Cacs Cacing 2/10: Kanye West Ripped by Garbage’s Shirley Manson in Open Letter


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Kanye West Ripped by Garbage’s Shirley Manson in Open Letter


Kanye West’s antics at the Grammys didn’t exactly sit well with the Internet. Now musicians are starting to speak out against the rapper, who ridiculed Beck for winning album of the year on Sunday night instead of Beyonce. Now, Garbage lead singer Shirley Manson has posted an open letter to Kanye, who she called a “complete tw*t,” on her Facebook page.

Read the full letter below:

Dear Kanye West,

It is YOU who is so busy disrespecting artistry.

You disrespect your own remarkable talents and more importantly you disrespect the talent, hard work and tenacity of all artists when you go so rudely and savagely after such an accomplished and humble artist like BECK.

You make yourself look small and petty and spoilt.

In attempting to reduce the importance of one great talent over another, you make a mockery of all musicians and music from every genre, including your own.

Grow up and stop throwing your toys around.

You are making yourself look like a complete twat.

Ps.I am pretty certain Beyonce doesn’t need you fighting any battles on her account. Seems like she’s got everything covered perfectly well on her own.


Wait for it.....
OG Investor
:hmm: The whole CAC music industry is trolling anyone who is dumb enuf to give a fuck!

@ the end of the day Kanye, Beyonce, Beck and this bish...:money:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sorry, but Kanye is acting like a bitch. Beyonce didn't have anything to say, why the fuck does he feel he has to?. I notice he only steps to women and timid looking guys.
In short, fuck the attention ho. :mand:


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Where is the ripping, it's like cats are just sitting at their keyboards just waiting for any random person to say some shit to Kanye


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I'm almost 41 years old. I remember a time when all the white girls were shaped like that. White dudes would say stuff like so and so white girl is so hot and she has a great ass. All the bruhs would be like . . .


Which would lead to this.


World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Who gives fuck what she thinks?.....She needs to take her white privilege & steal some more of the Blues......


A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
She's trying to sell some upcoming albums. I agree with her, but fuck her trying to piggyback off the heat. Btw, she said that Beyonce' can defend herself, but I guess Taylor Swift and Beck can't.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fuck a Grammy besides bee got a bunch of those already at the end of the day she's the one sitting large with a nice bank account and she sells a shit load of music and has millions of fans :yes: