"WW C"- COVID-19, GLOBAL CASES SURPASS 676 MILLION...CASES 676,609,955 DEATHS 6,881,955 US CASES 103,804,263 US DEATHS 1,123,836 8:30pm 1/28/24

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I don't know much about Gov. DeWine but he seems to actually give a crap about the people in his state, with that being said, it's too bad that the GOP is too scared to challenge Trump at the Convention...truth be told, he could probably beat Biden...like i said, based off of what I'm seeing from him, he doesn't appear to be partisan and is working with his colleagues through bipartisan measures

Good thing to come out of all of this, a lot of Governors have stepped to the national stage to show what they are about so we should have some new faces in both the republican and democratic party
Dewine might have to switch parties behind this shit. The republican base is giving him hell for trying to save their pathetic lives. :smh: Early on, he caught it from both sides because he pushed the primary back. This was back when democrats thought it was a good idea to show up to polls like shit was just sweet.

Unlike most everyone else, he truly has put politics aside to get shit done. Even if it means he might be done politically.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Me and the fam went for a drive today. Had my daughter drive us down PCH and we went past Bolsa Chica Beach................nigga. Those white people are not practicing any kind of social distancing whatsoever. Gatherings of way more than 10 people, it was like a regular day at the beach. These cac's were not wearing mask, barefoot, right on top of each other, just not giving a fuck. And not 1 cop insight. I told my baby girl to bust a U-turn and let's get out of here. I know that shit has to be out there. My wife is a public health nurse and she is on special assignment right now tracking all of the cases out here in Cali. She said Orange County is not even giving access to there counts. Some areas have there own public health divisions but they are still allowing them to gain access to the cases. She said Beverly Hills and West Hollywood has some extremely high cases of it but you don't here about those areas in the media. Probably because Beverly Hills has so many cac's with money and West Hollywood has gay cac's with money.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
Ohio ain't opening up, but a lot of people aren't listening it seems.

Fools out here having cookouts. My friend said his neighbors having the second gathering this fucking week. :smh: I went through my old neighborhood yesterday and no fucking way you could tell there was a lockdown. Shit was like normal. And it was only in the 40s yesterday. It's crazy because downtown is dead.

Between the hood and the 'truther' cacs, shit is still going to spread. When those checks hit, :itsawrap:

It seems black people in the city are taking this shit seriously, but only with strangers. Family and friends are thought to be clean.

This shit going to be ugly even with the lockdown. And the U.S. lockdown ain't nothing like China lockdown, so 2 months of this bullshit ain't going to cut it man.

I posted a link from cleveland.com,it had alot of pictures of downtown being empty.Not even around 2 or 3 in the morning downtown is never that empty. That's the first time in my life I've ever seen it that empty.

Dewine might have to switch parties behind this shit. The republican base is giving him hell for trying to save their pathetic lives. :smh: Early on, he caught it from both sides because he pushed the primary back. This was back when democrats thought it was a good idea to show up to polls like shit was just sweet.

Unlike most everyone else, he truly has put politics aside to get shit done. Even if it means he might be done politically.

All you see are people saying they're not voting for him. He's trying to save their lives but they care more about the fucking economy than other people's lives.

Ohio is the seventh most populous state in this country. Can you imagine the cases and deaths,if we had a governor like Florida.

Now,I understand why so many countries look at the United States in a negative light because people here care about money than saving lives.

People act like money is going to disappear or something.

You already got people on social media talking about what they're going to do with their stimulus money...

Dr. Fauci not going to last to much longer he going against 45 narrative of how things are going. You can see the frustration in 45 face when his not on script with the lies 45 is telling.

What's the point of bringing in experts when you're not going to listen to them..You know he breaks a few things after dealing with that moron and his cabinet every day.


Beep beep. Who's got the keys to the Jeep? VROOM!
BGOL Investor
Trump 'IGNORED' National Security Council's coronavirus warning and calls for social distancing in January, called health secretary Alex Azar 'alarmist' and 'WAS told about Navarro's memo'
  • The National Security Council office responsible for tracking pandemics received intelligence reports in early January about coronavirus
  • The report predicted the devastation the virus would cause to the US once it hit
  • Within weeks of receiving the report, NSC officials raised options Trump that would prevent the spread of the virus, including shutting down cities
  • Donald Trump ignored the warnings, and instead waited until March to implement such measures, the report reveals
  • This comes as the death rate from coronavirus in the Untied States rises to 20,087 fatalities - overtaking Italy's death toll after 2,000 Americans died in one day


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Fools in a rush to get back to normal instead of admitting this is the new normal for the foreseeable future. China had a real lockdown too, not this fuck shit we doing. Not that I'm knocking our lockdown efforts, but there is only so much you can do in a 'free' country when compared to China. China's lockdown is just going to be much, much more effective.

If China can't get it together with real lockdowns and much better border control, what we going to look like in 2 months? :eek:


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
Fools in a rush to get back to normal instead of admitting this is the new normal for the foreseeable future. China had a real lockdown too, not this fuck shit we doing. Not that I'm knocking our lockdown efforts, but there is only so much you can do in a 'free' country when compared to China. China's lockdown is just going to be much, much more effective.

If China can't get it together with real lockdowns and much better border control, what we going to look like in 2 months? :eek:
The problem with China and the Trump administration they are not telling us the full story about this virus and they want to rush people back out like nothings going on.........2020 has already been a rough year for a lot of people and we are only four months in.


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
Brother Easy, can you imagine!! We are on the cusp of spring/summer storm season across the globe. Then add a pandemic!

Earthquake, Tsunami, Hurricane, Monsoon and Sandstorms......All that stuff has yet to get started.

Oh shit


eagle force

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Fools in a rush to get back to normal instead of admitting this is the new normal for the foreseeable future. China had a real lockdown too, not this fuck shit we doing. Not that I'm knocking our lockdown efforts, but there is only so much you can do in a 'free' country when compared to China. China's lockdown is just going to be much, much more effective.

If China can't get it together with real lockdowns and much better border control, what we going to look like in 2 months? :eek:

yeah the only way to stop this is to keep everyone on lockdown, or shelter in place until a vaccine is fully developed, tested, and proven to work with little or no side effects, and given on a massive worldwide scale. that could take 12-18 months but probably longer.

shit this could be the new normal for the next few years

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
The problem with China and the Trump administration they are not telling us the full story about this virus and they want to rush people back out like nothings going on.........2020 has already been a rough year for a lot of people and we are only four months in.
What places have been honest about this since the start? I can't think of one. And that's going back to when you were the only one on BGOL talking about this was serious.

Public ain't getting any fucking things but lies since the beginning. Economy, economy, economy, when the entire globe needs to take a timeout. :smh:

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Legend




Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend
