When did 9/11 start losing its relevancy to you?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
You just proved my point. I didn't say shit about any of the politics. I just had empathy for another human being. You're so caught up in your war and your misinformation and being wrong when you think you're right, that you don't have time to be a human.

I talked about one person I knew and you're talking about hijackers, nat turner, slaves, ferguson, and jonestown in one dumbass run-on rambling sentence.

I have nothing else to say to you on this. You can respond, and I'm sure you will, but I won't read it.
But this is a thread for people with his mindset, not yours.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
But this is a thread for people with his mindset, not yours.

It didn’t say “anti 9/11 thread” in the title. And he’s the one that responded to my post.

But one thing I will NOT be doing is wasting more time going back and forth so he and everyone like him can 100% have it.


Paying Lurker
BGOL Investor
I have to say honestly it’s never really lost any relevance to me. My oldest daughter had just turned a year old and she has asked about it throughout the years growing up. I think because I’ve had to explain it to 4 different children it has always stayed in the forefront of my mind. I remember vividly the place I was, what I was wearing, who I was surrounded by. It got me into listening to talk radio because I couldn’t stand the hip-hop DJs talking about it on the radio. I was living in Denver and that morning and that day was so surreal. Everything stopped. People where just different. I eventually left work because we where just sitting around doing nothing. Went to the grocery store to grab stuff for dinner and people or myself where just in a fog. The attacks changed everything for this country. Anyone who says it isn’t relevant is blind or stupid or both.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Pops was a firefighter for 34 years. They raised funds/donations locally and brought them to NY to deliver in person to victims’ families & some of the halls about 6-8 weeks post-9/11. The event shook pops pretty hard. He’s lost a number of friends, fam & coworkers to natural causes over the decades (everyday life non-related). The sheer volume of lives lost then and to illness after the fact stayed with him over time. Condolences to all the families that were impacted. I still
think about them, as well as the courage and bravery from everyone trying to help at all levels, from
civilian to 1st responder, etc. Just damn.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
It didn’t say “anti 9/11 thread” in the title. And he’s the one that responded to my post.

But one thing I will NOT be doing is wasting more time going back and forth so he and everyone like him can 100% have it.
Ok, cool.

Walter Panov

Rising Star
It will never lose relevance to me. It makes me furious at the US govt. I feel for the lives lost on 9-11, but also the lives lost in Iraq and Afganistan that were equally innocent.
^^ This. Two bullshit-ass wars. If Bin Laden would have been in Denmark and the Danish government would have reacted the same way or worse than how the Taliban did, not one bomb would fallen on Denmark.

We went on a mass-murdering spree for no reason. We should have just went directly after the people responsible and nothing else.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
If you were personally touched by it, any tragedy really. Then I understand. For most people it's nothing more than a footnote in history. Not saying it's right, but... It seems to be be mainly grandstanding at this point. Because if its about innocent people dying then there should be more outrage at what came after in the name of 9-11. If its about Americans suffering, then people in PR not getting aid should have more people fucked up. If it's simply about people in general............ You see what I'm saying??? There have been so many humanitarian fuck ups just in the last 3 years that most of the people saying never forget, simply dont give a shit about because... So I think to allot of black people. It was the world finally saying fuck you cacs and your shit. Frankly as much fucked up shit as weve done in the name of "democracy" we should be thankful 9-11 is all we got.

^^ This. Two bullshit-ass wars. If Bin Laden would have been in Denmark and the Danish government would have reacted the same way or worse than how the Taliban did, not one bomb would fallen on Denmark.

We went on a mass-murdering spree for no reason. We should have just went directly after the people responsible and nothing else.

It's true that people who were personally affected will remain affected, but all the Apple Pie shit is over the top. These crooked fucks then pushed wars that cost a lot more lives and tragedy than 9/11. Crickets on that. Folks made Bush into a kitten and respectable man. :smh:

The reaction to 9/11 will always be more memorable to me. The freedom fries. The blind patriotism. The wars. The Patriot Act. Not one politician from that era has been held accountable.

I could understand being mad the country got hit. That's completely understandable. But the overreaction and propaganda was just too much starting from day one. The :( "they hate us for our freedom" narrative. And to twist that shit into THOSE two wars was criminal and no one has paid for it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
9/11 didn't affect me at all. What did affect me was the reaction to 9/11 (police militarization, cameras everwhere, random white folks trying to test my loyalty to America, etc...).


Rising Star
OG Investor
Respect to your uncle, cause allot of people would've stayed because their supervisor said... I always have respect for people that will ignore bad calls. Bad call is a bad call and I dont care what your title is.
alot of his co worker did. good portion of them passed.


The R&B Master
OG Investor
It hasn't pur se because i was there.

Having started that day walking through the WTC shortly before the 1st plane hit above my exit door a few minutes earlier. Then watching the towers fail is not something you forget ever.

It recently occured to me that had i not gotten a transfer earlier that year i would've been later getting to the WTC that morning. I don't even want to think about that.

I think events importance do deminish with time, just not for those who lived it or were adversly affected by them.

Add to that it was my job to reestablish contact with those companies thst operated within the WTC buildings. Many of our customers had office space there.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
my uncle worked in one the towers. 13th floor. when a plane the 1st tower, their supe was telling them to go back to work. my uncle got the fuck out of there. he seen the 2nd tower dropped once he was in nj.

My supervisor asked where was i going when i started packing my bag...i said did you see what just happened? As soon as i said that the loudspeaker stated please start evacuating the building.You should have seen how fast my supervisor ran out the door and down the street


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Shit I know people that was down there when it happened and my boy died a few years later from the clean up espestos


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Seriously, I didn’t even remember that tomorrow was 9/11.

This has been a wild year.. and to think it had only been 19 years since that day....it damn near feels like a lifetime....

This once long chapter of US history will be reduced to a few paragraphs or less in history books in 5 years
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jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
These MF's
Straight crooks yo!!! They stole that shit!!!



Rising Star
OG Investor
Because it never really happened b.


Wifey was on her way to work, damn woman was always late and it payed off that day cause she was blocks away and saw the planes hit. I was on the phone with her till the cell signals cut off. Some of her coworkers died.

I stopped giving a damn by the end of that year. O was mostly worried about more attacks.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
No it’s sad that the US government would go to such extremes and risk the lives of so many of its people all for control and money

Why is there no clear cut proof about any of the fucking planes in 18 years?

How the fuck does the trade center implode?

Too many shady ass questions

Not enough valid answers
Buildings implode every day B...


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
This has been a wild year.. and to think it had only been 19 years since that day....it damn near feels like a lifetime....

This once long chapter of US history will be reduced to a few paragraphs or less in history books in 5 years



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
It was when they treated people survivors their families etc like props EVERY SINGLE FIREMAN was recognized but it took awhile for ems police volunteers etc to be recognized etc then how the sick were treated...