About Love: Poems and Inspiration


Scooty Puff Pilot
BGOL Investor
RObeson, Pussy Krook, Lady S, Bushmon thank you for your kind words!!! I've always sucked at this genre:lol: and haven't even tried to write a poem for some 15 years, but maybe Lady S has it right.

Miss Izayoi :eek: you are not new my sista you needed a muse and it seems in Bushmon you have found such.

I think yes :yes::yes::yes:


His Vision

Your wilderness, Moistened dew.
Refined path, Lingua true.

Rhythmic gait, Zeniths Flower.
Granted dribs, Raw nectar.

Gentle suckle, Mothers young.
Now awakened, Vision cum.


That's why you're my muse. Spare and stunning.


Scooty Puff Pilot
BGOL Investor
Heartbreak by Izayoi

The Silk Road caught me sleeping
Buddha blessed this keep
but now I'm creeping
scaling these walls and reaching for meaning
in these paths and bypasses
of sin and sweat

His eyes have hobbled my traveler
now I am as he is
lust swollen and heavy as mercury
falling into this dharma hunger
navigated by blood and thunder

If I can just crawl out from under his thigh
to the crossroad
enlightenment to be

But I cant take him with me.


Lively up yourself
Super Moderator
Heartbreak by Izayoi

The Silk Road caught me sleeping
Buddha blessed this keep
but now I'm creeping
scaling these walls and reaching for meaning
in these paths and bypasses
of sin and sweat

His eyes have hobbled my traveler
now I am as he is
lust swollen and heavy as mercury
falling into this dharma hunger
navigated by blood and thunder

If I can just crawl out from under his thigh
to the crossroad
enlightenment to be

But I cant take him with me.

:yes::yes: thats my girl right there :yes: you've got the bug...I love it. I wish I could still write.:(


Rising Star
Platinum Member
OK Everybody: A BGOL female wanted me to post this anonymously. She got skills but she scurred. Please be honest and provide some feedback. All I can say is she visits on a regular! :D

From time to time.. your on my mind
the wise would say that love is blind
its damages your sight and your limbs go numb
you'll loose your mind just to make him cum
and yes its good you can feel it down to your toes
the way this man makes you feel, only God knows
but wasn't it Newton that said that every action
has a reaction?
That for the price you pay for pure satisfaction
you put up with his ignorant ways and childish actions
but that man will love you as long as you stroke his ego
and his dick at the same time
yeah you a bad bitch but don't slip
cause as soon as you trip
this nigga gon dip
and have another chick strokin his tip
and in the end you think to yourself 2 things...
WTF was i thinking? and was it worth it?
HELL YEAH! Lol nah im just playin
but i cant front there where good times
ya know what I'm sayin?
but the good turned to bad
and what was happy became sad
you did what you could and gave all you had
so in the end, what do you do?
you pack all his shit and hand him his shoes
the nigga had the nerve to play you like a fool
thanks for the ride, it was good while it lasted
now get the fuck outta my house you Conceited bastid!


Lively up yourself
Super Moderator
OK Everybody: A BGOL female wanted me to post this anonymously. She got skills but she scurred. Please be honest and provide some feedback. All I can say is she visits on a regular! :D

From time to time.. your on my mind
the wise would say that love is blind
its damages your sight and your limbs go numb
you'll loose your mind just to make him cum
and yes its good you can feel it down to your toes
the way this man makes you feel, only God knows
but wasn't it Newton that said that every action
has a reaction?
That for the price you pay for pure satisfaction
you put up with his ignorant ways and childish actions
but that man will love you as long as you stroke his ego
and his dick at the same time
yeah you a bad bitch but don't slip
cause as soon as you trip
this nigga gon dip
and have another chick strokin his tip
and in the end you think to yourself 2 things...
WTF was i thinking? and was it worth it?
HELL YEAH! Lol nah im just playin
but i cant front there where good times
ya know what I'm sayin?
but the good turned to bad
and what was happy became sad
you did what you could and gave all you had
so in the end, what do you do?
you pack all his shit and hand him his shoes
the nigga had the nerve to play you like a fool
thanks for the ride, it was good while it lasted
now get the fuck outta my house you Conceited bastid!

