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BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Sony Cannot ‘Answer’ The Death Star Microsoft Is Building For Xbox

Sony shares dropped sharply yesterday when it was revealed that its biggest competition in the console space, Microsoft, bought Activision Blizzard for nearly $70 billion, potentially harvesting away a large portion of valuable games in the long term like Call of Duty, Overwatch and Diablo.

After the sale, there have been many cries from gamers that Sony needs to do something to “answer” Microsoft with a purchase of their own. But whichever side of the console war you may find yourself on, at this point, with Microsoft gifting blank checks to its Xbox division, these are no longer two entities that are directly comparable.

And yet, that doesn’t mean Sony is “doomed” either, and that should not be the takeaway narrative. In fact, presently, their gaming division has never been doing better. It’s complicated.

To start with, Sony simply cannot make purchases anywhere close the scale of what Microsoft is doing here. Even before this, Microsoft’s $7.5 billion purchase of Bethesda seemed like a massive move they couldn’t match. Now a $70 billion purchase of Activision Blizzard? There is nothing, not a thing, Sony can do to make a wave anywhere close to that big.

A purchase at that level would have to be something like EA, Ubisoft or Take-Two, which seems flat out impossible for a company about 7% as big as Microsoft (a $150 billion market cap versus a $2.2 trillion market cap). And a very large “middleground” purchase by Sony, say, Square Enix, Capcom, From Software, Kojima Productions still would not match either the Activision Blizzard or Bethesda purchases Microsoft has already made.

Similarly, I don’t think Sony can hope to match Game Pass as an entity either. We know Sony has plans to bolster PS Plus, potentially combining it with PS Now to offer more features and games, but it still seems exceptionally unlikely that Sony will offer its high profile exclusives on day one, something that is the core tenet of why Game Pass is so attractive. Sony absolutely wants to those tens of millions of sales, and has effectively doubled down on the idea by raising game prices $10 this generation. They view it as too much of a risk to do what Microsoft has done, and if they did, there would be no going back.

Finally, Sony does not have the native infrastructure to build the kind of cloud streaming network Microsoft is assembling for Xbox games. Only companies like Microsoft, Google and Amazon have that power, so it requires partnering with a third party, and they’re already pretty far behind where Microsoft has gotten to.

And yet, again, things are going great for Sony.

This past year, the PlayStation 5 would have been the fastest-selling game console in history by a wide margin, were it not for supply shortages. Their first party offerings have not dipped in quality for years, and the PS4 generation was capped off by The Last of Us Part II winning more GOTY titles than any other game in history. Sony has a massive collection of must-play first party titles while Microsoft is just starting to build up that kind of roster.

But there’s now, and there’s the future. Sony may end up feeling like Blockbuster if Microsoft keeps expanding its Netflix-like Game Pass, and the $70 price point already feels like a backwards move. The cloud as a way to expand access to gaming, in addition to Microsoft putting games day one on PC, also feels natural, and like something Sony is resisting. To me, it’s these things, not necessarily Microsoft’s mega-studio purchases, they need to be more acutely aware of. And really, Sony cannot make those kinds of buys anyway, so there’s no point really even debating about whether or not Sony should buy Ubisoft or Take-Two to “answer” this move. That isn’t the battle they can win.

I think Sony is perfectly secure for at least this entire next generation, barring any unforeseen disasters. But Microsoft is building something absolutely massive, and at some point, it does seem like Sony may end up eclipsed if they don’t figure out a way to move in the same direction.



BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
If I were Microsoft....

I'd give Toys for BOB access to whatever RARE property they want.

Crash Bandicoot and Skylanders play like RARE games ... and RARE seems like they want to move on to more Serious shit.

Honestly ... I wouldn't object to a Sort of Merger of Toys For BOB and RARE to collaborate on shit.

I mean the possibilities are insane....

Cause one of the things that Microsoft doesn't have is a True Platformer. They need their own Ratchet and Clank.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Fellas .... It just hit me.

I truly see what they are trying to do and it's fucking Brillant. It's GENIUS and no one is fucking talking about it.

It all comes down to 2 simple words...


