Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor
The body had a cgi look to it, definitely fake.

They definitely did something.

She didn't even appear to have nipples.

Unless she had on pasties or something which if true would defeat the purpose, particularly considering how much nudity this show has had.


lurkin since 2001
The question is how uncomfortable everyone would have been if it was Sansa instead of Arya getting naked?:idea:

We know who gonna die
Everybody who got their lifelong dreams last night or made promises is gonna get clapped up
On another note, Jon need to slap the next muthafucka that makes a short joke, shit is getting outta hand:angry:
And can my nigga Pod get some love(@stretchwallz), he gets pussy for free from prostitutes, he can fight and he can SANG, they need to make HIM a knight.
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Rising Star
OG Investor
You gotta think. Now that they know the Night King can kill dragons they don’t want to risk the dragons off the rip.


BGOL Legend

On another note, Jon need to slap the next muthafucka that makes a short joke, shit is getting outta hand:angry:
And can my nigga Pod get some love(@stretchwallz), he gets pussy for free from prostitutes, he can fight and he can SANG, they need to make HIM a knight.

It was a really touching episode and they always do that before your favorites die

Brienne def gonna die and gonna fight her love wildling or Jamie as a walker
Greyworm gonna die too unsullied walkers
I'm happy arya really likes ol boy
It was weird seeing her ewww I watched her grow up so no ugh
But they make a good team

Sansa sees Dany for who she is
Dany upon learning she fucked her nephew said
Wait that means you have claim to the throne???

Jon is definitely going to kill Dany


Rising Star








Man those reaction shots last night :roflmao3::roflmao3: then my man Davos at the end hit ‘em with that line :lol:. I had to hit pause for minute I was laughing so hard.

Damn imma miss this dude. The look in his :lol:


lurkin since 2001
I don't want to step on stretchwallz territory, but there was a bgol moment in that episode: Dany did Jon the way bgol does Dr truth when he makes a new thread: Where them fuckin links nigga:angry:


Rising Star
OG Investor
Targaryens had married brother and sister for generations...hell if raeghar hadn't died, Dany would've have probably been set to marry him.

Also the actress who plays Arya is not sexy at all.:smh:
She was too young which is why Viserys cursed her because if she was old enough Rhaegar would have married her instead of Elia Martell


Rising Star
OG Investor

The crypt should be the most dangerous place in Winterfell. Technically (unless it only works on people/animals killed by he or his people), the Night King can probably raise every single body down there. Can you imagine all of the dead Starks rising up and becoming soldiers for him, including a headless Ned?

But the writers probably won’t have the balls to do anything like that.
I think he can only raise the dead that he or his walkers kill. Because if he could just raise any dead then he would have unlimited soldiers. He could just to graveyards and load up


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
This was a good episode. I liked the reactions characters gave when confronted with new information. Also, you can really feel the tension knowing that they are about to die.

I liked the writing on this and yeah, it was all dialogue but we need dialogue to move the story forward.

Next week is going to be dope.

Yeah. This was a very necessary episode. It brought a lot of characters/stories full circle.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Totally Agree! :yes:

Dope episode.

And Arya got a whole ARSENAL of weapons at her disposal, now. Bow & Arrows, Throwing Daggers, Needle, a Valyrian Steel Dagger.... and now a Halberd Staff made of Dragonglass. :rolleyes:

She wants... “ALL the Smoke”. :yes:

Long-range Smoke. Mid-range Smoke. One-handed Smoke. Two-handed Smoke. Projectile Smoke & Hand-to-Hand Smoke. :D

Arya been training since episode 1 :lol:


Rising Star
It's going to be a blood bath.

The rest of the Wall watchers and wildlings are going first

Theon is too obvious so he is good for a episode or 2.


Greyworm and counselor chick will live happily ever after.

Jon will rule the North until.

Arya's baby will be seated on the game of thrones. Brienne and Sanza as her guardians.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
As many times as they tried to say the crypt was the safest place, i bet its going to be a lot of bodies dropped in there next week

Greyworm and Missandei not gonna make it to Naath, Greyworm is likely gonna be 1 of the deaths next week

Yeah. There is definitely some foreshadowing on there... they just kept saying "the crypt" over and over.
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Rising Star
OG Investor
Definitely something gonna happen with the crypt. Remember the teaser when they were in the crypt but the tombs had their faces on them???


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah. This was a very necessary episode. It brought a lot of characters/stories full circle.

YUP. Theon is prolly gonna die because he was able to make everything right in his family. Did Yara dirty, then rescued her. Did Sansa dirty, rescued her. Did Bran dirty, now he gets to defend him. Captured Winterfell on some sucka shit, now he gets to defend it. His shit came all the way around, so most likely, he's dead.

I don't see my nigga Greyworm surviving. GRRM ain't gonna let him and Missandei retire to Esos Atlanta. Aint no way.

Beric prolly dead since Thoros ain't around. Wouldn't be surprised to see him die saving The Hound some kinda way.

Jorah prolly dead, but at least he'll get to die with honor, defending the North like his dad would've wanted.

Varys is gonna die, but probably not next episode. Maybe once they take Kings Landing. He's still needed for something.

Jamie is probably gonna die. It'll either be with honor defending the north, and he'll die in Brienne's arms, or in KL after he kills Cersei.

I hope Edd doesn't die, but I think he will too. He's lowkey one of the dopest characters.

Sansa is intriguing. I wanna say she's gonna live, but her Direwolf is gone. She's the only Stark left alive with a dead direwolf
("Bran" is dead too, and died around the same time Summer died)


Rising Star
OG Investor
Another question. I know it’s Winter in Westeros but isn’t it still warmer in Kings Landing and the South? Wouldn’t the plan have been smarter to move everyone down South and Make the night army fight in the sun?


Rising Star
Infection that had been festering from neck injury from Biter. Brienne was also using Oathkeeper a Valyrian steel sword which was another advantage. Brienne has 2 great Ws against 2 of the strongest fighters in Westeros with 2 handed Jamie and The Hound but neither of them were in good condition in those fights or Brienne woulda took 2 Ls there

I don't remember him being injured. Do you remember how he got injured?