RIP Smoove2k6..I love you!

Al Smith

Rogue Mod
OG Investor
May the Lord bless his soul and your heart with the power of healing. My condolences to you, and his loved ones.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Sorry to hear about your tragic loss.My condolences goes out to your fam Onyx, May the bredren R.I.P.


Scooty Puff Pilot
BGOL Investor
Condolences Onyx. Thank you for posting this as reminder of what is most important in life and in death.



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R.I.P to a brotha that was 100 all the time for those the knew him you can understand. he put me on to Bgol years ago,but the one thing I can say is he loved his Fam, he will be missed but never forgotten Onyx, My heart goes out to you and yours.:(