About Love: Poems and Inspiration


Punk Ass Decepticons!
BGOL Investor
You got me...

Look at me
Notice me
Just a nod or smile at me
Engage in conversation that sets my mind free

Court me
Date me
Treat and intrigue me
Hold my hand and fall in deep with me

Touch me
Take me
Kiss and lick me
Enter and make soothing love to me

Show me
Teach me
School and bring me
To that cosmic orgasm only you can bring me.

Tease me
Grab me
Stroke and save me
From ever making a mistake and loosing the best thing that can happen to me

Have me
All of me
You complete me
Say your name, is what you ask of me.

Black Man……

Did you hear me?

Black Man……

Can you feel me?

Black Man…
Forever….You got me.



The Love

My heart yearns for the love I have so long desired,
She smells of roses and baby's breath, reminiscent of the end of a warm spring eve.
Her gait, dignified and sure.
Her hair, natural, flowing, tied intricately with a slight piece of cloth lightly scented with perfume.
Her eyes reflect brown, and whisper seductively.
They penetrate unmenacingly;
And yet, innocence, conflict and mystery mingle within her gaze.
The sun caresses her smooth brown skin and she glows.
Only a woman of color, a woman of elegance, can cause the sun to shine brighter.
Her countenance weakens me,
When she smiles at me, I die,
Her voice is like a melody,
Not of a girl, but of a woman.
She speaks to me...
Sultry music pours from her sweet opening,
But I can not respond.
I am debilitated...frozen in time.

I stare as I watch her walk slowly into the sunset,
Tears flowing from those beautiful brown eyes.
Deep regret wells up inside me,
And I wonder
Oh why...why
Did I let love pass me by?


Backshot Queen
BGOL Investor
As you inhale her, like Trees
she your drug, you her fiend
from every inch of your body she digests
with speed and motion as she shows progress
her tone her moan her sexy and grown
feeling better than the melody of your favorite song
from your head to your toes, the intensity grows
her poison has subdued you, you just can’t let go
from the devil in her eye, to the tattoo on her thigh
damn niggah, why you didn’t just let her pass by?
now your weak in the knees as you caress her chest
but one false move and you'll be in cardiac arrest
the sickness you have for her gotchu feelin played
man fuck equality! we all know it's Predator V.s Prey
it would be foolish for you to think that you are victorious
for it is you are the mouse... and oh yes... she, the Lioness
the kitty that prances and pounces on her prey
with her flowetic and feline like movements as she strides proudly your way
she embodies what you need
the sexiness but nastiness, you want in the sheets
she is strong yet cunning like an infectious disease
intelligent yet manipulative, sexy but such a tease
you never see her take control like a thief in the night

Ok... so this shit dun have a title... i just sat down and started typin... and yeah i was high... :lol:

:lol::lol: I'm loving this poem Sxxxy!

The Love

My heart yearns for the love I have so long desired,
She smells of roses and baby's breath, reminiscent of the end of a warm spring eve.
Her gait, dignified and sure.
Her hair, natural, flowing, tied intricately with a slight piece of cloth lightly scented with perfume.
Her eyes reflect brown, and whisper seductively.
They penetrate unmenacingly;
And yet, innocence, conflict and mystery mingle within her gaze.
The sun caresses her smooth brown skin and she glows.
Only a woman of color, a woman of elegance, can cause the sun to shine brighter.
Her countenance weakens me,
When she smiles at me, I die,
Her voice is like a melody,
Not of a girl, but of a woman.
She speaks to me...
Sultry music pours from her sweet opening,
But I can not respond.
I am debilitated...frozen in time.

I stare as I watch her walk slowly into the sunset,
Tears flowing from those beautiful brown eyes.
Deep regret wells up inside me,
And I wonder
Oh why...why
Did I let love pass me by?

Damn. I'd love to hear this whispered in my ear.

All of you have been posting some hot material. Keep up the great work!


Potential Star
Nog I like your story telling style! Hope you are feeling newly inspired! Your poems made me feel like I knew you :)

Thanks but I don't think inspiration's coming soon. Most of the stuff I wrote came from imagination rather than life's experiences. Here's the first poem I wrote at age 16. It's pretty rough but I still kinda like it.

