Im afraid to approach women


Potential Star
Despite your gratuitous use of the N word and interchanging the word "bitch" with "woman", you make a good point :hmm:

The other day, I saw a nice looking young man at work waiting for the elevator. I went to wait for the elevator too and said "Hi, how are you?" This fool says "Ay, wasshahnninwicha". I was embarrassed for him. Some of you might say I judged him, but how could I have told him that his response was a BIG turn-off without coming across as stuck up or looking down on him?


I guess each person experiences a different level of exposure socially. My old man never really talked to me about approaching women. I guess it came natural, or it was the fact that all of my friends always came at females, and it gave me motivation.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I can aproach any random chic but if i've seen her around and actually kind like her for whatever reason I cant do it...........


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
The best way to get over this fear is to think about the lady you're into walking arm and arm with your best friend. Do you really want to hear him spend hours talking about how good that pussy is when you should be finding out for yourself? Do you want to see him treat her like shit when you know you could give her everything she needs? If you don't ask her out before he does that's exactly what will happen.

Now go out there and ask her out already. Don't forget to send us some homegrowns.


wannabe star
Thanks a lot guys I grew up kind of sheltered (my parents only allowed me to go to school and back) so socializing is something I am not an expert of. I just find it really intimidating to approach someone I don't know, I have the mentality that off rip they are going to assume I am hollering at them and they may shun me if I don't say "the right things" Its stupid I know but I am trying..


International Member


Lively up yourself
Super Moderator
Wait, wait, wait...

When was the last time ya'll had a newbie, with low post count, starts right off the bat posting about how he has problems with women and thanks everybody for their help but continues to feel bad for themselves? :eek:

Somebody say it with me now...:hmm:

Hardly a newbie if he been here since 05 Andey

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Sit yo ass down somewhere!!! OMG :lol:

Girl just ignore him....:smh: you know how he is yes :yes::lol:

For the OP. Before you can approach anyone you are going to need to work on your own self esteem first. You need to build self confidence because without it you will more than likely face rejection majority of times. Start off by perhaps joining a group of some sort that you have to interact with females. It gives you something to converse about as well as you are able to put yourself out there.
Women will more times than not choose a man who is assertive, confident in his stance. And they are some that will prey on your lack of confidence. So a lil confidence can go a long way.



Potential Star
BGOL Investor
Women will more times than not choose a man who is assertive, confident in his stance. And they are some that will prey on your lack of confidence. So a lil confidence can go a long way.

Wise words, Lady.

Its not always about looks. Confidence, assertiveness, swagger, conversation skills....last longer and get you a lot further. :cool:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
im in the same boat as you but i just go with a dont care attitude.
i get rejected 97% of the time and its a part of the game.:lol::lol:

im not going to lie the rejections get old quick .......very very very quick. Ima go on a quick vacation. i think i got reject twice today. im 0-6 this week:lol::lol::lol:


This profile is now managed by A.I.
BGOL Investor
im in the same boat as you but i just go with a dont care attitude.
i get rejected 97% of the time and its a part of the game.:lol::lol:

im not going to lie the rejections get old quick .......very very very quick. Ima go on a quick vacation. i think i got reject twice today. im 0-6 this week:lol::lol::lol:

Damn 0-6 for the week, I once went 0-6 in an hour, I think I finished that day 0-11, hell it got so bad, the last 3 I was just trynna see how bed it'd get.


This profile is now managed by A.I.
BGOL Investor
Thanks a lot guys I grew up kind of sheltered (my parents only allowed me to go to school and back) so socializing is something I am not an expert of. I just find it really intimidating to approach someone I don't know, I have the mentality that off rip they are going to assume I am hollering at them and they may shun me if I don't say "the right things" Its stupid I know but I am trying..

Look let me be honest with you, when you look at all the wedding pictures and the lovey dovey girlfriend and boyfriend pictures and you see people walking hand in hand and you read these romantic stories, just keep in mind, that will never be you. You will never experience a woman in an intimate setting, its a fantasy. You are a homosexual and you trying to suppress it. STOP IT. Embrace your inner Keith Boykin. If there is a cure for this, you don't want it. You were not born with the necessary tools to attract the opposite sex and unless you want to die alone you should embrace your true feelings and quit trying to follow the crowd.


