MOVIES ~ Any of ya'll seen any good (or shitty) movies in recent weeks/months? Post reviews, feedback, movie news, trailers, recommendations, etc ...


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Halo Legends


I watched this last night on the road on tubi.

This is an animated feature. I looked into it and 6 of the 7 animated shorts are considered canon.

I have never played the video games or read any books on the franchise. The only thing I have seen is the Halo series on Paramount+. So I went into this film blind.

The movie deals mainly with the backstory and origin of the Halo universe. The film does a good job explaining it and keeping it short and informative. There is only one story dealing with Masterchief.

Animation is mainly anime, there is one short feature using a blurry style form of animation. The animation style does not fit in with the rest of the film.

If you are new and clueless on the Halo franchise, this film will get you somewhat caught up.


Seven anime stories relate to the popular `Halo' series of computer games and the universe associated with it.

