Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men Down


Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
BGOL Investor
Master faggit is up to his old tricks.... Dude just reposted this exact article, same link n all....


I’m just out here working hard every single day, just trying to be the best poster I can be....


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

Why are anyone surprise about this about this bitch..this is the same dude that had no problem with the verdict of the Trayvon case....:hmm::hmm:


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
man i honestly don't understand how they can type that shit and not see the ridiculousness

Had a whole Revenge of the Nerds movie series but this is a Black thing.

That's up there with Black people glorify criminal behavior while Sons of Anarchy, Breaking Bad, Weeds, and Sapranos are killing in the ratings.

Sent from my Nexus 5


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
What I find funny is that the only people who say smart kids are acting white are white people pushing that stereotype. I never once heard a Black person say that in my 45 years.

Sent from my Nexus 5


Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
BGOL Investor
This whole thread has turned into a support thread for nerds.... You could write a PSA on bullying based on some of the confessions in here... Dudes straight in they feelings in here... All behind some shit that happened all over America and knows no ethnic exclusivity or boundaries... But let them tell it, this is a BLACK THANG..... You weak ass Sambo's disgust me :smh:

I’m just out here working hard every single day, just trying to be the best poster I can be....


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
This is not a black issue.
Correct, its the American way, but being that we were stripped of our original culture and our families discombobulated, we have verly little, if any protection vs against this way of life.
Most Americans are condition to not have or build structure, structure yields power. Instead we are condition to follow the existing structure mindlessly and those who don't go with the flow, or rather challenges the system will be ostracized. Don't believe me, make a thread on how nike sneakers are robbing the black community, or how most blacks should read more, and see the response or lack of responses you get.. Basically you'd get the typical, what right do you have, telling me what to buy or how to live my life. In other words this is the system, and no one has the right to suggest we change..
The thing is its our buying into this system that imprisons us, and as long as we believe its our right to remain in mental lock down, then yes our own lust to remain ignorant becomes our own holding cell.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
This is not a black issue.
Correct, its the American way, but being that we were stripped of our original culture and our families discombobulated, we have verly little, if any protection vs against this way of life.
Most Americans are condition to not have or build structure, structure yields power. Instead we are condition to follow the existing structure mindlessly and those who don't go with the flow, or rather challenges the system will be ostracized. Don't believe me, make a thread on how nike sneakers are robbing the black community, or how most blacks should read more, and see the response or lack of responses you get.. Basically you'd get the typical, what right do you have, telling me what to buy or how to live my life. In other words this is the system, and no one has the right to suggest we change..
The thing is its our buying into this system that imprisons us, and as long as we believe its our right to remain in mental lock down, then yes our own lust to remain ignorant becomes our own holding cell.


Rising Star
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

barkley a legend


BGOL Legend
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

for sure its a human thing but we're talking about a black man telling another black man he's not black whats that about?

when and where?

if you're talking about the sports story i don't believe it's true at all. and the players inside the actual locker room said the same thing.

how's this for you.

from Earl Thomas

"My reaction [to the Wilson story] is that it's an insult to our race,"

You hear that? He took it the right way. Everyone in here is auto assuming that it must be because he's intelligent so "niggas" don't like when black people are intelligent

which is what this thread turned into in here

which is basically the ones fortunate enough to be smart or get an education looking down on those that weren't like everyone is built the same everyone had the same stable environment in their home and everyone had the determination within to make it despite the humbling odds out there. which just isn't the truth.

and it's coming from a dude who self admittedly didn't go to class or take his studies seriously AT ALL

there are black people who aren't about shit.

but think about this for just one minute

how much sense does it make to say the people who are unintelligent and poor are holding back the people who are intelligent and have success? Does that make a lick of fucking sense?

If you're dumb and don't have the money to change anything shouldn't the people who are smart and have the access to change things do the shit because the "dumb asses" with no money are powerless to do anything about it?

How can someone who has no resources or intelligence to use those resources even if they did have them be able to keep those who have the "smarts" back?

Are they holding you back or are you turning this into a "class" of people you wish didn't exist.


rather than saying they don't know any better let's try to help let's try to save and turn who we can save and turn.. let's show them the way, let's give them some breaks.. we don't have to break ourselves to do it just a little bit that goes a long way.. a shot or opportunity to do right.. instead of doing THAT since we're so worried about unity all of a sudden right? Instead of doing THAT

we make sure we tell our white friends all the time that it ain't your fault it's the dumb asses that are poor that's making us ALL look bad and holding us..those who made something out of ourselves back


BGOL Legend
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

Could a toddler stop you from doing anything you wanted to do?


Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
BGOL Investor
Good point, LBOP!

Barkley gave 2 shits about a education. I remember he was on some late night show, be it Kimmel or Leno and when asked what his GPA was in college he replied "20 & 10"

THIS MUFUCCA don't value a education, why should I take anything he has to say about an education seriously?

I’m just out here working hard every single day, just trying to be the best poster I can be....


BGOL Legend
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

Good point, LBOP!

Barkley gave 2 shits about a education. I remember he was on some late night show, be it Kimmel or Leno and when asked what his GPA was in college he replied "20 & 10"

THIS MUFUCCA don't value a education, why should I take anything he has to say about an education seriously?

I’m just out here working hard every single day, just trying to be the best poster I can be....

Notice you're unintelligent and brainwashed if you ain't got no money.

You just want to keep successful ones back...if you had money you wouldn't


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

honestly barkley has a valid point. :dunno:

it starts early in life. kids who do well in school get picked on for doing well. it just translates on to later in life as well.
Umm no. Kids who are weird and awkward in school get picked on. A lot of the other kids do well especially the cool ones


Rising Star
OG Investor
This whole thread has turned into a support thread for nerds.... You could write a PSA on bullying based on some of the confessions in here... Dudes straight in they feelings in here... All behind some shit that happened all over America and knows no ethnic exclusivity or boundaries... But let them tell it, this is a BLACK THANG..... You weak ass Sambo's disgust me :smh:

I’m just out here working hard every single day, just trying to be the best poster I can be....
These niggas are some marks, bruh.


Potential Star
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

What about the successful black man that looks down on the ones that ain't got what they have goes both ways.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

Though I didn't like that Sir Charles excused White People from having a hand in our condition,

I'm not going to get all emotional and shit about everything else he said.

Those who have kids know the deal.
And that's whether you're on track with yours,
Or letting them do/get away with whatever the fuck they want until it's too late.

If you have issues with what Barkley said,
Then it's up to YOU to do something.
For YOU.
For YOUR kids

I really wish Black people like Barkley would just stop saying this shit on a WHITE "platform". You give these fucks ammo, and they always run with it.

But like hood-rats, SOME Black Athletes, Hollywood/Music Attention Whores, etc.,
A lot of our people just don't know when to keep their FUCKIN' mouths shut.
And/Or keep shit behind closed doors.
It's like some of us always want attention and shit.

This is a balanced response.

As for Charles Barkley, let's be honest about who and what he is. Charles is one of the least intelligent blacks on TV and doesn't currently possess the capacity to speak on something this complex; period. And, the only reason Charles is on TV is bc he's an ex-professional star athlete who's not afraid to make a fool of himself- not unlike reality stars of today- by spouting off the wall drivel. Charles can barely fill in the blanks on TV while talking about basketball... a sport he played for decades.

Charles is a fool... and fools make great TV bc you never know what they're going to say. People shake their heads and mutter "oh Charles" after he speaks... he's 'special.' Furthermore, anyone who agrees with Charles as vociferously as some of you do, are either trying to escape deep and painful- yet unchallenged- sub- conscience feelings about yourselves or auditioning for the part of 'exception to the rule negro' in a world where that part doesn't exist.

No need to get huffy about what Charles says bc he's doing exactly what they pay fools to do; trrrrrrble!
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Don 88

Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

dumbest shit I've ever heard

fuck white supremacy, fuck 400 years of slavery, fuck the Jim Crow period, fuck 30 years of red lining,fuck the creation of unions to keep blacks unemployed, fuck the creation of crack to destroy black communities, fuck the piss poor schools they have for black children; fuck it all let's blame other black folks. Tell Charles Barkley to go eat a dick in his attempts to keep white folks happy

Thank-U kind sir!!! :cool:


International Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

More dumb coon athlete schtick.

same guy who spit on fan,dui etc...laughable.
calling folks unintelligent,like he is known for his intellect.

why dont he address jim brown's comment.

Black Radical

Rising Star
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

ur doing the work of god iun here man. i salute u. cats r completely clueless.


Support BGOL
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

Man I am sorry but the only hate I get from black folk is when they think they are white, usually in business world. I am from the hood. Every OG dude that is older than me from the project I grew up in have not one bad word to say ever. They knew my parents were not playing that shit and deep down they wanted that too. They sold dope, were crips, bloods, hustlers etc but not ever did they have one bad word to say because I went to school and had a legit job.

When these dudes see me in the street they always ask me "am I good" and give me the look cause they know I aint bout that life but they are, lol. I would rather call the police to fight my battles than to call them cause we all gone be locked up lol. They call me a square we laugh about it and keep it pushing, but its never been one moment of hate.

None the less I haven't experienced black hate. However I do deal with nigga shit on a daily but don't we all. Is my neighbor bumping music hella loud all during the week late at night a black on black crime, is so Barkley is right.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

More dumb coon athlete schtick.

same guy who spit on fan,dui etc...laughable.
calling folks unintelligent,like he is known for his intellect.

why dont he address jim brown's comment.

He's not equipped to address Jim Brown's comments, he brings nothing to the conversation.

People laugh at Charles and he thinks they're laughing with him...which is almost the definition of a fool. Charles is literally the Jester.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

Fuck a Charles Barkley.... This ain't no damn dirty little secret... Nerds get teased all the time no matter their ethnicity.... Difference is black nerds take it in stride and white nerds go Columbine.....

I’m just out here working hard every single day, just trying to be the best poster I can be....
Co-sign. Are the only people that will our own on blast for all the whole to see:smh:?


Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
BGOL Investor
Co-sign. Are the only people that will our own on blast for all the whole to see:smh:?

I just want, one time, a white person with the national name/facial recognition of a Charles Barkley to start answering a question on ANY media outlet with:

"Let me tell you about white people. You know what's wrong with us white people......"

Then proceed to make a negative, sweeping generalization about ALL white people as if it's exclusive to them even tho the subject being discussed is one that transcends racial and ethnic boundaries.....

(but we don't care about what white people do, so...)

I’m just out here working hard every single day, just trying to be the best poster I can be....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

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International Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

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Charlemagne should shut his bleachin ass up
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

Charlemagne should shut his bleachin ass up

he anotha dude in denial..he looked like a geek so nigs fucked him up cause he looked weak..that's usually the bottom line if u look like prey the predators gonna fuck with u


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

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So,they're going to ignore that white people have TV shows,movies and documentaries about mobsters,but have the audacity to say black people glorify that bullshit..... fuck outta here....


And,why does everything have to be a dark secret in the black community...I hate when people say that bullshit....:hmm::hmm:


A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

So,they're going to ignore that white people have TV shows,movies and documentaries about mobsters,but have the audacity to say black people glorify that bullshit..... fuck outta here....


And,why does everything have to be a dark secret in the black community...I hate when people say that bullshit....:hmm::hmm:

They say that dumb shit, so that their words will resonate more with Dwight. It's like when a lyin' ass muhfucka start yellin' "Real talk!", or them annoying ass cacs start off with: "Fact!"

II Dxnum

Rising Star
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

I don't understand why you'll continue to listen to what those 3 idiots at the breakfast club have to say on social issues.


Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

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You got people who live in the projects.Who don't approve of drugs,and murder.I don't know not one parent,who ever said that bull shit;that them and Charles Barkley ever said.I see that fame and making money clouds your decision and statements on matters that concern black people.I don't use this word so god forgive me,but them niggas are dumb!

"Book Sense doesn't = to Common Sense!"