Tainted Queen

She was my queen; she gave me all I need.
I cherished and loved her.
When I came home from a long night on the road,
She was there for me.
When I strayed from the golden path,
She said not a word but kept me on track.
We had our days, listenin’ to the beats
Of lyrical kings and poetic queens.
This was before, before she was tainted
By other niggas and fools acquainted.
She was violated, corrupted
Beat up, and disrupted.
The love I had for her was getting troubled.
I couldn’t love her the way I did before.
It was like my love for her had sunk to the floor.
It hurt me how other guys played her around,
Changing her meaning, her being and her sound.
She was beautiful once,
Like the slowly setting sun.
This was before they came into her life.
Nameless, generic destroyers of her light.
They tempted her with claims of false prophecies,
Which were nothing but lies and dishonesties.
They stripped her raw, toyed with her emotions,
Pretended like they loved her, but only abused her.
But, I don’t know the entire story, I just know the results.
They could’ve been right in their own minds,
Corrupters reveling in their own sins.
When I saw her, I saw the results and I couldn’t love her again.
We had a love so deep that it was like rejecting your own twin.
This had happened before with other men,
Who took a chance and fell in love with this enigmatic queen.
It must hurt to be her; to have all men’s desires but falling for their sins.
Don’t get me wrong, there are guys who still love her.
But not as much as I cherished her.
Wait a second, maybe I didn’t.
I left her without trying to help her get over it.
I lost the love I thought I had.
Maybe, I was just sprung on her beauty.
Beauty that seemed to emanate from Aphrodite.
That doesn’t matter now, since she was tainted.
My queen, forevermore, is tainted.

I tried remaking it a year or so later...

Tragic Beauty

I remember the days I spent with my queen.
When life was beautiful and truly amazing.
We were in the golden stages of our relationship.
Nothing mattered but our love’s culmination.
When she smiled, it was like sunshine all around.
But, when she cried, tears from heaven came down.
She had the serenity of a sweet angel.
But, when she had to, she could turn Lucifer.
I know I felt like the luckiest man on Earth.
Because, she was truly admired by everyone
And I was the blessed man who landed her.
We had our wonderful days, listening to the beats
Of lyrical kings and poetical queens.
I treated her like she was so precious.
Even Venus would’ve been jealous of all that admiration.
But, our delightful relationship was at its sunset,
To be replaced by a storm of pain and unrest.
I guess she was introduced to some charlatans
Who told her if she did some things, she could get far.
I don’t know if she did their wants willingly.
But, I could see what they did to her beauty.
Her skin used to be radiant as Helios’s light.
Now, seemed dark and damp like the night.
Her hair, formerly extravagant and long,
Now was diseased-looking and taut.
Her eyes used to hold an air of great tranquility
Now, they only held a sense of tragic despair.
What did they do to her to make her like this?
I don’t know their process, just the results.
Before, she was statuesque and astonishing
Now, she was decrepit and looked like nothing.
But, that was not the worst of what they did
They made her to have not a simple care.
She began to just hang out with anyone.
She let them abuse her body like a cheap prostitute.
She lost all respect for her former great being.
She had seemed to lose all feelings
For me and the wonderfulness we had in our loving.
She just ignored me like I wasn’t in this world.
It hurts so much when I think of that girl.
But, I’m not really talking about some beautiful woman
This is hip-hop or what I might soon think of it.

I dislike that ending now but I didn't know how to finish it back then. I still like the final result though.


Scooty Puff Pilot
BGOL Investor
There's so much great work in here I don't know where to start :) My head is ringing right now.

