Trump supporters behaving like the bags of ass that they are


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Most of the charges aren't shit they're getting...

Exactly, this is whats concerning but is in the playbook of white supremacy giving these cacs a slap on the wrist. They had a congressman that was literally outside with these devils egging them on to storm the Capitol & then he was able to proceed with his duties when they got back in session smh

Man Al queda and all these foreign terrorist are dying their beards blond and buying Trump hats off Amazon as I type this plotting.

White supremacy is eating itself from within and there's an inner battle going on if they should seriously punish these cacs for the sake of the country.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Exactly, this is whats concerning but is in the playbook of white supremacy giving these cacs a slap on the wrist. They had a congressman that was literally outside with these devils egging them on to storm the Capitol & then he was able to proceed with his duties when they got back in session smh

Man Al queda and all these foreign terrorist are dying their beards blond and buying Trump hats off Amazon as I type this plotting.

White supremacy is eating itself from within and there's an inner battle going on if they should seriously punish these cacs for the sake of the country.

really wanna have a serious discussion on white supremacy and beyond in 2021, seems like the system cannot sustain itself anymore. White people getting worse and worse, we see the crazy bashing big tech, big business, immigration,equality.

seems they low key saying capitalism is the problem and the reason for all this change and they ant stop it unless people die who are in power or you replace it with something else.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
all they need is a destruction of property charge.. fed charge to give them that mandatory 10 yrs that trump signed into law...and to see
that law he signed trying to fuck with BLM movement just back fired on his own cant make this up....

Okay, where is that charge cause I didn't see it on the list. All I see is unlawful entry & tresspass.

You have a different link?


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Youre such a bitch ass pussy. You’re calling for people to ignore me because I’m a new member who has an opinion? Seriously, all jokes aside, how dumb are you? So, only senior members are allowed to post on a message board, otherwise they must be ignored?
I think he's saying, "Recent join date is suspect. Come on, it's like on Twitter when someone has a recent join date or 13 followers, you assume they are a bot until proven otherwise

Senior members have proven not to be bots or spy or...whatever, so you know you are having a discussion with an actual human being who has some sense

Also, having 45 in your name...really doesn't make us want to trust you



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Picture of the guy that killed the cop with fire extinguisher

I wonder if they got a price for this guy. I’m feeling like django right now

idk. That looks like a Chicago fire department hat to me
Amazon product ASIN B00JKMOC4O
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Lurk Diggler

Rising Star
Update. FBI offering 50,000 big ones for Info on who left the pipe bombs
Capital police HR on the 3rd floor did they go there 1st? Fuck they bullshit investigation dog and pony show they know who did what. Cell phone stores get vandalized and robbed in the middle of the night no witnesses and 2 days later I’ll see mug shots on the news. In DC yo ass is on camera constantly from the minute you touch down.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Capital police HR on the 3rd floor did they go there 1st? Fuck they bullshit investigation dog and pony show they know who did what. Cell phone stores get vandalized and robbed in the middle of the night no witnesses and 2 days later I’ll see mug shots on the news. In DC yo ass is on camera constantly from the minute you touch down.
Hey man. They giving away 50k for this traitor.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
FBI says they have received overwhelming tips and social media pics from people that want to help find these terrorist. And says thank you

Man listen... If the FBI holds true to their word and not only arrest, but charge these morons federally, a lot of lives are about to be ruined. :lol:

I just pray that a lot of these people get some serious time and not a slap on the wrist AND get branded as DOMESTIC TERRORISTS that have to register like sex offenders everywhere they go.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man listen... If the FBI holds true to their word and not only arrest, but charge these morons federally, a lot of lives are about to be ruined. :lol:

I just pray that a lot of these people get some serious time and not a slap on the wrist AND get branded as DOMESTIC TERRORISTS that have to register like sex offenders everywhere they go.
I hope so. They said they adding more charges as they round them up.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Capital police HR on the 3rd floor did they go there 1st? Fuck they bullshit investigation dog and pony show they know who did what. Cell phone stores get vandalized and robbed in the middle of the night no witnesses and 2 days later I’ll see mug shots on the news. In DC yo ass is on camera constantly from the minute you touch down.
They better be preparing themselves for the supposed protests that will be in ALL 50 states in the days leading up to Biden's inauguration..


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Bill Belichick declines Presidential Medal of Freedom
Posted by Mike Florio on January 11, 2021, 8:24 PM EST

Getty Images
A man known for making great coaching decisions has made a great one away from the football field.

Patriots coach Bill Belichick has decided to decline the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

“Recently, I was offered the opportunity to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which I was flattered by out of respect for what the honor represents and admiration for past recipients,” Belichick said in a statement issued Monday night. “Subsequently, the tragic events of last week occurred and the decision has been made not to move forward with the award.

“Above all, I am an American citizen with great reverence for our nation’s value, freedom and democracy. I know I also represent my family and the New England Patriots football team. One of the most rewarding things in my professional career took place in 2020 when, through the great leadership within our team, conversations about social justice, equality and human rights moved to the forefront and became actions. Continuing those efforts while remaining true to the people, team and country I love outweigh the benefit of any individual award.”

The carefully crafted statement, including among other things deft use of the passive voice regarding Belichick’s decision to punt on the award, makes a very important point without directly saying it. Belichick now believes that the man he openly supported for the office of the presidency in 2016 has behaved in a way that cannot be reconciled with notions of social justice, equality, and human rights. Thus, Belichick cannot reconcile accepting a significant individual honor with his obligations to his family and his football team.

They say the pen is mightier than the sword. Sometimes, that pen cuts deepest when its blade is perceived as being dull.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Man listen... If the FBI holds true to their word and not only arrest, but charge these morons federally, a lot of lives are about to be ruined. :lol:

I just pray that a lot of these people get some serious time and not a slap on the wrist AND get branded as DOMESTIC TERRORISTS that have to register like sex offenders everywhere they go.
yep, need to make an example out of them.