U.S. Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe vs. Wade

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Obama had more power than what he displayed.

His whole thing was bi-partnership with the GOP. He spent his whole 8 years bending over backwards trying to make them happy when they basically told him in his face "FUCK YOU".

He wasted a lot of political capital. Biden is wasting time doing the same thing.

Trump showed how much power the office of POTUS has, unfortunately, Democrats just don't have the will to act like the GOP.
And that's why we're in or should I say women are in the crisis they are in today. If I was the president I would have been on T.V. everyday until my supreme court nominee was bought for a vote. Well first of all I wouldn't have selected Merrick Garland I would have picked a Black woman preferably a Delta. Then when Mitch McConnell tried some shit I would have called him in to the White House and explained a few things to him like I may not be able to fuck you but you come from Kentucky and Kentucky receives a lot federal dollars, Kentucky has several federal installations and this is my last term now lets play. I guarantee you my nominee if I was president would have been bought up for a vote.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What whataboutisms don't take away the fact you don't know what the fuck you are talking about when it comes to executive orders. You keep bringing that shit up like it's a permanent solution and it's not.
I know Obama promised shit then said it wasn't a top priority. So you can focus on executive orders and challenging my knowledge instead of the point if it makes you feel better about wasting your vote over and over


Rising Star
And that's why we're in or should I say women are in the crisis they are in today. If I was the president I would have been on T.V. everyday until my supreme court nominee was bought for a vote. Well first of all I wouldn't have selected Merrick Garland I would have picked a Black woman preferably a Delta. Then when Mitch McConnell tried some shit I would have called him in to the White House and explained a few things to him like I may not be able to fuck you but you come from Kentucky and Kentucky receives a lot federal dollars, Kentucky has several federal installations and this is my last term now lets play. I guarantee you my nominee if I was president would have been bought up for a vote.
You'd be wrong..
Republicans are willing to sacrifice their constituents and they are a propaganda machine that can spin like no other.
Republicans are given a certain amount of leeway, while dems are not.


Support BGOL
I think Republicans are totally full of shit on this issue, but I'm also I'm torn on the issue of abortion...

One one hand, what this shit comes down to is, women want everything to benefit them. They want to be able to terminate the pregnancy if they want to; and want the father to be held responsible for taking care of it if they choose to keep it. On the surface, that doesn't sound like the worst things in the world, but women have been weaponizing pregnancy for longer than I've been alive, and men are expected to just deal with whatever the consequences of their actions are.

To make matters worse, when it was publicly discussed that paternity tests should be given before the birth certificates were given, many women had a problem with that too! You even had some women saying that the mother has the right to determine who the father is!

A large percentage of these feminists only hate the dreaded patriarchy because they prefer a matriarchy. If you've ever worked under a female manage/supervisor, you know their asses can as tyrannical as any man.

"Believe all women!"

"It's the woman's choice to abort the child"

"The father should have no right to terminate his paternity"

"Women shouldn't be subjected to the father being proven before being given a birth certificate"

"How dare you ask me to sign a prenup!"

God damn, y'all broads selfish than a motherfucker!

ON THE OTHER HAND, I do believe abortion can be the right choice. If the pregnancy is going to cause death or great harm to the mother, and the baby can't be saved, then it is what it is. I have no issue with that. Also, if an underage child was impregnated, and the parents or guardians want to go that route, then that is definitely an option that should be available.

Where MY problem come in is, for the LONGEST, anytime men complained about the child support system being unfair, the clapback has always been, 'Keep it in your pants!'


If women did the same thing, or took proper precautions, there would be much less of a need for abortions, right? But, how realistic is it to expect human beings - male or female - to not have sex, and for everyone to always be careful? Not very. One of my best friends got an abortion, because the child's father had just gotten out of prison after a decade, and she was conflicted in her feelings. By the time she got pregnant, she realized she didn't want to be with him, so she went and got an abortion. That's some bullshit, but that option was available to her.

Even beyond that, if a man wants to give up his paternity, it's 'WHAT ABOUT THE CHILD!?!"

Well, I don't think it is the honorable thing to do as a man if you created the baby, but pushing the "delete button" on your baby is??? And just because it would be inconvenient to your lifestyle?

The clapback to THAT is, 'Pregnancy can affect a woman's health!" CAN! But we need to stop acting acting like women are mostly out here getting abortions because of the threat to their health. They are using that same 'Get out of jail free' card that many or most men would use if they had the option.

I'm not acting like abortions have me losing sleep, 'cause I ain't that good hearted. I care far more about a leveled playing field. To this very day, I am without wife or child, because the playing field It's 'All about what I want' position that women take on this issue is what ticks me off.


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
You'd be wrong..
Republicans are willing to sacrifice their constituents and they are a propaganda machine that can spin like no other.
Republicans are given a certain amount of leeway, while dems are not.
I told someone this yesterday they will throw their own constituents under the bus to get what they want. I told a coworker yesterday they are going to come after Poor and middle-class white people you guys better vote for a Democrat this midterm I even showed him the clip that Miss Graham was talking about cutting Social Security and Medicaid and Medicare…. That is going to get a lot of their attention. Black people can survive we always have but baby boomers and middle aged white people are going to catch Hell if they don’t make the right decision soon.


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
I'm torn on this issue.

