More details released for Gov. Jeff Landry’s plan to rewrite Louisiana Constitution


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

More details released for Gov. Jeff Landry’s plan to rewrite Louisiana Constitution​

BY: JULIE O'DONOGHUE - MARCH 27, 2024 9:18 PM​

Jeff Landry
Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry wants to hold a convention to rewrite the state constitution between May 20 and July 15.

Legislators and Gov. Jeff Landry’s handpicked delegates would meet between May 20 and July 15 to rewrite Louisiana’s Constitution, under a preliminary plan made public Wednesday.

With the governor’s blessing, Rep. Beau Beaullieu, R-New Iberia, submitted House Bill 800 that outlines the process for overhauling the current constitution adopted 50 years ago in Edwin Edwards’ first term as governor.
Beaullieu’s proposal has to get approval from two-thirds of each legislative chamber before the convention can convene. Landry doesn’t appear to have the votes yet to do so, particularly in the Louisiana Senate.
If it passes, the plan calls for 171 delegates, made up of 144 state lawmakers and 27 other people Landry would select, to run the constitution-writing process. The convention would take place in the House of Representatives’ chamber, and possibly other places in the city of Baton Rouge if they run out of space at the state Capitol.

Private donors would be allowed to pay for the convention’s activities, though they would be required to disclose their names and the amount of their donations. Public funding could also be used, according to the bill.

Voters would still have to approve any new constitution the convention delegates write. Should they finish their proposal, it would be on the November ballot and could go into effect in 2025.

The bill calls for the constitutional convention to start two weeks before the Legislature’s current law-making session ends on June 3, which could create scheduling difficulties for lawmakers.

It’s not clear when they would find the time to rewrite the foundational governing document of the state during their busiest time of year. Legislators are typically still voting on dozens of bills each day and putting together the state budget for the next fiscal year in late May and early June.
Senate President Cameron Henry, R-Metairie, said he wasn’t willing to speed up the Senate’s work to adjourn the regular session early to go into a constitutional convention.

“I’m not interested in rushing through the process” of the regular legislative session, Henry said in an interview Wednesday. “[All the lawmakers] need to understand what’s in the budget, and we are going to need until June 3 to do that.”
Henry also said he was “1,000% sure” senators would not be willing to stay in Baton Rouge beyond June 3 for a constitutional convention, let alone until the middle of July.
That doesn’t leave a lot of time to accomplish what Landry wants done.
Beaullieu suggested lawmakers could fit in the constitution convention by suspending the regular session to focus on it for a couple of weeks. The legislators could also try to hold their regular session and the constitutional convention simultaneously.

“I think we can have a constitutional convention in two weeks,” he said.
Landry is expected to ask delegates to slim down the current constitution by removing sections and placing them regular state law. Any substantive language would not be eliminated from overall state law outright, nor would any new language be added during the rewriting process.
But items removed from the constitution and put into state statute would then be easier to repeal or change.

Provisions in the Louisiana Constitution enjoy more protections. Changes to them require a two-thirds vote from the Legislature and approval from voters in a statewide election. Statutes, by comparison, can be undone or amended with a simple majority vote from the state House and Senate.

Legislators are still asking the governor for more information about what he wants to accomplish. Before voting in favor of a convention, they have said they need to know more about what Landry intends to remove from the constitution.
“We need more clarity on what the new constitution is going to look like,” Henry said. “What’s the goal here?”
The governor has not provided the details of what he specifically wants to change, though areas that deal with budget, taxes and civil service will likely be targeted.
Beaullieu said there is no draft constitution to share with skeptical lawmakers yet, but legislative leaders are looking at forming a working group to figure out what areas of the document would be the focus of a convention.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Vine Deloria said the white man made up treaties and broke and rewrote them as needed to ensure white land grabs from Native Americans.

That's what we're seeing here.

The laws of the land will be upheld or rewritten as needed to maintain white control.


This profile is now managed by A.I.
BGOL Investor
We have a lot of Tariq Nasheed devotees in Louisiana, especially New Orleans and niggas think because they talk a game that sounds different that it makes them deep and they pushed this "don't vote" bullshit and this how we ended up with this shit.

While Louisiana's constitution and laws definitely need to be rewritten for a whole host of reasons, there is no way you can re-write a constitution in a few weeks. The last time the constitution was changed it took nearly 3 years.

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
We have a lot of Tariq Nasheed devotees in Louisiana, especially New Orleans and niggas think because they talk a game that sounds different that it makes them deep and they pushed this "don't vote" bullshit and this how we ended up with this shit.

While Louisiana's constitution and laws definitely need to be rewritten for a whole host of reasons, there is no way you can re-write a constitution in a few weeks. The last time the constitution was changed it took nearly 3 years.

Bro I started doing voter registration drives in Harlem when I was 19. My focus was getting folks to vote in all elections. Not just presidential, senatorial or gubernatorial elections. Edifying folks on who and what district council members are and every other level of office their attention needs to be focused on. Sadly clowns like Tariq, is out here hustling people out of their own rights. :smh: Rights so many Black Americans died fighting for.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
We have a lot of Tariq Nasheed devotees in Louisiana, especially New Orleans and niggas think because they talk a game that sounds different that it makes them deep and they pushed this "don't vote" bullshit and this how we ended up with this shit.

While Louisiana's constitution and laws definitely need to be rewritten for a whole host of reasons, there is no way you can re-write a constitution in a few weeks. The last time the constitution was changed it took nearly 3 years.

I don't think you took the time to know what Tariq Nasheed's stance is


Rising Star
As the white population decreases, you're see more and more of this.

Vine Deloria said the white man made up treaties and broke and rewrote them as needed to ensure white land grabs from Native Americans.

That's what we're seeing here.

The laws of the land will be upheld or rewritten as needed to maintain white control.
What you are saying is what has always happened and what will continue to happen as long as they are in control…

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

What exactly did they try to tell people that the Democrats didn't believe in their own candidate. Did they try and tell Black people in Louisiana why they underfunded their candidate? Fuck blaming Black people all the time for not having a good candidate with a good message. And fuck Gary Chambers like his fat weed smoking ass is a political strategist. Muthafuckas always want to scapegoat Black people for not having their shit together.

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
At the end of the campaign finance reporting period just 10 days before the primary election, Landry reported having about $4.5 million on hand compared to Wilson's $700,000.

Democrat candidate had $700,000 to the Republican's $4.5 million on hand. Elections cost money. You ain't buying no TV adds in New Orleans with just $700k. You aren't putting nobody on the street with $700k. $700k can't even win you a city council seat in New Orleans let a lone the Governor's office in Louisiana.

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The Republican Governors Association (RGA) Right Direction PAC has poured close to $4 million into the race targeting Landry’s opponent, while the Democratic Governors Association (DGA) has spent around $500,000.


This profile is now managed by A.I.
BGOL Investor
I don't think you took the time to know what Tariq Nasheed's stance is

Nasheed's stance is for Black people to hold our votes until we get something tangible, which sounds good at the surface level but is hollow when you look deep, at both the idea and Nasheed himself.

Hold your vote? You get Jeff Landry and supermajorities in the House and Senate, you get the Constitution rewritten in two weeks, and a whole host of other things that would take too long to talk about. How much damage will Landry do in 4 to 8 years in Baton Rouge, to the state and the state's cultural and economic engine, New Orleans? So whatever tangibles Black Louisianans are trying to get become more and more of a pipe dream as this state pushes to become the reddest in the nation.

Landry is concerned with banning books, abortion, and other culture war bullshit, but Louisiana is the vulnerable state in all of Hurricane Alley, is he focusing energy on coastal protection? flood protection? what about insurance? He's concerned with stopping "wokeness".

This is what holding your vote gets you because dumb niggas who are in love with the sound of their own voices, get intrigued by an agnostic nigga with a Muslim name who has the gift of gab but is as hollow as they come.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nasheed's stance is for Black people to hold our votes until we get something tangible, which sounds good at the surface level but is hollow when you look deep, at both the idea and Nasheed himself.

Hold your vote? You get Jeff Landry and supermajorities in the House and Senate, you get the Constitution rewritten in two weeks, and a whole host of other things that would take too long to talk about. How much damage will Landry do in 4 to 8 years in Baton Rouge, to the state and the state's cultural and economic engine, New Orleans? So whatever tangibles Black Louisianans are trying to get become more and more of a pipe dream as this state pushes to become the reddest in the nation.

Landry is concerned with banning books, abortion, and other culture war bullshit, but Louisiana is the vulnerable state in all of Hurricane Alley, is he focusing energy on coastal protection? flood protection? what about insurance? He's concerned with stopping "wokeness".

This is what holding your vote gets you because dumb niggas who are in love with the sound of their own voices, get intrigued by an agnostic nigga with a Muslim name who has the gift of gab but is as hollow as they come.

Unfortunately you didn't take the time to think about it.

So many people take the opposite end of something, without realizing the pros or cons. People just adore being apart or against things these days. Even to their own detriment.


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
I hope the governor remembers hurricane season is coming.


This profile is now managed by A.I.
BGOL Investor
Unfortunately you didn't take the time to think about it.

So many people take the opposite end of something, without realizing the pros or cons. People just adore being apart or against things these days. Even to their own detriment.

I know you think your little BGOL "one liners" are so profound but they really aren't

If you have something to say, then say it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Unfortunately you didn't take the time to think about it.

So many people take the opposite end of something, without realizing the pros or cons. People just adore being apart or against things these days. Even to their own detriment.

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I know you think your little BGOL "one liners" are so profound but they really aren't

If you have something to say, then say it.
Everybody is talking about this race and immediately blame Black people. It ain't Black people's fault that the Democrats didn't have a candidate who could win. It ain't Black peoples fault that the Democrats underfunded their candidate. There were at least four other candidates in the race who had more money than Shawn Wilson. Jeff Landry was the Attorney General for 4 years that equals name recognition. He was the 3rd highest elected official besides the Lt Governor. You can't blame Tariq Nasheed for having an underfunded bad candidate and state party in disarray which gave Louisiana the results it got.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I know you think your little BGOL "one liners" are so profound but they really aren't

If you have something to say, then say it.

This is the whole problem. No thought, " just I represent this and I'll flame anyone online who disagrees with my team!! "

That's fine but, it's not really politics, or authentic dialog for that matter. Just toxic internet bullshit. Carry on..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He's a full time troll now isn't he?

Online no1 has to refute anything with facts, disagree with someone? Just state that if they arent for or against what aligns with my beliefs, then we can deflect and twist it into whatever I choose.

You don't like dogs??? It's cause you fuck cats.. I can't listen to someone who fucks cats!

Quite juvenile.


This profile is now managed by A.I.
BGOL Investor
This is the whole problem. No thought, " just I represent this and I'll flame anyone online who disagrees with my team!! "

That's fine but, it's not really politics, or authentic dialog for that matter. Just toxic internet bullshit. Carry on..

You just described Tariq to a T

How many puppets, cartoons and comics has he done about people who disagreed with him.