Stripper Club Tax ????


Potential Star
Word out of Washington points a congressional effort (Senate proposal) to place a "pole tax" (NOT a person born in Poland!!) against all Adult Clubs throughout the Nation. I believe this is an old idea that was suggested some time ago, but never seriously proposed. However, times have changed, and revenue raising efforts know no boundary. Everything, and I mean, everything, is now fair game.

How far will they take this "pole tax" legislation?

Maybe a tax will be placed on those persons sitting near the stage.


Potential Star
Pole Taxes, legalizing weed, casinos in downtown Atlanta..nothing is as good for the vices of man like a recession. The money hungry politicians will let you do whatever you want so long as they can tax let them. I'd LOVE to be legal playing no limit, with a dub sac and a butt naked stripper doing the massage thing.

fuk it