My First Menage a Trois


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I recall it was the summer and I believe I was about 24. I took the train
downtown to hit up the Kinko's in the Equitable building to make some
copies of my resume. I had on my favorite denim halter dress that had snap
buttons all the way down the middle of it. I loved it because it was an
easy on easy off kind of dress.. I was fanning myself with the folder my
copies were in because it was incredibly hot that day.

As I walked down Peachtree St. I passed by 2 guys who said "Hello" and I, caught up in my thoughts about which train station I should walk to, didn't respond.

"Dayummmmmmmmmmmmm", one of them said with a puzzled look on his face. "I
thought people were nicer in the South!" I turned around and apologized.

"Well what if I'm not from the South?" I said slyly.

"Aiight, ma", the other young man said. He looked about 27 or 28 and had a
beautiful dark chocolate complexion. His friend who looked about the same
age was good looking as well but had a caramel complexion. Both were
looking casual with short sleeve button down shirts that were open to
reveal white tees over their denim shorts. "Where you from then?" he

I gave them a once over and said "I'm from up North or can't you tell?"

At this point I expected to start the infamous "What part?" conversation.
You know when someone says "I'm from NY" and the other party goes "Oh yeah
what part?". Then the response is "Brooklyn or the Bronx" and the party
will answer with "Oh yeah what part?" and so on and so forth.

Luckily the conversation went a little better than that. "Well we are
visiting from NYC and we want to get into something. We were headed to the
Underground to see what that's about".

I told them that the Underground is cool but it's really just a mall
underground. They asked if I'd join them and after we exchanged a few more
words, it was decided that since I had nothing to do the rest of the day,
why not?

We decided to go to Fat Tuesday's for some drinks. I got my favorite, the
Hurricane and by the time we were through it was about 7pm and I was tipsy.

"Ma, you alright." the dark skinned young man exclaimed. He told me his
name was Tommy. His friend, who said his name was DeVaughn but everyone
called him D, chimed in and said "Yeah you aiight but what you got planned
for later?"

I shrugged because I was unemployed. I was happy for the distraction but
the question brought me back to a sad reality. I told them I should
probably get going.

"Whoa now, you can't leave us just like that. You're our tour guide. Don't
you go to any clubs?"

I told them mostly reggae clubs and that there was one right around the
corner on Auburn Ave. They said they loved reggae and I found that to be a
relief since so many blacks in the South seemed to lack the appreciation
for that genre. Needless to say, this excited me. "I'll go home and change
and then head back out", I thought to myself.

I communicated my plan and they both were like, "Why? Our hotel is right
down the street?" You can just chill with us there until it's time to head
to the club. It's only in about 2,3 hours til the club opens right?"

I started to protest. "I don't want to go in there funky!" with a perturbed
look on my face. "And I'm hungry".

"Not to worry", D said. "We got you". I still wasn't convinced although the
club was known for not having much of a dress code. It was probably due to
the fact that it was always filled with the smoke of "ganja". When I
expressed those thoughts, Tommy said "Oh you smoke herb?"

"Oh no, that's not for me. I just like to drink".

D said, "Well we can pick up some liquor on the way back to our hotel. That
way we all can continue to get our drink on and get some grub too".

I finally relented and we started heading down Peachtree Street to the
hotel they were staying at. The weather started to cool off as it got a
little darker. It was nice and breezy and we were laughing and joking
around about the differences between Northerners and Southerners. I really
was having a good time.

We approached the hotel after picking up some Rum and Vodka and a six pack
of Coca Cola for chasers. I was introduced to Tommy's uncle Jay who
apparently spearheaded the trek from Jersey to the A. They told him how we
met and invited him out to the club.

"Thanks but no thanks" Jay said. "You guys have a good time."

Back in their hotel room there were 2 beds. I sat on one of them while D
went to get some ice. Tommy turned on the TV and asked "So what's your

"Huh?" I said with a confused look on my face.

"What do you want to watch on TV?"

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, sorry. I dunno. Whatever is on, I guess", knowing damn well
he would either put it on ESPN or BET.

"Looks like it's BET then", he said as the tail end of a rap video flashed
on the screen. By this time D came back with the cups of ice and poured me
a drink.

