Oldheads (40s up) tell these punkass 80,90s & 00s babies how we used to live!!

older version

A version older
Fuck yo religion!!!
Whether or not you said anything in school, you had to say the pledge of allegiance so Fuck all other non-christian deities out there!

If you were bout-it, you broke the sanctity of this by mispronouncing Allegiance or Liberty or God.



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Let me break it down from a 80's baby

1. Slip n Slides on yards with hard ass rocks and no grass
2. Drinking out the faucet with the green hose(had to wait until the water cool down first)
3. Pumping your friend on the bike with only one pedal
4. Freeze pops
5. Stonewash jackets
6. Fila's
7. British Knights
8. LA Gears
9. Not allowed back into the house in the summertime before 6pm(if you leave out your ass better not return letting out the dam air out)

10. Every room in the house have a old dripping AC hanging out the window barely haning on and about to freeze up
11. Grey and brown cable box
12. Nemisis Munches for your base
13. Girls wearing jellies
14. 4Square
15. Hide and go get-it

lol 9: also the "When the street lights turn on that means yo butt better be back in the house" rule :lol:

older version

A version older
Drugs separated society. You were either rich or a junkie if you used. Now, everybody and their children do it.


Tattoos separated society, only the tough wore them because they were in a military branch, or in prison, or general bad-asses. Now, children getting them done and it doesn't mean anything.


King Natty

Rising Star
80's baby here but what ya'll now about hitching rides on the back of UPS trucks though? :lol:
Fuck was we thinking??? :smh:


Rising Star
OG Investor
Let me break it down from a 80's baby

1. Slip n Slides on yards with hard ass rocks and no grass
2. Drinking out the faucet with the green hose(had to wait until the water cool down first)
3. Pumping your friend on the bike with only one pedal
4. Freeze pops
5. Stonewash jackets
6. Fila's
7. British Knights
8. LA Gears
9. Not allowed back into the house in the summertime before 6pm(if you leave out your ass better not return letting out the dam air out)
10. Every room in the house have a old dripping AC hanging out the window barely haning on and about to freeze up
11. Grey and brown cable box
12. Nemisis Munches for your base
13. Girls wearing jellies
14. 4Square
15. Hide and go get-it

Bruh... over half the stuff on that list was being done by people who were in their teens by the 80s


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I aint 40 but we had some fun times in the 80's to everything on my block was a challenge

Remember seeing who could CATWALK THE LONGEST

Who can throw the furtherest pass

Who can run the fastest from corner to corner

etc etc etc

that shit was like a hood olympic sport

OH and one of my favorite shits to do was THE BLOCK VS BLOCK WATER FIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!

Winslow Wong

Rising Star
BGOL Gold Member
One of the greatest games every invented -

We would play in the streets for hours - the funn part was when a car would come along you were not allowed to move your top and if it got crushed you had to still use it




I am a Killer Diller 1, 2, 3
Hit A Killer Diller 5 Boxes
Al the Boxes and lines are mine
123, 123 123


Superstar ***
BGOL Legend
Nerf football ran the neighborhood because it wouldn't damage cars when you played it in the street. ALL-TIME quarterback !

Everybody had a baseball glove and punishment was when you couldn't go outside !


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nerf football ran the neighborhood because it wouldn't damage cars when you played it in the street. ALL-TIME quarterback !

Everybody had a baseball glove and punishment was when you couldn't go outside !

I remember it was a right of passage to see who could actually grip the real NFL football and actually put a spiral on that bitch when you throw it.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I remember always trying to grip that shit in the basement and my big brother would laugh at me and be like "one day you will get it"



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The rollet coaster on the cliff at palisades....playing hide and go get it...

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
MMMMAAAAAAAN lets fuckin go..

These lazy fucks have NO fuckin reason..

NONE zilch nada nunca to all be honor students.

when I was growing up and had to do a fuckin report

I had to fuckin..

go to the muthafuckin library, search for fuckin books, take the books out, or make copies of the pages I need...

take that shit back home...

type up a fuckin rough draft, then the actual paper..

and I fuckin better not forget to return the book if I took one out...

