NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
:lol:Tony even got his father in on the act.

Shahid gonna be backstage looking for them mofos like


BGOL Investor
Punk cheat shotted Perry when he was fixing his hair. That's not handling someone that's been cheap.
What man fixes their hair in an argument.
:lol:HOLY SHIT! The Elite destroy Tony Khan! Jack Perry is a made man now! Love it! Even Tony's dad Shahid Khan came out to check on him. This story actually has potential if they let it cook. Have the Elite take over the show nWo style with TK out of action.

This is a step in the right direction. They had to do something to get their ratings an attendance up.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Two issues I have with it….

The whole worker vs boss angle…Stone Cold and Vince did it to death. Maybe it can work if you do it fresh and but this can get bad quick.

Also…them releasing that footage of Punk handling him….now beating up on TK? Looks weak.
I'm not ready to shit on this angle just yet, I'm curious to see where it goes.
There's potential, but with AEW's track record I don't have confidence they'll be able to advance the story in a compelling way.
I could see the attack on TK coming a mile away because Perry was holding TK's arm up ala Shawn Michaels and Marty Janetty during the barbershop breakup. Only thing missing was the superkick.
And my God, if TK wants to be on TV taking bumps he needs to learn how to sell better.
He looked worse than Vince McMahon taking a stunner back in the day. :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fam, I can follow the story they are trying to tell. His suspension was warrented because he was the catlyst for everything. That aside, by showing the footage, again, from their point of view, Punk is the heel, and Jack is the face/ victim, and as long as they're chanting "Cry Me A River" Punk is not immaterial in this. They're forcing the "heel turn" when fans clearly wanted to cheer for him, hopefully they execute whatever plan have and make it something entertaining.
There's a big difference between coming up with a sound storyline and a "story" being concocted after the fact to justify doing something stupid.
This is clearly the latter.


Mr. Pool
Probably on one of his infamous Grey Goose binges right now, lol.
I used to rock with Jericho heavy back in the day, but he just needs to go away right now and take time off.
Maybe come back in a managerial role.
Same, huge fan of young Jericho. One of my favorite matches when I was younger was jericho vs sabu in what looked like a high school gym. They went so damn hard for like 50 people lol great match.


BGOL Investor
There's a big difference between coming up with a sound storyline and a "story" being concocted after the fact to justify doing something stupid.
This is clearly the latter.
I absolutely know that, my response was so he could stop trying to "explain" things that I already know....


Rising Star
Super Moderator
LOL, maybe this is a way to get TK to finally give up booking
We can only hope!
We all hate Tony's booking and how recency bias is a thing. I was watching this video last week and reminded me how good AEW was the first couple years. There's only a few angles that legit stand out as bad. AEW was at it's peak during Covid while using talent as the arena crowd.



BGOL Investor
We all hate Tony's booking and how recency bias is a thing. I was watching this video last week and reminded me how good AEW was the first couple years. There's only a few angles that legit stand out as bad. AEW was at it's peak during Covid while using talent as the arena crowd.

AEW wasn't good it was a new company and we were all hoping that it would succeed.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Looks like last night's stunt only made the ratings worse :smh:
Still don't understand why Swerve didn't open the show and cut a promo as the new champ
Yes, there was NBA playoffs, hockey, pickleball tournament, the new 24-hour gas station down the street, yadda yadda yadda.....
Now watch, they'll blame Swerve for these low-ass ratings