The Internet Has Exposed And Destroyed The Black Woman!!


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Preach....she does not represent my shorty...they know how to behave in public...they know how to talk w/o 4 letter words in every sentence...they know how to act like a lady...they know how to respectful....

this bitch is a hoodrat...thats it....she is not representation of all sistas...the sad thing is that a brotha will pipe that bitch and get her pregnant...and imagine if thats your baby mother....:smh::smh::smh::smh::smh:...MY DUDES WEAR RUBBERS MAN.....DON'T LET THEM HOODRATS GET YOU CAUGHT UP....THEN COME ON BGOL COMPLAINING ABOUT ALL BLACK WOMEN....real talk.....

i wouldn't even acknowledge a hood rat like that....



quit crying, and step yo game up! :smh:

Wallo, I have 3 points to raise with you 1. The internet has NOT destroyed all black women. 2. Thank God that there are other kinds of women out there for us to date and marry and raise families with and 3. Not all black women act like this classless degenerate ass hood bitch.

I wouldn't go as far as to saying that this is why black men would rather remain single. Becuse there is no law that says if you can't have a black woman then you can't get married. There are Asian, Hispanci, Jewish, white ect; women out there for us all to choose from. And none of the black women in my family act this way and none of the black female friends that I have in college act this way either.

As far as this bitch in the video she is wife material for some of the ignorant niggas on here that will work with her knowing she is no good and try to find the best in her. But you have to realize that when she is this old and still acts that way...that is her best.

This video is one of the main, if not the only reason reason why I started to date white women. Not all black women are ghetto hoochies but since being with white women, I have had ABSOLUTELY no attitudes to deal with. No drama from the baby's father ( I know that you heard her baby crying in the background).

I think this video is a clear reason why 70% of black womaen are single. If a black woman sees this then hopefully she can make a change, if her behavior mimicks the chicks behavior in the vid. And I hope that this vid will also explain why black men including myself date women of other races.

co-sign, i agree with your argument 100%


Potential Star
I hate to genearlize on this lady, but I bet that when she and her friends got ready to go out to dinner, they probably spent more on their clothes and nails to get ready than what it would have cost to add an extra $8 to make it an even 10% tip. Just from looking at her, I can imagine that she spends more money on stuff that just gets thrown away than on necessities. Don't get me wrong, it is nothing wrong with splurging on yourself sometimes, but from her statements, I get the feeling that she is the type that wastes money all the time and has nothing to show for it.

I bet if she were working as a waitress, she would be the first to open up about cheap customers who don't tip. Or better yet, if some guy is not a baller or big spender, she would not give them the time of day.

She is a prime example of why it is important for people to experience things different from what they are familiar with. From her description of the resturant location, I can tell that she hangs around with a crowd that doesn't get out much. I say this becuase if you are a person who ventures out, most of the time you will not need to get into the exact location of an eatery to show people that you have "class."

I read a great article about the Black Hair care industry and how it is run by Koreans. One of them said, that in the 90's they were making money very easily off blacks when the curl was in. Imagine, they had a product and sold it to us, and all we did was use it and wash it right down the drain and come back for more. I imagine that she is the same type, she spends more on getting herself ready, or on hair care, nails, and other pieces of costume jewelry to get ready for a big night out and can't afford a tip.

Oh well, I guess it takes all types.:smh:


This is what destroyed the black woman:

then i guess it destroyed the white women too-


The Get It Girl
BGOL Investor
if you think this ignorant tramp represents all black women u need to expand your horizons:smh:


if you think this ignorant tramp represents all black women u need to expand your horizons:smh:
true, thank God that their are other women out there..
colored?! wtf

Don't be surprised that chick in the vid is the kind of chick to take pride in calling herself a bitch, I feel sorry for her child but hopefully he will have some kind of positive influence in his life. Cause I'm sure the father isn't there,BET is on 24 hours a day in her house, and his mother's vocabulary I'm sure doesn't go passed the 9th grade. With her coonish slave accepting mentality she even refers to herself as COLORED...:smh:


Rising Star
true, thank God that their are other women out there..

Don't be surprised that chick in the vid is the kind of chick to take pride in calling herself a bitch, I feel sorry for her child but hopefully he will have some kind of positive influence in his life. Cause I'm sure the father isn't there,BET is on 24 hours a day in her house, and his mother's vocabulary I'm sure doesn't go passed the 9th grade. With her coonish slave accepting mentality she even refers to herself as COLORED...:smh:

Wait... how do u think that white girl's friends & family refer to you when you aren't around them?:lol: riiiiiiiiiiiiight