My selection of the day:

SPILLING by Trudhi Paraha

Tongue his moan
cherry dew drop slop and merry sluice
We sex
and spilling (this is thrilling)
stars all through the bed
a nectar laden petal spread
now he fingers
(cunning) lingers
ah deep sighs
a toast to your eyes
shivery hips and easy gentle jut o slips inside
sweaty salty yes let's ride
and pant and hollering with glee
a c....c....cumming is She


Potential Star
All day I thought of you
when I woke up, I thought of you
that morning shower, I thought of you
the drive to work, I thought of you
you had permeated my cerebral cortex in way that was unexplained by conventional measures,
advanced chemistry could not begin to define
the attraction I had for you, see I knew when I got home that you would be mine
I stopped by the store to pick out something to dress you up in, but superficialities are but mere prerequisites to the unbridled passion that would commence
So i passed on the pagentry
on that long drive home, I felt a funny sensation in my body and I was tempted by the fruits of another and another
random chickens trying to "holla", but their milkshakes didn't bring this boy to the yard,
I was on a mission.
I opened up the door and I could smell you waiting, see you were wearing that special nectar that you knew would drive me WILD,
my heart raced as I saw you naked on the table,
enough with the hesitation, all the time that has been wasted,
so I ate you and exclaimed, "This is the best ham I've ever tasted".



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I’m not ashamed….

To touch - yet not - feel
To dream - yet not - real

To die - yet not - live
To take - yet not - give

To share - yet not – all
To stride – yet not – fall

To warn - yet not - heed
To grow - yet not - seed

I’m not ashamed – Just afraid



Scooty Puff Pilot
BGOL Investor
All day I thought of you
when I woke up, I thought of you
that morning shower, I thought of you
the drive to work, I thought of you
you had permeated my cerebral cortex in way that was unexplained by conventional measures,
advanced chemistry could not begin to define
the attraction I had for you, see I knew when I got home that you would be mine
I stopped by the store to pick out something to dress you up in, but superficialities are but mere prerequisites to the unbridled passion that would commence
So i passed on the pagentry
on that long drive home, I felt a funny sensation in my body and I was tempted by the fruits of another and another
random chickens trying to "holla", but their milkshakes didn't bring this boy to the yard,
I was on a mission.
I opened up the door and I could smell you waiting, see you were wearing that special nectar that you knew would drive me WILD,
my heart raced as I saw you naked on the table,
enough with the hesitation, all the time that has been wasted,
so I ate you and exclaimed, "This is the best ham I've ever tasted".





BGOL Investor
Sarah Jones excerpt


your revolution will not happen
between these thighs...
the real revolution
ain't about booty size
the Versaces you buys
the Lexus you drives
and though we've lost Biggie Smalls
your Notorious revolution
will never allow you to lace
no lyrical douche in my bush
your revolution will not be
you killing me softly with Fugees
your revolution won't knock me up
and produce li'l future MCs
because that revolution will not
happen between my thighs

your revolution
will not find me in the
backseat of a Jeep with
LL hard as hell
(doin' it & doin' it & doin' it well...)
your revolution will not make me feel
boombastic and really fantastic
have you groping in the dark
for that rubber wrapped in plastic...
will not be you shaking
and me faking between these thighs
because the revolution,
when it finally comes, is gon' be real


Scooty Puff Pilot
BGOL Investor
Another powerful contribution from a talented BGOL/SOL member who wishes to remain anonymous.


I'm asking you to hear me out if you could
on a vibe just a little deeper than
"jus chilling in the hood"
sometimes things don't work out exactly how they should
thats when i get seen as evil when i'm really doing good
and that is why i'm the one they call mizunderstood.

and right now I'm suffering mad frustration
due to lack of and miscommunication
can't forget about fake vibe perpetration
seems like the whole world on spiritual starvation
this ain't no time for dumb shit nor procreation
cause right now is the time of the book of revelations.

in this day and age
seems like people just don't know how to behave no more.
everyone on the vibe of war
an invisible whore
BANGING at your door
slippin chips to flip the script
and have you running to the store for more
having cocks coming like niagra falls
problem is most men don't seem to have the balls
to hold up their responsibilities when their father duties call.
break some mental barriers, bust some mental walls
even be intelligently funny like the kids in the hall
yes my friends the lies they been telling us very tall.
they got us running to the bullshit babylon malls
to buy overpriced name brand gear
that will be out of style and fashion in the next coming year
i speak and i hope you can hear
by now it should be very clear
don't succumb to the fear and paranoia
but you better make sure you got you a damn good lawyer
handle your business
then every day will feel like christmas
but you don't gotta be religious....


Potential Star
I understand, I am as well. Writing is very personal.
I thought we were doing the jokey jokes :) No offense intended. Please do continue to contribute.

