Herman Cain Awards - They *LOVE* Anti-Vaxers


International Member
I can summarize it for u.
He is an er doctor and he enjoys the subreddit.
Hes tired of the unvaccinated seeking care and he has no sympathy for them when they die.
Then one of the first comments was a nurse cosigning him lol.
Oh yeah I was reading the comments:lol:was just wondering what the original post was.


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
As a black man that just beat Covid-19 ass as a person with all the pre existing conditions while sailing to Africa during and breakout in a confined place I'll do it.

Fuck you anti vaxx faggots. My job was shut down and due to us all living, eating and working together non vaxx fuckkers brought the shit and hot boxed everyone.

The day I knew I had it, my temp was 99.0 and I was working. 1 day of sniffles and 2 weeks of quarantine because the vaccine wasn't available in the Philippines and the cooks and cabin boys spread the shit to everyone.

Keep fucking around with this. I was a thousand miles away from a ventilator and survived because I was vaccinated. All the fuckers that weren't spent weeks locked in their rooms struggling.

I'm done with y'all. Believe the lies or die.

Fuck you.


Proud vaccinated breakthrough survivor and BGOL Legend


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I was a thousand miles away from a ventilator and survived because I was vaccinated. All the fuckers that weren't spent weeks locked in their rooms struggling.

I'm done with y'all. Believe the lies or die.

Fuck you.


Proud vaccinated breakthrough survivor and BGOL Legend
these faggots think they're "edgy" and bucking the imaginary system that they utlilze EVERYDAy to "survive" but all of a sudden cant get along with


International Member
As a black man that just beat Covid-19 ass as a person with all the pre existing conditions while sailing to Africa during and breakout in a confined place I'll do it.

Fuck you anti vaxx faggots. My job was shut down and due to us all living, eating and working together non vaxx fuckkers brought the shit and hot boxed everyone.

The day I knew I had it, my temp was 99.0 and I was working. 1 day of sniffles and 2 weeks of quarantine because the vaccine wasn't available in the Philippines and the cooks and cabin boys spread the shit to everyone.

Keep fucking around with this. I was a thousand miles away from a ventilator and survived because I was vaccinated. All the fuckers that weren't spent weeks locked in their rooms struggling.

I'm done with y'all. Believe the lies or die.

Fuck you.


Proud vaccinated breakthrough survivor and BGOL Legend
Did any of those anti vaxxers change their tune if/when they recovered?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
As a black man that just beat Covid-19 ass as a person with all the pre existing conditions while sailing to Africa during and breakout in a confined place I'll do it.

Fuck you anti vaxx faggots. My job was shut down and due to us all living, eating and working together non vaxx fuckkers brought the shit and hot boxed everyone.

The day I knew I had it, my temp was 99.0 and I was working. 1 day of sniffles and 2 weeks of quarantine because the vaccine wasn't available in the Philippines and the cooks and cabin boys spread the shit to everyone.

Keep fucking around with this. I was a thousand miles away from a ventilator and survived because I was vaccinated. All the fuckers that weren't spent weeks locked in their rooms struggling.

I'm done with y'all. Believe the lies or die.

Fuck you.


Proud vaccinated breakthrough survivor and BGOL Legend
Thank you for your service



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And if any of you dumb mothafuckas come back in here and say we are making fun of people who died, FUCK YOU

If you refuse to get vaccinated and make fun of those who chose to do so and you end up catching it and you die, then you deserve to be memorialize in this fashion due to your stupid decisions. That pales in comparison to making fun of someone who is innocent.