Anti-Hillary Thread Part II


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Same as before. Just new stuff in a fresh thread. Check this one out:

The Monster: A Loyal Clinton Soldier Turns in His Badge

Posted March 9, 2008 | 03:37 PM (EST)

She has no idea.

She has no idea how many times I defended her. How many right-leaning friends and relatives I battled with. How many times I played down her shady business deals and penchant for scandals -- whether it was Whitewater, Travelgate, Vince Foster, Cattle Futures, Web Hubbell, or Norman Hsu. She has no idea how frequently I dismissed her husband's serial adultery as an unfortunate trait of an otherwise brilliant man. For sixteen years, I was a proud soldier in the legion of "Clinton apologists" -- who believed that peace and prosperity were more important than regrettable personality traits.

And then she ran for president.

After seven years of George W. Bush, America is hungry for change. Big change. And let's face it -- Hillary Clinton, the party standard-bearer and former White House denizen -- isn't it. But even after voters coalesced around Barack Obama, handing him eleven straight primaries (twelve, if you count Vermont), she refused to accept the possibility -though math, money and momentum were clearly against her -- that the Bush/Clinton Family Band might not be #1 on America's Billboard chart anymore.

So, rather than step aside and become the hero of her party, she made a strategy decision to go negative in advance of Ohio and Texas. Not just negative -- personal. She cynically chided Mr. Obama's message of hope. She played the victim card. The gender card. The Muslim card. She cried "shame on you, Barack Obama" for his campaign tactics, while (if we're to believe Matt Drudge) simultaneously floating a picture of him in Somali garb to stir up questions of his patriotism.

She accused Mr. Obama of his own shady business deals (the irony of which nearly ripped a hole in the fabric of space/time). She accused him of being two-faced on NAFTA, when it was her campaign that had winked at the Canadians. She demanded that he "reject" the endorsement of Louis Farrakhan, but remained silent when Rush Limbaugh stirred up votes for her in Texas. And she crafted the now-infamous "3am" attack ad -- which used scare tactics to highlight Senator Obama's perceived lack of experience in foreign affairs. Straight out of the ol' Atwater/Rove playbook. Of course, all of this paled in comparison to her husband's patronizing, racially insensitive comments earlier in the primary season.

Was this the same Hillary Clinton whose husband ran on the idea that hope was more powerful than fear? The wife of a president who had less foreign policy experience than Barack Obama when he was elected? And exactly which crisis is she referring to when she claims to have more experience? And while we're at it, where the hell are those tax returns?

It's clear that Hillary's back in this thing, at least for the time being. But at what cost? Short of some cataclysmic event, there's no way either she or Mr. Obama can reach 2,025 delegates in the remaining contests. That means she's accepted the inevitability of a brokered convention. A convention she'll almost certainly enter with fewer delegates than her opponent. That raises some important questions:

Will she subvert the will of the voters? Will she turn Denver into a series of shady back-room deals and arm twisting? Will she dispatch her husband to pressure superdelegates into switching allegiances at the last minute? Are we in for, as one pundit put it, a good ol' fashioned "knife fight?"

And if she does manage to secure the nomination, what about the scores of disenfranchised Obama supporters (many of them young people with little loyalty to the Democratic Party)? How will she bring them back into the tent? Hillary seems confident that this can be remedied by offering Mr. Obama a spot on her ticket. Really? And what would his motivation be for accepting? Playing third-fiddle to Bill?

However, if Mr. Obama goes on to secure the nomination, she'll have handed his rival a treasure trove of sound bites. All John McCain has to do between August and November is play clips of Hillary questioning Obama's experience and belittling his platitudes. In a way, she'll have become Mr. McCain's second running mate.

She's proven that she cares more about "Hillary" than "unity." More about defeating Obama than defeating the Republicans. She's become a political suicide-bomber, happy to blow herself to bits -- as long as she takes everyone else with her.

On Friday, one of Barack Obama's foreign policy advisors, Samantha Power, resigned after calling Senator Clinton "a monster" during an off-the-record exchange. It was an unfortunate slip, but one that echoed the sentiments of many Clinton apologists like me -- who've watched Hillary's descent into pettiness and fear-mongering with the heartbreak of a child who grows up to realize that his beloved mother has been a terrible person all along.

Are the conservatives right about the Clintons? Will they do and say anything to get elected?

I don't know.

All I know is...I'm through apologizing.


You should read Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. It's frightening to see how her strategy after she enters(if! I hope not) the White House will begin a socialist despotism. Banning all future licensing for guns is not only unconstitutional, it's illogical. Criminals don't need licenses to buy guns, it won't mar crime one bit. If anything, incidents of innocent people being killed will increase! Universal health care will put this country so much deeper in debt, and destroy the gene pool from which we and our children will have to draw from when it comes time for marriage/copulation.

And the whole mandatory-health-coverage-I-don't-care-about-your-opinion thing? There was another group of people early in the 20th century who feared diversity of choice and opinion. They were the Nazis and the Communists. Coupled with that NAFTA superhighway which will tear this country in 2, destroying millions of American's jobs in the process, is this really what America wants?
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Rising Star
Super Moderator
<font size="5"><center>Hillary's scheme Machine</font size></center>

New York Post
March 10, 2008

With the two Democratic presidential candidates seemingly poised for a duel to the death, and one of the two being Sen. Hillary Clinton, you can be sure of one thing: The stage is set for some world-class skullduggery.

Indeed, the procedural funny stuff is no doubt already under way.

The Puerto Rico Switch-a-Roo
Take last Thursday's decision in Puerto Rico to switch from a caucus - a format that so far has favored Sen Barack Obama - to an outright primary, Clinton's stronger suit.

And wouldn't you just know it? The party chairman in Puerto Rico is an ardent Clinton backer. Hmm . . .

The Pennsylvania Hustle
Now, that contest won't be held until June 1. Meanwhile, the next big battleground is Pennsylvania, with some 188 delegates (including superdelegates) up for grabs. It's slated for April 22.

And it's ripe for shenanigans.

Indeed, Gov. Ed Rendell - a diehard Hillary loyalist whose wife owes her job as a federal appellate judge to Bill Clinton - is the kind of guy who, as Carrie Budoff Brown wrote on, "knows where to find votes."

Rendell has ardently opposed all efforts to fight voter fraud.

Last month, citing bad weather, he extended the deadline for filing delegate slates. That unilaterally helped Hillary, whose delegates hadn't all filed yet; Obama's folks, by contrast, completed all their filings on time.

Florida & Michigan
Then, of course, there's the monster fight over whether to redo the primaries in Michigan and Florida. The Dems' national bosses banned delegates from those states because they broke party rules and held their primaries too early. But then (as we noted last week), rules don't really mean much to Democrats, particularly those like Clinton.

As these - and other - matters are hammered out, Obama would be wise to beware of ceding any advantage.

That can happen not only in determining what to do about Michigan and Florida but also in any new attempt to change the rules in remaining contests.

And, of course, in the race for superdelegates, who are free to vote as they like.

Beyond that, there are the cheap shots and the low blows - as, for example, when Clinton hedged on whether Obama is a Muslim, acknowledging that he isn't one "as far as I know."

Let's face it: The Hill-and-Bill machine has a record of scandal and sneakiness that runs all the way back to Arkansas. And the potential for dirty tricks is huge.

In the end, the outcome of the Democratic race may depend on the meaning of the word "is" or, say, on the whereabouts of the Rose Law Firm billing records . . . (Hey, don't blame us for dredging down that deep. It was Clinton flack Howard Wolfson who was talking about special prosecutor Ken Starr last week.)

Fortunately for Obama, he's a veteran of Chicago's seedy politics, and so he's likely prepared for what may be in store.

But far better if everyone just played fair from the start.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Bitch Got Caught In a Lie Bwahahahahahahahahah!