I opened up my heart to you,
my mind, my soul, my spirit,
I put pen to pad and wrote some shit,
but you didn't want to hear it,
instead you shot me down,
like some poem-writing clown,
then claimed it was jokey jokes
well guess what, now my heart is brokey brokes.

A haiku

Keystrokes tattering
Dreams and hearts are shattering
Public ridicule


Potential Star
Here's more of my young-man material.

Beauty of a Black Woman

I feel like I have to give praise to you.
Every piece of your being is beautiful.
With your angelic brown skin and creamy caramel complexion,
My eyes are blinded by all that extravagance.
I love the sensual shape of your frame.
Sexual fantasies begin to arise of which I can't tame.
I would want to make love to you.
Because your beauty is incredible.
But your mind is what thrills me the most.
Original impressions come out your every expression.
Plus, you don’t take any stuff from us men,
So that makes you more desirable, my friend.
There are many differences between you and other women.
Others pay thousands for what you have naturally.
With your every curve and frame,
They make you the envy of all other females.
I could write forever about your beauty.
But I will end this with my eternal praise.

Perfect Beauty

You are an example of pristine perfection
God's grateful gift who is finally in my possession
With your beautiful eyes and creamy complexion,
Your amazing body puts me in deep elation.
Your beauty is more than physical, though.
Mentally and spiritually, you have me enraptured,
That other desirables are nothing while you have me captured,
By your magnificent being when you're next to me.
Words can't describe what you mean to me.
So, let's revel in our love together forever.


Scooty Puff Pilot
BGOL Investor
I opened up my heart to you,
my mind, my soul, my spirit,
I put pen to pad and wrote some shit,
but you didn't want to hear it,
instead you shot me down,
like some poem-writing clown,
then claimed it was jokey jokes
well guess what, now my heart is brokey brokes.

A haiku

Keystrokes tattering
Dreams and hearts are shattering
Public ridicule


This is for you Martin:

Sade: Bullet Proof Soul (an excerpt)

I was so in love with you
You rarely see a love that's true
Wasn't that enough for you
Wasn't that enough for you
I would climb a mountain
I wouldn't want to see you fall
Rock climb for you
And give you a reason for it all

You kept on thinking
You were the only one
Too busy thinking
Love is a gun

Hit me like a slow bullet
Like a slow bullet
It took me some time to realize it

I know the end before
The story's been told
It's not that complicated
But you're gonna need a bullet proof soul

You keep on thinking
You were the only one
Too busy thinking
Love is a gun

You were trigger happy baby
You never warned me let me free
It's not that complicated
But you're going to need a bullet proof soul



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I write a little bit. But my cousin is a lot better and helps me and is my inspiration. I think he is going to post lata after he gets off.

Can I stand naked before you?
I'm not talking about taking my clothes off
I want to bare my soul
And show you me in all my intiamate state
Totally exposed
Can I tell you all the deep dark shit nobody knows?
You knowmy insecurities, my fearsmy joys, my tears
All my bullshit problems I been dealing with for years
Is that something you would be interested in?
Cause before I let you all the way in I need to know
How much can I show
I just want to show you MY
truth instead of wasting time trying to be cite
So I'll ask you again
Can I stand naked before you?


Support BGOL
I write a little bit. But my cousin is a lot better and helps me and is my inspiration. I think he is going to post lata after he gets off.

Can I stand naked before you?
I'm not talking about taking my clothes off
I want to bare my soul
And show you me in all my intiamate state
Totally exposed
Can I tell you all the deep dark shit nobody knows?
You knowmy insecurities, my fearsmy joys, my tears
All my bullshit problems I been dealing with for years
Is that something you would be interested in?
Cause before I let you all the way in I need to know
How much can I show
I just want to show you MY
truth instead of wasting time trying to be cite
So I'll ask you again
Can I stand naked before you?
you put me on spot by saying I'm MUCH better than u. thanks 4 sayng the stuff about being ur inspiration. I'm going to post something old.

How am I supposed to feel
You leaving my bed to go back to that man
Telling me how much you need me with his ring on your hand
How am I supposed to feel
Coming in second in this race for your heart
Feeling special because you care
Making myself content with contrived thoughts
Like she’s here with me now, and at least that’s a start
How am I suppoed to feel
Buying dreams that you’re selling because I need to believe
And watching your belly swelling
Wondering if it was with he or I with which you conceived
How am I supposec to feel
Wondering if that life is from me that your carrying around
And him not even knowing there’ a chance that that is not his child
How am I supposed to feel
I already know your whole life is with that man
And you’re not going to leave your happy home for me
That much I finally understand
But that child has my eyes that he’s holding in his hands
How am I supposed to feel
Something inside me is telling me to leave it alone
I’ve never been one to break up a happy home
but these are the thoughts that tear me apart when I’m all alone
I understand what’s done is done
And what’s left is with which we have to deal
But would someone please explain to me


Scooty Puff Pilot
BGOL Investor
You got me...

Have me
All of me
You complete me
Say your name, is what you ask of me.

Black Man……
Did you hear me?
Black Man……
Can you feel me?
Black Man…
Forever….You got me.


YOu got me with that Onyx. Love your style.

The Love

She smells of roses and baby's breath, reminiscent of the end of a warm spring eve.
Her gait, dignified and sure.
Her hair, natural, flowing, tied intricately with a slight piece of cloth lightly scented with perfume.

This was a really sensual piece Ari. Why you got to be so fine :hmm:

I dislike that ending now but I didn't know how to finish it back then. I still like the final result though.

I enjoy seeing it side by side- original and revision. Sometimes it turns into something one bare;y recognizes but its good.

I’m not ashamed….

To grow - yet not - seed

I’m not ashamed – Just afraid


Thanks Bush! ^^^

Sarah Jones excerpt


your revolution will not happen
between these thighs...
the real revolution
ain't about booty size


Can I stand naked before you?

How am I supposed to feel
Coming in second in this race for your heart
Feeling special because you care
Making myself content with contrived thoughts
Like she’s here with me now, and at least that’s a start
How am I supposed to feel
Buying dreams that you’re selling because I need to believe
And watching your belly swelling
Wondering if it was with he or I with which you conceived

You both made great contributions to the thread- no family feud.:) Keep it coming.


Potential Star
A muse has inspired me...

Layers surround you
words erode the barriers

inquisitive one
your questions are unanswered
And i'll never tell

Intellect, beauty
I must make a confession
my interest piqued

*drops pen*


I am the Ideal
BGOL Investor
I am loving all the post by everyone. I am now on a mission to write something new, just for the board...

Until then, this is something old... about 2 years... short.. another one written from one of those ten word challenges... which i would LOVE to do again!

I just can't shake these random thoughts.
Its like life without you isn't an option.
You always invade my conscious.
My mental is in pursuit of something so much deeper.
I can no loger put myself in a position to be disenchanted.
No dialogue can be allowed between us
because it puts a tremoundous strain on my heart.
Our desires are going in parallel directions,
never will they meet.


You know what's hot about Kindred? Theyre a couple and a singing / songwriting team. That's some good love they are spreading.

As you inhale her, like Trees
she your drug, you her fiend...

Ok... so this shit dun have a title... i just sat down and started typin... and yeah i was high... :lol:

That's damn good for off the top of the dome...go head gurl... ;)

You got me...

Look at me
Notice me
Just a nod or smile at me
Engage in conversation that sets my mind free

Court me
Date me
Treat and intrigue me
Hold my hand and fall in deep with me

Touch me
Take me
Kiss and lick me
Enter and make soothing love to me

Show me
Teach me
School and bring me
To that cosmic orgasm only you can bring me....


A poem as sensual and beautiful and elegant and erotic as the author herself...

:mad: alright dammit! I'll put something down... :rolleyes:

(I'm funny about posting my work online without any copyrights lined up but fuck it, this is from the private stash)

One lover with particularly beautiful skin inspired this one:

She asked if
I mind
a little more
caramel sundae
to shower
with dripping drops
of wet hot water
running down
in pleasing streaks
two baptized freaks
drying each other
with erotic heat
leaving wetness
in between soft sheets
casting screams against walls
like shadows that speak
until the candle flickers
into smoky streams
floating on wet dreams
like coffee layered with cream
by climactic darkness


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
One lover with particularly beautiful skin inspired this one:

She asked if
I mind
a little more
caramel sundae
to shower
with dripping drops
of wet hot water
running down
in pleasing streaks
two baptized freaks
drying each other
with erotic heat
leaving wetness
in between soft sheets
casting screams against walls
like shadows that speak
until the candle flickers
into smoky streams
floating on wet dreams
like coffee layered with cream
by climactic darkness

Damn this flow is sick, nice piece. I hope in more ways than one. :yes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Respect to every one posting HEAT in this thread. All I can say is "MORE FIYAH"..........

