Which SOL'er has the biggest breasts? (Duece delete-proof)


Worldwide from Baltimore
OG Investor
Wow, when did this thread get bumped up? Y'all gonna have me getting my BGOL Babes folder out. Most of the pics have already been posted though.


This profile is now managed by A.I.
BGOL Investor

I want to post pics but shit these guys are so fuckin'immature

Take one for the team lone.

Gotta take some bad with the good, it's only natural.

It's a lot more bad than good and believe me I really wish the women would start posting again especially when you look at how things where in days past. 15-20 page threads with women taking pics per request, Hell thighsneyez22
took pictures for damn near everybody.

But all of a sudden the word "simp" gains ground and now niggas get called simps for giving women favorable comments or even urging them to post more. This causes threads to flip from being about the woman who posted to a discussion about what is and aint a simp and that turns the thread into a big ass flame war or argument.

But the funny part is the same niggas that will want to call a chick a whore or call the dudes who give her compliments simps are the same ones who turn around and give Aurora Jolie props for taking 2 dudes up her ass or Obsession for slobbing on some dude's dick or Pinky for fucking whom ever.

Not to compare the SOL women to pornstars, but in the end how much of a difference is it to tell LoneStar she has pretty nipples and then to turn around and give a porn star props on her performance.


Urban Renaissance Woman
BGOL Investor

It's a lot more bad than good and believe me I really wish the women would start posting again especially when you look at how things where in days past. 15-20 page threads with women taking pics per request, Hell thighsneyez22
took pictures for damn near everybody.

But all of a sudden the word "simp" gains ground and now niggas get called simps for giving women favorable comments or even urging them to post more. This causes threads to flip from being about the woman who posted to a discussion about what is and aint a simp and that turns the thread into a big ass flame war or argument.

But the funny part is the same niggas that will want to call a chick a whore or call the dudes who give her compliments simps are the same ones who turn around and give Aurora Jolie props for taking 2 dudes up her ass or Obsession for slobbing on some dude's dick or Pinky for fucking whom ever.

Not to compare the SOL women to pornstars, but in the end how much of a difference is it to tell LoneStar she has pretty nipples and then to turn around and give a porn star props on her performance.

Duece, I think part of it might also be that some women enjoyed the anonymity in the posting, as well, or just prefer not to engage in posting pictures of themselves on the BGOL, regardless if it's heavily favored upon by the male congregation :lol:

I, by no means, want to stand in the way of a female poster putting her pictures out there...if she chooses to, so be it...

But, the guys around here have to understand that maybe other women just aren't comfortable with it for VARIOUS reasons...has nothing to do with being viewed as a whore or what not...AND, it doesn't have to do with being ugly either :rolleyes: :lol:


This profile is now managed by A.I.
BGOL Investor
Duece, I think part of it might also be that some women enjoyed the anonymity in the posting, as well, or just prefer not to engage in posting pictures of themselves on the BGOL, regardless if it's heavily favored upon by the male congregation :lol:

I, by no means, want to stand in the way of a female poster putting her pictures out there...if she chooses to, so be it...

But, the guys around here have to understand that maybe other women just aren't comfortable with it for VARIOUS reasons...has nothing to do with being viewed as a whore or what not...AND, it doesn't have to do with being ugly either :rolleyes: :lol:

I can understand women not wanting to post and can respect that.
My beef is the the bullshit that comes when women do post. If a woman wants to stay anonymous, if a woman is not into taking private pics that's cool, but for the women that do, why do they have put up with so much BS, just because a few niggas told them that they look good, last time I checked a straight man would be pretty much happy at the site of a topless or naked woman.


Urban Renaissance Woman
BGOL Investor

I can understand women not wanting to post and can respect that.
My beef is the the bullshit that comes when women do post. If a woman wants to stay anonymous, if a woman is not into taking private pics that's cool, but for the women that do, why do they have put up with so much BS, just because a few niggas told them that they look good, last time I checked a straight man would be pretty much happy at the site of a topless or naked woman.

Deuce, it's the double standard that exists with women... just chuck it up to that...

