Ex-Porn Stars In Their New Lives After Porn


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ms. Panther


Kimberly Butler Retired Adult actress who finished college and moved to Berlin to start a new life. www.blackgirlinberlin.com
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I wanna see what:

Jasmine Byrne
Sophia Castello

Are up to now. These were my favorite bitches foreals..

Jasmine on twitter still..writing crazy things too(i bet the Syph Lord had something to do with that lol)

Sophia now a church-going woman these days..

Ms. Panther


Kimberly Butler Retired Adult actress who finished college and moved to Berlin to start a new life. www.blackgirlinberlin.com

<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/114012619" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>

had thought she was coming back for"one more movie.."? guess her husband got her to change her mind :dunno:

Carmen De Luz quitting out of respect for her(possibly bullied) son


Rising Star
Ms. Panther


Kimberly Butler Retired Adult actress who finished college and moved to Berlin to start a new life. www.blackgirlinberlin.com

<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/114012619" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>

Didn't really know her. Googled and got her bio--the usual:

New USM Media Group client Kimberly Butler
Who is Kimberly Butler you may ask? Kimberly Butler is a talented author; actress & singer/songwriter and business woman. This dynamic, driven & intelligent young African-American Business & Economics grad originally hailed from a middle class family in a small town in Southern California.

Kimberley has overcome many tragedies & setbacks throughout her short life and now resides in Berlin, Germany as she plots to elevate her career to new heights.

In just over a quarter of century on this planet Kimberly Butler has lead a rather colourful life overcoming many struggles; trials & tribulations onher road to success. After surviving childhood trauma where she was raped as a child; suffered bullying & coupled with a strict religious upbringing as she was solely raised by her Mother who is a local Minister; a young Kim found solace in Music and was active in her local church choir. Kimberly
excelled in High School and moved to Los Angeles for College & attended California State University in Long Beach where after her first year was honoured for her 3.8 GPA she maintained. Unfortunately after her first year however, Kimberly found herself in need of money fast in order to stay in University and an answered an online ad looking for models that unwittingly
lead her into beginning a career as an actress in the adult entertainment
industry under the stage name Ms. Panther. While studying for her BA in Business & Economics she supplemented her income by starring in adult movies for some industry biggest studios; magazine shoots; as a radio host hosting
an adult entertainment show and personal appearances for over 5 years.

During this Kimberly PKA Ms Panther was incredibly popular and developed a large loyal following of fans worldwide; launched a website centred around her career as well as a blog that chronicled her daily life as a porn star all while attending school studying for her degree.

After graduating with a degree in Business Economics, Kimberly successfully gained work in the corporate America & began to study for an MBA in Business Management and retired from the world of adult entertainment. Via this new career path, the young exec swiftly gained an expertise in developing and implementing measurable and actionable business development, sales and marketing strategies that drove growth and profitability. Unfortunately this new career and happiness was short lived as following the financial crash and a failed engagement from a long term relationship to her then boyfriend,
Kimberly found herself without a job. Reluctantly she was forced to return to the adult industry not only to pay her bills but to help finish her Master’s degree. This time under the new stage name of Alisha Madison,
Kimberly was more determined than ever to turn a negative into a positive and use the funds from her porn career to elevate her progression in life.
After a good year of travelling around the world working, Kimberly was invited to appear at a major international adult entertainment industry event in Germany; the Venus convention. There, she met a German man who courted & swiftly whisked Kim off her feet. Yet again prompting her to re-evaluate her life and after an award winning career spanning over 70 titles saw Kim retiring once again from the industry, this time for good. In early 2012 Kimberly then moved to Berlin, Germany to be with her new boyfriend, where she works now in the field of online marketing for various corporate clients in Berlin.

Today Kimberly is pursuing many new career goals as a successful business woman including working on her autobiography as a published author; radio personality and singer/songwriter. Staying true to her blogging past Kim also still keeps up her new blog “Black Girl in Berlin” where she discusses her difficulties fiting in to a new country; new relationship; race relations in Germany; popular culture as well as her new career & life. Not letting her past define her or overshadow her and with international publishing; TV and record deals in the pipeline Kimberly Butler has consistently and triumphantly overcome adversity throughout her life and is now on the verge of an exciting new career in Europe as she starts the next chapter of her life.
Posted from WordPress for BlackBerry.