Remember when Netflix first starting their streaming service.... It was mainly filled with 3rd party movies, tv shows, and docs. Netflix had to pay licensing fees on all of that shit. There were deadlines on the time the product could stay on the service. So that meant that Netflix had to constantly enter into new agreements all the time and that shit ate into the bottom line. But Netflix needs subscribers ..... they have to be able to provide constant NEW content all the time to not only keep current subscribers happy, but to also bring in new people.

So what did they do... They dropped their first Exclusive series .... Lilyhammer. No one talked about it.. but technically it was their first "Exclusive Show".. The following year they dropped House of Cards... their first Original.

-- Meaning no Licensing fees. The show stays on their service for as long as they want. They didn't cancel shows back then... because they needed to be able to constantly have new content while they increase their inventory... Now look at Netflix ... 90% of it is nothing but original content. NO LICENSING FEES.

Netflix started the streaming wars. They started the need for original content and now they dominate the market. Everyone else is playing catch up. This is why they purchased Mark Millar's Universe and why they purchased Roald Dahl's company. They can now create properties off of those works and not have to pay anyone else shit.

This is what Xbox is doing...

It's the exact same model as Netflix. It's been in front of us the entire time. Microsoft is setting itself up to have enough First party studios to be able to Drop New First party content every fucking month. High Profile first party content.. This is why I don't think they are close to being done. Netflix isn't done buying shit. Microsoft eventually wants gamepass to be 90% filled with first party games..... No Licensing fees. No timed content. You want to play the new Call of Duty... you sign up for gamepass and as long as you are willing to pay 15 to 20 dollars a month. WE GOT YOU.

Seriously ....

I'm tripping out that I haven't seen one story out there that see this shit.

It's fucking GENIIUS


Zod's Son
BGOL Investor
I don't know why people don't get it..

Phil wants Gamepass everywhere... He gives two shits if it is on Sony or Nintendo or Xbox or PC

TWO SHITS.... he wants more subscribers .... It's the netflix model.

Netflix is on everything now.... Everything...

So buying up these big franchises... puts pressure on the other consoles to think about allowing Gamepass Cloud on their hardware.

You can't have that leverage if you put these games on other systems.

Sure Microsoft is going to take huge losses for the next 5 to 8 years.... but this is clearly a 10 year plan.

You could see this when Phil talked working to get gamepass on TVs. He already has it on phones. He is probably trying to get it on Firetvs, chromecasts, Roku's and Apple Tvs.
You Just Made Me Think of Something Else in Reading What You Wrote...... By Phil Having Gamepass Everywhere on Most Devices Ala Netflix, Do You Know What That Means.....I Can Now Play From Anywhere Even if I Don't Have an Actual Console.....Bye Bye Scalpers....Bye Bye Unit Shortages :thefinger:


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
You Just Made Me Think of Something Else in Reading What You Wrote...... By Phil Having Gamepass Everywhere on Most Devices Ala Netflix, Do You Know What That Means.....I Can Now Play From Anywhere Even if I Don't Have an Actual Console.....Bye Bye Scalpers....Bye Bye Unit Shortages :thefinger:


This is what they want... this is why they don't care about the Console race. They still want you to buy a new console cause it's the best way to play, but they are truly setting shit up so your console is the Cloud. I don't agree with it and I think even with the advances in technology I'm going to always want a physical console... but everybody isn't like me.

If you are a Sony fanboy and you want to try out Halo... You don't need an xbox. All you need is a Microsoft account and a credit card and your phone, PC, Laptop and soon TV can be an Xbox.

Then once they get you in... they want you to stay by providing new shit all the time.. Like Netflix.

Nextflix drops must watch new shit every month.... EVERY MONTH... it's too the point that I can't finish or watch everything ... So I maintain a subscription. I've had my subscription since Netflix started streaming.. There is no telling how much they gotten from me annually every year and the thing is that I don't even use Netflix every month or week...

This is what Microsoft wants.... they want people that started in their 20s still paying a monthly subscription in their 50s because it's become a habit... A subconscious need.


Resident Cool Nerd
BGOL Investor

Geoff is right. Returnal was being made just for them. The correct comparison is all the ways that Sony secretly pays folks to get exclusive content for a year or to keep games off of Xbox for 1-2 years. Can't keep doing that and not expect a response.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Geoff is right. Returnal was being made just for them. The correct comparison is all the ways that Sony secretly pays folks to get exclusive content for a year or to keep games off of Xbox for 1-2 years. Can't keep doing that and not expect a response.

im forever pissed over Street Fighter 5….

street fighter 5 is why im all onboard whatever the fuck Microsoft does…

it’s fucking street fighter

also does anyone remember when PlayStation completely controlled Madden for years. Years…

Microsoft had to create their own football game.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fellas .... It just hit me.

I truly see what they are trying to do and it's fucking Brillant. It's GENIUS and no one is fucking talking about it.

It all comes down to 2 simple words...


Remember when Netflix first starting their streaming service.... It was mainly filled with 3rd party movies, tv shows, and docs. Netflix had to pay licensing fees on all of that shit. There were deadlines on the time the product could stay on the service. So that meant that Netflix had to constantly enter into new agreements all the time and that shit ate into the bottom line. But Netflix needs subscribers ..... they have to be able to provide constant NEW content all the time to not only keep current subscribers happy, but to also bring in new people.

So what did they do... They dropped their first Exclusive series .... Lilyhammer. No one talked about it.. but technically it was their first "Exclusive Show".. The following year they dropped House of Cards... their first Original.

-- Meaning no Licensing fees. The show stays on their service for as long as they want. They didn't cancel shows back then... because they needed to be able to constantly have new content while they increase their inventory... Now look at Netflix ... 90% of it is nothing but original content. NO LICENSING FEES.

Netflix started the streaming wars. They started the need for original content and now they dominate the market. Everyone else is playing catch up. This is why they purchased Mark Millar's Universe and why they purchased Roald Dahl's company. They can now create properties off of those works and not have to pay anyone else shit.

This is what Xbox is doing...

It's the exact same model as Netflix. It's been in front of us the entire time. Microsoft is setting itself up to have enough First party studios to be able to Drop New First party content every fucking month. High Profile first party content.. This is why I don't think they are close to being done. Netflix isn't done buying shit. Microsoft eventually wants gamepass to be 90% filled with first party games..... No Licensing fees. No timed content. You want to play the new Call of Duty... you sign up for gamepass and as long as you are willing to pay 15 to 20 dollars a month. WE GOT YOU.

Seriously ....

I'm tripping out that I haven't seen one story out there that see this shit.

It's fucking GENIIUS

Microsoft’s Activision Blizzard Deal to Power Its Netflix-of-Gaming Aspirations
The $75 billion acquisition would give the software company a new pool of games and gamers to entice to its cloud


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor
I wonder how long the deals these companies have with the NFL, NBA, NHL, FIFA, etc. are for and what the probability is of Microsoft via one or more of these studios playing to acquire exclusive rights to make games for them is:idea:

With all if these studios they are now at a point of being able to create a rival to any game out instead of worrying about competing or making concessions.


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

"The big question is around Call of Duty. The franchise is hugely popular across both Xbox and PlayStation, but Sony has had a Call of Duty marketing deal in place with Activision for more than five years. “PlayStation is the new home of Call of Duty,” declared former PlayStation CEO Andrew House during Sony’s E3 2015 press briefing. Sony revealed in November that Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War was the second most played PS5 game for the whole of 2021, behind only Fortnite. Call of Duty also secured both of the top spots for US game sales for the whole of 2021, according to NPD, highlighting its impact on the market. "

Once Microsoft’s Activision Blizzard deal closes, Sony will be powerless over Call of Duty’s long-term future on PlayStation. Microsoft’s Bethesda acquisition led to Starfield becoming an Xbox and PC exclusive, and Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer is hinting that The Elder Scrolls VI will also be an Xbox exclusive.

“Activision Blizzard games are enjoyed on a variety of platforms and we plan to continue to support those communities moving forward,” said Spencer earlier this week. It’s easy to imagine a future where Microsoft maintains Call of Duty: Warzone across multiple platforms, but any future Call of Duty games go Xbox exclusive. After all, Microsoft isn’t spending $68.7 billion to keep publishing PlayStation games forever. "
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