NOw all these little punks gotta do, is sit in one fuckin place...

to do everything..

lil fuckin spoiled rugrats..still be complainig


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
if an older girl/woman was giving it up to you...that wasn't rape...it was experience :lol: what that lil 13 y.o. cuban/puerto rican chic did to me when I was 6 would be on the news now


I was like 9/10, and this teenage neighbor of ours (15/16) use to let me suck her tits, and finger her pussy, and she even use to suck my dick...:smh::D:lol:


Rising Star

I was born in 1980 but I lived my formative child hood years 6-13 in Okinawa Japan. The reason I bring that up is the following....

- It being considered as the birth place of Karate plus a major military base everyone was in martial arts and everyone had a weapon. Add to the fact that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was hotter than fish grease at the time and it wasn't uncommon for a cat to bring a ninja star, nun-chucks, or a fucking katana sword to show in tell.

- B.B. gun fights.

- The island was a major battle ground in WWII so the island was littered with bombs from the war still not detonated. It wasn't uncommon for the bomb squad to find one once a month that was found by some kid. One of my classmates in 3rd grade found one near his house.

- Hentai (Japanese adult comics) were sold in mama-san stores and unlike Americans the Okinawans didn't give a fuck- you had the yen you got the comic. I had a stack of them til my mom found out!:lol:

- Gate 2 street & Whisper Alley. Saw my first snake show. I was 13

- Japanese playgrounds & parks: Some of the most dangerous and funniest playground I've ever been on. I remember one had a zip line. Harness? You better hold on tight!:lol:




Nuff' said.:D

Man I could write for days on the fuck up shit I was allow to witness and did during my childhood. :lol:

* two cents *
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nerf football ran the neighborhood because it wouldn't damage cars when you played it in the street. ALL-TIME quarterback !
Everybody had a baseball glove and punishment was when you couldn't go outside !

we used to call it artifical quarterback because we was dumb ass kids and didn't know the older cats called it official quarterback.

one on one football with an artifical quarterback or throw up tackle also called cream the carrier.

sharing one bottle or can of soda..

gettin sent to the bodega by all the older people on the street because they would buy you something for going or let you keep the change

being able to go buy the adults cigarettes at the store even though you was 11.

doing your chores and getting out the house before you mother asked if you needed something to do and waiting on your friends stoop until they could come out and staying out.

sitting on your friends stoop listening to them get an ass whoopin then snappin on them for wearing long panys and longs sleeves in the summer

going to the drive in and sneaking in by hiding in the trunk.

nickle bags in manilla envelopes that had 15 joints worth of weed in them...

mr softee ice cream trucks

playing basketball with any kind of ball in the park in any kind of weather.

playing basketball by shooting in a garbage can if you couldn't go to the park.

nerf basketball with the baskets that hung over the door.

lettin your boys sniff your finger


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I was like 9/10, and this teenage neighbor of ours (15/16) use to let me suck her tits, and finger her pussy, and she even use to suck my dick...:smh::D:lol:

the daughter of my mom's friend used to take it further. key thing is, she never told me not to tell. i just knew in my DNA not to say anything. she started out letting me dick her when i was 8 (she was 14) all the way to 12 (she was at least 18).


8 vs 80
OG Investor
born in 1969... :D

we used to play bball in the louisiana heat all day in the summer... ALL DAMN DAY with only candy to keep us fueled. after the games, we stole cars for joy rides and returned them, broke into school cafeterias to steal ice cream, etc out the freezer, and jumped the fence at the public pool to swim ALL DAMN NIGHT.

nobody got a heat stroke.
nobody got killed.
nobody got shot.
nobody drowned.

but i've got lots of arm/leg scars from all the road rash, fence jumping, and bike accidents. these young punks today would prolly have plastic surgery to remove those 'unsightly' scars.

mofos wear man make-up now. :smh:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
MMMMAAAAAAAN lets fuckin go..

These lazy fucks have NO fuckin reason..

NONE zilch nada nunca to all be honor students.

when I was growing up and had to do a fuckin report

I had to fuckin..

go to the muthafuckin library, search for fuckin books, take the books out, or make copies of the pages I need...

take that shit back home...

type up a fuckin rough draft, then the actual paper..

and I fuckin better not forget to return the book if I took one out...

NOw all these little punks gotta do, is sit in one fuckin place...

to do everything..

lil fuckin spoiled rugrats..still be complainig

Ouch. This is too close to home. Plus I was a non typing mofo.


