Wtf going on in Haiti, Washington telling Kenya hurry up, taking tooooo long sending police


Platinum Member
Can't trust the news media, and they seem to be quiet on this story compared to Israel/Hamas.

I'd like to hear from some of our Haitian brothers have to say regarding what's going on there. @playahaitian have you been in touch with any family you may have still there?

Well we know why they hush hush….

And why Israel can’t do no wrong,


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So the us is in support of barbecue

as much as I detest this current joke of an administration, But doesnt the overall Voice of Hayti want,

The President out, I mean is he TRYING or is he just a PUPPET??

Its so fucked up how they just murdered the President, dudes from Other countries just walk up in there and


the invisible hand of france that lowkey runs Hayti needs to be outed and regulated the Haytian way!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Them 3 letter been very vocal about Haiti

And I’m not talking USA
So many questions. Why do they keep promoting them as a gang? Are they trying to romanticize gangs or something.
Next question. Was there actually any resistance whatsoever. That was the quickest takedown over I ever seen. Or was this just orchestrated for show?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This brother here at the 2:43 mark gives a brief but insightful explanation of what’s going on.

To make a long story short Haiti is a very rich country but its people are poor and live hard due to corruption in the country.
There are a few rich millionaire families and one billionaire family that control the happenings and all the wealth on the whole island.
Due to it not being colonized very long there’s a vast amount of hidden untapped natural resources on that island i.e. oil, iridium.
The West is constantly meddling and trying to install a western backed puppet government, but it always fails. The people aren’t stupid and would rather burn the country to the ground than let that happen. For example The president was likely assassinated cuz he went against the script. He's coincidently assassinated by special opps from another country. The prime minister who was probably in on it becomes president suddenly and says there’s no need for new elections. The people riot and some how these same people who are the poorest in the world have Ak's, bullet proof vests and C4. Meanwhile there will be an intervention of some sort. They will claim there’s peace and they will build a new Haiti for the people. The occupiers will bounce with whatever they are really looking for the whole time. Wash, Rinse & Repeat.



Platinum Member
So many questions. Why do they keep promoting them as a gang? Are they trying to romanticize gangs or something.
Next question. Was there actually any resistance whatsoever. That was the quickest takedown over I ever seen. Or was this just orchestrated for show?
Prime minister was outta town and got a call his regime will fall…. I think the call came from the alphabet gang…

Man I don’t know what’s happening but sounds like storm reply cleared some questions up.


Platinum Member
'The biggest fear is stray bullets,' said Nixon Boumba, a 42-year-old consultant to an international aid and human rights organization based in the capital, before recalling how last weekend he called a taxi driver he uses to go shopping, only to find his friend had been shot

'The biggest fear is stray bullets,' said Nixon Boumba, a 42-year-old consultant to an international aid and human rights organization based in the capital, before recalling how last weekend he called a taxi driver he uses to go shopping, only to find his friend had been shot


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Haitian "mass migration" is going to be exploited by Chump and used against Joe Biden in the lead up to the election.
nah - just deported a bunch back a day or 2 ago

Biden never stopped deporting haitians never gave any asylum
this wasn't an accident



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Haitian "mass migration" is going to be exploited by Chump and used against Joe Biden in the lead up to the election.

..This is what almost nobody admits about the current unrest. According to his own former special envoy to Haiti, President Biden’s “chief reason” for backing Ariel Henry was the new president’s “malleability and the fact that he agreed that he would take all the deportees that they wanted to send.” This was reported in September of 2022 by Todd Bensman in the New York Post, though Biden faced little scrutiny over the blockbuster revelation as Henry’s Haiti descended deeper and deeper into the depths of suffering...
...According to Foote, the Biden administration supported Henry even as he failed to enact democratic reforms because the prime minister agreed to accept migrant flights amid huge gatherings of Haitians at the Texas border. In an October 2022 interview with my “Counter Points” colleague Ryan Grim and me, Foote said “the deportations were the straw that broke the camel’s back” when he resigned. “It’s completely counterproductive to our goal of restabilizing Haiti,” he argued. Moise and Henry were both members of America’s preferred PHTK party, and while the U.S. publicly claimed to push for democracy in Haiti, the administration did not withdraw its support as both men consolidated power and oversaw chaos...


Platinum Member

..This is what almost nobody admits about the current unrest. According to his own former special envoy to Haiti, President Biden’s “chief reason” for backing Ariel Henry was the new president’s “malleability and the fact that he agreed that he would take all the deportees that they wanted to send.” This was reported in September of 2022 by Todd Bensman in the New York Post, though Biden faced little scrutiny over the blockbuster revelation as Henry’s Haiti descended deeper and deeper into the depths of suffering...
...According to Foote, the Biden administration supported Henry even as he failed to enact democratic reforms because the prime minister agreed to accept migrant flights amid huge gatherings of Haitians at the Texas border. In an October 2022 interview with my “Counter Points” colleague Ryan Grim and me, Foote said “the deportations were the straw that broke the camel’s back” when he resigned. “It’s completely counterproductive to our goal of restabilizing Haiti,” he argued. Moise and Henry were both members of America’s preferred PHTK party, and while the U.S. publicly claimed to push for democracy in Haiti, the administration did not withdraw its support as both men consolidated power and oversaw chaos...
Damn I just made a thread about migrants flights… this shit is all inner connected some kinda way


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I like how, after centuries of failed leadership, the Haitian diaspora can still point their finger at yet ANOTHER person to blame for their issues.
It's funny that you can read a thread full of detailed information and still lift your fingers to type this bullshit. As if this conflict is as simple as that. If you never cared about the nuances and are making a bad faith argument, then say that. Otherwise, how about you watch some of these fucking videos?

The Haitian people, like any population are led and controlled by a powerful elite. Outside of toppling those fucks, you get a lot of this unfortunate posturing that will only benefit the moneyed.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's funny that you can read a thread full of detailed information and still lift your fingers to type this bullshit. As if this conflict is as simple as that. If you never cared about the nuances and are making a bad faith argument, then say that. Otherwise, how about you watch some of these fucking videos?

The Haitian people, like any population are led and controlled by a powerful elite. Outside of toppling those fucks, you get a lot of this unfortunate posturing that will only benefit the moneyed.
Topple them and THEN what? Barbecue takes over and becomes them?

Not a damn thing is going to change until the people change. Blaming a few faces in a crowd wont ever solve anything.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Topple them and THEN what? Barbecue takes over and becomes them?

Not a damn thing is going to change until the people change. Blaming a few faces in a crowd wont ever solve anything.
I don't think you understand how power works. Within the globalist, capitalist framework, it's the people with the money, education and resources who control the rest. When you say "the people", you fail to acknowledge that they are at the mercy of the elite. They won't soon or easily be toppled and Barbecue will never run Haiti. He is simply propped up by elite interests.

This isn't about what the Haitian people aren't willing to do. This is about rooting out very obvious and very moneyed corruption amongst the bourgeois, who represent less than a fraction of the Haitian people. The West is partially responsible for that imbalance both with debt burdens and historically punishing Haiti at every turn. This shit ain't simple but it's also not representative of the Haitian people and what they want. I don't have a perfect solution, but the answer damn sure ain't to blame the millions of honest-to-goodness Haitian people who want stability and a functioning government.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
This brother here at the 2:43 mark gives a brief but insightful explanation of what’s going on.

To make a long story short Haiti is a very rich country but its people are poor and live hard due to corruption in the country.
There are a few rich millionaire families and one billionaire family that control the happenings and all the wealth on the whole island.
Due to it not being colonized very long there’s a vast amount of hidden untapped natural resources on that island i.e. oil, iridium.
The West is constantly meddling and trying to install a western backed puppet government, but it always fails. The people aren’t stupid and would rather burn the country to the ground than let that happen. For example The president was likely assassinated cuz he went against the script. He's coincidently assassinated by special opps from another country. The prime minister who was probably in on it becomes president suddenly and says there’s no need for new elections. The people riot and some how these same people who are the poorest in the world have Ak's, bullet proof vests and C4. Meanwhile there will be an intervention of some sort. They will claim there’s peace and they will build a new Haiti for the people. The occupiers will bounce with whatever they are really looking for the whole time. Wash, Rinse & Repeat.

Gayle sounds so fucking ignorant repeating the gangs in Haiti lines.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Can't trust the news media, and they seem to be quiet on this story compared to Israel/Hamas.

I'd like to hear from some of our Haitian brothers have to say regarding what's going on there. @playahaitian have you been in touch with any family you may have still there?
The USA propaganda campaign is so well run, most Haitians actually believe they are the problem. We can start with that


Platinum Member
So this why CIA was in Kenya

“Senior state department official confirms the US will be picking up the tab for the Kenyan troops planning to occupy Haiti.”