Xbox Series X/S Microsoft - Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 confirmed for Xbox Game Pass on day 1/ Perfect Dark - Gameplay Reveal / Gears of War: E-Day


Resident Cool Nerd
BGOL Investor
I need a family plan too. My wife is fine using the X for Gamepass but my son likes to use the S. Can't use it when I'm playing games since thats not my home console. So got him his own membership and we good.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Anyone play the new far cry? If so is it worth to cop? It's on sale now but I've seen a lot of mixed reviews
I have been playing it slowly like 30 min a day. Its just like all Far Cry games, but you mainly play for the story. Giancarlo is a good villain so far. Most of the time you just hear his voice over the speaker. I'm on the hardest level but it seems easy. But I'm also 4 missions in. Too busy exploring, the map is huge. Building weapons can take a whole day if you really planned for it.

I honestly don't care about running around with the alligator but it may grow on me.

I'm still on the One but it still looks good. And I'm having fun a whole lot of cursing had to tell my son to leave the room. If you like the series you will not be disappointed. I got it at $25 last week.

Max Headrom

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I have been playing it slowly like 30 min a day. Its just like all Far Cry games, but you mainly play for the story. Giancarlo is a good villain so far. Most of the time you just hear his voice over the speaker. I'm on the hardest level but it seems easy. But I'm also 4 missions in. Too busy exploring, the map is huge. Building weapons can take a whole day if you really planned for it.

I honestly don't care about running around with the alligator but it may grow on me.

I'm still on the One but it still looks good. And I'm having fun a whole lot of cursing had to tell my son to leave the room. If you like the series you will not be disappointed. I got it at $25 last week.
Appreciate this input. I'm still debating on whether to get it but this did help.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Suppose to be a rainy weekend so I'm going to put more time into it.

NPCs be getting murked. I'm not to sure of many games where NPCs get blasted in a cut screen.