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X-pert Professional
Platinum Member
They actually fucked up the game on PC when they released it on the Xbox. Frequent crashes to desktop, object pop in, degraded textures in some areas, etc.

They need to save the celebration and fix the game and add DX12 support.
how did releasing it on xbox mess up the PC version...?

most likely you won't get DX12 until windows 11 comes out. And the only big thing it really adds is ray tracing. If you have a card to support that.

xbox x is getting DX12 first.


Rising Star
OG Investor
how did releasing it on xbox mess up the PC version...?

most likely you won't get DX12 until windows 11 comes out. And the only big thing it really adds is ray tracing. If you have a card to support that.

xbox x is getting DX12 first.

The release on Xbox itself didn't do anything to the PC version, however Sim Update 5 on the PC was released simultaneously with the Xbox release.

One major focus of the update was to increase performance, and it accomplished that but at the sacrifice of stability and visuals. They've already put out 1 or 2 hotfixes to try to fix some of the issues.

DX12 would allow for DLSS and better management of the CPUs resources. I plan on getting Windows 11 anyway since it'll probably be necessary for best performance with Alder Lake.

I don't think ray tracing is feasible for the PC until they maximize performance first. Flying over a crowded city at 4k would be a slideshow even with a 3090.