Joe Biden is now POTUS


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
I would walk away if I was Trump. Sit behind a podcast and enjoy the money. But his ego won’t let him. Life could be so good for Trump. Just to speak he could get 1 million

You ain't lying. This motherfucker could literally get paid Millions to speak at white supremacist birthday parties oh, because that's his base. I could make a million dollars a day or more

He could name his price, but his ego is too big to let him handle losing something this great

Everybody be safe, just because maga is leaving the WH does not mean it will leave society. A sore loser like him is dangerous. He could get this country "attacked" and try to suspend everything. The institutions have to hold up until Jan 20.
Exactly. This Maga thing has grown so much and is so dangerous to the United States as a whole that people got to watch the fuck out

There have been several people connected to black lives matter and even Ferguson Missouri who have mysteriously ended up killed that they've ruled a suicide or something crazy like that.

It is my belief that you have either Rogue police officers or white racists dressed as police officers pulling people over, which is the only way I can fathom people would submit so easily. They are pulling people over and killing them


Been here longer than you think!
Platinum Member
A state we have not talked about much because our focus has been on 4 states (PA, AZ, NV, and GA) is North Carolina. NC is not reporting because they have until Nov 12th to complete the count, but Biden may very well get NC also. Looking at the numbers, Trump is only up by 76,000 but there are still 100s of thousands of votes left to be counted. With the current trend of mail-in ballots heavily favoring Biden, he may overtake Trump when they complete the count. We may not know until next week but Biden may break 300 after all.


Rising Star
OG Investor



American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
It's a wrap. Looks like he's gonna get Pa too


Now let's brace for the onslaught of bullshit we know is coming from tRump, (dis) barr, miller, and the rest of the pirates. Moscow mitch and his minions will mostly stay quiet because they now don't want to be assocciated.

Can you fucking believe two, not one but two, crazy-ass Qanon proponents are now in the House?


Rising Star
OG Investor

Now let's brace for the onslaught of bullshit we know is coming from tRump, (dis) barr, miller, and the rest of the pirates. Moscow mitch and his minions will mostly stay quiet because they now don't want to be assocciated.

Can you fucking believe two, not one but two, crazy-ass Qanon proponents are now in the House?

Trump got into office, the first lady has tons of nude pics on the net. The president is an open racist. The only thing I'm surprised didn't happen is Putin wasn't on the ballot.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Trump got into office, the first lady has tons of nude pics on the net. The president is an open racist. The only thing I'm surprised didn't happen is Putin wasn't in the ballot.

That still fucks me up. The first lady got nudes on the net, and used to sell pussy, but the same conservatives who got on Michelle about showing her shoulders are somehow OK with it


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
Trump got into office, the first lady has tons of nude pics on the net. The president is an open racist. The only thing I'm surprised didn't happen is Putin wasn't in the ballot.

You got that right, brother.

And let's not forget, those nuts out there with guns and pickup trucks screaming and hollering at the polls and other places are probably less than 1% of tRump's voters.

The guy you work with who says good morning every day, the cashier at the supermarket, the Uber driver, etc, etc these are the people who make up the damn near half of amerikkka that's behind the notion of white supremacy.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He is afraid that he will be obsolete. Real talk what has Tariq done but sit on his ass?
He is on the bench while the game is being won.
I been asking this question since he started shitting on John Lewis. Him and the faceless overly opinionated dude.

Nigga if you got the nuts and the guts to come at a giant like that you better be offering something to fill his shoes and surpass him in humanity!!!!