Potential Star
Well put my sister,that kind of turn me on,my bad don't take it the wrong way, I'm talking about how you broke it down.:D

Hardly a newbie if he been here since 05 Andey

Girl just ignore him....:smh: you know how he is yes :yes::lol:

For the OP. Before you can approach anyone you are going to need to work on your own self esteem first. You need to build self confidence because without it you will more than likely face rejection majority of times. Start off by perhaps joining a group of some sort that you have to interact with females. It gives you something to converse about as well as you are able to put yourself out there.
Women will more times than not choose a man who is assertive, confident in his stance. And they are some that will prey on your lack of confidence. So a lil confidence can go a long way.



The R&B Master
OG Investor
Man just be yourself when you see someone you like. An remember this, a beautiful woman has the same needs as any other woman so don't settle. Stay away catch lines. Good women see through that bullshit like you look through a window. There's no reason to fear approaching any woman. Either she has someone or she doesn't. Either she wants to hear what you have to say or she doesn't. Either you win or lose and that's with everything in life but if you never try then you're your own loser.

The right woman will want you for who you are not for what you got. Some guys think they have to have flash cash and a nice ride to pull a woman. At best those might be great ice breakers but the reality is any woman you pulled because of those things is probably not the woman you want. Women who are materialistic tend to migrate towards those type things.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I know I'm going to get flamed but I have this fear of approaching women I don't know, what are ways to get around this?

At some point in your young life you have subconsciously put females on some sort of moral or sexual pedestal. You allow yourself to be rejected by them because you think they have something over you. In fact your young libido is clouding your your self confidence. Believe me, most females are not that deep, are generally selfish and generally are not good conversationalists. As you become older and your financial earning power becomes greater and you acquire 'things' you will find they will be more interested in you.
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Porn Boi Tx

Support BGOL
Look let me be honest with you, when you look at all the wedding pictures and the lovey dovey girlfriend and boyfriend pictures and you see people walking hand in hand and you read these romantic stories, just keep in mind, that will never be you. You will never experience a woman in an intimate setting, its a fantasy. You are a homosexual and you trying to suppress it. STOP IT. Embrace your inner Keith Boykin. If there is a cure for this, you don't want it. You were not born with the necessary tools to attract the opposite sex and unless you want to die alone you should embrace your true feelings and quit trying to follow the crowd.


Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor
Yeah, talk to as many bitches as you can. If a bitch gives you her number that still don't mean she's interested. A lot of bitches have egos, man. Many bitches get that quick ego boost when you holler at them.

You also got to size up bitches before you approach them. If I get an indication that the bitch is ready to flip out, I won't fuck with her.

But when you call these bitches on the phone, they don't want to talk or they act stupid. That means that they either gave you the digits to make you go away or they just wanted you to holler at them to give them their ego boost.

When you first call a bitch, she should not tell you to call her back or act busy because it's your first time and if she's interested she would not jeapordize the potential relationship. If truly is an emergency, she should get your number, if she does not have it already, and call you back when she's ready.

I know some cats who go tired of approaching bitches that they have gone on dating sites, blind dates, or pay for the pussy.

Something you got to remember: bitches can be cold. My dad taught me this. Their egos are not on the line and their egos can make them treat you cold. If they just thinking about their self esteem's size they won't be thinking about you. That's why you should not respect them so much or take them seriously. If you do you'll be in a world of hurt.
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So pretty!
BGOL Investor
Yeah, talk to as many bitches as you can. If a bitch gives you her number that still don't mean she's interested. A lot of bitches have egos, man. Many bitches get that quick ego boost when you holler at them.

You also got to size up bitches before you approach them. If I get an indication that the bitch is ready to flip out, I won't fuck with her.

But when you call these bitches on the phone, they don't want to talk or they act stupid. That means that they either gave you the digits to make you go away or they just wanted you to holler at them to give them their ego boost.

When you first call a bitch, she should not tell you to call her back or act busy because it's your first time and if she's interested she would not jeapordize the potential relationship. If truly is an emergency, she should get your number, if she does not have it already, and call you back when she's ready.

I know some cats who go tired of approaching bitches that they have gone on dating sites, blind dates, or pay for the pussy.

Something you got to remember: bitches can be cold. My dad taught me this. Their egos are not on the line and their egos can make them treat you cold. If they just thinking about their self esteem's size they won't be thinking about you. That's why you should not respect them so much or take them seriously. If you do you'll be in a world of hurt.



This profile is now managed by A.I.
BGOL Investor


BGOL Investor
ahhh the gay militant speaks...

*puts fist in the air*

This coming from a mariachi banjo strummin' lookin ass nicca that solicits hair care tit bits a porn board? :confused: ... :dunno:

Nicca, if you don't sitcho' republican Maxi Priest wana be lookin' ass down.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

This coming from a mariachi banjo strummin' lookin ass nicca that solicits hair care tit bits a porn board? :confused: ... :dunno:

Nicca, if you don't sitcho' republican Maxi Priest wana be lookin' ass down.


nigga shut yo lanky asss black shawn bradley lookin ass ole I'mblackfromanothercountrybutIknowyourstruggle LOOKIN ASS...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................up!


BGOL Investor
nigga shut yo lanky asss black shawn bradley lookin ass ole I'mblackfromanothercountrybutIknowyourstruggle LOOKIN ASS...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................up!

'Ol, Idontwanaanswerthequestiontheyaskedmesincemycome-backjokeisprollywackashellsoI'drathertalkabouttaxes ...

... lookin ass nicca.


It's been said many times before, but I can't emphasize enough that confidence is key. I used to be shy like you back in high school, but what worked for me was that I figured out a way to surround myself with females on a friendship basis first. When you have women as friends first, they tend to give you advice [subconsciously in most cases] on talking to them (whether you ask them or not). You can do lots of reconnaissance on what women generally think about (most think about the same things regardless of personality, education, or economic status with few exceptions). The other plus to having women as friends is you can see whether they are your type or not through REAL conversation.

The only real negative aspect of having girls as friends is that there are some who will put you into the friend zone permanently, but what I've found is that those are the women I'm least compatible with in the first place (no matter how good they look), so there's really no loss on my part. Also, when she's extra emotional, you might have to listen to her whine and complain (PMS and its effects are real, even if they deny it).

Since I'm not really in that hypersexual 'gotta get all the pussy I can' mode anymore, females, more often than not trust me...but when they trust you enough they try to make moves on you (even 'lesbians' as I've experienced) :lol: ...when you don't make a move some of these ladies will try, in the slickest way possible, to rape you :lol:

Here's a little advice when talking to a female from my personal experiences:

Don't start a conversation by saying she's sexy or using any other euphamism suggesting your immediate physical attraction or intentions (she already assumes you want something)...instead, compliment her hair if it looks like it's just been done (this is important if she rocks the natural look), her nails, her shoes, her toe ring, bracelets, or some prop she might have like a tight Blackberry or a book that you want to read or have read.

Read her body language...if she looks defensive in posture and facial features, chances are you won't be able to break that barrier no matter what you say or do. You can offer to listen and that might work, but if she doesn't know you she'll look at you funny.

Look her in the eye when she's shows assertiveness and makes her think you're listening even if you aren't.

Above all, make her feel comfortable when talking to you...any way you can do this will give you an advantage no matter what your intentions are.

You will still have to face rejection, that's just a fact of life, but there are many ways to increase your chances.


Don't start a conversation by saying she's sexy or using any other euphamism suggesting your immediate physical attraction or intentions (she already assumes you want something)...instead, compliment her hair if it looks like it's just been done (this is important if she rocks the natural look), her nails, her shoes, her toe ring, bracelets, or some prop she might have like a tight Blackberry or a book that you want to read or have read.

Have you ever read this book? It encourages the opposite, it says "small talk" is a waste of time, and you should get to the point and be upfront with your intentions. Check it out: