BGOL Parents: Your thoughts?


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
So I saw the entire video on tiktok and I'll be honest the only reason people have a problem with it is because he's a man. There's been so many videos of students working with or helping their teachers hair where the teacher was a woman so everyone was fine with it.

What you don't here because it's a two-part video is that this wasn't some intimate thing he has like a bunch of students around him doing it, he only allowed students that were in good academic standing help him, it was a Friday and most of their assignments were done.

Whats interesting is that a bunch of the parents of these kids are on social media praising how much that dude has inspired their kids.


PhD in Trollin
BGOL Investor
So I saw the entire video on tiktok and I'll be honest the only reason people have a problem with it is because he's a man. There's been so many videos of students working with or helping their teachers hair where the teacher was a woman so everyone was fine with it.

What you don't here because it's a two-part video is that this wasn't some intimate thing he has like a bunch of students around him doing it, he only allowed students that were in good academic standing help him, it was a Friday and most of their assignments were done.

Whats interesting is that a bunch of the parents of these kids are on social media praising how much that dude has inspired their kids.
Absolutely it's cause he's a man. I wouldn't be cool with that


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Absolutely it's cause he's a man. I wouldn't be cool with that
If it was a one-on-one thing I would have a huge problem with it. Having six people around taking out your hair while you rotate in people to do while recording all of it. Nah I'm fine with it while also understanding how much young Black girls like doing things surrounding our hair. Cause I have a young Black daughter.


PhD in Trollin
BGOL Investor
If it was a one-on-one thing I would have a huge problem with it. Having six people around taking out your hair while you rotate in people to do while recording all of it. Nah I'm fine with it while also understanding how much young Black girls like doing things surrounding our hair. Cause I have a young Black daughter.
You wouldn't be concerned about her getting feelings of affection for dude?


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
You wouldn't be concerned about her getting feelings of affection for dude?

I want you to take that to its logical conclusion.

What you're basically saying that if one of these young girls developed a crush on this teacher she's going to be able to seduce him and then something inappropriate going to happen.

What you're doing is you're is putting all the onus on a child when something happens with an adult. There is no 14-year-old girl who could seduce me or any well-adjusted grown man.


PhD in Trollin
BGOL Investor
I want you to take that to its logical conclusion.

What you're basically saying that if one of these young girls developed a crush on this teacher she's going to be able to seduce him and then something inappropriate going to happen.

What you're doing is you're is putting all the onus on a child when something happens with an adult. There is no 14-year-old girl who could seduce me or any well-adjusted grown man.
Not saying she's gonna turn around and seduce him. Lol never was a thought. But now she's not thinking clear. Not paying attention in class cause she's making googly eyes and has a crush on dude


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Not saying she's gonna turn around and seduce him. Lol never was a thought. But now she's not thinking clear. Not paying attention in class cause she's making googly eyes and has a crush on dude

Yeah but that can happen ANYWAY. Shit she can develop a crush on the kid that sits next to her in class.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I've seen girls doing hair in class and in the lunchroom for money when I was in high school and every teacher isn't going for that shit but certain one's like him don't give a fuck because their doing his hair.

It's not only because he's a male,it's just black school's and classes period where there's a line that needs to be drawn somewhere and the way things are going today in 2024 he should of knew better to allow such a thing and record the shit.All those girls better be straight A students and not lagging in no subject to be doing no shit like that during class,if not sit down and learn something other than playing with a grown mans hair.

I would have a problem with it,in some high schools there's a trade the students can pickup like hair,nails and the likes so if it's there why not go there,pay and allow a student to do your hair there rather than in your class?Male or female.Cool teachers,which I've had a few that I remember to this very day,did things like introduce me to things outside of what's in those books and standardized testing,the stock market,taxes,Africa,politics,Roe vs Wade,shit like that that will come up before the square root of 12 does and I'm thinkful for those small lessons more so than doing something for the teacher.

This is just too personal....what's next a foot massage?