to be the ideal boyfriend and a "father of the year," nominee." The guy stars stalking her and wants to fight you. Even if the woman and guy are on good terms, the guy feels as if he can always smash. He knows her. He knows what she wants to hear and what makes her happy. The next know you your having this conversation- "I've decided to try and make it work with Jimmy's dad". Best way to avoid the situation is to avoid single moms.

5) Rent-A-Daddy - Realizing her mistake, realizing that kids (especially boys need fathers,) The woman gets desperate, any and every guy has the potential to be "daddy." You're out trying to get some, not inheirit a family.

6) The Kids Are Still Up - This is only a problem if your trying to pursue something other than a booty call. Wanting to spend time with you, but not wanting to bring strange men around her kids, you find yourself only seeing this female after 10 or 11PM. You want to move forward, but she has to make sure your the "one." This could take months. I suggest dealing with women that are readily available to hang out.

7) Double Heart Break - You are with the woman, then everything falls apart. You not only do you have to deal with losing the woman, but you've formed a bond with lil' Jimmy. You and Jimmy play HALO together, watch the Wizards' hoop it up, go to the zoo, and things dads do with sons or daughters. On top of maybe missing the woman, you miss the kid.

8) Your Not My Dad. - You hook up with the woman, eventually the issue of discipline is going to come up. Some kids being resentful or just being a bratty prick is going to eventuallly pull the "YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!! YOUR NOT MY DAD!!!" card. Personally if I did date single mothers and some dumba$$ kid pulled that stunt on me, I would say, "Your right. I'm not your father. Since I have no authority over you and you refuse to listen to me, you need to pack your sh*t and go live with your dad." This would be a deal breaker for me. In addition some mothers or the dad would have problem with you disciplining their kid. I'm sorry, if some kid broke my laptop, I'm whooping his a$$.

9) You Know What She Going To Do - She already has one kid, if you knock her up, it's safe to assume she's going to have another one.

10) Bad Judge of Character - This female got knocked up by somebody that she was "supposely in love with." Not only is she a bad judge of character, she's GROSSLY irresponsible. The same guy that's an a$$hole now, is the same guy she thought the world of and had unprotected sex with.

11) Unneccessary Expeditures - Eventually you'll get to meet the kid(s.) Soon those dates turn into family outings. Instead of paying for two people, your paying for three or more. The same goes if you move in with her.

12) You'll Never Be #1 - When your trying to build a relationship with somebody, you should be the focus of the woman's life. It should be about you and her. If she has a kid, you'll NEVER BE #1!!! That's not a bad thing either, but it's something I don't want to deal with. Neither should you.

13) Tag, Your It! - This should be the BIGGEST deterrent to EVER dealing with a single mother. In some jurisdictions, I think California is one of them, if you start dealing with a female with kids, move in with her and things go south. THE FEMALE CAN SUE YOU FOR CHILD SUPPORT!!!! She can claim that the her and child have "become a customed to you supporting the child." YOU COULD END UP POSSIBILY PAYING CHILD SUPPORT FOR A KID THAT ISN'T EVEN YOURS! Imagine being extorted money because you were doing what you thought was the "right thing." The state doesn't give a rat's a$$ about the relationship being over or you being a "good guy." They just don't want the chick on welfare. So as far as your concerned, it's "TAG, YOUR IT!"

Im not messin with no chicks with kids in cali :smh::angry:
They out to get simps in cali


Rising Star
13 reasons for a single man not to date a women with kids! and the same applies to women also!

By Peezy Head (aka Jumpig Mack Flash)

1) Baby Damage - Birth has a traumatic effect on the female form. Pregnancy leaves stretch marks, saggy breasts, and c-section scars. I've also heard that the nookie is even stretch out and it isn't the same anymore. Then there's the weight gain. Most women NEVER LOSE IT or they never get their former hot shape back.

2) "I Can't Find A Baby Sitter" - Women will use this as an excuse to get out of date with you or they may legitmately can't find a baby sitter. Either case it isn't your problem and you shouldn't have to deal with it.

3) Babies Interrupt Sex - I've had this happen to me. I was banging a woman and her kid interrupted my sex. Needless to say I was pissed. If some kid is going to interrupt the meanest head you've ever gotten, that kid should have your last name.

4) Baby's Daddy - When your dealing with a woman and your getting know her, you shouldn't have to deal with kid's father. Some guys can't get over the fact that their ex has moved on. Before he was an un-attentive jerk and didn't give a jolly damn about her. Now that you've entered into the picture, the dude wants to be the ideal boyfriend and a "father of the year," nominee." The guy stars stalking her and wants to fight you. Even if the woman and guy are on good terms, the guy feels as if he can always smash. He knows her. He knows what she wants to hear and what makes her happy. The next know you your having this conversation- "I've decided to try and make it work with Jimmy's dad". Best way to avoid the situation is to avoid single moms.

