DarkCity said this...


OG Investor
"No incumbent has ever lost an election during "war-time" so the 04' election was a wrap from gate.

I am sure there is some shady shit that goes into election we are talking about politics here. But you have to vote if for nothing more than the principle. If there is enough of a turn-out I think that they wouldn't have a choice but to follow the people. And if there was enough of a black turn-out then maybe they would actually start to seriously consider our issues."

What I wanted to focus on is the our issues part of his comment. Maybe it's too early to discuss them but what are OUR ISSUES in the upcoming 08 election?

What are our realistic goals as it relates to who and what we expect from the state? Yes the war is an issue but that is more of a national issue.

What do WE want to be addressed that is a sustainable issue? And most importantly how do we get from here to there?

Also, are so-called black leaders on the national level, Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, Bond etc. a help or a hindrance for those issues? Are they speaking for us or they in fact listing to white voices and telling us what whites want us to think and believe and in effect, sharing with us what THEIR limits?

The floor is open.



Rising Star
Super Moderator
Excellent questions VG. Looking forward to the responses. I'll add my comments soon.
In the meantime, sure would like to know what people think "Our Issues" are. As
diverse as I believe we truly are, I suspect that the 'issues' will be just as diverse.



OG Investor
QueEx said:
Excellent questions VG. Looking forward to the responses. I'll add my comments soon.
In the meantime, sure would like to know what people think "Our Issues" are. As
diverse as I believe we truly are, I suspect that the 'issues' will be just as diverse.


Props QueEx.
Seems it's time for a serious discussion on that question. I know we have some ideas on where we should be headed and we should discuss it.

I get a little tired of discussions whites always have and we tend to fall in line saying the same shit.

Fuck Bush, his illegal war, etc.

Bush isn't running but those that are running want us to only focus on a lame duck.

By the time the election rolls around there is more support for what whites think is important, namely the rights of faggots to mate and what we think is important is an after thought.



Rising Star
Super Moderator
I've thought about the first part of the question, "Our Issues", and I'll be damned: one way or another, they're American Issues:

Equal Opportunity -Yeah, I know; people are tired of that tired old phrase. Still one of those "Our Issues" as I see it. Without question, we have come a long ways since the 50's but the game is being played a lot more subtley now. The colored-white signs are gone; laws have been changed; and we've progressed - but the way discrimination is practiced and the way courts have come to define a violation have left us still, in a fucking lurch facing the vestiges of the institution. In other words, I think evening the playing field is still a big issue.

Education - BIG assed issue, as I see it. Whether its by where we tend to live or whatever the cause, we're attending way too many schools that are not benefitting us; and accessibility to higher education/trade-training. Among us we need to push it; and the politicians need to invest in it.​

I have a few more but I gotta run. But one more point: both the issues above are American, not just us.



Superfly Moderator
BGOL Investor
Dependancy, in many forms, voluntarily or not. From welfare to incarceration, education to businesses, Black Independance is few and far in between.

Black Folks are always looking for a "hook up"...


Ask not what my country can do for me but ask what can I do for my country. America the beautiful, my only regret is that I only have one life to give for her. Fuck the demogagoues whatever race they may be, the real issue is 'How can we take our country back'.


Potential Star
What are "OUR" issues????.....hmmmm..... good question. I'll say this first, whatever national issues that arise affect us also. We cannot seperate ourselves from them so we will have to always have a voice in whatever comes up. on issues specific to us? Several thoughts come to mind.

1. keeping education funding at the forefront of our efforts on all levels. This is extremely important, we are slipping backwards with our children today because the current system is irrelevant to them. Revamping schools to a new model tailored to the needs of black children has to be done to prepare them for the future.

2. We have to come to a consensous on what to do about crime in our neighborhoods plus what to do about ex-offenders who are tryiing to do right but can't seem to catch a break due to a lack of adult education and skills training quickly find themselves going back to crime cause thats all they know to make a dollar.

3. I'll co-sign QueEx on his equal opportunity comment. I would just add keeping vigilant on efforts to roll back the gains we've made so far.

Generally we have to be more politically and economically savvy. Have a voice or voices, even opposing voices, in everything this country does. Thats what I see as the next level.


BGOL Investor
VegasGuy said:
I guess we are waiting for Sharpton to tell us. :hmm:


My issues are... (in no particular order)

1. Taxes (lower them or implement a flat tax).
2. Universal Health Care
3. Privatized Social Security
4. Education ( A real No Child Left Behind Plan)
5. The War In Iraq (get the hell out)
6. Government Reform (restore democracy and get rid of the Patriot Act)
7. Environment

What are some of your issues?


Rising Star
Super Moderator

Can't understand why there aren't more responses to this very pertinent question




Though quite a few of our issues parallel the national ones, I believe that most of the solutions for our issues lie within our own community.

Education: We know our schools tend to be not as well financed as they should be. This effects the quality of the education our kids get. White schools get computers, new books, top notch facilities, etc. We get old computers if any, books don't get replaced, and our schools facilities don't get properly maintained. This effects the mind set and efficiency of both the students and teachers making learning a much harder activity.

How do we get around it? The same way our people originally did: teach ourselves. Set up our own schools. Home school our own children. Get our kids off the Nintendos and into libraries and book stores. Expose them to things outside of what the popular media wants them to see.

Case in point, I know people who have NEVER been outside their state, let alone the country. What kind of mind set will the next generation have if they can't envision themselves outside of their own neighborhood?

Financial Literacy: This can really go under education but I think its a large enough subject to stand on its own. How many our people don't even know how to balance a checkbook, let alone make decisions regarding credit, home financing, investments, etc.? We need to adopt a mindset that reflects the need to not only make money, but to also handle it wisely. We need to get off the "get rich quick" mentality and adopt an old money mindset. Old money gets passed down for generations. Our inheritances are usually just debt and old cars. We have to start thinking in terms of legacies so that our children don't have to constantly start from square one with each generation.

Entrepreneurship: Black Wall Street is probably the best example of what happens when our community decides to say to hell with the white mans shit and decides to build and support its own. Unfortunately in the past whenever we start doing well THEY come in and fuck it up. Now we're in the habit of not trying to work with each other. Its time to get back to building and maintaining strong businesses in our community. We have to go back to recirculating our dollars within our communities more than once. As we do that our businesses become more successful, the prices in those businesses start to fall, and the community reflects the infusion of wealth.

Religion: I don't know how it is in your city but in the Chicago area, in the worst neighborhoods you'll find at least 3 storefront churches on every block. Our churches used to be a place of strength and refuge, places of unity. Now, a large chunk of them are businesses run by unscrupulous con men with no REAL concern over anything except $$$. This is religion at its worst. We need to get away from religion and get back into relationship with God.

To those who don't believe in God, I'm not going to debate this with you. God can argue with you a lot better than I can.

Politics: Lets stop waiting on white politicians to do for us and start supporting local, honest black politicians. I don't ever make the assumption that white politicians have our needs in mind. I generally don't think even black politicians do. But I have met and talked to some who do make a difference for US. Support them when you can and dialog with them when possible. How many of us actually write to, call, or go speak face to face to their state rep, alderman, or city trustee? The more they see us and hear our issues the more responsive they become. If they don't you know who NOT to elect.

BTW, I have met 1 or 2 good white politicians, but given a choice I would rather throw my support behind someone who understands and sympathizes with our issues.

Anyway, I hear Colin tipping up in the room so I think I better stop now.
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Rising Star
Super Moderator
<font size="3">We're now into the primary elections precedent to the 2008 presidential election.</font size><font size="4">

Surely we have issues


</font size>