Clinton under fire
Dan Kennedy

March 25, 2008 7:00 PM

The last few weeks have been kind to Hillary Clinton - but that's starting to change. Clinton has been caught telling a lie so flagrant, so self-serving and so unnecessary that it takes your breath away. The media are on to her, and they're beginning to unload.

Here's how it unfolded. On March 17, at a speech at George Washington University, Clinton spoke about a terrifying mission to Tuzla, Bosnia that she had undertaken on behalf of her husband, the then-president, in March 1996.

"I remember landing under sniper fire," she said. "There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base." Wow. Now there's a woman you want answering that red phone at 3am.

Except that it never happened. I could quote the comedian Sinbad, who was along for the ride, but let's cut to the chase. There's video from CBS News. It shows Hillary and Chelsea Clinton calmly walking off the plane. They were greeted by various dignitaries, including an eight-year-old Bosnian girl, whom Hillary smilingly embraces. No sniper fire. No heads-down sprint through a hail of bullets. Just the sort of good-will tour a first lady and her daughter might undertake provided there was no danger of anyone's getting hurt.

To make matters worse, Clinton's lie was being exposed just as the tide was starting to shift toward Barack Obama again.

Make no mistake: Obama's candidacy has been permanently diminished now that we know more about his longstanding relationship with his ranting former pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. But Obama's thoughtful speech on race last week was well received, thus limiting the damage.

Over the weekend, Obama was endorsed by longtime Clinton retainer Bill Richardson, the governor of New Mexico and a representative of two vital constituencies: Latinos and superdelegates. Richardson even had the temerity to suggest that Clinton should get out of the race. That, in turn, led Clinton consigliere James Carville to call Richardson's endorsement an "act of betrayal" worthy of Judas, a remark that caused millions to rack their brains over whether they may have missed any Jesus-like qualities in Hillary Clinton over the years. Of course, it's possible that by the time this ends she'll claim to have walked on water.

Ever since Clinton's victories in Texas and Ohio on March 4, the media had been going easier on her. There's no question they had been relentlessly negative, especially in comparison to Obama. A now-famous Saturday Night Live skit may have goaded them into toughening up their coverage of Obama. Or maybe it was just overdue.

Clinton's Bosnia lie has reminded the media that the Clintons are utterly shameless and will say anything. The Washington Post, declaring that her sniper claim was "simply not credible", bestowed upon her its coveted "Four Pinnochios", a designation reserved for "whoppers". The pro-Obama Jed Report put together a brutal mash-up of Clinton's March 17 remarks and the CBS News footage that had been viewed more than 133,000 times as of Monday evening. It's going to be rough for Clinton this week and perhaps beyond.

Moreover, there's a sense that the media may have overcorrected in their coverage of Obama this month. Just the other day, Fox News host Chris Wallace took a few of his colleagues to task for "somewhat distorting" Obama's characterisation of his grandmother as "a typical white person". When the folks at GOP-TV start fighting among themselves over such things, one can only imagine what the conversation is like in the newsrooms of the so-called liberal media.

By Monday evening, Clinton was saying that she "misspoke" on Bosnia, which, of course, she hadn't. The only credible explanation for her incredible remarks is that she lied and got caught. Frankly, if she really believes she and her then-teenage daughter had come under sniper fire that day in Tuzla - well, on second thought, keep the red phone away from that woman, please.


Rising Star
Super Moderator

Not only did she get caught in the sniper-bullet-dodging lie; she had the fucking gall to
attempt to revive the Rev. Wright/Obama shit as a way to avoid the heat from that lie !!! :angry:



Rising Star
Super Moderator
Clinton under fire said:
Frankly, if she really believes she and her then-teenage daughter had come under sniper fire that day in Tuzla - well, on second thought, keep the red phone away from that woman, please.

I saw a clip yesterday where a student asked Chelsea "whether her mother's credibility had been hurt during the Monica Lewinsky scandal." Chelsea said it was none of the students business.

I couldn't help but wonder whether Hillary got the word about Bill and Monica on that red telephone about 3 a.m. one morning. :eek:

Thats the video we need to see - to see how she handles shit.


Video; Hillary's lie; Chelsea on Monica: