Oldheads (40s up) tell these punkass 80,90s & 00s babies how we used to live!!


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Young fuckers don't understand why it was called TURNING THE CHANNEL


Oh and when the dial came off....and it always did...you used this to turn the channel:


older version

A version older
I think he's titty fucking her:dunno:

Yep, vid 1 was titty fucking. Which was as popular in the 80s as anal is Today.
Vid 2 is a girl rubbing herself off, but I can't make out movie or actresses.

But shiiiit, it was all free much like a young cat asking for a streaming Today.

What they know about turning that UHF knob little by little in between channels to make it more clearer? 82.5 :lol:

Later on in te late 80s and 90s, we could use these on those channels.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Yep, vid 1 was titty fucking. Which was as popular in the 80s as anal is Today.
Vid 2 is a girl rubbing herself off, but I can't make out movie or actresses.

But shiiiit, it was all free much like a young cat asking for a streaming Today.

What they know about turning that UHF knob little by little in between channels to make it more clearer? 82.5 :lol:

Later on in te late 80s and 90s, we could use these on those channels.


you KNOW it!!!!:lol:

the next skill on my list was the technical know how on how to move the antenna and turn the knob just right to clear up the screen enough to make out the sex scenes and nudity. And there was a technique to it. First you had to position the knob on the TV so that it was between channels 56 and 57 but the mark had to lean closer to 57. I always chose WHT because Prism rarely played porn on their channel. And WHT never let me down. Now channel placement wasn't simple either because the knob was designed to be fully on one channel or the other which meant forcing the knob to hold its place. After few weeks of working it, I was able to make that happen.




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man, this brings back some memories...

  • The car seat = your parent's lap.
  • "Save me some" - You buy a bag of chips or candy, and ya boy be like... ooh, save me some.
  • Buying MAAAAAD candy - I'm surprised we have any fuckin TEETH as adults.
  • Act Up/Smacked Up Rule - Parents (or whoever saw u actin up) could whoop your ass at the scene of the infraction, public or private.
  • Gettin sent to the store for cigs and bein able to cop them shits.
  • Walking for-fuckin-EVER
  • Playin ball outside til ya face was salty. Gatorade? nah, my dude... hit that park fountain wit the LOW-ass water.
  • Water balloon fights
  • Opening up the hydrants during the summer.
  • Putting bikes together from the parts on some MacGuyver shit.
  • Older heads borrowing your bike, and comin back mad late, or the next day.
  • Being too little to get my bike up n down the stairs, and having to ask my older brothers to do it.
  • Riding your bike with No hands - Man, some cats on my block could ride with no hands around corners, on hills... all that! As a kid, that shit was mystifying!
  • Wheelies - Countin pedals, tryna see who could get the most
  • Wire hanger basketball rims above the door, with the socks or aluminum foil balls.
  • High-ass tube socks.
  • Street Light curfew.
  • We were the remotes - Parents would call you in the house to change the fuckin channel
  • Dialing 7-digit telephone numbers wit the ol' ass rotary phones with the loooooong tangled cord
  • Busy signals and Emergency Breakthroughs
  • "Let me get a man" - You tryna play Dig Dug, Pac Man, or Spy Hunter and an older kids promises to get you to the next board. So insteada playin, yo lil dumb ass is watching. One man, turns to two, and before you know it... GAME OVER. Dude just :dunno: and keep it movin on you. You quickly learn to only play when the older kids not around.

That shit took me back!

ON THE REAL! I just spit beer all over my screen off of that low ass water in the park! LOL


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
youngins today have this


back in the day we had this





Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
being forced to wear long johns to school, which normally wasn't a problem except on days you had to go to a gym class. And everybody laughed at you


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

OH Shit!!! Is that Super TV? Me and my boys used to turn to Channel 50 every Friday night to catch that scrambled up screen...LOL

Seeing who could ride a wheelie the longest
Kickball games
Playing Dodgeball, High Water Low Water, or Hot Peas and Butter
Nothing was better than playing Hide and Go Get It
The Good Humor truck
My boy's grandmother selling "snowballs" out of the trunk of her car for a quarter
Penny Candy
$.25 cent plastic Sling Shots
Pool Halls (I mean "real" pool halls)
Sneaking to listen to Richard Pryor albums
Going to the record store to buy a record (I remember being with my pop when I was 5 and he bought the O'Jays "Ship Ahoy" album
Sanford and Son, Good Times, Chico and The Man, The Jeffersons, The Flip Wilson Show, etc...
Now'n Laters candy (not that bullshit they sell now)
Pro Keds
Supermarket Tennis Shoes (LMAO...my first pair came from Safeway)
Chuck Wagon sandwiches
Kung Fu Action Theater on Saturdays (if you could get channel 20)
Getting a real "ass whipping" from your parents, your aunts, uncles, cousins, or any of the neighbors if you acted up
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Bologna (buh loonee) - Ham and Turkey was an exotic meat we ate on Thanksgiving and Christmas

I probably had 5 bologna sandwhiches a week during the summers when I was a kid

Fisher Price people


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
1991 - jumped a milk crate ramp with the woods slat on a 3 speed. no helmet. The slat flipped off and I fell face first on the pavement. before I jumped there were 4 people on the street, when I woke up the street was packed and the ambulance was there. I have no idea how long I was knocked out

^^Me too, minus the ambulance, cause I was good and ... you were not.:lol::lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Playing tackle football, let me repeat, TACKLE FOOTBALL, in the street with a nerf football. When the football or tennis ball, went in the sewer, popped the manhole cover, went down in the sewer, got the ball, no hand sanitizer, or germ killers, and continue to play like nothing happened. Then drank water out of a hose that had been sitting outside all year long and nobody died.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
those were the times...80s baby here...

playing adventure by going in the woods, following the creek trail to a 4ft drain pipe...going in and chickening out when you cant see light from either side:lol:

shooting beehives with bb guns

NOT wanting to come inside during the day (moms locked the door so we stayed outside)

throwback tackle in the backyard or street football with your older cousin as permanent QB:lol:

first time getting to third base with a girl at the back of the house

walkin to the 7-11 to rack up on Sprite, candy and sunflower seeds

isolated T-storm came? after it passed by we were back outside

ridin your mongoose wit no brakes (lost count of how many shoes I went through using them on the back of the wheel)

you weren't a kid if you didn't have cuts, scrapes, knee scabs, bruises of any kind while playing outside

street lights were our text message to get our asses in the house

you FEARED your parents if you knew you did something bad and there was a chance you'd get caught:smh:

going to McDonalds was a RARE occasion, home cooked meals

lil huggie drinks (or quarter water), frozen pop sticks that came in that long ass plastic tube:lol:

playin baseball in the backyard with no baseball or bases, we'd use crabapples and car mats for bases

could go on and on...


i'm sure this still happens now but i remember me and my boys walking across town through at least 4 neighborhoods to girls houses then while walking back always having to fight other hoods or even getting chased LMAOOOOOO fun times


The R&B Master
OG Investor
1. No bat meant playing punch ball. We played with Spaldings.


BTW if that ball went into a sewer the game was not over. We fished it out the sewer and kept playing. Even lowered the skinny guy down head first to grab that ball.


Support BGOL
if an older girl/woman was giving it up to you...that wasn't rape...it was experience :lol: what that lil 13 y.o. cuban/puerto rican chic did to me when I was 6 would be on the news now

had her too, NY was a beast growing up


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i remember me and my friends used to go out and catch grasshoppers.......tear their legs off and then throw em in a disturbed ant bed.
or put the grasshoppers in a bottle and light matches and throw them in the bottle too....and screw the top on. then we'd sit and watch them die from smoke inhalation.

and the favorite of all.......taking a magnifying glass or some bifocal glasses and burn ants with them mufuckas...


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
i remember me and my friends used to go out and catch grasshoppers.......tear their legs off and then throw em in a disturbed ant bed.
or put the grasshoppers in a bottle and light matches and throw them in the bottle too....and screw the top on. then we'd sit and watch them die from smoke inhalation.

and the favorite of all.......taking a magnifying glass or some bifocal glasses and burn ants with them mufuckas...

close. I used to tear the legs off of grasshoppers and throw them into spiders webs. You know the funnel web spiders? The ones where spider is out of sight until something drops as web?