She'll be back!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nyomi Banxxx


Nyomi Banks Company Owner at CHOCOLATE RADIO LLC
Chocolate Radio is a online Radio Station that caters to adult listeners. We have several shows ranging from sex and relationship topics/advice/education, sports, music, woman empowerment, alternative lifestyle, gossip, interviews with celebrities, pornstars and lifestyle gurus. We describe our Radio Station as a one stop shop of entertainment. We allow our listeners to be apart of the show. Addictive Talk Radio!
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
breh...unless you married a virgin...youre wife/woman has had another penis inside her mouth and vagina....and these days...probably ass too

so what am i saying wrong?

What you're saying is absolutely wrong because unlike the women members probably dated these porn bitches fucked and sucked random strangers for cash. Being a documented prostitute is way different than a woman having sex for pleasure or for love with a discreet partner that she wants to keep from the public view. If you can't see the difference in that then you're beyond help.


Rising Star
What you're saying is absolutely wrong because unlike the women members probably dated these porn bitches fucked and sucked random strangers for cash. Being a documented prostitute is way different than a woman having sex for pleasure or for love with a discreet partner that she wants to keep from the public view. If you can't see the difference in that then you're beyond help.

The emotion doesn't change the action. So, if a woman has 100 boyfriends, and fucks and swallows all of them, that is somehow different from a porn chick who does the same thing with 100 men?

Dude, you got a girlfriend, and you find out she's fucked 100 dudes in 'relationships' and she admits to swallowing, but she loved them, you are gonna be good with that? :hmm:


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
The emotion doesn't change the action. So, if a woman has 100 boyfriends, and fucks and swallows all of them, that is somehow different from a porn chick who does the same thing with 100 men?

Dude, you got a girlfriend, and you find out she's fucked 100 dudes in 'relationships' and she admits to swallowing, but she loved them, you are gonna be good with that? :hmm:

most women HAVE NOT FUCKED 100 MEN.

MOST women havent fucked 30 men.


Rising Star
most women HAVE NOT FUCKED 100 MEN.

MOST women havent fucked 30 men.

...we would all like to be educated by your wealth of knowledge on this subject. Would you mind posting a link to the site where you obtained this information from... or a pdf upload link to the research paper you completed on this topic?

Thanks in advance Sir :cheers:


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
...we would all like to be educated by your wealth of knowledge on this subject. Would you mind posting a link to the site where you obtained this information from... or a pdf upload link to the research paper you completed on this topic?

Thanks in advance Sir :cheers:


Number of Partners
  • Males 30-44 report an average of 6-8 female sexual partners in their lifetime (Mosher, Chandra, & Jones, 2005).
  • Females 30-44 report an average of 4 male sexual partners in their lifetime (Mosher, Chandra, & Jones, 2005).
  • 3% of men have had zero sexual partners since the age of 18, 20% have had 1 partner, 21% have had 2-4 partners, 23% have had 5-10 partners, 16% have had 11-20 partners, and 17% have had 21 or more partners (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, Michaels, 1994).
  • 3% of women have had zero sexual partners since the age of 18, 31% have had 1 partner, 36% have had 2-4 partners, 20% have had 5-10 partners, 6% have had 11-20 partners, and 3% have had 21 or more partners (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, Michaels, 1994).
  • 20% of American men and 31% of American women have had one sex partner in their lifetime (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, Michaels, 1994).
  • 56% of American men and 30% of American women have had 5 or more sex partners in their lifetime (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, Michaels, 1994).



The median number of opposite sex partners for women is 3.2 and 5.1 for men.

88.7% of women have been sexually active with an opposite sex partner and 88.6% for men.

And for the highest number of partners in the study, 8.3% of women and 21.4% of men have had 15 or more partners. While the number of sex partners increased with age, by the age of 24 more than 14% of men and 7 % of women have had 15 or more sex partners.

One interesting demographic for both men and women, is the group most likely to have the highest number of partners (15 or more) are those who have previously been married and are not currently cohabiting, i.e. divorced and dating. While some of that may be a reflection of age, it is hard to know if other factors are also involved (the study simply addressed numbers, not the “why”).


Number of sexual partners in lifetime

Median number of female sexual partners in lifetime, for men 25-44 years of age, 2006-20081: 6.1

Percent of men 15-44 years of age who have had 15 or more female sexual partners, 2006-20102: 21.6%


1 NHSR No. 36, Table 4 Adobe PDF file [PDF - 836 KB]
2 Special tabulation by NCHS

Median number of male sexual partners in lifetime, for women 25-44 years of age, 2006-20081: 3.6

Percent of women 15-44 years of age who have had 15 or more male sexual partners, 2006-20102: 9.0%


1 NHSR No. 36, Table 3 Adobe PDF file [PDF - 836 KB]

2 Special tabulation by NCHS

NOTE: Includes partners with whom respondent had any type of sexual contact (vaginal, oral, or anal sex)


people in general dont fuck a lot of INDIVIDUALS, and it has nothing to do with morality, but more to do with psychological predispositions, economic situations, mental health, a whole host of things.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Number of Partners
  • Males 30-44 report an average of 6-8 female sexual partners in their lifetime (Mosher, Chandra, & Jones, 2005).
  • Females 30-44 report an average of 4 male sexual partners in their lifetime (Mosher, Chandra, & Jones, 2005).
  • 3% of men have had zero sexual partners since the age of 18, 20% have had 1 partner, 21% have had 2-4 partners, 23% have had 5-10 partners, 16% have had 11-20 partners, and 17% have had 21 or more partners (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, Michaels, 1994).
  • 3% of women have had zero sexual partners since the age of 18, 31% have had 1 partner, 36% have had 2-4 partners, 20% have had 5-10 partners, 6% have had 11-20 partners, and 3% have had 21 or more partners (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, Michaels, 1994).
  • 20% of American men and 31% of American women have had one sex partner in their lifetime (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, Michaels, 1994).
  • 56% of American men and 30% of American women have had 5 or more sex partners in their lifetime (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, Michaels, 1994).



The median number of opposite sex partners for women is 3.2 and 5.1 for men.

88.7% of women have been sexually active with an opposite sex partner and 88.6% for men.

And for the highest number of partners in the study, 8.3% of women and 21.4% of men have had 15 or more partners. While the number of sex partners increased with age, by the age of 24 more than 14% of men and 7 % of women have had 15 or more sex partners.

One interesting demographic for both men and women, is the group most likely to have the highest number of partners (15 or more) are those who have previously been married and are not currently cohabiting, i.e. divorced and dating. While some of that may be a reflection of age, it is hard to know if other factors are also involved (the study simply addressed numbers, not the “why”).


Number of sexual partners in lifetime

Median number of female sexual partners in lifetime, for men 25-44 years of age, 2006-20081: 6.1

Percent of men 15-44 years of age who have had 15 or more female sexual partners, 2006-20102: 21.6%


1 NHSR No. 36, Table 4 Adobe PDF file [PDF - 836 KB]
2 Special tabulation by NCHS

Median number of male sexual partners in lifetime, for women 25-44 years of age, 2006-20081: 3.6

Percent of women 15-44 years of age who have had 15 or more male sexual partners, 2006-20102: 9.0%


1 NHSR No. 36, Table 3 Adobe PDF file [PDF - 836 KB]

2 Special tabulation by NCHS

NOTE: Includes partners with whom respondent had any type of sexual contact (vaginal, oral, or anal sex)


people in general dont fuck a lot of INDIVIDUALS, and it has nothing to do with morality, but more to do with psychological predispositions, economic situations, mental health, a whole host of things.




Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor


Hi, my name is Shammara Abdul-Khaaliq and I am a Certified Personal Trainer, Group Instructor and NPC Fitness Bikini Competitor.
As a kid I have ALWAYS been into sports (Track and Field and Gymnastics) and into fitness, health, and training hard. I absolutely enjoy changing Lives, be the Motivator, and Inspiring a Fit Fun lifestyle. I believe if you can dream it, You can Do It! I have been teaching group classes since July 2012, and been Personal Training since 2013. I am always broadening my scope of fitness, teaching, and simply staying current with new ventures, such as workshops, seminars and lectures that keep me growing and learning as a Fitness Motivator.
I am also a NPC Fitness Bikini Competitor with hopes of getting my Pro Card in the near future. I have been a successful competitor since 2012, placing top 5 in many shows. As a competitor I have learned the importance of a balanced diet and workout program. Let me create the right program for YOU.
Fitness is my lifestyle. I enjoy the personal growth that comes with it. Seeing ones progress, confidence and strength soar. I am 39 Years old Trainer/Instructor and am proof that age is just a number. If you need to Tone Up, Lose Weight, Gain Muscle Strength, Maintain a healthy living or just want to stay active and moving……….Come TRAIN with me.

This post got Walter's attention.


Support BGOL



A Miami police officer is under investigation for failing to tell the force she was a porn star.

Sabine Raymonvil, 30, performed in a number of adult movies with pornographer Emerson Callum, who was convicted of drugging and raping women who auditioned for him, WPLG reports.

But in eight years as a detective, she failed to disclose her other career.

Now she is the subject of a review for allegedly violating codes of conduct.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Chanel Dior


Marlena Medearis
Call Center Representative
Greater Los Angeles Area Consumer Services
Current DS Services / DS Waters, OneClick  Apple Specialist
California State University, Fresno BS, Political Science
Santa Monica College AS, Computer Science and Computer Engineering
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Most of you niggas are dumb sheep.
...we would all like to be educated by your wealth of knowledge on this subject. Would you mind posting a link to the site where you obtained this information from... or a pdf upload link to the research paper you completed on this topic?

Thanks in advance Sir :cheers:


Rising Star

Number of Partners
  • Males 30-44 report an average of 6-8 female sexual partners in their lifetime (Mosher, Chandra, & Jones, 2005).
  • Females 30-44 report an average of 4 male sexual partners in their lifetime (Mosher, Chandra, & Jones, 2005).
  • 3% of men have had zero sexual partners since the age of 18, 20% have had 1 partner, 21% have had 2-4 partners, 23% have had 5-10 partners, 16% have had 11-20 partners, and 17% have had 21 or more partners (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, Michaels, 1994).
  • 3% of women have had zero sexual partners since the age of 18, 31% have had 1 partner, 36% have had 2-4 partners, 20% have had 5-10 partners, 6% have had 11-20 partners, and 3% have had 21 or more partners (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, Michaels, 1994).
  • 20% of American men and 31% of American women have had one sex partner in their lifetime (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, Michaels, 1994).
  • 56% of American men and 30% of American women have had 5 or more sex partners in their lifetime (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, Michaels, 1994).



The median number of opposite sex partners for women is 3.2 and 5.1 for men.

88.7% of women have been sexually active with an opposite sex partner and 88.6% for men.

And for the highest number of partners in the study, 8.3% of women and 21.4% of men have had 15 or more partners. While the number of sex partners increased with age, by the age of 24 more than 14% of men and 7 % of women have had 15 or more sex partners.

One interesting demographic for both men and women, is the group most likely to have the highest number of partners (15 or more) are those who have previously been married and are not currently cohabiting, i.e. divorced and dating. While some of that may be a reflection of age, it is hard to know if other factors are also involved (the study simply addressed numbers, not the “why”).


Number of sexual partners in lifetime

Median number of female sexual partners in lifetime, for men 25-44 years of age, 2006-20081: 6.1

Percent of men 15-44 years of age who have had 15 or more female sexual partners, 2006-20102: 21.6%


1 NHSR No. 36, Table 4 Adobe PDF file [PDF - 836 KB]
2 Special tabulation by NCHS

Median number of male sexual partners in lifetime, for women 25-44 years of age, 2006-20081: 3.6

Percent of women 15-44 years of age who have had 15 or more male sexual partners, 2006-20102: 9.0%


1 NHSR No. 36, Table 3 Adobe PDF file [PDF - 836 KB]

2 Special tabulation by NCHS

NOTE: Includes partners with whom respondent had any type of sexual contact (vaginal, oral, or anal sex)


people in general dont fuck a lot of INDIVIDUALS, and it has nothing to do with morality, but more to do with psychological predispositions, economic situations, mental health, a whole host of things.

Preciate the Drop Dude! :yes:

:confused: How, I seriously wanted the information. Everything is not about confrontation Dude... :hmm:

Notorious P.I.M.P.

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Chanel Dior


Marlena Medearis
Call Center Representative
Greater Los Angeles Area Consumer Services
Current DS Services / DS Waters, OneClick  Apple Specialist
California State University, Fresno BS, Political Science
Santa Monica College AS, Computer Science and Computer Engineering

Are you sure this is the same person? She does not resemble the porn star at all.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
The emotion doesn't change the action. So, if a woman has 100 boyfriends, and fucks and swallows all of them, that is somehow different from a porn chick who does the same thing with 100 men?

Dude, you got a girlfriend, and you find out she's fucked 100 dudes in 'relationships' and she admits to swallowing, but she loved them, you are gonna be good with that? :hmm:

No, I'm not good with that because I would never get serious with a bitch that has fucked and sucked that many men. The only way I'd be with her is if she lied when I asked her about her sexual past. And if I found out I'd dump her for being a liar AND a ho!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Tequila Jade


Juanita Allison
Associate Scientist San Francisco Bay AreaResearch
Current Amyris Inc
Education California State University-East Bay
Juanita Allison's life has been challenging in that she has spent much time in homeless shelters, recovery programs and transitional housing. She had been a star athlete in high school, but lost her way. At Contra Costa College, she found herself again. She has achieved a 3.75 GPA and intends to pursue a degree in biological sciences at UC Davis or Sonoma State University. Juanita's goal is to work in cancer research.
One-time track star hurdles over addiction to earn her degree:http://www20.csueastbay.edu/news/2012/06/grad-overcomes-addiction-061312.html
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
damn props to the ones that made it out, especially the scientists.

that must be some hard shit to be in a lab with square ass men and women, when they find out you were a porn actress.

shit let these women live. enjoyed the videos while it lasted


Rising Star

Number of Partners
  • Males 30-44 report an average of 6-8 female sexual partners in their lifetime (Mosher, Chandra, & Jones, 2005).
  • Females 30-44 report an average of 4 male sexual partners in their lifetime (Mosher, Chandra, & Jones, 2005).
  • 3% of men have had zero sexual partners since the age of 18, 20% have had 1 partner, 21% have had 2-4 partners, 23% have had 5-10 partners, 16% have had 11-20 partners, and 17% have had 21 or more partners (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, Michaels, 1994).
  • 3% of women have had zero sexual partners since the age of 18, 31% have had 1 partner, 36% have had 2-4 partners, 20% have had 5-10 partners, 6% have had 11-20 partners, and 3% have had 21 or more partners (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, Michaels, 1994).
  • 20% of American men and 31% of American women have had one sex partner in their lifetime (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, Michaels, 1994).
  • 56% of American men and 30% of American women have had 5 or more sex partners in their lifetime (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, Michaels, 1994).



The median number of opposite sex partners for women is 3.2 and 5.1 for men.

88.7% of women have been sexually active with an opposite sex partner and 88.6% for men.

And for the highest number of partners in the study, 8.3% of women and 21.4% of men have had 15 or more partners. While the number of sex partners increased with age, by the age of 24 more than 14% of men and 7 % of women have had 15 or more sex partners.

One interesting demographic for both men and women, is the group most likely to have the highest number of partners (15 or more) are those who have previously been married and are not currently cohabiting, i.e. divorced and dating. While some of that may be a reflection of age, it is hard to know if other factors are also involved (the study simply addressed numbers, not the “why”).


Number of sexual partners in lifetime

Median number of female sexual partners in lifetime, for men 25-44 years of age, 2006-20081: 6.1

Percent of men 15-44 years of age who have had 15 or more female sexual partners, 2006-20102: 21.6%


1 NHSR No. 36, Table 4 Adobe PDF file [PDF - 836 KB]
2 Special tabulation by NCHS

Median number of male sexual partners in lifetime, for women 25-44 years of age, 2006-20081: 3.6

Percent of women 15-44 years of age who have had 15 or more male sexual partners, 2006-20102: 9.0%


1 NHSR No. 36, Table 3 Adobe PDF file [PDF - 836 KB]

2 Special tabulation by NCHS

NOTE: Includes partners with whom respondent had any type of sexual contact (vaginal, oral, or anal sex)


people in general dont fuck a lot of INDIVIDUALS, and it has nothing to do with morality, but more to do with psychological predispositions, economic situations, mental health, a whole host of things.
Fam.. Females don't be honest. Men either.

Sent from my SM-N900T using Tapatalk


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Jazmine Cashmere


Nicole B. Jones Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant at MARY KAY
Licensed cosmetologist at SHEAR PROFESSIONALS
Host of In the Shop with Nicole B. Jones, every Wednesday @9pm central, http://AllDigitalRadio.com
Studies Ministry at Dr. Bell Apostolic Bible College
Studied Social Work at Joliet Junior College
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