
  1. Rembrandt Brown

    Who Owns The Moon? - How Space Travel Will Create New Law

    Can a Company Own the Moon? By Rachel Riederer The New Yorker “Beautiful, just beautiful,” the astronaut Michael Collins said, watching as Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong, his fellow-members of the Apollo 11 mission, worked to plant the U.S. flag in the moon’s dusty surface. That first moon...
  2. Rembrandt Brown

    Who Owns The Moon? - How Space Travel Will Create New Law

    Can a Company Own the Moon? By Rachel Riederer The New Yorker “Beautiful, just beautiful,” the astronaut Michael Collins said, watching as Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong, his fellow-members of the Apollo 11 mission, worked to plant the U.S. flag in the moon’s dusty surface. That first moon...
  3. Rembrandt Brown

    The future: What do we do now that will be considered unthinkable in 50 years?

    From Vox-- Feel free to make your own predictions or post any of the articles you find interesting (whether here or in a new thread): Hindsight 2070: We asked 15 experts, “What do we do now that will be considered unthinkable in 50 years?” Here’s what they told us. Predicting society’s moral...