Autopsy Shows Victor White III Was Shot In The Chest, Contradicts Police Report


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member

An autopsy for Victor White III, 22, the Louisiana man who police said shot and killed himself in March while handcuffed in the backseat of a sheriff’s car, was really shot in the chest, according to the Iberia Parish Coroner’s Office.

According to the autopsy, “the bullet entered White’s chest, then perforated his left lung and heart before exiting his armpit area and lacerating his upper arm.”

As previously reported by NewsOne, White was allegedly involved in an altercation and when deputies responded to the call they claim to have found illegal drugs on him which lead to his arrest.

According to authorities, White was in handcuffs with his hands behind his back when he was killed, allegedly by his own gun — which conveniently wasn’t found during the search that led to his arrest.

They claimed that once they arrived at the sheriff’s office, White refused to exit the vehicle, instead producing the gun and shooting himself once in the back.

This how now been determined to be false.
As previously reported by NewsOne, this isn’t the first time that a handcuffed Black man has died under suspicious circumstances.

In August 2012, Chavis Carter, a 21-year-old Mississippi man, was shot to death in the back of a Jonesboro, Ark. Police Department squad car. Police claim that he pulled the trigger even though he was handcuffed and shot on the right side of the head.

Carter’s mother said her son was left-handed.
The investigation into White’s death, which is still being designated a suicide, is still under investigation and State Police Master Trooper Brooks David said there will be no comment.

Mentor B

"All literature is protest."
The audacity of these motherfuckers to think people are really this fucking stupid.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
It's coming...I tell you an uprising is coming. THere are far more people than police and they are going to unload not realizing that the people aren't running away but toward them. Personally, I can't wait. Chickens come home to roost.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor




There are plenty of black cops joining their cause. Btw where are all the lovers of the justice system that you guys trust so much.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
Klansman cops:smh:.

Their evil will be paid back with interest. You cannot oppress people forever.


The wallaby champ
*sarcasm* And here I was thinking we didn't trust or respect law enforcement cuz we're brought up in fatherless homes...


The R&B Master
OG Investor
It's coming...I tell you an uprising is coming. THere are far more people than police and they are going to unload not realizing that the people aren't running away but toward them. Personally, I can't wait. Chickens come home to roost.

I've got that same feeling. :yes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Can you tell us anything about the overall climate in Mississippi and Louisiana.

I attended school with some brothas from both states in the mid to late nineties, they LOVED going home, but would be on 10 about the drive due to cops.

Man, I can't imagine that type of anxiety while I am in school.:smh:
It's coming...I tell you an uprising is coming. THere are far more people than police and they are going to unload not realizing that the people aren't running away but toward them. Personally, I can't wait. Chickens come home to roost.
I don't have proof, but then again I kind of do.

The camel's back has been we just on the lookout for the individual(s) that's gon' set the powder keg off.
<iframe width="754" height="424" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The hottest 1:12 seconds on youtube. What he said in the lat 10 seconds still holds true today: you won't even acknowledge the knife is in my back!
They just gave these kids PTSD, and never issued an apology :smh:

I love BGOL too much. I was this on my fb feed, but refused to watch it. However, I had to see what all the ruckus was about and this sh!t has me livid.

I can't lie fam, when the boy exited with his hands up, tears came down, man...tears came down.:smh:

White Americans do not give a good got DAMN about a black (male) life!:puke::hmm::angry:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Damn just heard about this 5 mins ago watching the morning local news. This is crazy didn't realize it happen days ago.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How is this shit being ignored though? They saying homie shot himself in his chest with his hands behind his back?


Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
BGOL Investor
Move this to the dedicated thread about cops going crazy, please mods..... Let's keep these congregated in the same thread.

And it's a damn shame this type of stuff is happening continually. They just don't know people in general are getting tired of their roguish behavior. When they get the wrong one shit will hit the fan.

To quote Houston activist Quannel X, in order to fix this problem and problems like it, they will have to "start killing white babies." Once it hits home for them shit will change.

I’m just out here working hard every single day, just trying to be the best poster I can be....