#HalleBerry has broke the internet!! Her bf #vanhunt posted this #mothersday tribute to the 57-year-old #oscar winner:


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1h ·

#HalleBerry has broke the internet!! Her bf #vanhunt posted this #mothersday tribute to the 57-year-old #oscar winner:

"Happy Mother's Day from the bottom of my heart....oh s**t, I wasn't s'posed to post that!

butt...u hav to admit thassa badass....mutha right there!"

Van may be right!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hopefully this will lead to more women staying in shape eating right and exercising and taking ass out pictures


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
she is and always has been my personal unicorn. looks wise she is perfection and even at 57 is sexier,prettier and finer than woman half her age and supposedly on there prime. also that ass is a vision of awesomeness


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yo Van Send her this way and i'd be giving her HOURS of pleasure...Your "seconds of pleasure" won't mean shit

yeah I'm hating

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