One one hand, what this shit comes down to is, women want everything to benefit them. They want to be able to terminate the pregnancy if they want to; and want the father to be held responsible for taking care of it if they choose to keep it. On the surface, that doesn't sound like the worst things in the world, but women have been weaponizing pregnancy for longer than I've been alive, and men are expected to just deal with whatever the consequences of their actions are.

To make matters worse, when it was publicly discussed that paternity tests should be given before the birth certificates were given, many women had a problem with that too! You even had some women saying that the mother has the right to determine who the father is!

A large percentage of these feminists only hate the dreaded patriarchy because they prefer a matriarchy. If you've ever worked under a female manage/supervisor, you know their asses can as tyrannical as any man.

"Believe all women!"

"It's the woman's choice to abort the child"

"The father should have no right to terminate his paternity"

"Women shouldn't be subjected to the father being proven before being given a birth certificate"

"How dare you ask me to sign a prenup!"

God damn, y'all broads selfish than a motherfucker!

ON THE OTHER HAND, I do believe abortion can be the right choice. If the pregnancy is going to cause death or great harm to the mother, and the baby can't be saved, then it is what it is. I have no issue with that. Also, if an underage child was impregnated, and the parents or guardians want to go that route, then that is definitely an option that should be available.

Where MY problem come in is, for the LONGEST, anytime men complained about the child support system being unfair, the clapback has always been, 'Keep it in your pants!'


If women did the same thing, or took proper precautions, there would be much less of a need for abortions, right? But, how realistic is it to expect human beings - male or female - to not have sex, and for everyone to always be careful? Not very. One of my best friends got an abortion, because the child's father had just gotten out of prison after a decade, and she was conflicted in her feelings. By the time she got pregnant, she realized she didn't want to be with him, so she went and got an abortion. That's some bullshit, but that option was available to her.

Even beyond that, if a man wants to give up his paternity, it's 'WHAT ABOUT THE CHILD!?!"

Well, I don't think it is the honorable thing to do as a man if you created the baby, but pushing the "delete button" on your baby is??? And just because it would be inconvenient to your lifestyle?

The clapback to THAT is, 'Pregnancy can affect a woman's health!" CAN! But we need to stop acting acting like women are mostly out here getting abortions because of the threat to their health. They are using that same 'Get out of jail free' card that many or most men would use if they had the option.

I'm not acting like abortions have me losing sleep, 'cause I ain't that good hearted. I care far more about a leveled playing field. To this very day, I am without wife or child, because the playing field It's 'All about what I want' position that women take on this issue is what ticks me off.
Sir you cannot be torn on this issue because they are going to come after other issues if they fully get away with this you know it.


Truth Teller
I never thought I would see so many fully-clothed white women opinions on this board.
Bro this ish is crazy.

You could have a white woman read some of these threads and it would sound just as mayo as it reads here.

Your faux-centrist takes on everything are usually exhausting and dumb but when it comes to this issue it's even dumber and more exhausting somehow. I don't even know how you find the time or energy to post these dog-shit takes my man. You need to do better :smh:

Again, why does it have to always be the extremes??? It never has to be all or nothing. In fact, anyone who thinks this way is ignorant. All abortions shouldn't be legal, but all abortions should not illegal. Nothing faux-centric about that.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Bro this ish is crazy.

You could have a white woman read some of these threads and it would sound just as mayo as it reads here.

Again, why does it have to always be the extremes??? It never has to be all or nothing. In fact, anyone who thinks this way is ignorant. All abortions shouldn't be legal, but all abortions should not illegal. Nothing faux-centric about that.

The irony of presenting your extremist religious pov as reasonable or as an antidote to "ignorance"/"extremes" is legit infuriating lol. You're trying to find a "middle ground" about someone else's bodily autonomy and you're able to abstract your centrist fantasies to this extreme because you're unable to extend even a little empathy to women (or maybe don't know or care about any?). This FAUX centrism in the context of numerous hick States enacting trigger laws which ban abortions even in the most extreme circumstances in the wake of this garbage decision is almost cartoonishly naive and dumb.

I've explained above exactly why and how cheerleading this repeal of settled Civil Rights law is a disaster. The fact that the logical conclusion to this regressive agenda doesn't concern you speaks to your own naivete. Uncle Ruckus made the agenda clear (if it wasn't already to the slower among us) in his concurrence opinion which you no doubt haven't read.

Like I said. All you dudes cheerleading this incredible bullshit are just PRETENDING. When this psychopathic court deigns to legislate on something of actual importance to you you'll find all kinds of reasons to skeptical of SCOTUS overreach and you'll sound like a bunch of ACLU lawyers clutching your pearls about your inalienable rights as Americans and as human beings. Your posts here are just performative conservative nonsense.


The Legend
BGOL Investor
Gotta love the razor-sharp analysis coming from this guy!!




Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member

When McConnell was stacking the lower courts and the SC with these activist Federalist Society judges one consistent thing I noticed at all their hearings was how they often waffled on the question of Brown v Board of Ed being decided correctly. It's the easiest layup in the fucking world if you're a decent human being concerned about Civil Rights in general and black folks specifically but they consistently had problems answering this question earnestly (and often outright declined to answer!). The agenda has been clear for a long time, all you dummies cheerleading this Roe v Wade shit better wake the fuck up. :smh:

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
This forum has an unbelievably amount of cac Infiltration. I’m not sure why the fuck you don’t have Supercac on ignore . He’s a fucking white boy troll and Tito is a coon