Plus, I still sit firmly with my belief that, as a porn board, this site will (mostly) forever hold negative views towards women, even if the members don't necessarily all feel that way individually...it's called groupthink, and is a psychological term that explains how most people will tend to go with the "norm" and be a cohesive party moreso than stick to their individual thoughts. Why else will most men call another, singular man a simp because he enjoys looking at a woman's body when the nature of the site IS to look at womens' bodies??!


BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
dont be.... thats just hott going to work...

shouldnt you be bringing out the girls??

and dont try to be slick and say somethin about ya kids either :lol:....


I meant the little person LD posted...scares me...

and :hmm:.

"I got kids!"


International Member
This thread is gonna get invaded as soon as the refugees get settled in.

I wish my girl Lone was around to start in on a few of them :(. I bet not a refugee on here would open his fucking mouth.:yes:


I am the Ideal
BGOL Investor
damn... throwbacks..

I saw this thread floating around but never stopped in to comment . ..


makes me think how I haven't taken any sexxy flicks in a hot minute


Support BGOL
damn... throwbacks..

I saw this thread floating around but never stopped in to comment . ..


makes me think how I haven't taken any sexxy flicks in a hot minute

Yeah, I coulda swore I just spoke on that to somebody in your area . . .

What was that chick name? Trying to remember . . . :lol:


Man, I missed this shit when it came around the first time! I know who a few are, but who are the rest? It's nice to have names to the 'faces'. :lol:

Call me a simp all ya want, but I have no problem with admitting I love seeing the chicks here get naked. It's always hotter when it's someone you know, even if you only know them from a message board.

And like someone said earlier, it will be funny to see what the refugees who used to call everyone simps for wanting to see pics will say now that this is their new home.


Support BGOL
Man, I missed this shit when it came around the first time! I know who a few are, but who are the rest? It's nice to have names to the 'faces'. :lol:

Call me a simp all ya want, but I have no problem with admitting I love seeing the chicks here get naked.
It's always hotter when it's someone you know, even if you only know them from a message board.

And like someone said earlier, it will be funny to see what the refugees who used to call everyone simps for wanting to see pics will say now that this is their new home.

You know what, I dont understand the whole simp thing. A straight man is supposed to tell a chick if he think she look nice. What the fuck is going on when a dude is ridiculed by other dudes for complimenting a fucking woman?

That sound like some bullshit middle school shit. I meet new women everyday at my job and stay getting play strictly offa me being sincere in telling them how I think they look. That's how REAL LIFE works you hooked on BGOL hermit crab mush mouth muthafuckas.

Lemme catch a nigga say that simp shit around me. :angry:


You know what, I dont understand the whole simp thing. A straight man is supposed to tell a chick if he think she look nice. What the fuck is going on when a dude is ridiculed by other dudes for complimenting a fucking woman?

I agree. Call me a simp all you want - I've been getting a lot of pussy for a lot of years and have never needed to come at the girls with game. A few honest compliments and a little flattery go a LOT further than spitting game.

I do think it's funny, though, when we get these dudes that fall in love with women they've only ever talked to on the board. Suddenly they want to take up the cause and defend every woman's honor without ever having met or seriously talked to them.


This profile is now managed by A.I.
BGOL Investor
With all the people jamming up in SOL, you can bet your last dollar that not one breast will be exposed and not one pair of panties will drop.

The clothes will be on, hell it wouldn't suprise me if the women actually put on more clothes when logging onto BGOL. Enjoy those pics, they are relics of a by-gone era.
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BGOL Investor
So? :dunno:

aint like shits popped off (pun intended) since '07 anyway ... smh




this was a good thread.

I guess for me, I couldn't tell you WHO had the biggest breasts b/c there were NO names to the pics. I guess I can choose a pic and vote that way. Otherwise, how do you choose if you don't know who's who?


This profile is now managed by A.I.
BGOL Investor
this was a good thread.

I guess for me, I couldn't tell you WHO had the biggest breasts b/c there were NO names to the pics. I guess I can choose a pic and vote that way. Otherwise, how do you choose if you don't know who's who?

I think Melon said she had the biggest