Im afraid to approach women


^^^ I've thumbed through that book before; it's a good read. I just gave advice based on my personal experience and what works for me. If you know a girl already and genuinely like her it makes sense to be upfront and cut out all the bullshit. However, if you're dealing with someone you don't know, you have pick her brain and use alternative tactics.


wannabe star
It's been said many times before, but I can't emphasize enough that confidence is key. I used to be shy like you back in high school, but what worked for me was that I figured out a way to surround myself with females on a friendship basis first. When you have women as friends first, they tend to give you advice [subconsciously in most cases] on talking to them (whether you ask them or not). You can do lots of reconnaissance on what women generally think about (most think about the same things regardless of personality, education, or economic status with few exceptions). The other plus to having women as friends is you can see whether they are your type or not through REAL conversation.

The only real negative aspect of having girls as friends is that there are some who will put you into the friend zone permanently, but what I've found is that those are the women I'm least compatible with in the first place (no matter how good they look), so there's really no loss on my part. Also, when she's extra emotional, you might have to listen to her whine and complain (PMS and its effects are real, even if they deny it).

Since I'm not really in that hypersexual 'gotta get all the pussy I can' mode anymore, females, more often than not trust me...but when they trust you enough they try to make moves on you (even 'lesbians' as I've experienced) :lol: ...when you don't make a move some of these ladies will try, in the slickest way possible, to rape you :lol:

Here's a little advice when talking to a female from my personal experiences:

Don't start a conversation by saying she's sexy or using any other euphamism suggesting your immediate physical attraction or intentions (she already assumes you want something)...instead, compliment her hair if it looks like it's just been done (this is important if she rocks the natural look), her nails, her shoes, her toe ring, bracelets, or some prop she might have like a tight Blackberry or a book that you want to read or have read.

Read her body language...if she looks defensive in posture and facial features, chances are you won't be able to break that barrier no matter what you say or do. You can offer to listen and that might work, but if she doesn't know you she'll look at you funny.

Look her in the eye when she's shows assertiveness and makes her think you're listening even if you aren't.

Above all, make her feel comfortable when talking to you...any way you can do this will give you an advantage no matter what your intentions are.

You will still have to face rejection, that's just a fact of life, but there are many ways to increase your chances.

Awesome info, thanks a lot


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Before you take anybody's advice and apply it, one of the first things you should do is log off of BGOL. Too much sex, too many scantily clad and fully naked women and (no homo) too many urges to jack off. Jacking off will give you that post-orgasm feeling which is not conducive to being social with women outside of the necessary. Although I'm not a follower of Tariq Nasheed, I think you should try his message board what ever it's called, states of players or whatever. There you can probably get his and some other's opinions with out looking up some girl's pussy in a sig pic.
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BGOL Investor

This coming from a mariachi banjo strummin' lookin ass nicca that solicits hair care tit bits a porn board? :confused: ... :dunno:

Nicca, if you don't sitcho' republican Maxi Priest wana be lookin' ass down.




Potential Star
BGOL Investor
... Since I'm not really in that hypersexual 'gotta get all the pussy I can' mode anymore, females, more often than not trust me...but when they trust you enough they try to make moves on you (even 'lesbians' as I've experienced) ...when you don't make a move some of these ladies will try, in the slickest way possible, to rape you ...

WTF????? :lol:

and you just hate that shit too, don't you aristotlesown??? :lol::lol::lol:

I'm with you on everything else though. good advice bgol.

now go do something with it kingofthemountain


Potential Star
Project, if she accepts the projection ,you there
she will let u know,

If projection doesn't work,keep reading, bro! lol

Pussy is the most powerful tool a woman has. Never let her know that you need her pussy. Play the pussy real casual.

If you can make her think it's always her idea to fuck you,,, you'll get plenty of it. Sweat her for pussy,,, and she'll soon be running some serious mind games on you.

Ration the attention. They crave it, however if given freely and without warrant, they quickly grow bored and will walk all over you like a cheap persian rug.
a) do something once for a woman,,, she's flattered.
b) do something twice for a woman,,, she expects it.
c) do it 3 times,,, she expects it, plus the bitch won't even appreciate it anymore
1- Never listen to ur home boy about women. Chances are he doesn't know much more than U do.

2- If you need advice get with an older dude. They've been there, done it, seen it, and have the T-shirt.

3- Know urself first before U seek out the booty. One of life's big secrets is that women seek out brothers who they think will elevate them spritually, materially, emotionally, and/or physically. They feed off of the confidence men have about themselves because most if not all women are self conscous and critical of themselves to a fault.

4-4- Understand this ... getting/hitting the booty once or twice is kewl. But the game is, the talent is, ur goal should be to create long living memories with any woman, so no matter who she's with, she's fantasizing about U when ur not even in the picture anymore. Be that dude that she's always glad to see or talk about. Be her lil secret; the dude she won't tell her current b-friend about. Tha's what u calling leaving ur mark on the booty. Do that grasshopper and u'll have mastered the art of pimpin.

5- Recognize the truth in my words and u'll go far.

If she mentiones anything about bills - sh'e lookin at you to be a simp "provider"

but if she spending her own money on you and constantly gettin past due notices but she's too busy bangin you to pay attention then you are a lover.

Hence the creation of the bitter black woman and no offense to the ladies of the board in most cases they are walking contradiction and a waste of time.

you can approach a woman,,, but the woman has to choose you. if she doesn't choose you,,, you don't have a woman. she's just using you to boost her own ego. plus you won't be getting any pussy.

I'm 42 and feel sorry for any dude who hooks up with any 1 of the women from my past. I'm a hard act to follow. It's the young mind that thinks a woman is attracted to the his money, his bling, etc. She don't give a damn about ur money or ur riches, what attracts her is the confidence and security that a person with money and bling has. They act differently. A broke brother who acts broke is less likely to walk around with his head up and shoulders back. Is less likely to be a go getter and a world shaker. Brothers with money call their own shots, make their own way and have others do their bidding for them. So in essence you can be broke as hell just don't act like it. Walk into a club and act as if you could buy the club. Walk in front of ur boys instead of behind them. Be seen calling the shots in ur lil group, and watch the women invite u into their space. U could be the ugliest, brokest, bad breaftest person in the spot (whatever the spot) ur APPEARANCE to be more than who/what U are is what's attractive. Women then want to know what it is about U that makes U, U. They seek U out, want to know ur story. I promise U, if U understand this concept even U can screw a Hollie Berry, Mya, Venessa Williams etc..
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Dealing with multiple women keeps your game tight, period! You don't even necessarily have to be fucking them all either. And when women know that you are a free man, who is dating around,,,, it keeps them on their toes also.

Competition eliminates some of the bullshit that woman run on you, when they know you are their only one
1.Women are thinking all the time... guys think mostly about getting pussy.
2. Women hunt, and have you thinking you're doing the hunting and in
reality your ass is the game. :eek:
3. Women can hide their true intentions for a long long time, until they get
what they want, after the first fuck, the man has figured the game is all
over and he's won....actually this is when the shit actually begins.:eek: :D
4. Women share shit with other women and will seek advice from other women
,men don't and are often left to their own advices.... fatal mistake
5. NeverNEVERever
ever think that pussy is all yours!!!!!!! No matetr how good the dick game

To many times we ignore Bitches. Learn to listen for the things that Bitches are not saying versus what they are saying.
^^^ American men place too much value on women/pussy. These women aren't really half of what we hype them up to be.

This type of irrational thinking distracts you from being the man you need to be. You step to her, and you are way out of character. (acting all corny and sweating her).

When you step to a female,,, you should always carry yourself with the attitude that "if she doesn't choose me,,, it's her loss",,, not the other way around.
I use this one often...

Do not call her after you fuck her for a couple of days, atleast 1. She will wonder what happened. Even if its your main chick, do her kind of dirty to keep her on her toes and always ready to please you.
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let me add on to this bra:

the more you push a broad away,,, the more she'll cling to you.
the more you sweat her,,, the more she'll play you casual.

create a little distance between you and your broad,,, and always have a life outside of your girl,,,

give her the gift of missing you.
be unpredictable meaning do the unexpected
be a good listener and talk about yourself very little this becomes mysterious to bitches for some reason and creates even more interest
flirt touch do whatever you do but don't press the pussy ,because if the chick wants to give u pussy, she will. The only thing she's waiting for is for u to fuck up and say or do some dumb shit

3.MAKE HER CUM!!!!!!!


Women are like real estate: (replace the word "property" with "women")

a) Never get your heart set on one property. There are plenty of other properties out there.

b) If it's a good deal,,, scoop it up,,, but always be looking for the next piece of property that you will aquire.

c) If it's a bad deal,,, your biggest bargaining tool is to walk away from the deal, and look at the next property.
k my children, gather 'round and let Uncle Willie give you the keys to a successful relationship with any woman; and by relationship understand that anybody u come in contact with whether 15 seconds or 15 yrs u establish a limited relationship with. I'm reading all these post and my bretheren most of you still don't get it. As long as you think of the physical vagina being the pussy u'll never own it. But when u convert ur knowledge to the knowing that the real pussy is in the mind you can definitely take ownership of it.

* Every, Every, Every woman great and small has two relationships with any 1 man. The one based in fantasy and the one based in reality. U tend to lose ur woman when U cease to live up to that fantasized relationship that she has with U. When she loses the fantasy she gets smacked dead in the face with the fact that U aren't as tall as she likes, ur dick ain't a big, U don't have enuf money and u just don't provide for her the things she THINKS needs. Enter John Doe-new guy. He's the one she develops the new fantasy about and for a good minute he plays to that fantasy. That's why he can get the draws while she's still with U.

How did she lose the fantasy with U? It was lost because U spent too much time focusing on making the physical pussy urs. U forgot about her mind/brain where the real pussy is. U made ur fantasy override hers and she begins to feel it and withdraws from U.

So keep listening to all the lil boys who tell you don't buy that gal no drink, don't buy her no clothes, don't spend ur ends on her and u'll be beatin ur dick again by sundown. Now the truth of the matter is, if you take care of ur woman (meaning provide the appearance that u'll do anything for her) U won't have to spend much. I've gone thru women, a few celebs (small time) college , military, african, asian, white, PR, Domins by the dozens and what is true of all women is, if u win over their hearts they'll gladly give u a kidney ... free of charge. It's all in the mind y'all. Stop listening to these dudes who want to go around acting like their pimping. Pimps get women to suck dixk in a cold, dark, wet, stank alley and bring them the money ... all the money. Why? Cause a pimp knows how to make love to that woman's mind.
He plays to the fantasy. So much so, that the ho' never even see's the reality of the lifestyle 'til after she gets away from the pimp.

I don't think y'all ready for this gold i'm dropping. Next i'll tell U how it's in the bible how to get any woman. Knowledge is power, U just gotta learn how to shet the fuxk up and listen a time or two.
One thing I learned is that, from time to time you have to make her cry and feel bad from time to time, It lets you and her know that you are leading and she is following. But you also have to make her smile and happy. Make her smile, make her cry all in the same. And what alot of guys tend to forget about women is that they are emotional... and too many guys think that its bout fucking her the right way, fulfilling every fantasy sexually and being her little secret, but thats not the case. To be their secret goes beyond sex. You have to rape their mind and everything will be yours..Like the pimps say. "any man can control her body, but to control the mind is really the key". Ultimately, you have to leave your mark mentally and emotionally with these chicks and sex should be secondary (but i always say, make sure she cums and when you do make sure she cums hard). Be the first to show her new shit,(For example: museums, restaurants, trips, etc). And everytime she sees that, she will be reminded of you. And by doing that, you will never be forgotten, as long as you dont put her thru some crazy traumatizing shit, she will always come back........Thats why I can honestly say that all my ex's and girls I've dated always wanna come back. Rape the mind and everything will follow. Trust, It works like a charm.
Overall, your job as a man is to bring order to a woman's chaos. Listen to what she has to say because she may have legitimate concerns. Otherwise, stand on that broad's shoulders when appropriate and have a no nonsense attitude. Place yourself above her bullshit, and check that shit at the door. If you don't, it makes you just as big a bitch as she is in her eyes.
Degrees of Absenteeism of Fathers:

Female observation and perception is dependent upon whether they lost their father to divorce, abandonment or death, and at what age. How and why a father is absent will have an impact on the emotional and material outcome for the child (Grimm-Wassil, 1994, p. 5). The different answers help explain why some females have abandonment issues, depict men a certain way, have difficulties determining their self worth or consequently become sexually promiscuous.

Girls who have little contact with their fathers, especially during adolescence had great difficulties forming lasting relationships with men. Sadly these females either shy away from males altogether or become sexually aggressive. Girls with involved fathers learn how to interact with males by using the father-daughter relationship as a model. They not only have a concerned male to converse with but also a feeling of acceptance, knowing they are loved by at least one male. Females without father figures often become desperate for male attention (Grimm-Wassil, 1994).

(i got these from BGOL :D:yes:
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
OneB4Two_Not2B4One that looks like a lot of good info from what I read so far. I'll have to come back and read the rest later.