"Vodka or rum?" D asked. "We might as well stick with rum for now" I
answered eagerly awaiting my drink".

Tommy jumped up quickly and asked "But damn we didn't get any food?"

"True, true," D said thoughtfully. "Ok, Miss lady. What we gonna eat?
You're our tour guide remember? You should be thinking of these things!"

I chuckled as I was already halfway through my drink. "My bad", I said
laughing, "I totally forgot."

"But I think there is a wingspot not to far from here. Let's look it up in
the Yellow Pages and we can call in the order." They were cool with the
idea so after everyone decided what they wanted, we ordered and were
relieved to find out that because our order was over 20 dollars we could
get it delivered.

30 minutes later the food arrived and we were tipsy. Tommy gave the
delivery guy his payment and a tip and we all commenced to eating. We were
silent for about 15 minutes. I guess we didn't realize how hungry we were.
I was thinking to myself, "I didn't eat anything since this morning!"

"Ahhhh," D sighed. "Them joints were hot!"

"D, them joints were off the chain. Good choice ma!"

"Thanks", I said with a cheesy grin.

We all just laid back on the beds too lazy to move. Tommy on the bed I had
been laying on and D on the other.

"Is it me or are you guys not really feeling like going to the reggae spot
anymore?" D asked.

Tommy shrugged and looked at me. I jumped up and said, "Well you guys
decide. In the meantime, I'm going to take a quick shower. I know I must be
musty," as I waved a hand underneath my underam as I brought it to my nose
to sniff.

They both laughed. "Aiight ma. Do yo thang".

As I took a shower I thought to myself how risky it was to be in a hotel
room with 2 complete strangers. But I did have a good time. I took a quick
shower, jumped out and patted myself quickly with a towel and put back on
my halter dress.

Tommy was passed out on one of the beds and D was watching tv with a drink
in hand looking bored. "You all taken care of now?" he asked.

I nodded and took the plastic cup I had been drinking in to get a refill.
"Man, y'all drunk up the rum!"

"Don't look at me" D said. "Look at that lazy bastard snoring over there.
But we still got the vodka, mama".

"I smiled and reached over him to get the bottle of vodka on the table by
the bed he was sitting at. "Damn ma, you can't be gettin up on me, fresh
from a shower lookin all sexy like that?"

I gave him a friendly play punch and said "You wish I was gettin up on you"
as I took a sip of the drink I made.

He smiled and as I was trying to make my way away from him he pulled me
closer and said "Yeah so?"

He started to run his hands along the outside of my thighs making his way
up to my hips. He then grabbed my hips and pushed me on top of him. "So
what if I want you to get up on me like this?" staring into my eyes. I was
tipsy and caught off guard but tried to remain my composure. My body was
tingling with excitement though.

"What about your boy?" I asked trying to look away from D's face.

"What about him?" he answered nibbling at my breast through the denim. The
first button of my dress unsnapped with his mouth action to reveal my right

As he started to nibble, I kept thinking, "Oh my god. What if Tommy wakes

But I found myself gyrating on D and before I knew it all the buttons of my
dress were unsnapped and I had to let it fall to the floor.

"Damn" he whispered in my ear, "You got the prettiest titties I've ever

"Thank you", I said shyly. I was getting really wet and wasn't sure what to
do next. I was still halfway focused on Tommy asleep in the next bed.

The next thing I knew I was straddling D as he was sucking on my nipples
while reaching underneath me to rub on my clit. "Damn ma," he said huskily,
"is this you?" and he showed me his index and his ring finger rubbing
against his thumb in disbelief. They were wet with my juices and resembled
the KY lubrication I'd seen in the past.

He then quickly flipped me over and spread my legs to eat my pussy. He slid
his tongue deep and I couldn't help but to scream. He tugged at my clit
with his soft lips and that made me cry out more. I turned my head in the
heat of the passion and when I opened my eyes Tommy was sitting by me
grabbing his crotch. He grabbed one of my breasts and tweaked my nipples
with his index finger and thumb. "Yo D, that pussy must be good".