“As One”
As one we transverse ecstasy plane,
Journey eased by passion’s rain.
Alloyed smelt the cauldron erotic bliss,
Fueled by the fire ignited that single kiss.

As one we abandoned physical conformity,
Metamorphic submerged the pool called ecstasy.
Sensual water cleansing our youthful spirit,
Conscious….. the innocence now inhibit.

As one we evolved free of illusion’s veil,
Ahead life…. commitments trail.
Life’s path the awaiting task,
Deceived were we temptations mask.

As one we failed the trials of time,
Once sweet nectar… aged bitter wine.
Westbound awaits the setting sun,
Pass the day As one……



Potential Star
Let's Be Friends...........

Its time like this that make you really make you wonder,
Is there any love left for the nice type of brother.
I've been in this game for a while, and I cant seem to get ahead,
Would I be missed if I am found dead?
Looking for love in all the wrong places can be bad for your health,
Who can love a man more than he loves himself?
I have given up, I am throwing in the towel,
I am tired of being treated so fucking foul.
From the outside looking in, looking at me what do you see,
I'm crying inside but no one can hear me.
I want to ask God, why has he chosen this path for me,
Through all of my tears, the road ahead is so hard to see.
I am not a quitter but I have chosen to just simply settle,
My heart is soft like butter, but soon it would be hardened like metal.
All I want to do is have someone love me as much as I love them,
I want to be your lover, I don't want to be your damn friend.
It's a wrap, this must be a role that was selected especially for me,
Everyone has to pay for their crimes, but damn this is a hell of a fee.
I just want to be happy, I am tired of being alone,
At least Adam had Eve, I don't have anyone that I can call my own.
Life is a bitch and then you die,
My spirit is already gone, I've already said goodbye.
When I wake I ponder that maybe today the misery will end,
Lord why me, I thought that you were my friend?


Scooty Puff Pilot
BGOL Investor
Wow this thread blew up with so much good shit overnight. Must have been quite a Friday! I'm coming back later to read it all again sloooowwwwww.



Support BGOL
I am a longtime lurker of bgol over the years I have put mad people on to the sight I think I just fell in love wit sol because of this thread! Hotness (holds hands up and snaps fingers repeatedly)

It's you
you who are not yet a reality, but
so strong in my mental that you effect my mentality
it's you
you who
who I can't wait anymore until I fall asleep
so in the day I walk in a dream and you come to me
it's you
you who were never interested in my "game"
and shit
Love at first sight is an understatement,
because I see you and want to change your last name
It's you
you who
don't walk you just glide
and I'm supa cool just cause I slide at your side
not a token or a trophy
but I can't hide all this pride
because I've got
you who I can't fuck like some hoe
I make love to you from the depths of my soul
cause I give you my physical to symbolize my spirital
and as our spirits mingle and become intertwined
I remember that for now you are only in my mind
It's you

The Magnificent Butcher

BGOL Investor
First Kiss by me...

Non-regulation heart beat tilts my mind sideways. Porch light highways.
Strain to maintain the focus of the night.
I take flight. Clouds whispering in my ears...seductive sirens.
Light talk and a frightened walk.
The destination hushes the insects. They pretend to sleep for the unique moment to settle down and nestle through the leaves.
Street shuffles. Hand sweats pet and drip drop into each palm pit stop.
She leans. Archs like sheet bamboo.
Her mouth flutters petals against mine. A chime of spittle snap.
Tongues turn and twist enlisting paths to lust.
Hands travel through flesh stations, testing the heart engines with new oil...new fuels and new rules.
Red cheek glee we see. See so much.
Fresh from the squeeze the angel drifts from my grip for another sunrise to smile at.