So you want us to swallow?



I like it chunky like that- like you could eat it with a spoon. I lived apart from a man I was seeing and when he knew I was coming to visit he would save it up just for me :yes: I got to find his number!

Oh..want Chunky? OK...Forget SPIDEY

I'll give you my Bill Cosby

mouth full of Jello Pudding instead :lol:




Scooty Puff Pilot
BGOL Investor
You got my spidey senses tingling. Don't look too long. :)

Just give me a week and you will be able to tight rope across it.


Awwww yeah! You my kinda dude. If I can jump rope with it me and you are gonna :dance::dance: right to the altar.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I like it chunky like that- like you could eat it with a spoon. I lived apart from a man I was seeing and when he knew I was coming to visit he would save it up just for me :yes: I got to find his number!

:eek: I must make contact with u!:yes:


Potential Star
the person who posted this is on point this girl i was messin wit in 2005 told me my shit smelled like cake mix and was sweet as hell i was givin it 2 her doggystyle i came on her ass it was so good i jus drew my name wit my dick n my semen on her ass n she was like wt was i doin bac there i told her jus drawin my name so she got up went to the bathroom looked at her ass and said all she saw was a L and the rest was just a mess then she wiped it off n smelled it she was like y the fuck does this shit smell like cake mix and i told her i got that sweet dick and she was like nah you just a sweet ass nigga and i was laughing it was funny but w/e so i told her why dont u taste it and she did before i even said it so after that she was ready to fuck again but she was like this time i want you to cum in my mouth but we didnt even fuck she jus sucked me off the entire time and when i came it was like she was sucking all of that nut juice out of my dick it felt good as hell she had her a creamy dessert so we were both happy


Scooty Puff Pilot
BGOL Investor
:eek: I must make contact with u!:yes:

:lol: Crazy! I don't know young man. That's the type of fetish I can turn ninja out on quick. Then you'll be ruined :smh::lol:

That's how I ended up with that stalker that time. I have to be careful.


Potential Star
trust i had the same issue and i just went awol on porn and i saw a change like a mofo.. porn can really fuck ur mind and ur dick up.. 4 real.. minimize ur beatin off to like once or twice a week.. no porn would be even better.. what i do is just look at some of the pics niggas upload on hear i dont even watch porn anymore, im just on hear to be a clown and laugh my ass off.. i wait for real pussy even if theres a drought..:lol: porn is poison my nigg...... i can tell u a gang of times where porn fucked me up when it came time to fuckin a female.. real talk! :smh:

Remember this??

Love, Sex, and Eating the Bones


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:lol: Crazy! I don't know young man. That's the type of fetish I can turn ninja out on quick. Then you'll be ruined :smh::lol:

That's how I ended up with that stalker that time. I have to be careful.

I don't think I'll be turned out. But hey let's give it a shot. I've been looking for a challenge.:D


Rising Star
Never ever seen the point of swallowing.. Shit does nothing for me what so ever and I really doubt that you guys like it. So its not a requirement for any girl thats with me. I would rather you spit it back on it and continue to rub or suck. Swallowing makes no sense to me..

Swallowing makes sex cleaner. Id rather her swallow than spit it out on my sheets or couch.


Rising Star
You can change the taste of your semen through your daily diet. Why? Since semen is excreted by the body, its taste and smell would most likely be affected by what you eat and drink.

Semen, or cum, is actually made up of ninety percent (90%) seminal fluids including fructose (sugar) and proteins; sperm accounts for only about one percent (1%) of its total volume and the rest is made up of trace minerals and nutrients.

Many guys are concerned with what their semen tastes like. First of all, you can stress to your partner that semen will not make a person fat. It contains only about 12 to 15 calories per ejaculation; the same amount found in gelatin or egg white.

Some people say that semen tastes bitter, salty, or even acrid. So for loads of exciting fun in the bedroom, you can make your partner swallow your semen if you make it taste better.

What is the best diet to change the taste of your semen for the better?

For one, you should start living a clean and healthy lifestyle. Say no to alcohol, drugs and nicotine. Avoid junk foods and instead have lots of fruits and greens in your diet. Plus, drink a lot of liquids (water).

Drinking fruit juices from pineapple, citrus, and cranberry is also known to change the taste of your semen to a sweeter flavour. Throw in melon, mango, apple, or grape, and other fruits that are high in sugar. Likewise, vegetables like parsley and celery are recommended.

There are also some foods that you should steer clear of. Fish and red meat produce a bitter, fishy taste because of their alkaline content. Chemically-processed alcohol can also make your semen taste bitter. Instead, try naturally fermented drinks for a change. Garlic and onion are likely to produce strong odors since they are high in sulfur; so lay off on these.

To change the taste of your semen is good; but having extra loads of better-tasting semen is better. The volume of your load depends upon a number of concerns, including age, heredity, and general health. We practically can’t change our age and genetics, but we could instead make dietary adjustments. There are various supplements that you can take like zinc oxide, Horny Goat Weed, L-Arginine, L-Lysine which are proven to boost the quantity of your load.

By simply increasing your fluid intake, you can increase the amount of your ejaculation. When your body is well hydrated, your body systems are able to work more efficiently and have less trouble getting water from the bloodstream.

The two most important things to remember are:

1) Eat well to change the taste of your semen for the better

2) Keep yourself healthy and fit. Regular exercise encourages good blood circulation, which in turn, aids ejaculation.

Lady Scorpio or FEMMME do you think If a women do the same by following above will their pussy juice taste better and will they cum harder.


8 vs 80
OG Investor
ladies, do y'all want some of mine? not to brag, but this is OLD news to me, and my #1 compliment from the ladies has always been:

"damn, your nut tastes sweet as hell." :D:yes::D:yes:

i don't drink alcohol.
i don't smoke.
i don't drink carbonated drinks.
i eat red meat 1x per week, fish 1x per week... chicken the rest.

i eat LOTS of fruits & veggies.
i drink LOTS of water.
i drink 8 oz pineapple juice every a.m. for breakfast.

the last lady that sampled my issue did so on accident. she said, "do NOT cum in my mouth." i said, "no problem," but she moved away too slow, and 'SPLASH!' she caught that initial blast and said:

her: "WTF is wrong with you... wait..."
me: "i'm sorry, but i said, 'move.'"
her: "oh, i'm not mad... your cum is as sweet as honey. wtf?"
me: "really? why don't you lick up the rest?"
her: "no fucking problem. damn nicca... how you do that?"
*she did lick it up... all of it, and swallowed it. :eek:
me: "diet & exercise baby... celery & pineapple juice."
her: "i could suck you off and swallow every damn day... what's up?"
me: :D:D:D:D:D:D
her: "seriously, why do you taste like that?"
me: "good healthy living, lots of water, as few chemicals in my body as possible."


ladies, do y'all want some of mine? not to brag, but this is OLD news to me, and my #1 compliment from the ladies has always been:

"damn, your nut tastes sweet as hell." :D:yes::D:yes:

i don't drink alcohol.
i don't smoke.
i don't drink carbonated drinks.
i eat red meat 1x per week, fish 1x per week... chicken the rest.

i eat LOTS of fruits & veggies.
i drink LOTS of water.
i drink 8 oz pineapple juice every a.m. for breakfast.

the last lady that sampled my issue did so on accident. she said, "do NOT cum in my mouth." i said, "no problem," but she moved away too slow, and 'SPLASH!' she caught that initial blast and said:

her: "WTF is wrong with you... wait..."
me: "i'm sorry, but i said, 'move.'"
her: "oh, i'm not mad... your cum is as sweet as honey. wtf?"
me: "really? why don't you lick up the rest?"
her: "no fucking problem. damn nicca... how you do that?"
*she did lick it up... all of it, and swallowed it. :eek:
me: "diet & exercise baby... celery & pineapple juice."
her: "i could suck you off and swallow every damn day... what's up?"
me: :D:D:D:D:D:D
her: "seriously, why do you taste like that?"
me: "good healthy living, lots of water, as few chemicals in my body as possible."

You have got to be the FIRSt to have used that pick up line for a woman.:lol::lol::lol:

"Hey baby come over my place where the cum is sweeter"


This profile is now managed by A.I.
BGOL Investor
trust i had the same issue and i just went awol on porn and i saw a change like a mofo.. porn can really fuck ur mind and ur dick up.. 4 real.. minimize ur beatin off to like once or twice a week.. no porn would be even better.. what i do is just look at some of the pics niggas upload on hear i dont even watch porn anymore, im just on hear to be a clown and laugh my ass off.. i wait for real pussy even if theres a drought..:lol: porn is poison my nigg...... i can tell u a gang of times where porn fucked me up when it came time to fuckin a female.. real talk! :smh:

shit I gotta start by minimizing the porno downloading, shit I used to download everything until I burned up a 160gb drive in 4 days, now I just try download shit I like, soon or later Ima stop downloading all together.


8 vs 80
OG Investor
:lol::lol::lol: Ninjas I swear!


fuck, i told her to get back, but as you know, that first skeet blast can bust cold concrete to pieces.


You have got to be the FIRSt to have used that pick up line for a woman.:lol::lol::lol:

"Hey baby come over my place where the cum is sweeter"

i have used that line on women before... during conversations like this. we're just sitting there talkin' bout sex and the subject of tasting sweet almost always comes up.

and i just simply say, "there's only one way to find out."

you'd be surprised at how many took the challenge and got to taste that nectar. :lol::lol::lol:

i had an older MILF that jumped me EVERY TIME i went home for years... she would just come over, tell me to sit down and STFU and would suck me off and THEN tell me what i had to eat for dinner.


seriously. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

i've been blessed in this life. :yes::D:yes::D


pineapple juice + celery + good, personal hygiene and no alcohol.:yes:


Potential Star
My nutt must taste pretty darn good.

Don't drink...don't puff...I'm eating healthier nowadays than I ever have before...I rarely have soda anymore - mainly water, SoBe, teas, and natural ish...I still eat beef, but I eat a healthy mix of lean meats too...I like fish but don't eat it on the regular...I exercise on the regular...

I need a taste test on the real now. Any volunteers? :D

Oh, speakin of that horny goat weed, I see that all the time in gas station windows. Is the kind they sell there any decent?

stop jacking off so much! no joke.. if u stop beating off on a daily basis and give urself a 5-7 day rest on porn ur semen will double.. u have to give ur sperm time to reproduce... damn this sounds gay.. no homo just the truth:smh:

That is some SERIOUS truth. I went without any sexual type activity for like 2 weeks straight (before this I was engagin in somethin at least every 3 days for about 3 weeks straight). The NEXT time I was in some gushy gushy, it was like all HEAVEN broke loose :lol: :lol: the sex was better, the orgasm was like I was on Neptune, and there was loads. I was even able to go an extra round than I can usually go. Real talk - ya'll fellas, and women too, start goin on sex hiatuses.


Potential Star
One opinion

This is an interesting thread.

Have to agree that there is no feeling in the world like suction while you are cumming (whether or not she swallows). It is ... exhilarating (and exhausting) to say the least -- possibly only equaled by doing the same for her until she pushes your head away and just has to "take a moment" :yes:

It makes you very appreciative and you try to show it continuously and repeatedly when she does it for you.

I have now added Pineapple :) to my Mango and Peach for the next time I am so fortunate.

Here is a nice clip of one girl's suggestions on this: (Please don't hate because she is not Black - I couldn't find anything similar with a Sister describing it).

Jasmine Byrne - Her "Freak Technique"

Stay Strong
Last edited:


Potential Star
Great Advice, but if you want to swallow ladies, it's your choice it does not matter to me if you do. I just want to make sure that both of us are satisfied!!


Potential Star
I know that my cum is delicious. I refrain from eating a lot of red meat, salty foods, and no drugs/very little alcohol. I do drink tons of pineapple juice (in the can, not the carton), and I eat lots of yogurt, along with lots of fruit.

There is a product that is supposed to make your cum taste yummy. It is called Semenex. Check it out at


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: One opinion

This is an interesting thread.

Have to agree that there is no feeling in the world like suction while you are cumming (whether or not she swallows). It is ... exhilarating (and exhausting) to say the least -- possibly only equaled by doing the same for her until she pushes your head away and just has to "take a moment" :yes:

It makes you very appreciative and you try to show it continuously and repeatedly when she does it for you.

I have now added Pineapple :) to my Mango and Peach for the next time I am so fortunate.

Here is a nice clip of one girl's suggestions on this: (Please don't hate because she is not Black - I couldn't find anything similar with a Sister describing it).

Jasmine Byrne - Her "Freak Technique"

Stay Strong



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: One opinion

Not really, just don't let it get everywhere. I mean, it is the least you can do...I am getting creamed down there;)


Lively up yourself
Super Moderator
With all the talk of head giving I figured I'd bump this up :lol::lol:

OH and a PSA for the day



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I drink a lot of lemonade, and orange juice.

*thinks about the past girls who swallowed...*




~Brown Suga~
BGOL Investor
ladies, do y'all want some of mine? not to brag, but this is OLD news to me, and my #1 compliment from the ladies has always been:

"damn, your nut tastes sweet as hell." :D:yes::D:yes:

i don't drink alcohol.
i don't smoke.
i don't drink carbonated drinks.
i eat red meat 1x per week, fish 1x per week... chicken the rest.

i eat LOTS of fruits & veggies.
i drink LOTS of water.
i drink 8 oz pineapple juice every a.m. for breakfast.

the last lady that sampled my issue did so on accident. she said, "do NOT cum in my mouth." i said, "no problem," but she moved away too slow, and 'SPLASH!' she caught that initial blast and said:

her: "WTF is wrong with you... wait..."
me: "i'm sorry, but i said, 'move.'"
her: "oh, i'm not mad... your cum is as sweet as honey. wtf?"
me: "really? why don't you lick up the rest?"
her: "no fucking problem. damn nicca... how you do that?"
*she did lick it up... all of it, and swallowed it. :eek:
me: "diet & exercise baby... celery & pineapple juice."
her: "i could suck you off and swallow every damn day... what's up?"
me: :D:D:D:D:D:D
her: "seriously, why do you taste like that?"
me: "good healthy living, lots of water, as few chemicals in my body as possible."


OMG how could I have missed this response!!!! :lol::lol::lol:


I have had a woman tell me mine tasted good. And I wasnt really eating healthy at the time. She did ask me if I drink pineapple juice tho and I just looked at her like she was crazy. But since then I have been on the pineapple juice. I hardly drink sodas and I eat alot healthier than I used to.​


Lively up yourself
Super Moderator
I have had a woman tell me mine tasted good. And I wasnt really eating healthy at the time. She did ask me if I drink pineapple juice tho and I just looked at her like she was crazy. But since then I have been on the pineapple juice. I hardly drink sodas and I eat alot healthier than I used to.​



Potential Star
No disrespect, but who's going to change their diet just get sucked. I mean your either gone swallow or your not right?

I know some girls that keep a soda around when its agreed that they'll swallow. But changing your diet just seems like a lot.

And also. Wouldn't you get the same taste is you drank cranberry juice after dude squirted. Maybe its thats bad. I'll never find out.:lol:

But for one second, just think of the absurdity of a man asking your drink and eat certain way to change the way your pussy taste.

Just my humble opinion.