Cyba you need to tell the sista to post some more :yes: And she has no reason to be scared. In here its all about love :)


Lively up yourself
Super Moderator
From our own Ming Fei Hong

By Sunn

That night… on a dim cobblestone side street
Staring at my shuffling feet
In between peeks at various snapshots of you
It was as if time stood still and watched us from a distance
Like a voyeur who believes serendipity,
But looks on for proof
And there we were

Less than sixteen minutes of nervous disarmament away
From our first and… up until now… only kiss

As an artist in a moment like this…
I become keenly aware of details…
The details of your face…
Your movements… your perfume… your laughter
Details that would surely become art some day…
A poem… a painting… a song…

This synaptic firestorm ignited by a kinetic electric embrace
Sets a blaze my mind to gaze upon that which I cannot see…
The symmetry of your toes and arch of your feet
The complexion and response of your areolas to touch
The groom and scent of your secret V
Your descending timber from climax to clutch

Yet… as a man in this instance I am at a loss for details
I can recall only… your energy.
The warmth of you skin rising from the slight space
Between your body and the collar of your coat
That cradles my face, fills my lungs and holds my feet steady…
Like gravity… as we dance… slowly
To my timid attempt to serenade you with ‘Ruby’

You never told me what it was about ‘Free Bird’…
That meant so much to you
I never told you what it was about you…
That meant so much to me

And it was only after that chance meeting that I realized
That we were not meeting at all…
Because you were with me… within me all along

For time is not linear.
Now is forever.
Forever is always.
All ways is every direction.
Future. Present. Past.

Good morning, stranger.
Welcome back.


BGOL Investor
From our own Ming Fei Hong

By Sunn

That night… on a dim cobblestone side street
Staring at my shuffling feet
In between peeks at various snapshots of you
It was as if time stood still and watched us from a distance
Like a voyeur who believes serendipity,
But looks on for proof
And there we were

Less than sixteen minutes of nervous disarmament away
From our first and… up until now… only kiss

As an artist in a moment like this…
I become keenly aware of details…
The details of your face…
Your movements… your perfume… your laughter
Details that would surely become art some day…
A poem… a painting… a song…

This synaptic firestorm ignited by a kinetic electric embrace
Sets a blaze my mind to gaze upon that which I cannot see…
The symmetry of your toes and arch of your feet
The complexion and response of your areolas to touch
The groom and scent of your secret V
Your descending timber from climax to clutch

Yet… as a man in this instance I am at a loss for details
I can recall only… your energy.
The warmth of you skin rising from the slight space
Between your body and the collar of your coat
That cradles my face, fills my lungs and holds my feet steady…
Like gravity… as we dance… slowly
To my timid attempt to serenade you with ‘Ruby’

You never told me what it was about ‘Free Bird’…
That meant so much to you
I never told you what it was about you…
That meant so much to me

And it was only after that chance meeting that I realized
That we were not meeting at all…
Because you were with me… within me all along

For time is not linear.
Now is forever.
Forever is always.
All ways is every direction.
Future. Present. Past.

Good morning, stranger.
Welcome back.
Where is Ming.. by the way???


Heartbreak by Izayoi

The Silk Road caught me sleeping
Buddha blessed this keep
but now I'm creeping
scaling these walls and reaching for meaning
in these paths and bypasses
of sin and sweat

His eyes have hobbled my traveler
now I am as he is
lust swollen and heavy as mercury
falling into this dharma hunger
navigated by blood and thunder

If I can just crawl out from under his thigh
to the crossroad
enlightenment to be

But I cant take him with me.


I love this.


One of my all-time favs by Rumi:

The minute I heard my first love story
I started looking for you, not knowing
How blind that was.

Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere.
They’re in each other all along.

-Jala al-Din Rumi



From our own Ming Fei Hong

By Sunn

That night… on a dim cobblestone side street
Staring at my shuffling feet
In between peeks at various snapshots of you
It was as if time stood still and watched us from a distance
Like a voyeur who believes serendipity,
But looks on for proof
And there we were

Less than sixteen minutes of nervous disarmament away
From our first and… up until now… only kiss

As an artist in a moment like this…
I become keenly aware of details…
The details of your face…
Your movements… your perfume… your laughter
Details that would surely become art some day…
A poem… a painting… a song…

This synaptic firestorm ignited by a kinetic electric embrace
Sets a blaze my mind to gaze upon that which I cannot see…
The symmetry of your toes and arch of your feet
The complexion and response of your areolas to touch
The groom and scent of your secret V
Your descending timber from climax to clutch

Yet… as a man in this instance I am at a loss for details
I can recall only… your energy.
The warmth of you skin rising from the slight space
Between your body and the collar of your coat
That cradles my face, fills my lungs and holds my feet steady…
Like gravity… as we dance… slowly
To my timid attempt to serenade you with ‘Ruby’

You never told me what it was about ‘Free Bird’…
That meant so much to you
I never told you what it was about you…
That meant so much to me

And it was only after that chance meeting that I realized
That we were not meeting at all…
Because you were with me… within me all along

For time is not linear.
Now is forever.
Forever is always.
All ways is every direction.
Future. Present. Past.

Good morning, stranger.
Welcome back.

This is excellent. The detail proves to me this was a real woman. A real event. I think that's why it's so good, it's like watching a scene from a movie unfold. Great.


Heartbreak by Izayoi

The Silk Road caught me sleeping
Buddha blessed this keep
but now I'm creeping
scaling these walls and reaching for meaning
in these paths and bypasses
of sin and sweat

His eyes have hobbled my traveler
now I am as he is
lust swollen and heavy as mercury
falling into this dharma hunger
navigated by blood and thunder

If I can just crawl out from under his thigh
to the crossroad
enlightenment to be

But I cant take him with me.

This leaves many things to be interpreted by the reader which I mean in a good way. Trying to pry yourself from a carnally satifying relationship, but a dead ended one, correct? I really like this poem.


Scooty Puff Pilot
BGOL Investor
:yes::yes: thats my girl right there :yes: you've got the bug...I love it. I wish I could still write.:(

:angry: Stop playin :) You need a muse...a 6 ft 7 one I think.

Iz pure fiyah. And you lied to me and said you couldn't write.:smh:

I love you anyways.:yes:

I said I couldn't write POETRY love!:p I'm still shaky, but I owed Bush at least an attempt. He has been such a great contributor to this thread.

OK Everybody: A BGOL female wanted me to post this anonymously. She got skills but she scurred. Please be honest and provide some feedback. All I can say is she visits on a regular! :D

From time to time.. your on my mind
the wise would say that love is blind
its damages your sight and your limbs go numb
you'll loose your mind just to make him cum
and yes its good you can feel it down to your toes
the way this man makes you feel, only God knows
but wasn't it Newton that said that every action
has a reaction?

That for the price you pay for pure satisfaction
you put up with his ignorant ways and childish actions
but that man will love you as long as you stroke his ego
and his dick at the same time
yeah you a bad bitch but don't slip
cause as soon as you trip
this nigga gon dip
and have another chick strokin his tip
and in the end you think to yourself 2 things...
WTF was i thinking? and was it worth it?
HELL YEAH! Lol nah im just playin
but i cant front there where good times
ya know what I'm sayin?

but the good turned to bad
and what was happy became sad
you did what you could and gave all you had
so in the end, what do you do?
you pack all his shit and hand him his shoes
the nigga had the nerve to play you like a fool
thanks for the ride, it was good while it lasted
now get the fuck outta my house you Conceited bastid!

Cyba tell her get on in here so we can show love proper. That was real and very hot! I love the inner-voice style.

From our own Ming Fei Hong

By Sunn

That night… on a dim cobblestone side street
Staring at my shuffling feet
In between peeks at various snapshots of you
It was as if time stood still and watched us from a distance
Like a voyeur who believes serendipity,
But looks on for proof
And there we were

Less than sixteen minutes of nervous disarmament away
From our first and… up until now… only kiss

As an artist in a moment like this…
I become keenly aware of details…
The details of your face…
Your movements… your perfume… your laughter
Details that would surely become art some day…
A poem… a painting… a song…

This synaptic firestorm ignited by a kinetic electric embrace
Sets a blaze my mind to gaze upon that which I cannot see…
The symmetry of your toes and arch of your feet
The complexion and response of your areolas to touch
The groom and scent of your secret V
Your descending timber from climax to clutch

Yet… as a man in this instance I am at a loss for details
I can recall only… your energy.
The warmth of you skin rising from the slight space
Between your body and the collar of your coat
That cradles my face, fills my lungs and holds my feet steady…
Like gravity… as we dance… slowly
To my timid attempt to serenade you with ‘Ruby’

You never told me what it was about ‘Free Bird’…
That meant so much to you
I never told you what it was about you…
That meant so much to me

And it was only after that chance meeting that I realized
That we were not meeting at all…
Because you were with me… within me all along

For time is not linear.
Now is forever.
Forever is always.
All ways is every direction.
Future. Present. Past.

Good morning, stranger.
Welcome back.

Ming, thank you so. You are quite an artist :yes:
The way you captured the moment was really masterful.


I love this.


One of my all-time favs by Rumi:


Thanks Dale! Rumi is amazing. Wasn't he your choice for the level 4 game with a certain young lady as I recall? Perfect choice.

This leaves many things to be interpreted by the reader which I mean in a good way. Trying to pry yourself from a carnally satifying relationship, but a dead ended one, correct? I really like this poem.

Oh fun Andusay- we haven't done too much interpreting in this thread. I love Ming's Cyper threads on the main boards for that reason.

Ah- nice take on that poem !!! Interestingly enough I was thinking at the time more about the struggle with self and how our desires for flesh and immediate satisfaction can feel like a derailment to reaching our higher selves...but no denying sometimes falling apart and losing a little ground tastes very sweet indeed. One of the reasons we are so loathe to give up our addictions I suspect. Great thing about Eastern philosophy is the middle ground concept. There's a middle ground between slave and free sexually, spiritually, emotionally etc...finding it is the hard part.:)

Thanks Andusay! Visit Ming's Cypher thread- you'll enjoy it.



Lively up yourself
Super Moderator
:angry: Stop playin :) You need a muse...a 6 ft 7 one I think.
:lol::lol: Man I don't know why you always calling me out... uhmmm as for the 6'7 muse...eh hem I think that you should hold that one for the time being. :yes: You know you wanna. :lol:

Girl on the real though I haven't written in a minute man. Been told perhaps I have demons...lol perhaps thats right. Words forsake me Iz. I try and nothing comes. I've been abandoned by the very thing that gave me a sense of just being.:smh: Perhaps one of these days my muse will come.

I still need to link you the spoken word sis. Don't let me forget the next time we chat ok.

Peace n Love


BGOL Investor
Braggin Rights

I boast ‘cause I’m the man with the most
Forget rocking boats
I sink Titanics
Blowin out backs
Addictin like crack
Havin you in awe of the elasticity
Of your kitty kat
Tryin to accommodate
My freight train
Causin you to mimic refrains
Of Maria Carey
It may be a lil scary
But I can introduce a your body
To a pain that’s mmmmmm heavenly
Causin you to engrave
Concave coital scriptures in my back
Coupled with screams louder
Than babies craving similac
I make porn stars fear
For their job security
Night stickin pussy
Like it was Rodney King
And I was the LAP………….D
After a night with me
Your desire for another
Will be no more
You’ll continue to flock back to me
Like I was a free shoe store
Possessing futuristic tongue talents
In my repertoire
Mastering the art of cunnilingus
Lasciviously licking
Up to
And after
Rendering reactions similar
To walking through heaven’s door
And as juices run wildly
Down to the shores of your thighs
I’ll recapture each and every single solitary drop
Because in my mouth
Is where they should reside.
Tell your clitoris to come out
And stop trying to hide
So I can exhaust the possibilities
Of your vaginal stream
To give you a chance
To handle all of me inside
Your walls that crave exploration
Satisfactions only attainable through proper penetration
Reaching the deepest distances of your depths
Messaging the rim of your soul
And as your toes curl
I………….. make you pelvic muscles
And release
And still I do not cease
But in continuation I
Flip you over on your stomach
Tell you to arch your ass
So I can pay your G-Spot
Proper greetings and salutation
And as you hasten to scream
You bury your face
Grinding nails and teeth into my sheets
Raging against defeat
And your diagnosis
A Lovejoy fiend
Yearning for the multi-orgasmic haven of L-O-V-E
Significantly symbolizing sexual serenity
Tears of joy is what you’ll give to me
As I right the wrongs of that whack nigga that took your virginity.


Thanks Dale! Rumi is amazing. Wasn't he your choice for the level 4 game with a certain young lady as I recall? Perfect choice.

Thats actually the poem. She told me its still her fav ever... (even though we've been "just friends" for years now. :( :rolleyes: )

BTW Ming Fei Hong that piece was excellent. There's a lot of talent on here.


Scooty Puff Pilot
BGOL Investor
Braggin Rights

I boast ‘cause I’m the man with the most
Forget rocking boats
I sink Titanics
Blowin out backs
Addictin like crack
Havin you in awe of the elasticity
Of your kitty kat
Tryin to accommodate
My freight train
Causin you to mimic refrains
Of Maria Carey
It may be a lil scary
But I can introduce a your body
To a pain that’s mmmmmm heavenly

So I can pay your G-Spot
Proper greetings and salutation
And as you hasten to scream
You bury your face
Grinding nails and teeth into my sheets
Raging against defeat
And your diagnosis
A Lovejoy fiend
Yearning for the multi-orgasmic haven of L-O-V-E
Significantly symbolizing sexual serenity
Tears of joy is what you’ll give to me

As I right the wrongs of that whack nigga that took your virginity.

Oh dear. That was stimulating. By chance is that your fine body in that avatar...and does that location say MD?

Thanks for contributing to the thread!

Thats actually the poem. She told me its still her fav ever... (even though we've been "just friends" for years now. :( :rolleyes: )

BTW Ming Fei Hong that piece was excellent. There's a lot of talent on here.

With Rumi you were bound to make an impression!

Ming is awesome- I would like to buy some of his music.:yes:
:yes::yes: thats my girl right there :yes: you've got the bug...I love it. I wish I could still write.:(

Though your words may not rhyme
Understand that for everything there is a time
And when you least expect it
Inspiration will overpower you
And cause you to speak and or type
Beautiful things which are always inside you
Because you can not say them does not mean
That they are not there
Your actions will always make us aware
Of who you are
A dreadlocked sister
A Bajan immigrant and a drifter
Who loves being on the receiving end
Of a mighty womb shifter:D
And with this last thing
I will leave you as i bounce
Enjoy your life regardless
Because we only get to live it once.

P.S i only put in drifter to keep it ryhming. My intention was not to offend L.S :dance:


BGOL Investor
Wonderland: A Villanelle

Within the confines of Wonderland,
soothing strawberry scented satin sheets to please your sense of smell as your body quivers
and the condoms are on the nightstand

For touch, honey dust applied with a feather to determine conquest of lands
your feet to your hands: a map, in your center: my treasure
within the confines of Wonderland.

Endless sunsets that capture your eyes and your heart to a man who finally understands.
Monogamously in ecstasy as tongues dance the forbidden dance with Lambada maneuvers
and the condoms are on the nightstand.

At your disposal, a strong man from the way he uses his mind to the structure of his hands
and the warmth of his heart makes it entirely inconceivable to be insecure
within the confines of Wonderland.

Passion sizzles performing acts with the delicacy of angel wings to as rough as Sahara sands
an orgasmic liaison lasting forever making past lovers damn near impossible to remember,
and the condoms are on the nightstand.

I invite you to a world where no, can’t, and never will be replaced with will, yes and can.
The Place as my all, in my arms, embraced by my love, is untainted and pure
within the confines of Wonderland,
and the condoms are on the nightstand.


Lively up yourself
Super Moderator
Though your words may not rhyme
Understand that for everything there is a time
And when you least expect it
Inspiration will overpower you
And cause you to speak and or type
Beautiful things which are always inside you
Because you can not say them does not mean
That they are not there
Your actions will always make us aware
Of who you are
A dreadlocked sister
A Bajan immigrant and a drifter
Who loves being on the receiving end
Of a mighty womb shifter:D
And with this last thing
I will leave you as i bounce
Enjoy your life regardless
Because we only get to live it once.

P.S i only put in drifter to keep it ryhming. My intention was not to offend L.S :dance:

Alexand you could never offend me...:eek: I thought I enjoyed your posts before but uhhh damn you took it to another level...lawd i hope to see you in here more often mr bajan brown suga :yes:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Here she is again. Yall gotta keep supporting and giving feedback if you want her to come out of LurkerVille.

the touch... what a powerful thing
the smooth silky chocolate skin
seductive smiles and cute little giggles
the way my body move shakes and wiggles
with my curves that sway from side to side
and the definition of my swagger, you see my pride
my nipples are perked just right for a sweet taste
gliding my fingers down the sides of my waist
enjoying every bit as i drift into my comfort zone
i try to hold my emotions but still let out a soft moan
that one little button, that target that i hit
stimulates my whole body, straight from my clit
the moans grow strong, i cannot hold on
sweat builds in my palms for this my body longs
the feeling so desired but cant yet be acquired
as my body water sings its way down my warm path
my mind wonders as my sexual demons show their wrath
i gasp, trying to find my air and my body jerks uncontrollably
panting and still trembling slightly enjoying all in extract
making love to myself, and i do it right every time
never a disappointment, i take damn good care of mine
as i stroll to the shower to get so fresh and so clean
washing away my moment of me sudsing my body and a shape thats mean
slipping on clothes, doing hair and make up, getting ready for my date
taking one last look in the mirror rushing, damn i hate to be late
i do look good thought, Hmmm time for round 2? Hell,
the date can wait! what do you think?


Lively up yourself
Super Moderator
Here she is again. Yall gotta keep supporting and giving feedback if you want her to come out of LurkerVille.

the touch... what a powerful thing
the smooth silky chocolate skin
seductive smiles and cute little giggles
the way my body move shakes and wiggles
with my curves that sway from side to side
and the definition of my swagger, you see my pride
my nipples are perked just right for a sweet taste
gliding my fingers down the sides of my waist
enjoying every bit as i drift into my comfort zone
i try to hold my emotions but still let out a soft moan
that one little button, that target that i hit
stimulates my whole body, straight from my clit
the moans grow strong, i cannot hold on
sweat builds in my palms for this my body longs
the feeling so desired but cant yet be acquired
as my body water sings its way down my warm path
my mind wonders as my sexual demons show their wrath
i gasp, trying to find my air and my body jerks uncontrollably
panting and still trembling slightly enjoying all in extract
making love to myself, and i do it right every time
never a disappointment, i take damn good care of mine
as i stroll to the shower to get so fresh and so clean
washing away my moment of me sudsing my body and a shape thats mean
slipping on clothes, doing hair and make up, getting ready for my date
taking one last look in the mirror rushing, damn i hate to be late
i do look good thought, Hmmm time for round 2? Hell,
the date can wait! what do you think?

Seriously though sista you NEED to step forward. I'm enjoying your vibes yes...


Scooty Puff Pilot
BGOL Investor
Though your words may not rhyme
Understand that for everything there is a time
And when you least expect it
Inspiration will overpower you
And cause you to speak and or type
Beautiful things which are always inside you

Because you can not say them does not mean
That they are not there
Your actions will always make us aware
Of who you are
A dreadlocked sister
A Bajan immigrant and a drifter
Who loves being on the receiving end
Of a mighty womb shifter:D
And with this last thing
I will leave you as i bounce
Enjoy your life regardless
Because we only get to live it once.

P.S i only put in drifter to keep it ryhming. My intention was not to offend L.S :dance:

Alexand the verse and encouragement for Lady s much appreciated! Keep giving her the nudge...uh if show some skin to her on the pm tip that might help too
(please forward to Iz thanks! :D)

Wonderland: A Villanelle

Within the confines of Wonderland,
soothing strawberry scented satin sheets to please your sense of smell as your body quivers
and the condoms are on the nightstand

For touch, honey dust applied with a feather to determine conquest of lands
your feet to your hands: a map, in your center: my treasure

within the confines of Wonderland.

Endless sunsets that capture your eyes and your heart to a man who finally understands.
Monogamously in ecstasy as tongues dance the forbidden dance with Lambada maneuvers
and the condoms are on the nightstand.

At your disposal, a strong man from the way he uses his mind to the structure of his hands
and the warmth of his heart makes it entirely inconceivable to be insecure
within the confines of Wonderland.

Passion sizzles performing acts with the delicacy of angel wings to as rough as Sahara sands
an orgasmic liaison lasting forever making past lovers damn near impossible to remember,
and the condoms are on the nightstand.

I invite you to a world where no, can’t, and never will be replaced with will, yes and can.
The Place as my all, in my arms, embraced by my love, is untainted and pure
within the confines of Wonderland,
and the condoms are on the nightstand

Sexy sexy :yes::yes::yes:

Here she is again. Yall gotta keep supporting and giving feedback if you want her to come out of LurkerVille.

the touch... what a powerful thing
the smooth silky chocolate skin
seductive smiles and cute little giggles
the way my body move shakes and wiggles
with my curves that sway from side to side
and the definition of my swagger, you see my pride
my nipples are perked just right for a sweet taste
gliding my fingers down the sides of my waist
enjoying every bit as i drift into my comfort zone
i try to hold my emotions but still let out a soft moan
that one little button, that target that i hit
stimulates my whole body, straight from my clit
the moans grow strong, i cannot hold on
sweat builds in my palms for this my body longs
the feeling so desired but cant yet be acquired
as my body water sings its way down my warm path
my mind wonders as my sexual demons show their wrath
i gasp, trying to find my air and my body jerks uncontrollably
panting and still trembling slightly enjoying all in extract
making love to myself, and i do it right every time
never a disappointment, i take damn good care of mine
as i stroll to the shower to get so fresh and so clean
washing away my moment of me sudsing my body and a shape thats mean
slipping on clothes, doing hair and make up, getting ready for my date
taking one last look in the mirror rushing, damn i hate to be late
i do look good thought, Hmmm time for round 2? Hell,
the date can wait! what do you think?

I think you are great lurker lady! This has a real witty charm- sexy but make you smile too. :)

Seriously though sista you NEED to step forward. I'm enjoying your vibes yes...

Yes, me too!


Here's another gem from a bgol member that wishes to remain anonymous.

Light Moans by Anonymous

I wanna hold your hand
just to see our fingers intertwine
your skin against mine
oh ... so ... fine
like room temperature wine
after a long night of conversation
our minds have made love with words
but our bodies long
to touch
to be touched
*deep breath*
I feel a rush
your scent draws me to succumb
to the spell
Alexand the verse and encouragement for Lady s much appreciated! Keep giving her the nudge...uh if show some skin to her on the pm tip that might help too
(please forward to Iz thanks! :D)

Thanks for the subtle hint there Iz. I will take it into consideration but rest assured i am not as into displaying myself as some of the other enthusiastic males on this board.:lol:


BGOL Investor
Love at First Sight

One day alone
Was all it took
To tell what we have is real:
A stepping-stone for boundless wonders
A Love Supreme
A chance to dance eternally on cloud 99.
Clothed in laughter
Nurtured by conversation
And sheltered by unwavering lust,
Finally at peace
In our hearts newfound
And final resting place.

With so much
chemistry and potential energy
We can’t wait to connect kinetically.
Putting words into action
Hearts into motion
My love
Into Yours.
And Yours, surrounding mine
Tightly gripping and cUmbusting
The 24 year old cherry of my heart.
Taking my virginity,
Revealing true love
As an actual possibility.
Paying no mind to the complexity.
There’s no confusion on how to feel .
Because feelin you is not an option
It’s a reward I don’t deserve.


Lively up yourself
Super Moderator
Alexand the verse and encouragement for Lady s much appreciated! Keep giving her the nudge...uh if show some skin to her on the pm tip that might help too
(please forward to Iz thanks
! :D)

:lol::lol::lol: you know you my girl right :yes:

Sexy sexy :yes::yes::yes:

I think you are great lurker lady! This has a real witty charm- sexy but make you smile too. :)

Yes, me too!


Izayoi said:
Here's another gem from a bgol member that wishes to remain anonymous.

Light Moans by Anonymous

I wanna hold your hand
just to see our fingers intertwine
your skin against mine
oh ... so ... fine
like room temperature wine
after a long night of conversation
our minds have made love with words
but our bodies long
to touch
to be touched
*deep breath*
I feel a rush
your scent draws me to succumb
to the spell

:eek::eek: that is motion....pure poetry in motion.:yes:

Thanks for the subtle hint there Iz. I will take it into consideration but rest assured i am not as into displaying myself as some of the other enthusiastic males on this board.:lol:

:( ok :( Izzy he not taking the hint...but i'll take the words girl...:D


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Damn just when it looked like this thread was cooling down!!!!:smh: Good things truly come to those who wait. Respect and honor to all who recently posted even the ones who contributed by proxy. Too many good ones to comment individually its all hot and diverse. Keep dropping you will never be rejected or ridiculed here, its all about love and appreciation. Truth of the matter is, the quality of the work posted here has forced me to step up my game. Just ask Izayoi lol ;).
Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Girl on the real though I haven't written in a minute man. Been told perhaps I have demons...lol perhaps thats right. Words forsake me Iz. I try and nothing comes. I've been abandoned by the very thing that gave me a sense of just being.:smh: Perhaps one of these days my muse will come.

Gyal wa kind a foolishness yu a talk bout? Yu have more man inna dis place a fight ova yu and a tun dem selves inna fool fi yu attention dan the sand inna di beach. I know you love the attention you little drama queen :yes:. It takes more talent to appreciate the product than it takes to create it. We all know you can appreaciate so now its time to create. Or are you a sweet vunerable little girl afraid of rejection? Or maybe you are the kind that likes to watch:eek:, afraid to touch and feel? Ohh yes I am calling you out sis. Big Time!!!:D Forward Rasta sista. Let Jah Love flow from yu heart to paper. Jah is Love and Love must be shared. Come and get your feet wet (or other things) the water is fine, just ask Izzy.

PM me your address so I can send,
A bottle of this:

And a pound of this:

After this therapy the fya mus blaze.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Heartbreak by Izayoi

If I can just crawl out from under his thigh
to the crossroad
enlightenment to be

But I cant take him with me.

Damn I'm loving it. Dark but yet sweet. "What we leave behind.." Please sis keep up the momentum. I really feel you have alot to release.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


In the still of the night, where we were found,
Lost souls hopeless, journey bound.

In the still of the night, I felt you tears,
Washing away my past nightmares.

In the still of the night, came love so true,
Raw passion, blessed the fortunate few.

In the still of the night, we became one,
Cautious... journey begun.



Scooty Puff Pilot
BGOL Investor
Here's a link to download a poetry reading of one of the most romantic poets of all time.......Charles Bukowski


Danny thanks! This is great to hear the poets voice- adds another dimension.


PM me your address so I can send,
A bottle of this:

And a pound of this:

After this therapy the fya mus blaze.

:lol: I love it.



In the still of the night, where we were found,
Lost souls hopeless, journey bound.

In the still of the night, I felt you tears,
Washing away my past nightmares.

In the still of the night, came love so true,
Raw passion, blessed the fortunate few.

In the still of the night, we became one,
Cautious... journey begun.


"...be careful and be kind- somebody already broke my heart."- Sade

Bush I can "hear" your piece. Lovely.:)

Thank you for your encouragement always. As soon as I catch my breathe another leap into the poetic breach for me. This re-birth seems endless as a Niagara stream.


Lively up yourself
Super Moderator

:lol::lol: Lawd Shane you calling me out to...:eek:

Gyal wa kind a foolishness yu a talk bout? Yu have more man inna dis place a fight ova yu and a tun dem selves inna fool fi yu attention dan the sand inna di beach. I know you love the attention you little drama queen :yes:. It takes more talent to appreciate the product than it takes to create it. We all know you can appreaciate so now its time to create. Or are you a sweet vunerable little girl afraid of rejection? Or maybe you are the kind that likes to watch:eek:, afraid to touch and feel? Ohh yes I am calling you out sis. Big Time!!!:D Forward Rasta sista. Let Jah Love flow from yu heart to paper. Jah is Love and Love must be shared. Come and get your feet wet (or other things) the water is fine, just ask Izzy.

PM me your address so I can send,
A bottle of this:

And a pound of this:

After this therapy the fya mus blaze.

:eek::eek: lawd bushmon call me out and he do it hardcore den. man bush you know dread ah try yes. no doubt me bredren. i gine tek dat spliff you hold de rum I don't partake...:D

blessed love


I feel like touching you all the time.

That touch that makes my mouth water.
That touch that makes my fingers glisten.
That touch that tells stories my lips won't.
That touch that keeps me in touch with an island now foreign to me 90 miles away.
That touch that races with the speed of my heart.

A touch tickling tiny tones echoing ever louder into shouted moans
I concentrate and hope to feel every ridge of your fingertips
Elated I try to stay strong but in your arms I worship defeat
That pessimistic deity enables me to bask in the midsts of your sweetness
How many times have I fallen into your smile and made my words stutter
Your embrace weakens me and makes me succumb to soothing sentimental seduction

It feels as if we haven't seen each other in ages once we meet again
And in some cases it was only five minutes ago
Trapped in the ever slipping hour glass we still find time to play in the sand
Although Morpheus calls us to frolic in R.E.M. gardens soon after
It may not always seem like I do but I always want to give you the sweetest sting
It is why I exist
Everything else is filler

I just want us both to evolve into each other until we both fade away for good
Love is not about conning someone into a life of illusion
This transient enigmatic ideal is made up of more than just niceties and fantasy
It is not all fluff and agreeable stuff
It is however, always real and always sought after

I could never describe it as well as Robert Johnson sitting at the crossroads
at midnight waiting for diablo, the arch fiend rogue who knows just how deep love burns
He forsook the mythical greatest love of all and because of that he is expert
Never cast me down in that manner
Never push me away with such force I lose my way back to you
I am pavlovian dog panting at your every mutter
You can never un-ring the bell.