Ethiopian community says No Religion.. much peace!


BGOL Investor
Awra Amba is an Ethiopian community of about 400 people, located 73 kilometres east of Bahir Dar in the Fogera woreda of Debub Gondar Zone. It was founded in 1980 with the goal of solving socio-economic problems through helping one another in an environment of egalitarianism -- in marked contrast to the traditional norms of Amhara society.

Founded by Zumra Nuru, who currently serves as co-chairman of the community, with 19 other people who shared his vision, as of 2007 Awra Amba has some 400 members, and is lauded as a model to alleviate poverty and promote gender equality in a country where women are generally subservient to men.[1]

The fact that its members work together, are diligent, disciplined and self-confident makes the Awra Amba community distinct from other Amhara communities. Women have equal rights as men and there is no distinction in divisions of labor between men and women. All people in the community have no religion as distinct from most communities in Ethiopia. They believe in hard work and being good to people. They keep their houses and their surrounding clean. Theft is seen as very obscene.[2]
The community is ostracized, as it does not belong to either of the two primary religious groupings -- Islam or Christianity. Members of the Awra Amba community therefore were not given agricultural land to cultivate, but instead were pushed into the most infertile and malaria infested corner of the district. As they cannot live on farm activities, they have diversified into the weaving business, using both traditional and modern weaving machines. In addition, using three grinding mills provided the the Regional Micro and Small Scale Enterprise Development Agency, they offer milling service to neighbouring farmers. The village hopes to earn more money in order to build potable water and sewage systems, pave the road, and create an education fund for the children.[2]

The village is unique not only for its attitudes toward gender, religion, and education, but for the social security it provides its members in need. There are formal committees to provide services which include: education, to receive guests, to take care of patients, the elderly and children, and community health. They have established a literacy campaign for adults, a library, and a preschool. Despite living in a culture which practice early marriage, the people of Awra Amba have decided girls should not marry only after reaching the age of 18, and boys at or above 22.[1]

The village's success has made it a subject of numerous studies. "So many Christian and Muslim leaders from all over [Ethiopia's northern Amhara region] and some from outside have visited the village because it is very famous in its endeavor to eliminate poverty," says Mulgeta Wuletaw, a regional government administrator and member of parliament. Another supporter is Mohammed Mussa, a rural development consultant who prepared a case study on the village for the World Bank. "This is an extraordinary initiative within a traditional and conservative community," he says. "It's a good example for other Ethiopian communities – and even beyond Ethiopia – because of its gender equality, its work ethic, and its social security system."[3]


MULLEN, Neb. - Ted Turner's men did not flinch. As the price climbed past $8 million, $9 million, $9.5 million, they continued bidding at a rapid-fire pace.

When the auction was over, they walked away with what they came for: 26,300 acres of prime ranch land, at a cost of nearly $10 million.

"It hasn't taken long to find out he's serious," said Duane Kime, a rancher and Turner neighbor who was outbid by about $100,000 by the CNN founder.
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But what exactly is Turner serious about?

The question gnaws at folks here and in other rural areas of the U.S. where people once thought the billionaire just wanted to play cowboy.

Turner has amassed 2 million acres over the past two decades to become the largest private landowner in the United States. He owns land in at least nine states, with most of his holdings in New Mexico, Nebraska, Montana and South Dakota, and is restoring buffalo, cutthroat trout, wolves, black-footed ferrets and other flora and fauna that filled the Plains before the West was won.

His front men say their boss does not have a secret agenda — he just wants to be a rancher. But each big buy only heightens the anxiety and gives rise to conspiracy theories, the most ominous of which hold that the swashbuckling Atlanta executive is bent on putting Nebraska ranchers and farmers out of business.

Taking this guys property would end the homeless problem. Maybe America will learn something from them.


A communtiy of 400 people? The scientist in me wonder what's the population threshold before something like this stops working.


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
Let's hope this spreads. Religion has always been the downfall of humanity. If this civilization can prove otherwise without, there's hope for this world.

Great read. :yes:



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[saracsm]What sort of madness is this?!!
How dare these heretics function effectively without praise to the lord!!![/sarcasm]



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Great read. Shit should be like this around the world. People should believe in what they want, but that irrational believe should not hinder rational and logical everyday decision making.



Rising Star
OG Investor
seems like they still have a dogmatic, cult like setup. They might end up worshipping that dude. It's an interesting social experiment, given what they come from. I wish em luck.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This sounds like it has great potential. I want to see it work with 4,000 people all the way to 4.1 million.


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
can't stop human nature someone will fuck up