5) Rent-A-Daddy - Realizing her mistake, realizing that kids (especially boys need fathers,) The woman gets desperate, any and every guy has the potential to be "daddy." You're out trying to get some, not inheirit a family.

6) The Kids Are Still Up - This is only a problem if your trying to pursue something other than a booty call. Wanting to spend time with you, but not wanting to bring strange men around her kids, you find yourself only seeing this female after 10 or 11PM. You want to move forward, but she has to make sure your the "one." This could take months. I suggest dealing with women that are readily available to hang out.

7) Double Heart Break - You are with the woman, then everything falls apart. You not only do you have to deal with losing the woman, but you've formed a bond with lil' Jimmy. You and Jimmy play HALO together, watch the Wizards' hoop it up, go to the zoo, and things dads do with sons or daughters. On top of maybe missing the woman, you miss the kid.

8) Your Not My Dad. - You hook up with the woman, eventually the issue of discipline is going to come up. Some kids being resentful or just being a bratty prick is going to eventuallly pull the "YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!! YOUR NOT MY DAD!!!" card. Personally if I did date single mothers and some dumba$$ kid pulled that stunt on me, I would say, "Your right. I'm not your father. Since I have no authority over you and you refuse to listen to me, you need to pack your sh*t and go live with your dad." This would be a deal breaker for me. In addition some mothers or the dad would have problem with you disciplining their kid. I'm sorry, if some kid broke my laptop, I'm whooping his a$$.

9) You Know What She Going To Do - She already has one kid, if you knock her up, it's safe to assume she's going to have another one.

10) Bad Judge of Character - This female got knocked up by somebody that she was "supposely in love with." Not only is she a bad judge of character, she's GROSSLY irresponsible. The same guy that's an a$$hole now, is the same guy she thought the world of and had unprotected sex with.

11) Unneccessary Expeditures - Eventually you'll get to meet the kid(s.) Soon those dates turn into family outings. Instead of paying for two people, your paying for three or more. The same goes if you move in with her.

12) You'll Never Be #1 - When your trying to build a relationship with somebody, you should be the focus of the woman's life. It should be about you and her. If she has a kid, you'll NEVER BE #1!!! That's not a bad thing either, but it's something I don't want to deal with. Neither should you.

13) Tag, Your It! - This should be the BIGGEST deterrent to EVER dealing with a single mother. In some jurisdictions, I think California is one of them, if you start dealing with a female with kids, move in with her and things go south. THE FEMALE CAN SUE YOU FOR CHILD SUPPORT!!!! She can claim that the her and child have "become a customed to you supporting the child." YOU COULD END UP POSSIBILY PAYING CHILD SUPPORT FOR A KID THAT ISN'T EVEN YOURS! Imagine being extorted money because you were doing what you thought was the "right thing." The state doesn't give a rat's a$$ about the relationship being over or you being a "good guy." They just don't want the chick on welfare. So as far as your concerned, it's "TAG, YOUR IT!"

Number 13 is bullshit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


What in the fuck were you thinking Flash! :smh:


Over here cousin??? :smh: I would hate to see some of ya'll niggas try to pull women for real. :lol:

the flash

אֱלהִים is king!!!!
OG Investor


What in the fuck were you thinking Flash! :smh:


Over here cousin??? :smh: I would hate to see some of ya'll niggas try to pull women for real. :lol:

I set a standard for the women i talk to.I dont copromise these standars for no chick sol or women in my neck of the woods if a chick dosent like me because so be it oh and there plenty of sol that lke me also....


Rising Star


What in the fuck were you thinking Flash! :smh:


Over here cousin??? :smh: I would hate to see some of ya'll niggas try to pull women for real. :lol:

Ain't nothing wrong with the list or a discussion stemming from it. Not every topic has to be about kissing ass. I don't believe as strongly in some of these as others might, but number 13 is BS. I've had a couple good relationships with women with children, not all of them are the same. The list above are POTENTIAL hazards, not all will apply.

No one will discuss this of course, it'll be labeled as woman-bashing.


Backshot Queen
BGOL Investor
Ain't nothing wrong with the list or a discussion stemming from it. Not every topic has to be about kissing ass. I don't believe as strongly in some of these as others might, but number 13 is BS. I've had a couple good relationships with women with children, not all of them are the same. The list above are POTENTIAL hazards, not all will apply.

No one will discuss this of course
, it'll be labeled as woman-bashing.

It won't be discussed by me, because I don't have kids, so I could care less how ya'll feel about it quite honestly. I don't date men with kids for my own personal reasons. Some people don't mind it, some do; to each his/her own. There were a few good points in that article though.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A list like this can be made for a lot of things

13 reasons not to date lightskin chics.
13 reasons not to date chics with A cup tits
13 reasons not to date women who wear green

i hope grown men arent living there lives based on this.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If I was 25 this list would hold more weight. Now that I am 31, I realize that it will be more and more difficult finding a woman with no kids. I am at a 1 kid minimum right now (5years old or older preferably) and it might be a 2 kid minimum by the time I turn 35...


11) Unneccessary Expeditures - Eventually you'll get to meet the kid(s.) Soon those dates turn into family outings. Instead of paying for two people, your paying for three or more. The same goes if you move in with her.

not if you dine at O'charley's don't kids eat free there.:lol:
Sometime I dine there and see one adult per 8 ninja's a straight
up Wu-tang clan! table be lookin like the last supper.

List is on point though:yes:


International Member
If I was 25 this list would hold more weight. Now that I am 31, I realize that it will be more and more difficult finding a woman with no kids. I am at a 1 kid minimum right now (5years old or older preferably) and it might be a 2 kid minimum by the time I turn 35...


I'm 39 now and the chances of meeting a woman with no kids is quite small. Personally I dated women with kids and it isn't a issue with me.


The Dark Lord
BGOL Investor
If I was 25 this list would hold more weight. Now that I am 31, I realize that it will be more and more difficult finding a woman with no kids. I am at a 1 kid minimum right now (5years old or older preferably) and it might be a 2 kid minimum by the time I turn 35...

This is the most Adult response in this thread.

Good post, getcha Grown Man on!


Scooty Puff Pilot
BGOL Investor
Ain't nothing wrong with the list or a discussion stemming from it. Not every topic has to be about kissing ass. I don't believe as strongly in some of these as others might, but number 13 is BS. I've had a couple good relationships with women with children, not all of them are the same. The list above are POTENTIAL hazards, not all will apply.

No one will discuss this of course, it'll be labeled as woman-bashing.

:hmm: Stereotyping!

It won't be discussed by me, because I don't have kids, so I could care less how ya'll feel about it quite honestly. I don't date men with kids for my own personal reasons. Some people don't mind it, some do; to each his/her own. There were a few good points in that article though.

C/s I have limited value to offer because I have no babies but there were some interesting points and some clearly selfish points like wanting to be no.1 when you are dating? Nigga please! :lol::lol::lol: If yall engaged and married thats different.

If I was 25 this list would hold more weight. Now that I am 31, I realize that it will be more and more difficult finding a woman with no kids. I am at a 1 kid minimum right now (5years old or older preferably) and it might be a 2 kid minimum by the time I turn 35...

Yes Swat this is true. Let me say I always will prefer a man with no kids because of the dreaded BABY MOMMA DRAMA. Nobody want to deal with that, but honestly it is difficult the older you get and I like kids! Its not the kids, its the baby mommas!
So I'm down to a one baby momma rule and hopefully its your ex wife and hopefully she is not a nut case. :cool:


BGOL Investor
That's fine and dandy. If a woman is perfect in all ways,but she happens to have a child and you miss out because you can't think for yourself and want to follow some bullshit rules--that's your bad :)


Rising Star
That's fine and dandy. If a woman is perfect in all ways,but she happens to have a child and you miss out because you can't think for yourself and want to follow some bullshit rules--that's your bad :)

I look at it as the list are POTENTIAL things that could happen, not a list of things that WILL happen. Like I said, I've been in relationships with women that had kids and none or only one of the above applied. I've been lucky. Now if you are consistently with broads where more than 4 apply, you need to up your caliber.


The Dark Lord
BGOL Investor
Originally Posted by SWATLANTA
If I was 25 this list would hold more weight. Now that I am 31, I realize that it will be more and more difficult finding a woman with no kids. I am at a 1 kid minimum right now (5years old or older preferably) and it might be a 2 kid minimum by the time I turn 35...

Yes Swat this is true. Let me say I always will prefer a man with no kids because of the dreaded BABY MOMMA DRAMA. Nobody want to deal with that, but honestly it is difficult the older you get and I like kids! Its not the kids, its the baby mommas!
So I'm down to a one baby momma rule and hopefully its your ex wife and hopefully she is not a nut case.

I almost got mad at you just then....but you cleaned it up right at the end. :yes:

Though, my ex wife IS a nut case. :smh:


Scooty Puff Pilot
BGOL Investor

I almost got mad at you just then....but you cleaned it up right at the end. :yes:

Though, my ex wife IS a nut case. :smh:

Cmon now Shadow, have a little faith in your girl ;)
You know we all have our preferences, but the reality is life happens!...and again for me its never the problem with the little people, its the grown people that want to cut the ass!:smh:


Super Moderator
If I was 25 this list would hold more weight. Now that I am 31, I realize that it will be more and more difficult finding a woman with no kids. I am at a 1 kid minimum right now (5years old or older preferably) and it might be a 2 kid minimum by the time I turn 35...

I hear you.

It's been cool for me though. Most of the women I date are considerably older than me. Either no kids, or their kids are in their first year of college and gone!

BTW, respect Flash, I just don't feel like reading that list yet. I'll be back.


Potential Star
A list like this can be made for a lot of things

13 reasons not to date lightskin chics.
13 reasons not to date chics with A cup tits
13 reasons not to date women who wear green

i hope grown men arent living there lives based on this.

A-cup tits are the shit.....we call em' Mosquito bites. I prefer small tits with a big ass.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I set a standard for the women i talk to.I dont copromise these standars for no chick sol or women in my neck of the woods if a chick dosent like me because so be it oh and there plenty of sol that lke me also....

Ain't nothing wrong with the list or a discussion stemming from it. Not every topic has to be about kissing ass. I don't believe as strongly in some of these as others might, but number 13 is BS. I've had a couple good relationships with women with children, not all of them are the same. The list above are POTENTIAL hazards, not all will apply.

No one will discuss this of course, it'll be labeled as woman-bashing.

I feel what both of you are saying. My point was more reactionary than my usual thought out. :smh:

Why would you expect to get a REAL convo about this on a ladies board? You are right. Either they will see it as bashing or they will comment because they don't give a fuck about it. :smh:

At best this is just chest thumping. At worst it's bullshit. :smh: No disrespect main, but you need a list to not fuck a woman you don't want to fuck? :dunno:

I don't want to fuck Whoopi Goldberg. I don't need a list to tell you why. :lol:


Backshot Queen
BGOL Investor
Yes Swat this is true. Let me say I always will prefer a man with no kids because of the dreaded BABY MOMMA DRAMA. Nobody want to deal with that, but honestly it is difficult the older you get and I like kids! Its not the kids, its the baby mommas!
So I'm down to a one baby momma rule and hopefully its your ex wife and hopefully she is not a nut case. :cool:

I feel the same way. I love kids, it's the whole baby momma nonsense I can't deal with. I've tried it twice, and they were the most vindictive, spiteful ladies I have ever encountered. Nowadays it's very rare to find a man in NYC who doesn't have a seed (or two), but if they have a crazy BM, I'm out the door.


So pretty!
BGOL Investor
It won't be discussed by me, because I don't have kids, so I could care less how ya'll feel about it quite honestly. I don't date men with kids for my own personal reasons. Some people don't mind it, some do; to each his/her own. There were a few good points in that article though.

Thank you Sin:hmm:.I hate when people generalize. Not all of us have kids,but I swear it seems like men think all black women have children.


Potential Star
You have a link to an article or a courtcase dealing with #13? It wouldn't surprise me.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yes Swat this is true. Let me say I always will prefer a man with no kids because of the dreaded BABY MOMMA DRAMA. Nobody want to deal with that, but honestly it is difficult the older you get and I like kids! Its not the kids, its the baby mommas!
So I'm down to a one baby momma rule and hopefully its your ex wife and hopefully she is not a nut case.

I also have no problems with the kids, it's the insecure dad's that I don't want to deal with. My father raised my older brother as his own so I probably understand the dynamics of that type of relationship more than most. If the father is around in the child's life I have to play my role as a supporting actor, but if he is a missing deadbeat I realize that I have to take more of a leadership role in that child's life or he could end up lost.
I hear you.

It's been cool for me though. Most of the women I date are considerably older than me. Either no kids, or their kids are in their first year of college and gone!

BTW, respect Flash, I just don't feel like reading that list yet. I'll be back.

I found myself dating a lot of older chicks, and it was cool for a while, but they already had their family lives taken care of and were moving on to the next stage of their lives and I was yet to complete the first step. I'm trying to focus on somebody closer to my age that I can build with now. I don't want to be 45 before I have my first child... But it is hard as hell when these 40 year olds are throwing the pussy at you with no strings attached...:lol::lol: