Tamir Rice’s Mother on President Obama: “I Don’t Know How You Sleep at Night”


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If he did that he probably would have been made obligated to turn up at all the funerals of black youths killed by police and racists.

Why he doesn't turn up to all the police killed but he does show up to what they call the most egregious...


BGOL Investor
Prez is only one man but how bout making a change on the local level and voting out the DA, mayor and gov... Prez ain't got shit to do with local politics that directly affect your lives on a daily basis..

Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor
Obama is a pussy, a coward! You niggaz up here still defending this piece of shit you deserve to treated like low life form. You look like 5th graders asking stupid questions, 'what do you expect him to do.'

He been in there 8 years and have tried his best to ignore you niggaz but you still defend him like your his abused bitch still trying to protect the abusing husband cause you think it's love by him ignoring and abusing you.

But you have all the power in the world to protest trump. Defending somebody who's done nothing for you is a sign of a mentally defect person.


BGOL Investor
To be 'fair' - Samaria Rice has been shitting nonstop on everybody. She hates Obama, Clinton, Trump, LeBron, the Mayor, the Governor.... and she gets enough paid speeches (just gave an address at Kent State :eek:) that she does not want or need to dilute her earning power by sharing a stage.

Yeah she the same one that said Lebron should do something.. I mean it ain't like he heavy in Akron building his own city and putting thousands of kids through college.. But according to Ms Rice Bron ain't doing nothing


A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
Dr.Umar spoke on this at the breakfast club.

We have to hold Obama responsible. When we voted for him we were still politically illiterate. We thought just voting is enough without putting any $$$ behind our vote. Then again he did run on "Hope and Change". I don't hate Obama but he is a politician.

This is the most troubling. Why the fuck are we still politically illiterate in 2008? :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'll say it,people are suck of just settling for having a "Black president" that goal was reached twice now we want something in return for our vote and loyalty to a man most before being selected never ever heard of knew very little about him but we still accepted him,his family whatever else he had to offer.

I can't and will not defend a man that won't defend me,my people,and the injustice's that are happening that everyone see's.

Tha Great Muta

Rising Star
Platinum Member

Wrong. It's easy for a black president to go to a black church that was attacked by a domestic terrorist. The black church is the democratic negro base. He was helping his party and he knew they would probably forgive the terrorist anyway unfortunately.

It's a whole nother story to go to the funeral of a black CHILD that was murdered by police( who are paid with tax payer dollars) in cold blood. That would really speak to black people. Going to Ferguson would have been powerful.


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
Wrong. It's easy for a black president to go to a black church that was attacked by a domestic terrorist. The black church is the democratic negro base. He was helping his party and he knew they would probably forgive the terrorist anyway unfortunately.

It's a whole nother story to go to the funeral of a black CHILD that was murdered by police( who are paid with tax payer dollars) in cold blood. That would really speak to black people. Going to Ferguson would have been powerful.
but...he did go to the funeral. right?


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
.... and what executive order do you suggest he pass to prevent racist killings or to protect us from police brutality?
what executive order should he issue to address this?

He found a way to give an executive order to give tranny's the right to have a bathroom.I'm pretty sure,he can find a way to stop these race soldiers from killing us.He's a smart man.


Rising Star
Obama is a pussy, a coward! You niggaz up here still defending this piece of shit you deserve to treated like low life form. You look like 5th graders asking stupid questions, 'what do you expect him to do.'

He been in there 8 years and have tried his best to ignore you niggaz but you still defend him like your his abused bitch still trying to protect the abusing husband cause you think it's love by him ignoring and abusing you.

But you have all the power in the world to protest trump. Defending somebody who's done nothing for you is a sign of a mentally defect person.
So... If you were him how would YOU have handled thing? Please share the step by step approach you have used to rectify these issues? :popcorn:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What do y'all expect Obama to do. He's not a miracle worker... He's spoken out aginst racism and corruption many time.

Respectfully I completely disagree. He should have been spoke on this case. I expect legislation to help struggling communities... something. We're unique in our challenges and we need unique attention.

I strongly disagree. We need to publicly criticize Obama more before he leaves office... vociferously. It's shameful.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What does that have to do with her son being murdered ?

This is the same thing THEY do to victims to make their actions justified.

He had marijuana in his system

She was suspended from school

They were on food stamps

Suspected gang affiliation

Shoplifted when he was 15

Stole a box of black and milds

had a wide nose

fit the description

Absolutely nothing.


"Right when you least expect it"~Karma
What is Obama actually going to do about it? He is a president not a lapdog for black injustice. Majority of the race in America is Caucasian(60%). Obama can't be everywhere at the same time and the guy is not superman, this type of statement is made out of anger, confusion, and miseducation of the system in which you live.

Tha Great Muta

Rising Star
Platinum Member
What is Obama actually going to do about it? He is a president not a lapdog for black injustice. Majority of the race in America is Caucasian(60%). Obama can't be everywhere at the same time and the guy is not superman, this type of statement is made out of anger, confusion, and miseducation of the system in which you live.

Bull to the muthafuckin Shit. He is getting ALOT done for the LGBT community. He makes time for those that donated that $$$$$$.


International Member
He found a way to give an executive order to give tranny's the right to have a bathroom.I'm pretty sure,he can find a way to stop these race soldiers from killing us.He's a smart man.

Come on bruh, let's be realistic neither Obama nor any man on this planet cannot stop racists from comitting murder. Racists gonna do what they want regardless.... The only thing that can be done is more deeper investigations to be done after the events and the laws changed to prevent all white juries from sitting in court. That would however means having to change the constitution and legal process. The President can make such suggestions but is powerless to make it happen on his own.

Hopefully if such laws and constitutions are ever changed and more racists brought to justice then perhaps we will see less such crimes committed against our people.


Rising Star
Prez is only one man but how bout making a change on the local level and voting out the DA, mayor and gov... Prez ain't got shit to do with local politics that directly affect your lives on a daily basis..
How about changing the federal justice laws..and then make the states change their laws as well