Something very important I think you should be aware of



you know it's not always about entertaining .. sometimes it has to be about educating.
God gave me a voice loud enough to be heard... so while yall are listening I gotta share with yall the things that I am seeing and the things that are being kept from us. Things no decent man or woman would abide if they but only knew.

As this year begins I am dedicating myself to continuing to make the sort of music that challenges the mindsets of the stat quo... as well as taking every opportunity to do something better thru education or activisim

Watching something like this makes me feel weak and powerless... but then i remember that I am NOT WEAK.. and that all i have to do is stand up and do SOMETHING about it... and things will begin to change

Here is something i think we should all watch. Ignorance aint bliss it's evil!