D got up but still on his knees he said "The pussy is real good son"
shaking his head. He took one hand to unbutton his jeans and used the other
to massage my juicy wet clit. His mouth and lips were glazed with my juices
but I then started to notice Tommy undo his jeans. He was down to his
boxers when I noticed how hard his dick was through them. I hungrily
reached for him and almost cried out with joy at how chocolate his dick
was. I immediately put my mouth on him and began to suck him off.

"Damn!" Tommy yelled. "Ay yo, you got some laktics right?" he asked D. "You
damn skippy" as he picked up the shorts he was in earlier to pull out a
couple of condoms before diving back and licking me again.

"Yo, dawg...dawg....hmmmm, man she suck a mean dick" he muttered to D as I
had him in my mouth pumping and sucking away.

D didn't seem too concerned. He tapped my outer thigh of my right leg to
signal me to turn over. And he gently positioned me for doggy style.
Tommy's dick slid out of my mouth and I began to pout playfully. Tommy
smiled in a way that told me that I'd be getting it back soon while D,
after putting one of the condoms on, slowly eased into me. As he started to
pump me first slowly, I continued where I left off with Tommy.

"Oh shit!" D exclaimed. "Dawg this pussy is tight...shit...and she's really

He began to pump me harder and faster and I began to suck Tommy harder and

As I tried to catch my breath I took Tommy's dick out of my mouth and
proceeded to lick his shaft and his balls. I needed some "airtime" and D
was fuckin me silly. I needed to concentrate to throw that ass back at him.
He continued to rave about my tight pussy when Tommy, a bit frustrated,
said "My turn dawg".

D acknowledged him but kept on pumping. It was feeling so good to me I took
my hand to spread my ass cheek. I needed to feel it deeper.

Tommy put on a condom and gave D the signal that they needed to switch. D
relented and Tommy slid inside of me with full force. I think there was
slight rivalry between the two and decided to play on that. "Oooooohhhh
damn Tommy," I moaned as he furiously pumped me with his dick.

I smiled coyly at D and acted like I had no plans of sucking on his dick.
He looked at me rubbing it before I finally gave him and tried to deep
throat it.

"Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", D moaned. I continued to lick and suck on him when
I felt sweat drip on to my lower back. Tommy began to slow it down with a
deep grind.

"Your pussy is good ma. Real good". D muttered back incoherently but
enough to signal Tommy that he agreed. I continued to suck even though my
jaws were getting sore. I was ready for some "airtime" when Tommy pulled
out, trying not to cum.

He flipped me over and put my legs over his shoulders and began to fuck me
even harder, like he had a vendetta or something. I was now getting it
deep, exactly the way I wanted it. As the moans turned into screams, I felt
myself cumming.

D was stroking his dick as he watched my fists clenched with bedsheets in
hand. He knew I was about to orgasm.

"Not yet baby. You will not cum yet, you hear me?" He palmed my face and
repeated more sternly, "YOU WILL NOT CUM YET". I nodded and he kissed my
face. By this time Tommy was cumming. "Oh shit, oh shit!" Tommy yelled.
"Oohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit!" I felt Tommy go limp and he
would have fell on top of me had D not reminded him and said "Dawg, turn
her over!"

Tommy helped D turn me over while stroking my breasts, my thighs and
massaging my pussy.

I positioned myself for doggystyle and D entered me quickly. Grabbing my
hips toward him and slappin my ass. Tommy still had his cum filled condom
on when he gently pushed my head down into the mattress. "You can take it
ma" he said.

"Yeah baby girl. You knew you had the bomb pussy walkin around Atlanta with
no underwear on in that sexy dress", D chimed in. "Did you know you were
going to get fucked today?" He slapped my ass harder and started to really
pummel me.

"Oh shit" I screamed. Dude was hittin it hard. My pussy was wide open for
him and he felt it. "Now you're ready to cum. Now you can cum babygirl". He
continued to fuck me deeper and deeper and I couldn't hold back any longer.
"I'm about to cum," I gasped.

"I know baby girl. I know".

D continued to pound me furiously and finally I let go. I could feel the
wetness of my orgasm drip down the back of my thighs. I let a long sigh out
and D came loud and hard. "Arrgghhh, argghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,
arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" D yelled.

I dropped from my knees on to the bed and D almost buckled. Tommy had since
taken his condom off but was still stroking his dick. He then kissed me on
my neck and my back while D took a nibble at one of my ass cheeks. He then
smacked it and got up to take his condom off.

And then we all fell asleep. Me and Tommy on one bed. D on the other.
And that was my first menage a trois.

baby girl, thats not a menage a was a train....still a great story though


baby girl, thats not a menage a was a train....still a great story though
Yes it was a train. lol Me and my teammates ran trains on so many bitches when I was in college it was crazy. :yes: The good old days. Bitches liked that shit and kept coming back for more. Some bitches would just bring an overnight bag and stay at the apartment for the entire weekend.:yes:


Modded Moderator Modding
BGOL Investor
Yes it was a train. lol Me and my teammates ran trains on so many bitches when I was in college it was crazy. :yes: The good old days. Bitches liked that shit and kept coming back for more. Some bitches would just bring an overnight bag and stay at the apartment for the entire weekend.:yes:

I always thought a train was a more like a gang of guys on one girl.


This profile is now managed by A.I.
BGOL Investor
baby girl, thats not a menage a was a train....still a great story though

A train is when every dude waits his turn. atleast thats how I always saw it done. Girl is a bedroom fucking one this and the others dudes are waiting in the hall or another room


Great Story! ^^^ I don't think it was a train either. . where did that come from?
It came from the mind of dirty men. lol

But keeping it 100 the designation from when it goes from a menage a three, to a gangbang to a train is sort of splitting hairs. Do you think the guys Lady Femme encountered thought they were having a menage, a gangbang, or running a train? I think it has to do with perspectives and how females see things one way and males another.

To me it's all fucking, and back then it was ALL GOOD!!!!!!!!

Is it:

One girl two guys, or two girls one guy: a menage a three.

A group of men on a single or a couple of girls at once: a gangbang

A single girl in a bedroom with a group of men taking turns: a train


Potential Star
OG Investor
I recall it was the summer and I believe I was about 24. I took the train
downtown to hit up the Kinko's in the Equitable building to make some
copies of my resume. I had on my favorite denim halter dress that had snap
buttons all the way down the middle of it. I loved it because it was an
easy on easy off kind of dress.. I was fanning myself with the folder my
copies were in because it was incredibly hot that day.

As I walked down Peachtree St. I passed by 2 guys who said "Hello" and I, caught up in my thoughts about which train station I should walk to, didn't respond.

"Dayummmmmmmmmmmmm", one of them said with a puzzled look on his face. "I
thought people were nicer in the South!" I turned around and apologized.

"Well what if I'm not from the South?" I said slyly.

"Aiight, ma", the other young man said. He looked about 27 or 28 and had a
beautiful dark chocolate complexion. His friend who looked about the same
age was good looking as well but had a caramel complexion. Both were
looking casual with short sleeve button down shirts that were open to
reveal white tees over their denim shorts. "Where you from then?" he

I gave them a once over and said "I'm from up North or can't you tell?"

At this point I expected to start the infamous "What part?" conversation.
You know when someone says "I'm from NY" and the other party goes "Oh yeah
what part?". Then the response is "Brooklyn or the Bronx" and the party
will answer with "Oh yeah what part?" and so on and so forth.

Luckily the conversation went a little better than that. "Well we are
visiting from NYC and we want to get into something. We were headed to the
Underground to see what that's about".

I told them that the Underground is cool but it's really just a mall
underground. They asked if I'd join them and after we exchanged a few more
words, it was decided that since I had nothing to do the rest of the day,
why not?

We decided to go to Fat Tuesday's for some drinks. I got my favorite, the
Hurricane and by the time we were through it was about 7pm and I was tipsy.

"Ma, you alright." the dark skinned young man exclaimed. He told me his
name was Tommy. His friend, who said his name was DeVaughn but everyone
called him D, chimed in and said "Yeah you aiight but what you got planned
for later?"

I shrugged because I was unemployed. I was happy for the distraction but
the question brought me back to a sad reality. I told them I should
probably get going.

"Whoa now, you can't leave us just like that. You're our tour guide. Don't
you go to any clubs?"

I told them mostly reggae clubs and that there was one right around the
corner on Auburn Ave. They said they loved reggae and I found that to be a
relief since so many blacks in the South seemed to lack the appreciation
for that genre. Needless to say, this excited me. "I'll go home and change
and then head back out", I thought to myself.

I communicated my plan and they both were like, "Why? Our hotel is right
down the street?" You can just chill with us there until it's time to head
to the club. It's only in about 2,3 hours til the club opens right?"

I started to protest. "I don't want to go in there funky!" with a perturbed
look on my face. "And I'm hungry".

"Not to worry", D said. "We got you". I still wasn't convinced although the
club was known for not having much of a dress code. It was probably due to
the fact that it was always filled with the smoke of "ganja". When I
expressed those thoughts, Tommy said "Oh you smoke herb?"

"Oh no, that's not for me. I just like to drink".

D said, "Well we can pick up some liquor on the way back to our hotel. That
way we all can continue to get our drink on and get some grub too".

I finally relented and we started heading down Peachtree Street to the
hotel they were staying at. The weather started to cool off as it got a
little darker. It was nice and breezy and we were laughing and joking
around about the differences between Northerners and Southerners. I really
was having a good time.

We approached the hotel after picking up some Rum and Vodka and a six pack
of Coca Cola for chasers. I was introduced to Tommy's uncle Jay who
apparently spearheaded the trek from Jersey to the A. They told him how we
met and invited him out to the club.

"Thanks but no thanks" Jay said. "You guys have a good time."

Back in their hotel room there were 2 beds. I sat on one of them while D
went to get some ice. Tommy turned on the TV and asked "So what's your

"Huh?" I said with a confused look on my face.

"What do you want to watch on TV?"

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, sorry. I dunno. Whatever is on, I guess", knowing damn well
he would either put it on ESPN or BET.

"Looks like it's BET then", he said as the tail end of a rap video flashed
on the screen. By this time D came back with the cups of ice and poured me
a drink.

"Vodka or rum?" D asked. "We might as well stick with rum for now" I
answered eagerly awaiting my drink".

Tommy jumped up quickly and asked "But damn we didn't get any food?"

"True, true," D said thoughtfully. "Ok, Miss lady. What we gonna eat?
You're our tour guide remember? You should be thinking of these things!"

I chuckled as I was already halfway through my drink. "My bad", I said
laughing, "I totally forgot."

"But I think there is a wingspot not to far from here. Let's look it up in
the Yellow Pages and we can call in the order." They were cool with the
idea so after everyone decided what they wanted, we ordered and were
relieved to find out that because our order was over 20 dollars we could
get it delivered.

30 minutes later the food arrived and we were tipsy. Tommy gave the
delivery guy his payment and a tip and we all commenced to eating. We were
silent for about 15 minutes. I guess we didn't realize how hungry we were.
I was thinking to myself, "I didn't eat anything since this morning!"

"Ahhhh," D sighed. "Them joints were hot!"

"D, them joints were off the chain. Good choice ma!"

"Thanks", I said with a cheesy grin.

We all just laid back on the beds too lazy to move. Tommy on the bed I had
been laying on and D on the other.

"Is it me or are you guys not really feeling like going to the reggae spot
anymore?" D asked.

Tommy shrugged and looked at me. I jumped up and said, "Well you guys
decide. In the meantime, I'm going to take a quick shower. I know I must be
musty," as I waved a hand underneath my underam as I brought it to my nose
to sniff.

They both laughed. "Aiight ma. Do yo thang".

As I took a shower I thought to myself how risky it was to be in a hotel
room with 2 complete strangers. But I did have a good time. I took a quick
shower, jumped out and patted myself quickly with a towel and put back on
my halter dress.

Tommy was passed out on one of the beds and D was watching tv with a drink
in hand looking bored. "You all taken care of now?" he asked.

I nodded and took the plastic cup I had been drinking in to get a refill.
"Man, y'all drunk up the rum!"

"Don't look at me" D said. "Look at that lazy bastard snoring over there.
But we still got the vodka, mama".

"I smiled and reached over him to get the bottle of vodka on the table by
the bed he was sitting at. "Damn ma, you can't be gettin up on me, fresh
from a shower lookin all sexy like that?"

I gave him a friendly play punch and said "You wish I was gettin up on you"
as I took a sip of the drink I made.

He smiled and as I was trying to make my way away from him he pulled me
closer and said "Yeah so?"

He started to run his hands along the outside of my thighs making his way
up to my hips. He then grabbed my hips and pushed me on top of him. "So
what if I want you to get up on me like this?" staring into my eyes. I was
tipsy and caught off guard but tried to remain my composure. My body was
tingling with excitement though.

"What about your boy?" I asked trying to look away from D's face.

"What about him?" he answered nibbling at my breast through the denim. The
first button of my dress unsnapped with his mouth action to reveal my right

As he started to nibble, I kept thinking, "Oh my god. What if Tommy wakes

But I found myself gyrating on D and before I knew it all the buttons of my
dress were unsnapped and I had to let it fall to the floor.

"Damn" he whispered in my ear, "You got the prettiest titties I've ever

"Thank you", I said shyly. I was getting really wet and wasn't sure what to
do next. I was still halfway focused on Tommy asleep in the next bed.

The next thing I knew I was straddling D as he was sucking on my nipples
while reaching underneath me to rub on my clit. "Damn ma," he said huskily,
"is this you?" and he showed me his index and his ring finger rubbing
against his thumb in disbelief. They were wet with my juices and resembled
the KY lubrication I'd seen in the past.

He then quickly flipped me over and spread my legs to eat my pussy. He slid
his tongue deep and I couldn't help but to scream. He tugged at my clit
with his soft lips and that made me cry out more. I turned my head in the
heat of the passion and when I opened my eyes Tommy was sitting by me
grabbing his crotch. He grabbed one of my breasts and tweaked my nipples
with his index finger and thumb. "Yo D, that pussy must be good".

D got up but still on his knees he said "The pussy is real good son"
shaking his head. He took one hand to unbutton his jeans and used the other
to massage my juicy wet clit. His mouth and lips were glazed with my juices
but I then started to notice Tommy undo his jeans. He was down to his
boxers when I noticed how hard his dick was through them. I hungrily
reached for him and almost cried out with joy at how chocolate his dick
was. I immediately put my mouth on him and began to suck him off.

"Damn!" Tommy yelled. "Ay yo, you got some laktics right?" he asked D. "You
damn skippy" as he picked up the shorts he was in earlier to pull out a
couple of condoms before diving back and licking me again.

"Yo, dawg...dawg....hmmmm, man she suck a mean dick" he muttered to D as I
had him in my mouth pumping and sucking away.

D didn't seem too concerned. He tapped my outer thigh of my right leg to
signal me to turn over. And he gently positioned me for doggy style.
Tommy's dick slid out of my mouth and I began to pout playfully. Tommy
smiled in a way that told me that I'd be getting it back soon while D,
after putting one of the condoms on, slowly eased into me. As he started to
pump me first slowly, I continued where I left off with Tommy.

"Oh shit!" D exclaimed. "Dawg this pussy is tight...shit...and she's really

He began to pump me harder and faster and I began to suck Tommy harder and

As I tried to catch my breath I took Tommy's dick out of my mouth and
proceeded to lick his shaft and his balls. I needed some "airtime" and D
was fuckin me silly. I needed to concentrate to throw that ass back at him.
He continued to rave about my tight pussy when Tommy, a bit frustrated,
said "My turn dawg".

D acknowledged him but kept on pumping. It was feeling so good to me I took
my hand to spread my ass cheek. I needed to feel it deeper.

Tommy put on a condom and gave D the signal that they needed to switch. D
relented and Tommy slid inside of me with full force. I think there was
slight rivalry between the two and decided to play on that. "Oooooohhhh
damn Tommy," I moaned as he furiously pumped me with his dick.

I smiled coyly at D and acted like I had no plans of sucking on his dick.
He looked at me rubbing it before I finally gave him and tried to deep
throat it.

"Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", D moaned. I continued to lick and suck on him when
I felt sweat drip on to my lower back. Tommy began to slow it down with a
deep grind.

"Your pussy is good ma. Real good". D muttered back incoherently but
enough to signal Tommy that he agreed. I continued to suck even though my
jaws were getting sore. I was ready for some "airtime" when Tommy pulled
out, trying not to cum.

He flipped me over and put my legs over his shoulders and began to fuck me
even harder, like he had a vendetta or something. I was now getting it
deep, exactly the way I wanted it. As the moans turned into screams, I felt
myself cumming.

D was stroking his dick as he watched my fists clenched with bedsheets in
hand. He knew I was about to orgasm.

"Not yet baby. You will not cum yet, you hear me?" He palmed my face and
repeated more sternly, "YOU WILL NOT CUM YET". I nodded and he kissed my
face. By this time Tommy was cumming. "Oh shit, oh shit!" Tommy yelled.
"Oohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit!" I felt Tommy go limp and he
would have fell on top of me had D not reminded him and said "Dawg, turn
her over!"

Tommy helped D turn me over while stroking my breasts, my thighs and
massaging my pussy.

I positioned myself for doggystyle and D entered me quickly. Grabbing my
hips toward him and slappin my ass. Tommy still had his cum filled condom
on when he gently pushed my head down into the mattress. "You can take it
ma" he said.

"Yeah baby girl. You knew you had the bomb pussy walkin around Atlanta with
no underwear on in that sexy dress", D chimed in. "Did you know you were
going to get fucked today?" He slapped my ass harder and started to really
pummel me.

"Oh shit" I screamed. Dude was hittin it hard. My pussy was wide open for
him and he felt it. "Now you're ready to cum. Now you can cum babygirl". He
continued to fuck me deeper and deeper and I couldn't hold back any longer.
"I'm about to cum," I gasped.

"I know baby girl. I know".

D continued to pound me furiously and finally I let go. I could feel the
wetness of my orgasm drip down the back of my thighs. I let a long sigh out
and D came loud and hard. "Arrgghhh, argghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,
arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" D yelled.

I dropped from my knees on to the bed and D almost buckled. Tommy had since
taken his condom off but was still stroking his dick. He then kissed me on
my neck and my back while D took a nibble at one of my ass cheeks. He then
smacked it and got up to take his condom off.

And then we all fell asleep. Me and Tommy on one bed. D on the other.
And that was my first menage a trois.

GREAT STORY FEM...i'm in the A if you're ready for Part 2...LOL For real though, i can tell you gets down from your descriptives. Luv a chick who can express herself with words. :dance:


Yes, very interesting story. Now, and unfortunately, I must throw in my 2 cents of reality. *sigh* They don't call me the intelcritic for nothing. Anyway...

1. I wouldn't be eating the pussy of any chick I just met (especially raw). All types of things can be hiding in there.

2. Fem, you sat there and sucked the dick of two strangers. If I read the story correctly, you sucked those dicks raw.

Here are some un-fun facts:

1. Genital Herpes. Yes, it can be contracted orally by performing fellatio on an infected and unprotected penis. Fem, you didn't take the proper precautions to protect your self. You're probably thinking "I didn't see anything on those penises," but it doesn't make you safe. Have you ever heard of asymptomatic viral shedding? People can transmit certain viruses without the physical manifestation of those viruses being present.

2. Genital Warts. No, condoms will not protect you from it if someone has warts affecting areas outside of the condom's coverage. Since you took it upon yourself to hit off two strangers on the first meeting, you never allowed yourself the opportunity to learn about their health history prior to the sexual encounter. That's why people "date" to get to know who they're dealing with.

In summary, Fem, you were irresponsible and who knows what you might or might not have at this point in time as it sometimes can take weeks to months to years for certain STD's to pop up.

I also condemn you and those women on this board that advocate promiscuous behaviors in this dangerous day and age.

To all of you women on this post who believe that what Fem did was "cool," I think you should know something: Men like myself DO appreciate women like yourselves, but only as jump-offs, sidechicks, booty-calls, and what have you, not as "wives."

Hoe like behaviors are not the qualities men seek in wives. I'm not trying to be harsh or demeaning, just telling you like it is.


Modded Moderator Modding
BGOL Investor
Yes, very interesting story. Now, and unfortunately, I must throw in my 2 cents of reality. *sigh* They don't call me the intelcritic for nothing. Anyway...

1. I wouldn't be eating the pussy of any chick I just met (especially raw). All types of things can be hiding in there.

2. Fem, you sat there and sucked the dick of two strangers. If I read the story correctly, you sucked those dicks raw.

Here are some un-fun facts:

1. Genital Herpes. Yes, it can be contracted orally by performing fellatio on an infected and unprotected penis. Fem, you didn't take the proper precautions to protect your self. You're probably thinking "I didn't see anything on those penises," but it doesn't make you safe. Have you ever heard of asymptomatic viral shedding? People can transmit certain viruses without the physical manifestation of those viruses being present.

2. Genital Warts. No, condoms will not protect you from it if someone has warts affecting areas outside of the condom's coverage. Since you took it upon yourself to hit off two strangers on the first meeting, you never allowed yourself the opportunity to learn about their health history prior to the sexual encounter. That's why people "date" to get to know who they're dealing with.

In summary, Fem, you were irresponsible and who knows what you might or might not have at this point in time as it sometimes can take weeks to months to years for certain STD's to pop up.

I also condemn you and those women on this board that advocate promiscuous behaviors in this dangerous day and age.

To all of you women on this post who believe that what Fem did was "cool," I think you should know something: Men like myself DO appreciate women like yourselves, but only as jump-offs, sidechicks, booty-calls, and what have you, not as "wives."

Hoe like behaviors are not the qualities men seek in wives. I'm not trying to be harsh or demeaning, just telling you like it is.

I agree with you wholeheartedly. It was irresponsible. It was an impulse act which are generally not safe.

Luckily, I am fine. Again this occurred nearly 15 years ago.


I agree with you wholeheartedly. It was irresponsible. It was an impulse act which are generally not safe.

Luckily, I am fine. Again this occurred nearly 15 years ago.

Being that it has come to light that this happened nearly 15 years ago and you have changed your ways, you are forgiven for what took place.

I am sure you are a different person now and I respect your modern maturity and precautions. Femmenoire, carry on.

As for the rest of you ladies that have engaged in this type of behavior RECENTLY and continue to engage in these behaviors, you have been warned. :angry:


This profile is now managed by A.I.
BGOL Investor
I agree with you wholeheartedly. It was irresponsible. It was an impulse act which are generally not safe.

Luckily, I am fine. Again this occurred nearly 15 years ago.

Being that it has come to light that this happened nearly 15 years ago and you have changed your ways, you are forgiven for what took place.

I am sure you are a different person now and I respect your modern maturity and precautions. Femmenoire, carry on.

As for the rest of you ladies that have engaged in this type of behavior RECENTLY and continue to engage in these behaviors, you have been warned. :angry:

da fuck?


I agree with you wholeheartedly. It was irresponsible. It was an impulse act which are generally not safe.

Luckily, I am fine. Again this occurred nearly 15 years ago.

shut the fuck up and keep getting down

i've seen your ass before and if i was in your room any condom in there would have to go.


So pretty!
BGOL Investor
I agree with you wholeheartedly. It was irresponsible. It was an impulse act which are generally not safe.

Luckily, I am fine. Again this occurred nearly 15 years ago.

Being that it has come to light that this happened nearly 15 years ago and you have changed your ways, you are forgiven for what took place.

I am sure you are a different person now and I respect your modern maturity and precautions. Femmenoire, carry on.

As for the rest of you ladies that have engaged in this type of behavior RECENTLY and continue to engage in these behaviors, you have been warned. :angry:

:confused:.Who the fuck are you

Your late ass response



Potential Star
How many men does a woman have to sleep with at once before she considers herself a whore? What's the magic number? Is two too low of a number? Does it have to be a group the size of a football team? :lol::lol: Those are serious questions. I'm just curious.


BGOL Investor
I agree with you wholeheartedly. It was irresponsible. It was an impulse act which are generally not safe.

Luckily, I am fine. Again this occurred nearly 15 years ago.

Being that it has come to light that this happened nearly 15 years ago and you have changed your ways, you are forgiven for what took place.

I am sure you are a different person now and I respect your modern maturity and precautions. Femmenoire, carry on.

As for the rest of you ladies that have engaged in this type of behavior RECENTLY and continue to engage in these behaviors, you have been warned. :angry:



Rising Star
Lucky ass ninjas...good read Femm. Post a pic of the infamous halter long as there are no stains on it like the Lewinsky joint.