Old Man Toys: Good Lawd....Hasbro Unveils $700 Self-Transforming Optimus Prime Robot on-going


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
wait what...




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Damn. I know they got more in the works. If they happen to do a combiners (Devastator, Brutacus, etc...) I just may have to cop it.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Lank to either Optimus or Grimlock shiiiiieeettt.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

I tried to be slick an "accidentally" play this vid during family movie night

As my wife promptly sucked her teeth that baby of mine said...

"Mommy isn't that a whole lot of numbers for a toy for daddy?"

I said why is that a daddy toy?!

You started smiling like a new episode of Bluey came out when the dinosaur was dancing.

And mommy looked at you like she looks at me when she is gonna say no way José.

And then you never get it and you watch more videos talking about the old time days when you were a kid. And we all feel bad your so old

That's a daddy toy alright.