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
yup...and if a library didn't have a book...you'd have to hop on the bus to another local library and HOPE they had it...kids can research write and email you a paper nowadays w/o even leaving their bed...literally...insane

MMMMAAAAAAAN lets fuckin go..

These lazy fucks have NO fuckin reason..

NONE zilch nada nunca to all be honor students.

when I was growing up and had to do a fuckin report

I had to fuckin..

go to the muthafuckin library, search for fuckin books, take the books out, or make copies of the pages I need...

take that shit back home...

type up a fuckin rough draft, then the actual paper..

and I fuckin better not forget to return the book if I took one out...

NOw all these little punks gotta do, is sit in one fuckin place...

to do everything..

lil fuckin spoiled rugrats..still be complainig


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor

I was like 9/10, and this teenage neighbor of ours (15/16) use to let me suck her tits, and finger her pussy, and she even use to suck my dick...:smh::D:lol:

ok glad to know I'm not the only "victim" in this thread :lol:


BGOL Investor
Man, this brings back some memories...

  • The car seat = your parent's lap.
  • "Save me some" - You buy a bag of chips or candy, and ya boy be like... ooh, save me some.
  • Buying MAAAAAD candy - I'm surprised we have any fuckin TEETH as adults.
  • Act Up/Smacked Up Rule - Parents (or whoever saw u actin up) could whoop your ass at the scene of the infraction, public or private.
  • Gettin sent to the store for cigs and bein able to cop them shits.
  • Walking for-fuckin-EVER
  • Playin ball outside til ya face was salty. Gatorade? nah, my dude... hit that park fountain wit the LOW-ass water.
  • Water balloon fights
  • Opening up the hydrants during the summer.
  • Putting bikes together from the parts on some MacGuyver shit.
  • Older heads borrowing your bike, and comin back mad late, or the next day.
  • Being too little to get my bike up n down the stairs, and having to ask my older brothers to do it.
  • Riding your bike with No hands - Man, some cats on my block could ride with no hands around corners, on hills... all that! As a kid, that shit was mystifying!
  • Wheelies - Countin pedals, tryna see who could get the most
  • Wire hanger basketball rims above the door, with the socks or aluminum foil balls.
  • High-ass tube socks.
  • Street Light curfew.
  • We were the remotes - Parents would call you in the house to change the fuckin channel
  • Dialing 7-digit telephone numbers wit the ol' ass rotary phones with the loooooong tangled cord
  • Busy signals and Emergency Breakthroughs
  • "Let me get a man" - You tryna play Dig Dug, Pac Man, or Spy Hunter and an older kids promises to get you to the next board. So insteada playin, yo lil dumb ass is watching. One man, turns to two, and before you know it... GAME OVER. Dude just :dunno: and keep it movin on you. You quickly learn to only play when the older kids not around.

That shit took me back!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
the daughter of my mom's friend used to take it further. key thing is, she never told me not to tell. i just knew in my DNA not to say anything. she started out letting me dick her when i was 8 (she was 14) all the way to 12 (she was at least 18).

Like you said, it was built in our DNA back then to not tell anyone...These idiots today got teachers fucking them, and they are snitching :smh: Dummies...

Same here. We had sex, but that that age had no clue what the fuck I was doing. So the vivid memories were her tits, and fingering and rubbing on her pussy, and the kissing...OH lawd, at that age, it was like heaven...

ok glad to know I'm not the only "victim" in this thread :lol:

I mean, was I a victim? :D

That was some enjoyable shit at that age. :D


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i remember we used to play dodge ball using a tennis ball.
we stood up against the brick wall on the side of our project apartments,
another nigga stood about 30ft away and was just throwin Nolan Ryan fast balls at our ass.
thinkin back on it......that shit used to hurt like hell......especially if u got hit in the eye socket


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
1976...comic books were 25¢ and dont give me no shit about it being commensurate to the cost now. a quarter was not hard to come by but it went a LONG way.

you wanted a razor scooter? old skate, plank and mop handle held together by half driven nails, ninja. now scoot your ass down the street.

cartoons come on SATURDAY ONLY. this was before we got local stations that played 60's shit in syndication around '79 or so.

test fucking patterns on TV. nation anthem came on, flags and planes, then turn this shit off and go to bed.

we didnt have baby car seats, kid car seats, hell we stood up in the back seat while driving.

helmets were for motorcycles.

when i lived in the white neighborhood near Paris Island the white kids not just made mud pies...them mafuggas ATE THEM.

we walked around the neighborhood unattended by parents at 3 and 4 years old. nobody got fucked with cause EVERYBODY KNEW EACH OTHER.

but i dont miss those days either. cot damn nasty ass medicine...cough syrup was thick as molasses and tasted like poisonous chalk. frozen pizza tasted like cardboard, cot damn rotary phones and busy signals, the DEWEY DECIMAL SYSTEM...

but i DO appreciate Shonshi for telling me to suck her titties when i was 9 and she was 16. bish thought she was molesting ME...when i got done she was scratched up, had bruises and hickies...hell she might've left with a slight concussion.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i remember we used to play dodge ball using a tennis ball.
we stood up against the brick wall on the side of our project apartments,
another nigga stood about 30ft away and was just throwin Nolan Ryan fast balls at our ass.
thinkin back on it......that shit used to hurt like hell......especially if u got hit in the eye socket

Popped our neighbors son in the eye with a tennis ball. Needless to say, I got a nice ass whooping from both his older brother and his mom.

Left that fool with a swollen black eye for days :smh::lol:


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
oh shit...speaking of tennis balls...who here remembers flies up...you could play it against a wall or off your stoop...preferably w/ one of these...



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
MMMMAAAAAAAN lets fuckin go..

These lazy fucks have NO fuckin reason..

NONE zilch nada nunca to all be honor students.

when I was growing up and had to do a fuckin report

I had to fuckin..

go to the muthafuckin library, search for fuckin books, take the books out, or make copies of the pages I need...

take that shit back home...

type up a fuckin rough draft, then the actual paper..

and I fuckin better not forget to return the book if I took one out...

NOw all these little punks gotta do, is sit in one fuckin place...

to do everything..

lil fuckin spoiled rugrats..still be complainig

1996 - While in college in ATL
  • Being in the library all fucking day doing research. Even on weekends :smh:
  • Getting to school mad early just to get a PC to use.
  • Lining up at a PC in the computer lab to write a report.
  • And as a CS/CIS student, in the lab all day working on code :smh:

I grew up in Nigeria (From 84-96) so shit was different:

  • Summertime - playing outside all fucking day long. Just make sure your ass is home before it gets too dark.
  • Stealing peoples chickens and cooking them. We had a gang of folks who will steal the chickens, while someone else brings rice or something else. They'll cook and have a ball :lol:
  • Turning abandoned fields to soccer fields and play all day.
  • Cellphones/Phones - Nah, you walk your ass to your friends house and pray that motherfucker was home :smh:
  • Walking everywhere. Long ass walks to school
  • Rock wars, throwing rocks at one another, or using rubber bands with paper bullets. :smh:
  • Fights - Our weapons were knives and bottles. I was an expert in cracking a bottle and using it to stab motherfuckers.
  • Not using calculators to solve math problems. We had what was called a Math Log book, which is what we used to look up the Sine, Cosine or Tangent values for angles, or to find the log value of a number.
  • TV not coming on till 4pm, kicking off with the National Anthem, and goes off at 12am. These days folks in Nigeria get the same stations we have here. 24/7 TV.
  • Shooting pool all day long. Be in the pool hall from like 11am to 9pm...What a life...
  • Porn - Hard to come by. You had to get a tape from someone back then.
  • Just lounging without a care in the world.
  • Tapes - you cherished your cassette tapes. MP3...what? If your tape pops, or if the player eats it, you're in tears...

I can go all day...



i remember we used to play dodge ball using a tennis ball.
we stood up against the brick wall on the side of our project apartments,
another nigga stood about 30ft away and was just throwin Nolan Ryan fast balls at our ass.
thinkin back on it......that shit used to hurt like hell......especially if u got hit in the eye socket

That would happen to whoever LOST a game we were playing, we called it "booties", say we played H-O-R-S-E for booties, whoever lost would have to face the wall while each of us got 3 throws with a tennis/handball, in the projects we also had a game called SPUD where we would throw a ball up against the building as high as you can and call someone's name, the rest of us would run away, when they caught the ball they would yell "SPUD!" which made us freeze in place, they got to take 3 steps and then throw the ball, if they hit you YOU got a letter, if they missed, THEY got a letter, in our buildings (Linden Houses) terraces formed the center so it was these that we threw the ball against, my building was just 2 over from the pic below, but looked exactly the same, these were 8 story buildings.

There were a few older cats that would actually CLIMB UP THE FRONT OF THE BUILDING, ALL THE WAY TO THE ROOF using the terraces, talk about fucking around with death!!!:eek:

(Shout out to Morris & George, two of the guys that I can remember doing this SEVERAL times!!!):cool:

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I aint 40 but we had some fun times in the 80's to everything on my block was a challenge

Remember seeing who could CATWALK THE LONGEST

Who can throw the furtherest pass

Who can run the fastest from corner to corner

etc etc etc

that shit was like a hood olympic sport

OH and one of my favorite shits to do was THE BLOCK VS BLOCK WATER FIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!

Ill blow away 98% of any young buck on this site!!

dont you dare put me on a track son!!

I laugh at todays youth....

they make me look good...lebron james hair line and all.:lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
1996 - While in college in ATL
  • Being in the library all fucking day doing research. Even on weekends :smh:
  • Getting to school mad early just to get a PC to use.
  • Lining up at a PC in the computer lab to write a report.
  • And as a CS/CIS student, in the lab all day working on code :smh:

I grew up in Nigeria (From 84-96) so shit was different:

  • Summertime - playing outside all fucking day long. Just make sure your ass is home before it gets too dark.
  • Stealing peoples chickens and cooking them. We had a gang of folks who will steal the chickens, while someone else brings rice or something else. They'll cook and have a ball :lol:
  • Turning abandoned fields to soccer fields and play all day.
  • Cellphones/Phones - Nah, you walk your ass to your friends house and pray that motherfucker was home :smh:
  • Walking everywhere. Long ass walks to school
  • Rock wars, throwing rocks at one another, or using rubber bands with paper bullets. :smh:
  • Fights - Our weapons were knives and bottles. I was an expert in cracking a bottle and using it to stab motherfuckers.
  • Not using calculators to solve math problems. We had what was called a Math Log book, which is what we used to look up the Sine, Cosine or Tangent values for angles, or to find the log value of a number.
  • TV not coming on till 4pm, kicking off with the National Anthem, and goes off at 12am. These days folks in Nigeria get the same stations we have here. 24/7 TV.
  • Shooting pool all day long. Be in the pool hall from like 11am to 9pm...What a life...
  • Porn - Hard to come by. You had to get a tape from someone back then.
  • Just lounging without a care in the world.
  • Tapes - you cherished your cassette tapes. MP3...what? If your tape pops, or if the player eats it, you're in tears...

I can go all day...


:lol::lol: not sure about those bottle fights but,

sometimes the richest life is found in poor hoods...

I grew up in nyc where playing with bottle caps was a sport, we called it skullies round the way.... that shit was mad fun, dude used to make their custom bottle caps and fill it with wax....

we had no idea, we made that shit up, because of the lack of adequate playgrounds....

puerto ricans made fuckin stick ball a national sport...

I could never hit that ball as far as them muthafuckas tho,

I think it was the rice and beans.... and I told them that to:lol::lol:

we had so much fun, I till this day know thats why cacs want the inner city back..

their children were running away from them sundown downs,

they wanted no part of it... and they hopped on buses and flocked to the inner cities..

dudes was pimpin them hoes left and right...


oh shit...speaking of tennis balls...who here remembers flies up...you could play it against a wall or off your stoop...preferably w/ one of these...


I remember it well, the game I mentioned above, "SPUD", was flies up on steroids, we used to play flies up against what we used to call the barrels in our "playground", it was an area we used to call "The Circle" on my block, one half was a baseball field (entirely of concrete) & the other half had the "kids" stuff, ALL made from cement like a turtle, a saddle & 6 barrels, + the all iron monkey bars, since the circle could be seen from the front side & the terraces of ALL the buildings on my block, our parents would simply say "Play in the circle, DON'T let me catch you leaving this block!", I used to be outside riding my Big Wheel, & later my bike till the lights came on!!!

THOSE were the days!!!:yes: